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Respect: An Exploration

door Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot

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1162243,383 (3.64)Geen
In these many-layered and masterfully written portraits, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot reaches deep into human experience--from the drama of birth to the solemn vigil before death--to find the essence of respect. In her moving vision, relayed through powerfully told stories, respect is not the passive deference offered a superior but an active force that creates symmetry even in unequal relationships.The reader becomes an eyewitness to the remarkable empowering nature of respect, both given and received--be it between doctor and patient, teacher and student, photographer and subject, and midwife and laboring mother. They will feel it in the reverent attention paid by a minister to the last moments of life, and in the Harvard Law School professor's lively curiosity about his student's extracurricular lives.Through the power of her narrative, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot ultimately makes the reader an intimate partner in her observations of respect linking these varied and intense relationships. A book to be savored and shared, Respect has the power to transform lives.… (meer)
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Dr. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot learned early from experience the meaning of respect. Her book, “Respect” is a series of stories about people she calls “practitioners of respect”. I love this phrase; it’s an elegant expression, elevating respect to the level of learned professionalism. Her insights come from hours of collaboration with and observations of these practitioners as they went about their daily activity, each one revealing different “dimensions of respect” that often go unnoticed.

Think of “learned professionalism” as the lawyer who learns how to practice law or the doctor who learns the practice of health care or the person who excels at being a motivational speaker. In these examples and many others they are regarded as professionals in their field. Likewise, we should consider respect as a learned skill; a behavior, that when steadily practiced becomes professionalized.

Dr. Lawrence-Lightfoot captures respectful behaviors with individual stories of two health-care providers, a school teacher, an artist-photographer, an Episcopal priest and a law school professor. Each story reveals a dimension of respect through either: empowerment; healing; dialogue; curiosity; self-respect or attention.

( )
  Royaiken | Jan 26, 2015 |
It's good to give, it's good to get. Respect: An Exploration (2000) by Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot works at understanding this crucial aspect of human relationships through the stories of six people. Each of these messengers works in a field where respect is vital and represents a different qualities of respect:

  • Empowerment: Jennifer Dohrn, a nurse-midwife who founded and directs a childbearing clinic in the South Bronx.

  • Healing: Johnye Ballenger, a pediatrician.

  • Dialogue: Kay Cottle, a middle and high school teacher.

  • Curiosity: Dawoud Bey, a photographer/artist.

  • Self-Respect: David Wilkins, a law professor.

  • Attention: Bill Wallace, pastoral therapy to the dying in hospice.

Each portrait is part interview, part Lawrence-Lightfoot's observations of that person at work, and part biography. The case study method lends itself to a bit of cheesiness, but not too much, and not in a negative fashion.

I find it hard to summarize the book any further as it is through the interplay of these many factors where respect is teased out. Read it yourself to find out. ( )
  Othemts | Dec 8, 2008 |
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In these many-layered and masterfully written portraits, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot reaches deep into human experience--from the drama of birth to the solemn vigil before death--to find the essence of respect. In her moving vision, relayed through powerfully told stories, respect is not the passive deference offered a superior but an active force that creates symmetry even in unequal relationships.The reader becomes an eyewitness to the remarkable empowering nature of respect, both given and received--be it between doctor and patient, teacher and student, photographer and subject, and midwife and laboring mother. They will feel it in the reverent attention paid by a minister to the last moments of life, and in the Harvard Law School professor's lively curiosity about his student's extracurricular lives.Through the power of her narrative, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot ultimately makes the reader an intimate partner in her observations of respect linking these varied and intense relationships. A book to be savored and shared, Respect has the power to transform lives.

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