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Yummy Yucky (Leslie Patricelli board books)

door Leslie Patricelli

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4321259,333 (4.28)1
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Learning about opposites has never been more fun - or funny - than with this winning book. Yummy!

Spaghetti is yummy, but worms - and blue crayons, and sand, and other things too gross to mention - are definitely yucky when tasted. Amiably illustrated in a bright, graphic style, Leslie Patricelli's spirited book, Yummy Yucky stars an obliging, bald, and very expressive toddler who acts out each pair of opposites with comically dramatic effect.

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Ruby has loved this simple series of books since she was just months old. They have grown with her... and are still a hit! ( )
  kdegour23 | May 29, 2024 |
Delicious or Awful!

Enter the world of yummy and yucky as a baby discovers that not everything is good to eat. For instance, blueberries are wonderful. But blue crayons are not good to eat, they are yucky.

In the same way, chocolate sauce is tasty. But taking a drink of hot sauce is very bad, it is definitely yucky.

Every two pages of the book features the baby’s discoveries in a humorous way. Be prepared to smile or make faces depending on what is eaten. Lots of silliness will abound when reading this award-winning story.

This is an over-sized board book, that is made very well, and is celebrating its twenty-year anniversary. Children through three-years-old will enjoy this fun, five-star adventure.

Thank you, Candlewick Books, for providing Tickmenot with a book to review. Opinions are my own. ( )
  Tickmenot | Nov 19, 2023 |
baby/toddlers (even preschoolers), great for storytime.
This is a fun one to read aloud; the text reads "[normal food] is yummy. [silly thing] is Yucky." on each set of pages. It can be abbreviated (skipped pages) as needed, if your group is extra wiggly, but this should delight both little ones and their caretakers easily. ( )
  reader1009 | Jul 3, 2021 |
Cute board book. I especially like the illustration of the baby after he (or she?) eats the hot sauce. Recommended. ( )
  datrappert | Dec 1, 2020 |
This board book has simple text and charming illustrations. Toddlers love to explore through taste and putting things in their mouths. In this story, one young child discovers that some things, like blueberries and soup are yummy, and some things, like blue crayons and soap are yucky!
  alankenship | Feb 24, 2018 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Learning about opposites has never been more fun - or funny - than with this winning book. Yummy!

Spaghetti is yummy, but worms - and blue crayons, and sand, and other things too gross to mention - are definitely yucky when tasted. Amiably illustrated in a bright, graphic style, Leslie Patricelli's spirited book, Yummy Yucky stars an obliging, bald, and very expressive toddler who acts out each pair of opposites with comically dramatic effect.


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4 15
5 24

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