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A Thousand Barrels a Second: The Coming Oil Break Point and the Challenges Facing an Energy Dependent World

door Peter Tertzakian

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1243227,968 (4)Geen
In 2006, world oil consumption will exceed one thousand barrels per second. The news marks an important change that will have a far-reaching impact on world economies, investments, and business profitability. In A Thousand Barrels a Second, Chief Energy Economist of ARC Financial Peter Tertzakian examines the future of oil and offers insights into what it will take to rebalance our energy needs and seize new opportunities. He answers the top questions asked by business leaders, policy makers, investors, and concerned citizens as we approach the coming break point: Are today's high oil and gas prices part of a routine business cycle, or are there more profound forces at play? Are hybrid vehicles our only solution against high gasoline prices? Is China's growing thirst for energy sustainable? Which government policies work and which do not? Will nuclear power and coal save the day-again? Tertzakian also offers a realistic, informed look into the future of our energy supply chains and how our consumption patterns may evolve, revealing how governments, businesses, and even individuals can meet the coming challenges with better solutions and innovations.… (meer)
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Energy policy analysis of some historical value, but written pre-fracking
  GSHale | Apr 21, 2019 |
One of the better books I've read re oil and energy related. Nice historical additions and a good look into the future of energy.

Well written. ( )
  jmatson | May 20, 2011 |
Great quote:"A Thirsty World The global appetite for energy is immense – and growing. Each day, the world consumes “85 million barrels of oil, 240 billion cubic feet of na tural gas, 14 million tons of coal and 500,000 pounds of uranium.” The numbers are growing. Given China’s awakening economy, soon mankind’s thirst for oil will surpass 1,000 barrels a second. That’s enough to drain an Olympic swimming pool in 15 seconds. At that rate, demand would empty more than 38,000 swimming pools each week. As those numbers suggest, “Our birthright of abundant, reliable energy is coming to an end.”Historically, the world has passed through eras of increasing demand for fuel, creatingrising pressure on markets and supply chains. This inevitably led to a series of “breakpoints.” Each break point opened a period of innovation when infrastructures changedto adjust to the new energy demands. Ultimately the “energy cycle’s” elaborate dancebetween growth and dependency generates more demand and another innovationprovokingbreak point. This is nothing new.
  GEPPSTER53 | Jul 16, 2009 |
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In 2006, world oil consumption will exceed one thousand barrels per second. The news marks an important change that will have a far-reaching impact on world economies, investments, and business profitability. In A Thousand Barrels a Second, Chief Energy Economist of ARC Financial Peter Tertzakian examines the future of oil and offers insights into what it will take to rebalance our energy needs and seize new opportunities. He answers the top questions asked by business leaders, policy makers, investors, and concerned citizens as we approach the coming break point: Are today's high oil and gas prices part of a routine business cycle, or are there more profound forces at play? Are hybrid vehicles our only solution against high gasoline prices? Is China's growing thirst for energy sustainable? Which government policies work and which do not? Will nuclear power and coal save the day-again? Tertzakian also offers a realistic, informed look into the future of our energy supply chains and how our consumption patterns may evolve, revealing how governments, businesses, and even individuals can meet the coming challenges with better solutions and innovations.

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