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China Clipper

door Ronald Jackson

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241977,208 (3.13)Geen
The true story of Pan American's flying boats and their role in the war in the Pacific - based on over 6,900 previously undisclosed government and corporate documents. China Clipper is a gripping and revealing story that sheds new light on the events leading up to World War II. China Clipper is filled with fact but reads like a spy novel.China Clipper breaks new ground and garnered stellar reviews - "... new theory on the mystery of the Hawaii Clipper..." New York Times --- "...compelling, even romantic..." San Francisco Chronicle --- "...this is exciting reading..." San Diego Union --- "...good tale for spy , aviation and WWII buffs..." Nashville BannerIn the 1930s the political stability of the U.S. was collapsing. The U.S. was dangerously vulnerable. Through a popular policy of isolationism and international treaty the U.S. had only the most rudimentary and feeble defenses for an inevitable war with Japan.Japan, on the other hand, was ruthlessly storming through Manchuria, Korea and China slaughtering millions. The U.S. was stymied but Pan American Airways' proposed commercial seaplane bases at Pearl Harbor, Midway, Wake, Guam and Manila (all attacked on December 7 and 8 1941) offered the perfect ruse to begin fortifying the Pacific in 1934. You'll discover how the government worked covertly with Pan American to build Pacific island defenses, how Pan American became a monopoly and powerhouse airline.While China Clipper can be read as an exciting war story based on true events, its major power lies in the unique recreation of people and events heretofore previously unknown. Tautly written, filled with vivid characterizations, China Clipper is a compelling and a frightening examination of the forces that eventually caused Pearl Harbor to explode - and - the world go to war.China Clipper also follows the day-by-day flight of American citizen and Chinese patriot, Wah Sun Choy, in July 1938 on the Hawaii Clipper bound for China. A successful New Jersey businessman, Wah Sun Choy had raised over $3 million to help bolster China's war with Japan. But his purpose - to deliver the money to the Chinese Nationalists - clashed with the avowed aims of Japan. Between Guam and Manila, the elegant flying boat completely disappeared. Why the 26-ton flying boat vanished and how is explored in depth - for the first time - in China Clipper.… (meer)
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The book is a good read, filled with interesting history, personalities and dialog... through Chapter 16.

Beginning in Chapter 17 the author seemingly presents the unfolding events as factual history when in fact he is taking creative license by mixing facts with conjecture and speculation to create the final hours of the "Hawaii Clipper".

In the epilogue he goes to great lengths to argue in favor of his theories with "facts" mixed in with his own deductions. While he does list numerous generalized sources for his research there are no concrete bibliographic records to substantiate his facts and therefore nothing to support his suppositions. This then brings into question the validity of the events and information in the previous chapters...

Had the author preluded the final chapter with his intent to write an inference of the final hours of the "Hawaii Clipper" I would have thoroughly enjoyed reading it and been pleased overall with the book. Instead I felt duped. It was a sad and disappointing ending to an otherwise good book.

This is why my four star rating dropped to a one.
- Grandpa ( )
  Grandpas-Library | May 31, 2023 |
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The true story of Pan American's flying boats and their role in the war in the Pacific - based on over 6,900 previously undisclosed government and corporate documents. China Clipper is a gripping and revealing story that sheds new light on the events leading up to World War II. China Clipper is filled with fact but reads like a spy novel.China Clipper breaks new ground and garnered stellar reviews - "... new theory on the mystery of the Hawaii Clipper..." New York Times --- "...compelling, even romantic..." San Francisco Chronicle --- "...this is exciting reading..." San Diego Union --- "...good tale for spy , aviation and WWII buffs..." Nashville BannerIn the 1930s the political stability of the U.S. was collapsing. The U.S. was dangerously vulnerable. Through a popular policy of isolationism and international treaty the U.S. had only the most rudimentary and feeble defenses for an inevitable war with Japan.Japan, on the other hand, was ruthlessly storming through Manchuria, Korea and China slaughtering millions. The U.S. was stymied but Pan American Airways' proposed commercial seaplane bases at Pearl Harbor, Midway, Wake, Guam and Manila (all attacked on December 7 and 8 1941) offered the perfect ruse to begin fortifying the Pacific in 1934. You'll discover how the government worked covertly with Pan American to build Pacific island defenses, how Pan American became a monopoly and powerhouse airline.While China Clipper can be read as an exciting war story based on true events, its major power lies in the unique recreation of people and events heretofore previously unknown. Tautly written, filled with vivid characterizations, China Clipper is a compelling and a frightening examination of the forces that eventually caused Pearl Harbor to explode - and - the world go to war.China Clipper also follows the day-by-day flight of American citizen and Chinese patriot, Wah Sun Choy, in July 1938 on the Hawaii Clipper bound for China. A successful New Jersey businessman, Wah Sun Choy had raised over $3 million to help bolster China's war with Japan. But his purpose - to deliver the money to the Chinese Nationalists - clashed with the avowed aims of Japan. Between Guam and Manila, the elegant flying boat completely disappeared. Why the 26-ton flying boat vanished and how is explored in depth - for the first time - in China Clipper.

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