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The Art of Throwing: Principles & Techniques

door Marc Tedeschi

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1411,482,130 (3.5)Geen
This illuminating work outlines the essential principles and techniques that define the art of throwing in most martial arts. More than 1,200 outstanding photographs introduce over 130 practical techniques encompassing all types of throws: shoulder throws, hip throws, hand throws, leg throws, sacrifice throws, kick-counter throws, advanced combination throws and transitions, and defenses against throws. Comprehensive introductory chapters provide an authoritative overview of important technical principles, East Asian energetic concepts, and 82 fundamental skills encompassing stances, footwork, grips, and methods of tumbling and falling. Precise anatomical illustrations and descriptions of 106 common Oriental pressure points, and a visual comparison of different martial arts, make this an invaluable resource for all martial styles. Expertly written and designed by the author of the 1,136-page Hapkido--widely acclaimed the most comprehensive book ever written on a single martial art--this exceptional work is designed to stand alone, or function as a companion text with the author's other works on martial techniques and anatomy. Regardless of the style you practice, these books will enrich your training, improve your technique, and deepen your understanding of the unique qualities embodied in your own martial art.… (meer)
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from dust jacket

This illuminating work outlines the essential principles and techniques that define the art of throwing in most martial arts. More than 1200 outstanding photographs introduce over 130 practical techniques encompassing all types of throws: shoulder throws, hip throws, hand throws, leg throws, sacrifice throws, kick-counter throws, advanced combinations throws and transition, and defenses against throws. Comprehensive introductory chapters provide an authoritative overview of important technical principles, East Asian energetic concepts, and 82 fundamental skills encompassing stances, footwork grips and methods of tumbling and falling. Precise anatomical llustration and descriptions of 106 common Oriental pressure points, and a visual comparision of different martial arts, make this an invaluable resource for all martial styles.

Expertly written and designed by the author of the 1136-page Hapkido-widely acclaimed the most comprehensive book ever written on a single martial art-this exceptional work is designed to stand alone, or function as a companion text with the author's other works on martial techniques and anatomy. Regardless of the style you practiced, these books will enrich your training, improve your techniques, and deepen your understanding of the understanding of the unique qualities embodied in your own martial art.

Marc Tedeschi is an internationally respected artist, designer, and educator, who holds a fifth-degree black belt in Hapkido, a martial art that integrates both healing and combative techniques. He has practiced martial arts for more than 25 years, training extensively in Hapkido, Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Judo, and Karate. Mr. Tedeschi's unique ability to blend his skills as a designer, writer, and martial artist has resulted in numerous books, widely acknowledged for their design excellence, outstanding imagery, and clarity of content. He is the author of seven works, including the landmark 1136-page Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique; Essential Anatomy for Healing and Martial Arts; Hapkido: An Introduction to the Art of Self-Defense; and the series noted below.

The Art of Throwing is part of a remarkable new series of books that provide an in-depth look at the core concepts and techniques shared by a broad range of martial arts. Each of these stand-alone books is dedicated to a specific technical area, such as strikes, holds, or throws. Other titles in this series include: The Art of Holding, The Art of Striking (forthcoming), and The Art of Ground Fighting (forthcoming).


1 Overview
Historical development
Types of throws
Responsible use of force
Comparing martial arts
2 Fundamentals
Energetic concepts
basic principles
Tumbling skills
Pressure point targets
Pressure point locations
Throw summary
Throws vs holds
3 Skhoulder throws
Skhoulder throws
4 Hip throws
Hip throws
5 Leg throws
Leg throws
6 Hand throws
Hand throws
7 Sacrifice throws
Sacrifice throws
8 Kick-counter throws
Kick-counter throws
9 Combinations
Basic concepts
Table of combinations
10 Defense against throws
Types of counters
Timing the counter
Basic defensive aactions
Defense against throws
11 Reference
Further reading
  AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
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This illuminating work outlines the essential principles and techniques that define the art of throwing in most martial arts. More than 1,200 outstanding photographs introduce over 130 practical techniques encompassing all types of throws: shoulder throws, hip throws, hand throws, leg throws, sacrifice throws, kick-counter throws, advanced combination throws and transitions, and defenses against throws. Comprehensive introductory chapters provide an authoritative overview of important technical principles, East Asian energetic concepts, and 82 fundamental skills encompassing stances, footwork, grips, and methods of tumbling and falling. Precise anatomical illustrations and descriptions of 106 common Oriental pressure points, and a visual comparison of different martial arts, make this an invaluable resource for all martial styles. Expertly written and designed by the author of the 1,136-page Hapkido--widely acclaimed the most comprehensive book ever written on a single martial art--this exceptional work is designed to stand alone, or function as a companion text with the author's other works on martial techniques and anatomy. Regardless of the style you practice, these books will enrich your training, improve your technique, and deepen your understanding of the unique qualities embodied in your own martial art.

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Gemiddelde: (3.5)
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