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Maran Illustrated Guitar

door maranGraphics Development Group

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Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics group, Maran Illustrated Guide to Guitar is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers-from those who want to play a few songs with their family around the campfire to those who aspire to become serious musicians or rock stars. Maran Illustrated Guide to Guitar shows the reader the best way to perform each task, while the full-color photographs, music examples and clear, step-by-step instructions walk the reader through each task from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to help enhance the readers' guitar experience. Maran Illustrated Guide to Guitar is packed with essential information for readers who are picking up a guitar for the first time, and will provide more experienced players with a refresher course on the basics and the opportunity to add more advanced techniques to their repertoire. Maran Illustrated Guide to Guitar will cost less than the price of one private guitar lesson, and will be a permanent resource that will provide years of enjoyment.… (meer)
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Produced by the award-winning maranGraphics group, Maran Illustrated Guide to Guitar is a valuable resource to a wide range of readers-from those who want to play a few songs with their family around the campfire to those who aspire to become serious musicians or rock stars. Maran Illustrated Guide to Guitar shows the reader the best way to perform each task, while the full-color photographs, music examples and clear, step-by-step instructions walk the reader through each task from beginning to end. Thorough topic introductions and useful tips provide additional information and advice to help enhance the readers' guitar experience. Maran Illustrated Guide to Guitar is packed with essential information for readers who are picking up a guitar for the first time, and will provide more experienced players with a refresher course on the basics and the opportunity to add more advanced techniques to their repertoire. Maran Illustrated Guide to Guitar will cost less than the price of one private guitar lesson, and will be a permanent resource that will provide years of enjoyment.

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