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The lifetime of a Jew throughout the ages of Jewish history

door Hayyim Schauss

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The rites, ceremonies, & folklore that have attended the life of a Jew are the themes discussed. Illustrated.
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Discusses the significant aspects in the life of the individual Jew from birth to death, tracing the history of different traditions from ancient times to modern times.
  Folkshul | Jan 15, 2011 |
Should probably be titled "The Lifetime of a Jewish Male" - Schauss's book addresses life cycle events as experienced by Jewish women infrequently and without the attention to detail given to events as experienced by Jewish men. Published in 1950, what makes the book compelling is the author's perspective: he has just narrowly escaped the Holocaust, and he writes to preserve in memory what has been lost forever: a flourishing Jewish community. As he writes, the world's Jewish population has been decimated, and it's clear he feels with great despair that the chances for revival are slim to none. In fact, 60 years later, Jewish communities ranging from Ultra-Orthodox to secular are thriving throughout the US and Israel, but from the perspective of 1950, things look pretty grim. Fortunately the Jewish people are survivors, and many traditions he describes as lost forever are making a comeback. ( )
  June6Bug | Nov 14, 2010 |
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The rites, ceremonies, & folklore that have attended the life of a Jew are the themes discussed. Illustrated.

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