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Revelations of a Single Woman: Loving the Life I Didn't Expect

door Connally Gilliam

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721381,207 (4)Geen
Turning our culture's Sex in the City worldview completely upside down, Revelations of a Single Woman celebrates God's enticing, life-giving promises, even when life takes you down a path you didn't plan for. Connally Gilliam explores what it means to live in a world for which her mother never could have prepared her. Through this collection of thoughtful, honest, and humorous memoirs, the author delves into what it really means to be "the remainder" in a world that caters to couples, and what it means to be the one who lives out moral values that her peers think died in the sixties. As readers walk with Connally through each humorous and poignant experience, they will discover that God doesn't promise happiness somewhere in the future, but abundant life in the here and now.… (meer)
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Really enjoyed this. Humorous, kept me laughing, but lots of real life truth too. Made me reflect and soul search a bit as well. Will be recommending. ( )
  RebeccaWattier | Mar 22, 2016 |
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Turning our culture's Sex in the City worldview completely upside down, Revelations of a Single Woman celebrates God's enticing, life-giving promises, even when life takes you down a path you didn't plan for. Connally Gilliam explores what it means to live in a world for which her mother never could have prepared her. Through this collection of thoughtful, honest, and humorous memoirs, the author delves into what it really means to be "the remainder" in a world that caters to couples, and what it means to be the one who lives out moral values that her peers think died in the sixties. As readers walk with Connally through each humorous and poignant experience, they will discover that God doesn't promise happiness somewhere in the future, but abundant life in the here and now.

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