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Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters. door John.…
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Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters. (origineel 1987; editie 1989)

door John. Steptoe (Auteur)

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4,2202082,926 (4.22)18
Mufaro's two beautiful daughters, one bad-tempered, one kind and sweet, go before the king, who is choosing a wife.
Titel:Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters.
Auteurs:John. Steptoe (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Books (1989)
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Traditional Literature stories

Informatie over het werk

Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters: An African Tale door John Steptoe (1987)

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1-5 van 208 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Independent Reading Level: Grade 3-5
Awards: Coretta Scott King Award for Illustration
Caledcott Honor
Reading Rainbow Book
Boston Globe-Horn Book
  amaveritt | Apr 27, 2024 |
This fairytale, which is a twist on Cinderella, is about two sisters Manyara and Nyasha. Nyasha is humble and kind to all around her, while Manyara is mean and more self centered. They two sisters are competing to marry the king. Through the journey they are faced with different challenges, and each handles them in their own way, but only one leads to happiness with the king.

This story is a beautiful tale and has wonderful illustrations. It demonstrates the importance of kindness to others around you. Through the girls' reactions to the same situations it shows how you approach a situation makes a difference.

This would be a great book to study when looking at different cultures. This book, written around African culture, would be a great discussion on symbolism, character traits, as well as comparing and contrasting texts across cultures. ( )
  Booksonthehammock | Mar 24, 2024 |
Alternate title: Morality for Beautiful Girls (which I think is a actually a McCall-Smith title) ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: Grade 5
Honors/Awards: Caldecott Honor Book
  mkoch22103 | Nov 23, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this story. Folktales help us to see the good and evil in the world, and in this story among others, how kindness wins. This book would be a wonderful addition to any fairy tale/folktale unit in a classroom and children of all ages would enjoy reading it. I had seen the cover of this book on shelves before, but hadn't picked it up to read until recently. I was missing out and I very much enjoyed reading it with my children, and will read it with my students as well. This could be a great mentor text for writing fairy tales/folktales as well. The illustrations are beautiful and it would be a great book to compare to other versions of a Cinderella type tale from around the world. ( )
  KellyReads5 | Jul 9, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (3 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
John Steptoeprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Burton, LeVarVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Kohen, ClaritaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Miles, RobinVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Phylicia RashadVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Steptoe, BweelaVoorwoordSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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To the Children of South Africa
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A long time ago, in a certain place in Africa, a small village lay across a river and half a day's journey from a city where a great king lived.
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Mufaro's two beautiful daughters, one bad-tempered, one kind and sweet, go before the king, who is choosing a wife.

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Gemiddelde: (4.22)
1 2
1.5 1
2 8
2.5 1
3 48
3.5 4
4 132
4.5 11
5 149

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