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Laughing Boy door Oliver La Farge
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Laughing Boy (origineel 1929; editie 1977)

door Oliver La Farge

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7422331,687 (3.75)65
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize: "A romantic idyll played out in the rhythms and meanings of a vanished Navajo world." — The Denver Post Laughing Boy is a model member of his tribe. Raised in old traditions, skilled in silver work, and known for his prowess in the wild horse races, he does the Navajos of T'o Tlakai proud. But times are changing. It is 1914, and the first car has just driven into their country. Then, Laughing Boy meets Slim Girl—and despite her "American" education and the warnings of his family, he gives in to desire and marries her. As Laughing Boy and Slim Girl settle away from traditional villages—their different upbringings clashing within both their relationship and the ever-encroaching culture around them—each of their worlds are thrown into a heart-wrenching turmoil of love, honor, hope, and heritage. "Compelling in its strength and simplicity, and its fidelity to the deepest impulses of human nature," Laughing Boy is an unprecedented look at both the Navajo culture and the enduring legacy of tradition and loss that all Americans share ( The New York Times ).… (meer)
Titel:Laughing Boy
Auteurs:Oliver La Farge
Info:The Franklin Library, Leather Bound, 296 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Laughing Boy door Oliver La Farge (1929)

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1-5 van 23 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I read this my senior year in high school --- 35 cents for the book. It's still readable but pages are starting to come loose from binding.
  IslandJAS | Sep 7, 2024 |
While I really enjoyed reading about the Navajo customs and lifestyle, and the author's beautiful descriptions of the terrain, I found the dialogue to be so stilted and unrealistic that it took me out of the story. ( )
  milbourt | May 11, 2024 |
As the sub title says this is a love story set on the Navajo Reservation in Northern Arizona/Southern Utah. It is interesting to read about the cultural aspect of how relationships are handled within the Navajo community. The story is slow but worth the time to allow it to develop. ( )
  foof2you | Oct 10, 2023 |
Really good novel about a Navajo couple. Quite poetic and tries to give the flavor of their religion. I don't know how accurate it is, since the author lived among them but was not Navajo, but still worth reading for the story and appreciation of the culture. ( )
  kslade | Dec 8, 2022 |
'Laughing Boy' is a work of art. And like a work of art, it plays with your mind. It is not abstract, but peculiar. Laughing Boy, the novel's protagonist, is a Navajo indigenous American attempting to straddle the world of tradition and the world of the white man. The initial starting of the novel is not a hook. It won't draw you in. But if you persist, you will discover the beauty and simplicity of La Farge's times and Laughing Boy's richness of heart. ( )
  Amarj33t_5ingh | Jul 8, 2022 |
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He was riding the hundred miles from T'o Tlakai to Tse Lani to attend a dance, or rather, for the horse-racing that would come afterwards.
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Winner of the Pulitzer Prize: "A romantic idyll played out in the rhythms and meanings of a vanished Navajo world." — The Denver Post Laughing Boy is a model member of his tribe. Raised in old traditions, skilled in silver work, and known for his prowess in the wild horse races, he does the Navajos of T'o Tlakai proud. But times are changing. It is 1914, and the first car has just driven into their country. Then, Laughing Boy meets Slim Girl—and despite her "American" education and the warnings of his family, he gives in to desire and marries her. As Laughing Boy and Slim Girl settle away from traditional villages—their different upbringings clashing within both their relationship and the ever-encroaching culture around them—each of their worlds are thrown into a heart-wrenching turmoil of love, honor, hope, and heritage. "Compelling in its strength and simplicity, and its fidelity to the deepest impulses of human nature," Laughing Boy is an unprecedented look at both the Navajo culture and the enduring legacy of tradition and loss that all Americans share ( The New York Times ).

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Gemiddelde: (3.75)
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2 6
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3 23
3.5 6
4 32
4.5 5
5 27

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