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The Lesbian Polyamory Reader: Open Relationships, Non-Monogamy, and Casual Sex

door Marcia Munson

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741371,837 (3.44)Geen
In reading The Lesbian Polyamory Reader: Open Relationships, Non-Monogamy, and Casual Sex, you'll quickly discover that the steps toward love and happiness are as easy as 1, 2, 3, and maybe even 4 or 5. And you'll find that if your own lesbian relationship lies outside the “traditional monogamous couple” model, you're definitely not alone. You'll explore many multifaceted and multifarious love relationships, each one applicable to your own liking, if you so choose. You'll find successful models of relationship styles--regardless of your own orientation--from cover to cover, and you'll discover the pleasing polyphony in the many, many female voices of authorities on love and love relationships. Whereas other similar studies project the limited view of one or two authors, The Lesbian Polyamory Reader calls upon a broad scope of writers, professional women and academics alike. You'll see that outside the gay rights movement that currently pushes for a traditional, monogamous marriage model of gay couplehood, there lies pleasing multiplicity in the arms and hearts of lesbians worldwide. Specifically, this collection offers: “first person” articles--stories that describe a variety of lesbian experiences relating to multiple lovers in the 1970s, '80s, and '90s “how-to” articles--descriptions of the various polyamorous relationship configurations, including ways of dealing with jealousy “theoretical” pieces--the history of multiple relationships, the social implications of practicing a love style other than monogamous coupling, and safer sex considerations Much, much more than a book on personal satisfaction, The Lesbian Polyamory Reader also focuses on the social implications of this love phenomenon, bringing it into a more inclusive circle of discussion for lesbians, educators, and students of sociology and sexology. You'll find satisfaction in seeing the love so many lesbian women have achieved by not mimicking the “marriage model” of living.… (meer)
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In the past years I have begun to seriously question the societal "norm" of Rigid Heterosexuality & Monogamy, especially in view of women. That being said, this book sure explained and explored those thoughts of mine in detail.

"Lesbian or Not-to-Lesbian" wasn't the particular draw, the Polyamory was. Without the haranguing of militant lesbian feminist doctrine & politics, this book was more acceptable to me than the art books I read.

I enjoyed most of the stories as they were open & honest and without shame and, for the most part, anger.

I plan on sharing this book with a few of my friends. ( )
  Auntie-Nanuuq | Jan 18, 2016 |
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In reading The Lesbian Polyamory Reader: Open Relationships, Non-Monogamy, and Casual Sex, you'll quickly discover that the steps toward love and happiness are as easy as 1, 2, 3, and maybe even 4 or 5. And you'll find that if your own lesbian relationship lies outside the “traditional monogamous couple” model, you're definitely not alone. You'll explore many multifaceted and multifarious love relationships, each one applicable to your own liking, if you so choose. You'll find successful models of relationship styles--regardless of your own orientation--from cover to cover, and you'll discover the pleasing polyphony in the many, many female voices of authorities on love and love relationships. Whereas other similar studies project the limited view of one or two authors, The Lesbian Polyamory Reader calls upon a broad scope of writers, professional women and academics alike. You'll see that outside the gay rights movement that currently pushes for a traditional, monogamous marriage model of gay couplehood, there lies pleasing multiplicity in the arms and hearts of lesbians worldwide. Specifically, this collection offers: “first person” articles--stories that describe a variety of lesbian experiences relating to multiple lovers in the 1970s, '80s, and '90s “how-to” articles--descriptions of the various polyamorous relationship configurations, including ways of dealing with jealousy “theoretical” pieces--the history of multiple relationships, the social implications of practicing a love style other than monogamous coupling, and safer sex considerations Much, much more than a book on personal satisfaction, The Lesbian Polyamory Reader also focuses on the social implications of this love phenomenon, bringing it into a more inclusive circle of discussion for lesbians, educators, and students of sociology and sexology. You'll find satisfaction in seeing the love so many lesbian women have achieved by not mimicking the “marriage model” of living.

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