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The Snow Show

door Carolyn Fisher

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443591,026 (3.5)Geen
A cooking show goes on location to the North Pole to demonstrate the recipe for making snow.
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Toon 3 van 3
This review posted at The Children's Book and Media Review run by Brigham Young University.

In the Snow Show, Snow White, Chef Kelvin, and Jack Frost are live with a studio audience going to the North Pole to make a fresh batch of snow. The chefs talk about the ingredients needed to make snow, the instructions for making snow, and the types of snow that can be made. One of the chefs even goes through the process himself to show what is happening at each step of the journey to make snow.

In this book, readers will learn about how snow is made in an entertaining way. The process is written in big, fun letters and dialogue boxes around the page show what the characters are saying during the story to add some humor to the scientific facts. There is an afterward at the end by the author with more information about how snow is made, but the contents of the story itself are likely more than enough for most readers. The idea behind the book is fun, but the illustrations can sometimes be too chaotic and makes the book harder to understand along with understanding new science concepts. ( )
  vivirielle | Aug 4, 2021 |
This book is terrific! The Snow Show is presented in reality game-show format, and provides instructions on how to make snow. This process starts with the sun warming the earth, water molecules evaporating, condensing in the clouds, etc. A very clever way to present the water cycle that also makes for a great interactive read aloud.

Curriculum: this book was the perfect fit for a second grade lesson: students were studying weather and the water cycle, but their literacy unit was "how-to" texts. This neatly complemented both. It is a terrific read aloud that helped students understand concepts like condensation, water vapor, deposition, etc, but told in a very fun, engaging way, with cues for the audience (listeners) to applaud, the TV show's star having a petulant celebrity meltdown, commercials, and the whole nine yards. A great find!

Fisher, C. (2008). The Snow Show. Orlando: Harcourt.
  AMQS | Mar 31, 2013 |
Humourous with interesting information on the process of snow formation. ( )
  VHLWYATT | Dec 1, 2010 |
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A cooking show goes on location to the North Pole to demonstrate the recipe for making snow.

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Gemiddelde: (3.5)
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