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Historic Photos of St. Louis

door Adele Heagney

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1211,660,891 (4)Geen
St. Louis is the largest city in Missouri and the Gateway to the West, a moniker symbolized since 1965 by the mighty Gateway Arch fronting the Mississippi River. Historic Photos of St. Louis is a photographic history of this important American city spotlighting photographs collected from the area's top archives. Included here are the Eads Bridge, the St. Louis World s Fair of 1904, Busch stadiums 1 and 2, Union Station and the Milles Fountain, yesterday's Olive Street, aftermath of the 1896 tornado, Grant's Hardscrabble, the Admiral, the Southern Hotel, Forest Park, and much more. In stunning black-and-white photography, this handsome coffee-table book details the historical growth of St. Louis from the early days of the camera up to recent times. Spanning two centuries and nearly 200 images, the book follows life, government, and the building of this history-rich city, offering a compelling look into the past for any longtime resident and every history buff of St. Louis.… (meer)
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The best part was how many photos had people because I could stare at them and wonder about their lives. Loved that it was written by librarians! ( )
  blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
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St. Louis is the largest city in Missouri and the Gateway to the West, a moniker symbolized since 1965 by the mighty Gateway Arch fronting the Mississippi River. Historic Photos of St. Louis is a photographic history of this important American city spotlighting photographs collected from the area's top archives. Included here are the Eads Bridge, the St. Louis World s Fair of 1904, Busch stadiums 1 and 2, Union Station and the Milles Fountain, yesterday's Olive Street, aftermath of the 1896 tornado, Grant's Hardscrabble, the Admiral, the Southern Hotel, Forest Park, and much more. In stunning black-and-white photography, this handsome coffee-table book details the historical growth of St. Louis from the early days of the camera up to recent times. Spanning two centuries and nearly 200 images, the book follows life, government, and the building of this history-rich city, offering a compelling look into the past for any longtime resident and every history buff of St. Louis.

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