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door B. Delores Max

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592456,470 (3.68)Geen
"Heartbreak takes many forms, and the stories in Dumped attack them all: from the head-clearing uplifting dump and the merely annoying dump; to the crushing dump, which leaves you hollow and weepy, and the death knell, when the supposed soul mate takes off, burning rubber down the highway of life and the other person is roadkill."--BOOK JACKET.… (meer)
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This collection is like most story collections, with some great ones, and some not as great ones.

Some of the great ones are, "How to Love a Republican" by Steve Almond that takes place during the 2000 election. Unfortunately for these two opposites, the Gore/Bush election was too much to conquer. (Of course, that was expected for a story in a book called, Dumped.)

The second great one is "A Telephone Call" by Dorothy Parker which is a conversation between the female narrator and God. She is praying, pleading, BEGGING God to let 'him' call her....or at least let her not think about him not calling her, or to give her the strength not to call him, etc, etc. :) By far the most fun.

Some people think that reading a book about people getting dumped is sad, but I really enjoyed it. What's that say about me? ( )
  csweder | Jul 8, 2014 |
This collection is like most story collections, with some great ones, and some not as great ones.

Some of the great ones are, "How to Love a Republican" by Steve Almond that takes place during the 2000 election. Unfortunately for these two opposites, the Gore/Bush election was too much to conquer. (Of course, that was expected for a story in a book called, Dumped.)

The second great one is "A Telephone Call" by Dorothy Parker which is a conversation between the female narrator and God. She is praying, pleading, BEGGING God to let 'him' call her....or at least let her not think about him not calling her, or to give her the strength not to call him, etc, etc. :) By far the most fun.

Some people think that reading a book about people getting dumped is sad, but I really enjoyed it. What's that say about me? ( )
  csweder | Jul 8, 2014 |
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"Heartbreak takes many forms, and the stories in Dumped attack them all: from the head-clearing uplifting dump and the merely annoying dump; to the crushing dump, which leaves you hollow and weepy, and the death knell, when the supposed soul mate takes off, burning rubber down the highway of life and the other person is roadkill."--BOOK JACKET.

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