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door Jacqueline Wilson

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404364,984 (3.48)Geen
A wonderful tale of family and fairies from the phenomenally successful Jacqueline Wilson. Violet has always been in the shadow of her mesmerizing, controlling brother Will -- by turns delightful and terrifying. Now that Will has learned a shocking secret about his own past, things seem to be getting worse. Violet retreats further into her fantasy world built around the fairy characters created by her favourite author, Casper Dream. The arrival of Jasmine, a new girl at school who immediately befriends Violet, seems like it might change Violet’s life for the better and allow her to break free of Will’s spell. But is Jasmine a true friend? This is a magical and atmospheric novel, with fascinating insight into the world of a writer.… (meer)
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i never realy got into this book but it does look cool
  2pigs | Apr 13, 2011 |
This book is about a girl named Violet, and she is a gothic girl, who hasn't got a true friend. Really, all she wants is a true friend, for her brother Will to be nice to her, and why her mom and dad didn't take pictures of her brother when he was young.

Meanwhile, Violet tells her story, of how she meets a author, who intrests her in fairies. In fact, she even made some dolls of the fairies in her room, hanging on her ceiling. She discovers her brother was adopted too.

At the end, she meets a girl Jasmine, and she is beyond what Violet thinks. Her mother--though she has several--is a famous actress, and her father is an actor. Since Jasmine's father is an actress, she gets what ever she wants, and she has multiple mothers.

At the end of the story, the two get mixed up, and tangled. Ever since Violet mentioned her brother, Jasmine has been interested, and their friendship seemed to linger over the edge when Jasmine needed help with homework.

When the treio were talking, the two, Jasmine and Will, seemed to be absorbed by each other. That's when they got to the part where they were playing truth or dare, and Violet was dared up to the attic--where she feared most, and where there were bats.

They made her go up, and set the timer for minutes, and they would call her then. While Violet was up there, she was up there, she discovered why Will was adopted; their parents had a baby that was named Will, but he died a few months later.

The timer went off, and she shut it immediatly, and went downstairs to show it to Will, without Jasmine in the room. She called both of them, and they didn't answer.

Of course, Violet went looking, and guess what she saw? Jamine and Will snogging each other. "Poor Violet, and her fairies." Was what Jasmine had said, and Will and her both laughed. That is what tore her patience.

Violet started screaming at Will and Jasmine, and she took away the Jasmine Fairy that she had made for a present, and she threw it in the corner.

Violet then raced to her room, thrashing her hands, and tearing down all the beautiful fairies that she had made. She scratched Will's face with her crow and crowfairy, took a jacket, ran down the stairs, grabbed a 10 pound note, and dashed outside, running towards the train station.

She took the train to her favorite author's house, and was invited to take a taxi for free.

When she got to the house, she found out that Casper Dream, her favorite author was a chubby man, who disguised his name, and made a fuzzy picture to not show what his true self was.

After a long conversation, Casper's driver drove her to the train station, gave Violet some money to go home.

What will happen next?
Read the book to find out!!! ( )
  kejinglu | Sep 19, 2009 |
Reading this for the children's writing section of a course. It is very clearly written but my mind drifted in the second chapter but then I was tired! Oh dear, been reading it all week and never got into it. It is well written but I don't get the Caspar Dream references and the mystery about Will. Well, I see he is a kind of replacement for Violet's dead brother. I took it back unfinished. ( )
  Adrianburke1 | Sep 9, 2008 |
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A wonderful tale of family and fairies from the phenomenally successful Jacqueline Wilson. Violet has always been in the shadow of her mesmerizing, controlling brother Will -- by turns delightful and terrifying. Now that Will has learned a shocking secret about his own past, things seem to be getting worse. Violet retreats further into her fantasy world built around the fairy characters created by her favourite author, Casper Dream. The arrival of Jasmine, a new girl at school who immediately befriends Violet, seems like it might change Violet’s life for the better and allow her to break free of Will’s spell. But is Jasmine a true friend? This is a magical and atmospheric novel, with fascinating insight into the world of a writer.

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