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Mastering Jujitsu (Mastering Martial Arts Series)

door Renzo Gracie

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651418,308 (4.21)Geen
In recent years, the grappling arts have proven to be the most effective form of combat in mixed martial arts (MMA) and no-holds-barred (NHB) competitions. Above all others, the Gracie brand of Brazilian jujitsu has become recognized as the preeminent fighting style in unarmed combat. Now Renzo Gracie--instructor; competitor; and champion of numerous grappling, MMA, and NHB events--reveals the inner workings of the art in his latest book, Mastering Jujitsu. From the origins of the art to personal techniques, you will experience the impact the Gracies have had on jujitsu and learn the strategies they have developed to dominate their opponents. Gracie shares the subtleties of the techniques necessary for mastering the art, and he clearly demonstrates the flow of movement with more than 250 high-quality photos. Not only will Mastering Jujitsu help you progress from isolated skill development techniques to a full set of tactics and fight plans, but it will also introduce you to the concept of combat phases and teach you to attack from any phase. You will learn how to react to your opponent in any situation. Whether you're caught in a bottom position or attacking from the top, Gracie reveals the key strategies designed to give you the upper hand. The depth and breadth of topics covered in Mastering Jujitsu will aid even the most experienced black belts in their understanding and execution of Brazilian jujitsu. With detailed coverage on advanced principles, you will get all the tactics, strategies, techniques, and drills you need for close combat fighting.… (meer)
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In recent years, the grappling arts have proven to be the most effective form of combat in mixed martial arts (MMA) and no-holds-barred (NHB) competitions. Above all others, the Gracie brand of Brazilian jujitsu has become recognized as the preeminent fighting style in unarmed combat. Now Renzo Gracie-one of the most successful athletes in the world-renowned Gracie family-reveals the inner workings of the art.

With nearly 30 years of training, Gracie competes at the highest levels and is a champion of numerous grappling, MMA and NHB events. Also an instructor of many students who have gone on to become champions, Gracie now provides that instruction to help you develop the same techniques and strategies that the Gracie clan has used to dominate their opponents.

In Mastering Jijitsu, Gracie covers it all in depth-from the art's origins and technique to practical applications that even the most experienced black belts will benefit from. Starting with isolated skill development techniques, you wil progress to a full set of tactics and fight plans and become familiar with the concept of combat phases. You will learn how to attack from any phase as well as how to react to your opponent. Whether you're in a bottom position or attacking from the top, Gracie reveals the key strategies designed to give you the upper hand in close combat fighting.

Chapter 1 Classical jujitsu: Theory and history
Chapter 2 Modern jujitsu: New concepts, new directions
Chapter 3 Underlying theory and strategy of modern jujitsu
Chapter 4 Free-movement phase
Chapter 5 Clinch phase
Chapter 6 Ground fighting
Chapter 7 Winning from the bottom position
Chapter 8 Winning from the top position
Chapter 9 Training and competition
Chapter 10 Jujitsu for self-defense
About the authors
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
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In recent years, the grappling arts have proven to be the most effective form of combat in mixed martial arts (MMA) and no-holds-barred (NHB) competitions. Above all others, the Gracie brand of Brazilian jujitsu has become recognized as the preeminent fighting style in unarmed combat. Now Renzo Gracie--instructor; competitor; and champion of numerous grappling, MMA, and NHB events--reveals the inner workings of the art in his latest book, Mastering Jujitsu. From the origins of the art to personal techniques, you will experience the impact the Gracies have had on jujitsu and learn the strategies they have developed to dominate their opponents. Gracie shares the subtleties of the techniques necessary for mastering the art, and he clearly demonstrates the flow of movement with more than 250 high-quality photos. Not only will Mastering Jujitsu help you progress from isolated skill development techniques to a full set of tactics and fight plans, but it will also introduce you to the concept of combat phases and teach you to attack from any phase. You will learn how to react to your opponent in any situation. Whether you're caught in a bottom position or attacking from the top, Gracie reveals the key strategies designed to give you the upper hand. The depth and breadth of topics covered in Mastering Jujitsu will aid even the most experienced black belts in their understanding and execution of Brazilian jujitsu. With detailed coverage on advanced principles, you will get all the tactics, strategies, techniques, and drills you need for close combat fighting.

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