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Expert Product Management: Advanced Techniques, Tips and Strategies for Product Management & Product Marketing

door Brian Lawley

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This book teaches both new and seasoned Product Managers and Product Marketers powerful and effective ways to ensure they give their products the best possible chance for success. Learn four of the most critical elements in ensuring product success, and take-away practical strategies, insights, tips and techniques that Brian has learned from hands-on experience defining, launching and marketing over fifty products during the last twenty years of his career. The book covers how to prioritize features and build product roadmaps, which is absolutely critical for getting your team and company on the same page and for delivering the right features in your product at the right time. It also covers how to run effective Beta programs, which oftentimes mean the difference between shipping a poor-quality product and shipping a product that you have a high degree of confidence in. Learn how to plan and execute an effective product launch. Short of building a great product, product launches are one of the most (if not THE most) critical factors for achieving success. Finally, learn how to get phenomenal reviews for your products. Oftentimes this is an area that is an afterthought, and is not dealt with until or unless the product receives poor reviews. With a well-managed review program you can turn press and analysts into one of your most powerful marketing weapons, further accelerating the success of your product.… (meer)
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This book teaches both new and seasoned Product Managers and Product Marketers powerful and effective ways to ensure they give their products the best possible chance for success. Learn four of the most critical elements in ensuring product success, and take-away practical strategies, insights, tips and techniques that Brian has learned from hands-on experience defining, launching and marketing over fifty products during the last twenty years of his career. The book covers how to prioritize features and build product roadmaps, which is absolutely critical for getting your team and company on the same page and for delivering the right features in your product at the right time. It also covers how to run effective Beta programs, which oftentimes mean the difference between shipping a poor-quality product and shipping a product that you have a high degree of confidence in. Learn how to plan and execute an effective product launch. Short of building a great product, product launches are one of the most (if not THE most) critical factors for achieving success. Finally, learn how to get phenomenal reviews for your products. Oftentimes this is an area that is an afterthought, and is not dealt with until or unless the product receives poor reviews. With a well-managed review program you can turn press and analysts into one of your most powerful marketing weapons, further accelerating the success of your product.

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