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Freed to Serve: Training and Equipping for Ministry

door Michael Green

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941297,778 (3.5)Geen
Michael Green presents in the most compelling terms the urgent need both to obey the Bible's directions concerning ministry and to meet the needs of contemporary society. The book has sold over 28,000 copies in Hodder's earlier editions.
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Written about the church, primarily for clergy and others in Christian leadership. This is a readable and interesting book. It was published nearly 35 years ago, but Michael Green was a forward thinker, assessing what he saw as the way forward, if the church was to survive into the 21st century.

The first few chapters of the book look at what the author perceives as guidelines related to Christian ministry from within the New Testament. In the later chapters he takes an honest look at some of the controversial issues which were dividing the church of the 1980s.

It’s inevitably somewhat dated, and I found the style a little awkward at times, with many parenthetical Scripture references within one paragraph. But there are some thoughtful comments, and far-seeing insights and predictions.

New believers might find this book too critical, and it's unlikely to interest those outside Christian circles. It’s written for those who believe, who see problems in the way church congregations are run, and who would like to see a vision for something different. Long out of print, but often found second-hand. ( )
  SueinCyprus | Sep 12, 2017 |
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Michael Green presents in the most compelling terms the urgent need both to obey the Bible's directions concerning ministry and to meet the needs of contemporary society. The book has sold over 28,000 copies in Hodder's earlier editions.

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Gemiddelde: (3.5)
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