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I Think I Love You

door Allison Pearson

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3822969,431 (3.49)26
Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:The new novel from the best-selling author of I Don't Know How She Does It takes us on an unforgettable journey into first love, and—with the emotional intensity and penetrating wit that have made her beloved among readers all over the world—reminds us of how the ardor of our youth can ignite our adult lives.
Wales, 1974. Petra and Sharon, two thirteen-year-old girls, are obsessed with David Cassidy. His fan magazine is their Bible, and some days his letters are the only things that keep them going as they struggle through the humiliating daily rituals of adolescence—confronting their bewildering new bodies, fighting with mothers who don't understand them at all. Together they tackle the Ultimate David Cassidy Quiz, a contest whose winners will be flown to America to meet Cassidy in person.
London, 1998. Petra is pushing forty, on the brink of divorce, and fighting with her own thirteen-year-old daughter when she discovers a dusty letter in her mother's closet declaring her the winner of the contest she and Sharon had labored over with such hope and determination. More than twenty years later, twenty pounds heavier, bruised by grief and the disappointments of middle age, Petra reunites with Sharon for an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas to meet their teen idol at last, and finds her life utterly transformed.
Funny, moving, full of beautiful observations about the awakenings of both youth and middle age, Allison Pearson's long-awaited new novel will speak across generations to mothers and daughters and women of all ages.
… (meer)
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1-5 van 29 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Very good. Lost some steam once it got to the 90s but the little girl / hero worship stuff was good and took me right back to my own pre-teen years. (My own adult meeting of my teenage crush happened while watching the NYC marathon and seeing Pat LaFontaine run by and I got to scream & wave and he waved back. I was way too happy about that.) ( )
  hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
DNfing at 25%/page 101. Strange adolescent fangirling that isn't particularly interesting. The other side of the coin is really interesting, but I'm already concerned and uncomfortable about the age gap. ( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
You may not want to be seen reading this in public because of the wretched cover design, (I had the yellow one, and actually the one with the 45 isn't so bad) but it's actually quite good. Captures teenage angst, adult sadness, regret, and it was also funny. ( )
  flemertown | Jul 10, 2021 |
Pandemic read. I just found out Alison Pearson wrote a followup book after I Don't Know How She Does It (a book I read and loved) and while looking for that (which was not available for me at the time) stumbled on this. I am older than the David Cassidy craze, but remember it, and as such, this was remarkably interesting to read, especially the interview between AP and Cassidy at the end. I never knew what happened to him as an adult, whittled me down an interesting internet search to find out. ( )
  bookczuk | Jun 19, 2021 |
I really enjoyed this one! Half funny YA novel about teens obsessing over a pop idol and half insightful adult novel centering on how family and relationships evolve over time. Reminded me of a little of Nick Hornby. The ending was a little contrived, but loved it despite this. ( )
  akbooks | Sep 12, 2019 |
1-5 van 29 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I Think I Love You (a perfect title, really) dares to tangle with the thought that those insanely misplaced teenage obsessions actually meant something, and for that reason it ultimately succeeds.
toegevoegd door chazzard | bewerkGlobe & Mail, Cynthia Macdonald (Feb 21, 2011)
By far the best section of the novel is the afterword: the transcript of an interview Pearson did with the real David Cassidy in 2004, which set the idea for the book in motion. It is funny, touching, and incredibly insightful into the life of a young superstar. It reminds you just how good Pearson can be.
toegevoegd door chazzard | bewerkThe Guardian, Jenny Colgan (Jun 26, 2010)
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Fiction. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:The new novel from the best-selling author of I Don't Know How She Does It takes us on an unforgettable journey into first love, and—with the emotional intensity and penetrating wit that have made her beloved among readers all over the world—reminds us of how the ardor of our youth can ignite our adult lives.
Wales, 1974. Petra and Sharon, two thirteen-year-old girls, are obsessed with David Cassidy. His fan magazine is their Bible, and some days his letters are the only things that keep them going as they struggle through the humiliating daily rituals of adolescence—confronting their bewildering new bodies, fighting with mothers who don't understand them at all. Together they tackle the Ultimate David Cassidy Quiz, a contest whose winners will be flown to America to meet Cassidy in person.
London, 1998. Petra is pushing forty, on the brink of divorce, and fighting with her own thirteen-year-old daughter when she discovers a dusty letter in her mother's closet declaring her the winner of the contest she and Sharon had labored over with such hope and determination. More than twenty years later, twenty pounds heavier, bruised by grief and the disappointments of middle age, Petra reunites with Sharon for an all-expenses-paid trip to Las Vegas to meet their teen idol at last, and finds her life utterly transformed.
Funny, moving, full of beautiful observations about the awakenings of both youth and middle age, Allison Pearson's long-awaited new novel will speak across generations to mothers and daughters and women of all ages.

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Gemiddelde: (3.49)
1 2
1.5 1
2 7
3 38
3.5 17
4 33
4.5 7
5 8

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