Classics you know you should have read but probably haven't
- Beschrijving
- I know I feel guilt at the number of works I feel I ought to have read, but haven't quite managed to get round to yet... Well, let's try to prioritise!
door Leo Tolstoy
29,528 leden
459 besprekingen
½ 4.3
Score 492.86
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 08:22 AM
- 142 Members
- timspalding, AntiLeah, lorax, hailelib, ABVR, WalkerMedia, rosalita, wordswordswords, staffordcastle, anglemark, tiddleyboom, _Zoe_, cpg, Scorbet, mybookshelf, foggidawn, pamelad, Ragnell, booksinbed, SimoneA, smcwl, almigwin, lwbooklover, spounds, sarahemmm, varielle, worcester, .Monkey., antqueen, AnnaClaire, europhile, pmdean, Aninja, EmScape, bell7, Smiler69, chgstrom, otterlake, icre8dstny, karamazow, andejons, sjmccreary, amanda4242, redsox0407, quigui, crazy4reading, Matke, flips, cathyta, ncgraham, StephenBarkley, ukh, Percevan, susiesharp, perennialreader, citybird, Tigardite, souloftherose, Kodibear, ridgididge, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, Dunord, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, John_Vaughan, TrulyAragorn, bwtsang, fuzzi, gypsysmom, Luisali, Shutzie27, techbearable, al.vick, SkuldOMG, FancyHorse, gpaul, pewterbreath, Haleyann44, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, dwightie, yavien, morgandgarcia, Randall.Parr, VictoriaLynn, tquine9, karlaniii, Arrashid7, Laura1124, chukche, ramsesiii, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, seanogui, courtneyp93, dianeham, Evelyn_Lilly_317, mmseiple, blancosa, lsah, Saxon451, RodgerA, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, spiderlily, JMK2020, JohnMB69, MargaretD1, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, Jonas.Pieters, ManWithAnAgenda, DreamEaterLibrary, GrimFiend1977, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, Jahhnavi, emily-judith, Tyler_DDurden, KrystalSheppard, gerggerggerg, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, tjtjtjtj, rafaelmc, CarolynBurke7, MaureenONeill, bookthief07, DianaInSydney, Mama_Smurf, ngoomie, ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,peterdj ,pkloza ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- Randall.Parr: I would really like to read this book. Okay. thanks.Arrashid7: I read btw. high school and college. Got me hooked on more Russian lit.ngoomie: Ah yes, "Leo's Toystore, by Warren Peace"! I'd actually almost sat and read this book once but I think I stopped after like 3 pages or something minuscule like that.
31,354 leden
457 besprekingen
Score 328.52
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:17 AM
- 108 Members
- Only2rs, bookwoman84, ABVR, hipdeep, conceptDawg, staffordcastle, SqueakyChu, anglemark, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, eromsted, Stav, Rtrace, cpg, Scorbet, mybookshelf, foggidawn, Ragnell, ghilbrae, lahochstetler, SimoneA, smcwl, almigwin, varielle, .Monkey., antqueen, thorold, AnnaClaire, pmdean, Aninja, dhm, EmScape, ScarySquirrel, bell7, Smiler69, chgstrom, otterlake, stellarexplorer, sjmccreary, amanda4242, sundancer, peterdj, crazy4reading, deldevries, cathyta, ncgraham, ukh, Percevan, perennialreader, citybird, souloftherose, 2wonderY, Cindy1954, Simone2, Beorn_se_Bacaire, Bici47, Dunord, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, Tess_W, JqnOC, electrice, tjsween, Himalmitra, fuzzi, gypsysmom, al.vick, SkuldOMG, FancyHorse, Elizabeth088, james.proffitt, Jacqklueh, FlorianKarpfinger, dwightie, jnmlkr901, morgandgarcia, Arrashid7, banana4thelord, christianromney, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, Ares14, seanogui, dianeham, blancosa, Saxon451, RodgerA, spiderlily, MargaretD1, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, mcountr, electricgoddess1993, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, IreneDeTogni, KrystalSheppard, gunarss, tjtjtjtj, scstubbs, bookthief07, DianaInSydney, ngoomie,Edward ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,CVido ,courtneyp93 ,lsah ,pkloza ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Read enough to know I don't want to finishJohnMB69 : Read and enjoyed.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, enjoyed.
door Leo Tolstoy
39,339 leden
632 besprekingen
Score 277.35
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 08:22 AM
- 102 Members
- timspalding, AntiLeah, Only2rs, ABVR, rosalita, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, _Zoe_, cpg, mybookshelf, pamelad, Ragnell, booksinbed, SimoneA, smcwl, almigwin, lwbooklover, .Monkey., antqueen, AnnaClaire, pmdean, Aninja, dhm, bell7, otterlake, stellarexplorer, icre8dstny, karamazow, sjmccreary, amanda4242, redsox0407, peterdj, crazy4reading, deldevries, artturnerjr, cathyta, brenzi, ncgraham, jyssco, Percevan, susiesharp, perennialreader, bacbaby, Kodibear, ridgididge, canantopaloglu, Cindy1954, CVido, bw94612, Bici47, Dunord, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, TrulyAragorn, gypsysmom, Luisali, Shutzie27, raperper, AmourFou, flying_monkeys, NinieB, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, Chirules, christianromney, linnzsue, December7, TheUndergroundMan000, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, blancosa, lsah, RodgerA, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, kierstens, spiderlily, JMK2020, Rusty37, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, mcountr, steller0707, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, emily-judith, Tyler_DDurden, gerggerggerg, gunarss, MaureenONeill, scstubbs, FinleyBlackGold, DianaInSydney, ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,electrice , ,courtneyp93 ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- electrice : read in 2013, excellent
door Charles Dickens
24,936 leden
238 besprekingen
Score 268.37
Toegevoegd 2012-02-08, 06:50 PM
- 95 Members
- Aquila, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, eromsted, kageeh, mybookshelf, longway, pamelad, ghilbrae, SimoneA, smcwl, almigwin, lwbooklover, varielle, .Monkey., antqueen, rosiezbanks, AnnaClaire, pmdean, Aninja, EmScape, Zylphan, jefbra, chgstrom, olgakm, karamazow, deldevries, cathyta, japaul22, fundevogel, susiesharp, ridgididge, cc9, Cindy1954, CVido, Beorn_se_Bacaire, Bici47, Kristelh, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, John_Vaughan, TrulyAragorn, JalenV, gypsysmom, jaysbooks, ahef1963, raperper, Carmen_13, NinieB, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, Jacqklueh, FlorianKarpfinger, dwightie, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, Laura1124, banana4thelord, mattmcmahon, ramsesiii, linnzsue, December7, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, courtneyp93, mmseiple, Zaeynab, aquariumministry, RodgerA, pkloza, kierstens, spiderlily, HollieKirt, Rusty37, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, CharlesTheB, dkarenart, CyndiCiavarella, Stephan_Rogers, TaraJohnson, ChrissyQuise, gerggerggerg, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, DianaInSydney, ngoomie,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,lsah ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- JalenV: I listened to an audio copy from my local library. I was amazed by how much punishment poor Oliver's body takes near the end and he managed to survive. Nice kid -- interesting, considering his upbringing.ahef1963: Too depressing for my liking.Arrashid7: I read in high school. A great book! A tip ~ don't ever watch movies first!JohnMB69 : I read this one in high school and really don't see a need to reread it.MyFathersDragon: I was bored in 6th grade and read anything I could get my hands on. I liked Dickens, so I read a lot of his stories.
door Dante Alighieri
22,414 leden
188 besprekingen
Score 257.54
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 06:40 PM
- 96 Members
- Edward, Only2rs, ABVR, gennyt, conceptDawg, tiddleyboom, evilmoose, foggidawn, Ragnell, lahochstetler, SimoneA, smcwl, almigwin, lwbooklover, prosfilaes, .Monkey., antqueen, thorold, AnnaClaire, europhile, Aninja, dhm, EmScape, Zylphan, bell7, Smiler69, otterlake, olgakm, stellarexplorer, sjmccreary, Myrrha, Matke, cathyta, StephenBarkley, fundevogel, auntSteelbreaker, ukh, bacbaby, citybird, souloftherose, 2wonderY, mousse, cc9, canantopaloglu, Cindy1954, Dilara86, Bici47, Kristelh, Dunord, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, TrulyAragorn, al.vick, raperper, SkuldOMG, AmourFou, FancyHorse, Elizabeth088, james.proffitt, Jacqklueh, FlorianKarpfinger, dwightie, Liivin, ryaSilvia, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, kristilabrie, christianromney, linnzsue, JohnMB, Ares14, dianeham, joannawolotira, mmseiple, blancosa, RodgerA, spiderlily, JMK2020, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, CTyner, Sisif, kihohamu, electricgoddess1993, Aggelos, CharlesTheB, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, tjtjtjtj, scstubbs, evaneshel, ngoomie,lorax , ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,peterdj ,sturlington ,CVido ,courtneyp93 ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Got halfway through hell and gave up.sturlington : Read Inferno in college. Not sure of the point of reading the rest.Arrashid7: I plan to read it this summer.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, loved.MyFathersDragon: I didnāt finish. I read some in Italian, but I am not very good with Italian. I read more in English translation, but I wanted to go back to the Italian, and never finished.
door Fyodor Dostoevsky
45,226 leden
495 besprekingen
½ 4.3
Score 255.4
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 09:20 PM
- 100 Members
- Only2rs, ABVR, wordswordswords, conceptDawg, anglemark, tiddleyboom, mlfhlibrarian, mybookshelf, foggidawn, jpinger, longway, pamelad, Ragnell, SimoneA, BookWallah, almigwin, lwbooklover, antqueen, europhile, pmdean, ScarySquirrel, Smiler69, chgstrom, icre8dstny, karamazow, andejons, sjmccreary, deldevries, artturnerjr, Matke, cathyta, ncgraham, ukh, citybird, ridgididge, Cindy1954, CVido, bw94612, Bici47, Dunord, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, Tess_W, JqnOC, electrice, tjsween, TrulyAragorn, fuzzi, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, bibliobuzz, ahef1963, FancyHorse, flying_monkeys, bcrowl399, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, christianromney, oires, linnzsue, December7, TheUndergroundMan000, dljones442, JohnMB, zghost, seanogui, courtneyp93, mmseiple, blancosa, lsah, Saxon451, RodgerA, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, spiderlily, merriqat, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, hrd666dri, Sisif, Jonas.Pieters, electricgoddess1993, readerdad, CharlesTheB, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, valeriepatton, bookthief07, DianaInSydney, ngoomie, ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Started and decided not to finishAprill: I'm partway through. Hope to finish it some day.ahef1963: Loved it.MyFathersDragon: I read some in 6th grade, but I didnāt finish because it wasnāt very interesting to me.
door Herman Melville
36,351 leden
545 besprekingen
Score 239.01
Toegevoegd 2012-01-27, 01:44 PM
- 98 Members
- AntiLeah, Only2rs, hipdeep, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, mlfhlibrarian, Stav, Rtrace, cpg, mybookshelf, longway, lahochstetler, SimoneA, BookWallah, almigwin, varielle, .Monkey., europhile, pmdean, Aninja, EmScape, ScarySquirrel, jefbra, Smiler69, stellarexplorer, icre8dstny, andejons, sjmccreary, amanda4242, redsox0407, peterdj, crazy4reading, deldevries, cathyta, ncgraham, BekkaJo, ukh, suitable1, ridgididge, briarhills, Cindy1954, Simone2, CVido, Beorn_se_Bacaire, nonlocal, Bici47, Dunord, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, electrice, tjsween, bwtsang, cej1027, fuzzi, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Luisali, Shutzie27, elia1168, SkuldOMG, AmourFou, FancyHorse, EElsen, james.proffitt, Jacqklueh, FlorianKarpfinger, Arrashid7, metamedusa, kristilabrie, banana4thelord, christianromney, oires, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, December7, TheUndergroundMan000, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, courtneyp93, mmseiple, RodgerA, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, spiderlily, HollieKirt, JohnMB69, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, mcountr, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon, bookthief07, DianaInSydney, ngoomie,lorax , ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,rainpebble , ,karamazow ,sturlington ,lsah ,pkloza ,ManWithAnAgenda ,
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Skipping. Too much blubber.rainpebble : puts my brain in a muddle no matter how many attempts I make to read it.amanda4242: I read it and discovered that I could quite happily have gone through life without having read it.sturlington : Read in college.JalenV: Read twice for different classes (one definitely in college), chose it the second time because I remembered enough from dfiscussing it the first time I figured it would help the second. (Still wonder if that preacher who appeared early in the book gave the same sermon every Sunday.)Aprill: I love Melville's writing.ManWithAnAgenda : Read. Interesting.MyFathersDragon: I liked the book in 5th grade, but when I tried rereading in 11th grade, I didnāt find it interesting enough to read it, perhaps because I had previously read it.
14,951 leden
194 besprekingen
Score 229.12
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:02 AM
- 87 Members
- timspalding, Aquila, hipdeep, wordswordswords, staffordcastle, anglemark, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, evilmoose, eromsted, cpg, mybookshelf, foggidawn, pamelad, lahochstetler, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, SimoneA, smcwl, almigwin, lwbooklover, .Monkey., rosiezbanks, AnnaClaire, Aninja, dhm, EmScape, Smiler69, otterlake, olgakm, stellarexplorer, WSB7, crazy4reading, SylviaC, cathyta, ncgraham, citybird, Kodibear, cc9, Cindy1954, Simone2, Bici47, Dehinde, rretzler, BlueSkies305, electrice, Himalmitra, gypsysmom, jaysbooks, ahef1963, mattries37315, StefanieGeeks, matthewmason, FancyHorse, NinieB, pewterbreath, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, dwightie, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, morgandgarcia, Rozanjeff, kdemetter, Melhuish, linnzsue, dljones442, aladyinredpolish, JohnMB, mmseiple, lsah, RodgerA, spiderlily, JMK2020, Rusty37, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, Sisif, mcountr, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, gunarss, MaureenONeill, ArayaK, bookthief07, ,prosfilaes ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,CVido , ,courtneyp93 ,pkloza ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,gerggerggerg
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : I see no need to read.ahef1963: Highly enjoyable.JohnMB69 : It doesn't sound appealing to me.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, enjoyed.
door Mark Twain
44,013 leden
525 besprekingen
Score 224.87
Toegevoegd 2012-01-26, 05:41 PM
- 100 Members
- Aquila, waitingtoderail, gennyt, benfulton, wordswordswords, anglemark, evilmoose, Rtrace, foggidawn, pamelad, booksinbed, SimoneA, BookWallah, almigwin, varielle, antqueen, europhile, pmdean, Zylphan, jefbra, m_island, karamazow, sjmccreary, amanda4242, redsox0407, deldevries, artturnerjr, SylviaC, sturlington, cathyta, japaul22, ncgraham, BekkaJo, jyssco, perennialreader, ridgididge, briarhills, CVido, bw94612, Bici47, Dunord, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, ahef1963, raperper, pincus2, bcrowl399, NinieB, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, jnmlkr901, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, christianromney, hudzilla55, mattmcmahon, ramsesiii, linnzsue, December7, dljones442, JohnMB, courtneyp93, Saxon451, Zaeynab, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, spiderlily, HollieKirt, JMK2020, Rusty37, MargaretD1, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, mcountr, readerdad, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, dkarenart, Stephan_Rogers, TaraJohnson, ChrissyQuise, FireflyLover, KrystalSheppard, MMC22378, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton, bookthief07, DianaInSydney, ngoomie,lorax ,gilroy , ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,auntSteelbreaker ,mattries37315 ,lsah ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- gilroy : Read itamanda4242: Loved it.auntSteelbreaker : Read it, did not enjoy it.JalenV: I think I read my parents' copy. I'd read all my books and usually had the library ones finished before our next visit.JohnMB69 : Read it and enjoyed as a kid.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, eh.MyFathersDragon: I read some Twain in 5th grade and ended up reading most of his books.
- 101 Members
- Aquila, ABVR, waitingtoderail, gennyt, rosalita, wordswordswords, conceptDawg, staffordcastle, anglemark, tiddleyboom, jmnlman, kageeh, Stav, Rtrace, mybookshelf, pamelad, ghilbrae, booksinbed, almigwin, lwbooklover, varielle, antqueen, pmdean, Zylphan, jefbra, bell7, m_island, karamazow, amanda4242, deldevries, birder4106, Matke, sturlington, flips, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, fundevogel, ukh, Percevan, ridgididge, briarhills, nik61, canantopaloglu, CVido, Bici47, HMHbooks, Dunord, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, Tess_W, John_Vaughan, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, ahef1963, bcrowl399, Carmen_13, NinieB, EElsen, LesleyAshton, Peace2, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, Laura1124, kristilabrie, banana4thelord, Chirules, christianromney, hudzilla55, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, courtneyp93, Saxon451, misfortune317, kierstens, spiderlily, merriqat, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, hrd666dri, thamara.abrao, Sisif, mcountr, readerdad, steller0707, CharlesTheB, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton, zombiecat, jarcipreste,Edward ,lorax , ,eromsted ,_Zoe_ ,cpg ,Illiniguy71 ,SilentInAWay ,prosfilaes ,aulsmith ,EmScape , ,sjmccreary , ,peterdj ,auntSteelbreaker ,electrice ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda ,ngoomie
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: An important book, but I'll probably never read it again.sturlington: Everyone should read at least once.electrice : readManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: It is a classic so I thought I should read it.ngoomie: Read, 2024
- 88 Members
- timspalding, AntiLeah, ABVR, gennyt, benfulton, hipdeep, wordswordswords, anglemark, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, evilmoose, Rtrace, mybookshelf, paradoxosalpha, pamelad, Ragnell, lahochstetler, SilentInAWay, SimoneA, almigwin, lwbooklover, .Monkey., europhile, pmdean, Aninja, dhm, EmScape, Zylphan, Smiler69, icre8dstny, crazy4reading, SylviaC, jerry-book, Myrrha, Matke, cathyta, auntSteelbreaker, jyssco, Percevan, citybird, ridgididge, mousse, cc9, canantopaloglu, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, Kristelh, rretzler, BlueSkies305, Tess_W, JqnOC, bwtsang, gypsysmom, ahef1963, elia1168, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, Laura1124, banana4thelord, christianromney, oires, ramsesiii, linnzsue, JohnMB, seanogui, courtneyp93, Evelyn_Lilly_317, mmseiple, blancosa, RodgerA, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, spiderlily, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, CharlesTheB, GrimFiend1977, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, scstubbs, DianaInSydney, ngoomie,eromsted ,cpg , ,prosfilaes ,aulsmith ,sjmccreary , ,peterdj ,suitable1 ,nlgeorge ,lsah ,
- Verklaringen
door Fyodor Dostoevsky
30,214 leden
341 besprekingen
½ 4.4
Score 203.09
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 08:23 AM
- 87 Members
- Edward, hailelib, Only2rs, ABVR, rosalita, hipdeep, tiddleyboom, _Zoe_, mlfhlibrarian, jain, Ragnell, lahochstetler, SimoneA, almigwin, lwbooklover, antqueen, europhile, pmdean, Aninja, EmScape, ScarySquirrel, Smiler69, chgstrom, otterlake, icre8dstny, karamazow, andejons, sjmccreary, redsox0407, quigui, crazy4reading, deldevries, Matke, cathyta, japaul22, ncgraham, auntSteelbreaker, ukh, ridgididge, mousse, Cindy1954, Simone2, Bici47, Kristelh, Dunord, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, Tess_W, JqnOC, electrice, TrulyAragorn, al.vick, mattries37315, elia1168, FancyHorse, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, daisy_jane, christianromney, linnzsue, December7, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, courtneyp93, joannawolotira, mmseiple, blancosa, lsah, RodgerA, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, spiderlily, merriqat, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, mcountr, readerdad, ManWithAnAgenda, steller0707, dkarenart, TaraJohnson, emily-judith, Tyler_DDurden, ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay , ,aulsmith ,peterdj ,CVido ,nonlocal
door Charles Dickens
37,545 leden
461 besprekingen
Score 191.02
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 03:56 AM
- 85 Members
- Aquila, ABVR, _Zoe_, kageeh, Rtrace, jain, longway, pamelad, SimoneA, almigwin, varielle, .Monkey., antqueen, AnnaClaire, pmdean, EmScape, rainpebble, otterlake, m_island, olgakm, crazy4reading, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, fundevogel, ukh, suitable1, perennialreader, ridgididge, cc9, Cindy1954, CVido, Beorn_se_Bacaire, Bici47, Dehinde, lewisw, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, tjsween, JalenV, gypsysmom, al.vick, jaysbooks, ahef1963, StefanieGeeks, flying_monkeys, bcrowl399, rosemitchell, pewterbreath, LesleyAshton, Peace2, james.proffitt, Jacqklueh, FlorianKarpfinger, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, Laura1124, banana4thelord, christianromney, linnzsue, December7, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, NareHon, courtneyp93, mmseiple, blancosa, lsah, Saxon451, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, spiderlily, HollieKirt, Rusty37, MargaretD1, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, TeriAndersonNeedham, MyFathersDragon, valeriepatton, Mama_Smurf, ngoomie,lorax ,gilroy , ,jmnlman ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,prosfilaes ,aulsmith ,jefbra ,karamazow ,sjmccreary ,peterdj , ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- gilroy : Read itjain: Read it in high school but need to reread as an adult.JalenV: Another Dickens novel I listened to after checking it out from the library. I go to bed listening to books and it's an easy way to get through classics.JohnMB69 : I've read this one and really enjoyed it!MyFathersDragon: I read lots of Dickens in 6th grade because I liked them.
door Alexandre Dumas
26,262 leden
436 besprekingen
½ 4.3
Score 188.31
Toegevoegd 2012-01-10, 11:49 AM
- 80 Members
- ABVR, benfulton, Stav, cpg, jain, longway, booksinbed, fbroussard, SimoneA, BookWallah, lwbooklover, varielle, antqueen, europhile, pmdean, EmScape, jefbra, bell7, Smiler69, m_island, icre8dstny, andejons, sjmccreary, amanda4242, crazy4reading, deldevries, Matke, cathyta, perennialreader, citybird, Kodibear, ridgididge, briarhills, erijens, Cindy1954, Simone2, Bici47, Kristelh, Dunord, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, TrulyAragorn, gypsysmom, Luisali, Shutzie27, Marleen_Cloutier, elia1168, AmourFou, flying_monkeys, bcrowl399, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, Arrashid7, daisy_jane, christianromney, linnzsue, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, lsah, Saxon451, Zaeynab, RodgerA, linfootr, spiderlily, cin_who, Rusty37, JohnMB69, MargaretD1, TwinDaddy, electricgoddess1993, readerdad, qndeng2, TaraJohnson, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, ,henkl ,SilentInAWay ,karamazow ,sturlington ,CVido
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : Never finished it. :-(MyFathersDragon: I read Dumas in 7th grade and was excited by the adventures, so read more of his. And reread them years later.
door Virginia Woolf
18,012 leden
273 besprekingen
Score 183.12
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:18 AM
- 74 Members
- timspalding, Only2rs, gennyt, hipdeep, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, eromsted, pamelad, Ragnell, jamesabg, lahochstetler, SilentInAWay, fbroussard, smcwl, almigwin, lwbooklover, antqueen, EmScape, bell7, Cecrow, otterlake, stellarexplorer, andejons, sundancer, peterdj, cathyta, japaul22, brenzi, auntSteelbreaker, perennialreader, bacbaby, citybird, nik61, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, HMHbooks, Dunord, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, bwtsang, IslesOfMine, jaysbooks, wrysosrs, pewterbreath, EElsen, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, Arrashid7, Laura1124, SamTaylor, ramsesiii, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, nedhyu, MadaraR, joannawolotira, blancosa, lsah, Zaeynab, RodgerA, linfootr, spiderlily, RachelKirk, Sisif, steller0707, CharlesTheB, dkarenart, Lazlo_Kovaks, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon, ,cpg ,prosfilaes ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,Tess_W ,Chirules ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Just can't read Woolf.Arrashid7: She's an awesome writer. I'm reading her this summer.JohnMB69 : Doesn't sound appealing to me.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, enjoyed.MyFathersDragon: When I was an adult, I read part of it. Then we packed and moved books. I didnāt continue reading it later, because I had fantasy books in series I was reading become available that I started reading instead.
door Victor Hugo
26,857 leden
337 besprekingen
½ 4.3
Score 182.03
Toegevoegd 2012-02-10, 10:28 AM
- 77 Members
- Aquila, bookwoman84, conceptDawg, tiddleyboom, cpg, mybookshelf, longway, jamesabg, SimoneA, fivetoedsloth, almigwin, lwbooklover, varielle, .Monkey., antqueen, thorold, europhile, Zylphan, Smiler69, stellarexplorer, sjmccreary, jerry-book, cathyta, jyssco, Percevan, Kodibear, ridgididge, briarhills, cc9, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, Dunord, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, John_Vaughan, tjsween, Himalmitra, cej1027, gypsysmom, elia1168, matthewmason, AmourFou, flying_monkeys, bcrowl399, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, Liivin, jnmlkr901, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, christianromney, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, seanogui, courtneyp93, mmseiple, lsah, Zaeynab, RodgerA, kierstens, spiderlily, MargaretD1, TwinDaddy, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon, valeriepatton, jarcipreste, ngoomie,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : I tried 5 times and finally gave up.JohnMB69 : This was one of the best classics I've ever read!!!MyFathersDragon: I thought I should read it because it is a classic.
door F. Scott Fitzgerald
73,817 leden
1,175 besprekingen
Score 177.3
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 08:23 AM
- 94 Members
- AntiLeah, hailelib, Aquila, Only2rs, bookwoman84, ABVR, benfulton, wordswordswords, conceptDawg, staffordcastle, _Zoe_, kageeh, dara85, Rtrace, cpg, mybookshelf, pamelad, jamesabg, lahochstetler, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, varielle, antqueen, AnnaClaire, Zylphan, jefbra, otterlake, m_island, nephron44, icre8dstny, sjmccreary, amanda4242, martina_hrubes, deldevries, sturlington, flips, cathyta, brenzi, clamacchia, ncgraham, ukh, perennialreader, Kodibear, ridgididge, CVido, Bici47, Dunord, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, electrice, tjsween, Jys-g, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, ahef1963, pincus2, FancyHorse, bcrowl399, rosemitchell, NinieB, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, jnmlkr901, IsabelJacobson, metamedusa, Laura1124, banana4thelord, christianromney, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, JohnMB, courtneyp93, Zaeynab, misfortune317, spiderlily, HollieKirt, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, Lazlo_Kovaks, Stephan_Rogers, TaraJohnson, KrystalSheppard, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, jarcipreste, ngoomie,Edward ,lorax , ,tiddleyboom ,henkl ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,.Monkey. ,aulsmith ,EmScape , ,auntSteelbreaker ,susiesharp ,nonlocal ,mattries37315 ,Peace2 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB ,
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : Read it. Loved it..Monkey. : Read it. Disliked.amanda4242: Read it twice and hated it twice.JalenV: Had to read it for High School and hated it. I read The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo. Found her inserted characters and the magic interesting, still hated the Gatsby sections.Aprill: Read it.ahef1963: Read it; didn't really like it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read it. Loved it.MyFathersDragon: It was one of the classics to choose from to read in a high school class. I read lots of the choices, so I had options to choose from when it was time to write a book report.
- 78 Members
- Aquila, Only2rs, hipdeep, kerry1897, kageeh, Rtrace, jamesabg, booksinbed, BookWallah, almigwin, varielle, antqueen, pmdean, Zylphan, bell7, otterlake, karamazow, sjmccreary, amanda4242, crazy4reading, PatsyMurray, artturnerjr, SylviaC, jerry-book, Myrrha, cathyta, ukh, jyssco, souloftherose, briarhills, JerryMmm, canantopaloglu, Cindy1954, CVido, Dilara86, Bici47, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, fuzzi, jaysbooks, StefanieGeeks, SkuldOMG, AmourFou, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, SamTaylor, banana4thelord, christianromney, hudzilla55, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, Ares14, courtneyp93, mmseiple, Saxon451, RodgerA, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, spiderlily, HollieKirt, Rusty37, TwinDaddy, Sisif, rjbd, mcountr, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, valeriepatton, ngoomie,Edward , ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,sturlington ,electrice ,lsah ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Read it in college. Long, but a breeze to get through.sturlington : Read in collegeelectrice : read in collegeJohnMB69 : Great book and the Fagles version was good.MyFathersDragon: Iāve loved this since grade school.
door John Steinbeck
35,018 leden
476 besprekingen
Score 176.31
Toegevoegd 2012-02-10, 04:42 PM
- 86 Members
- AntiLeah, Only2rs, hipdeep, tiddleyboom, mlfhlibrarian, Rtrace, mybookshelf, foggidawn, longway, pamelad, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, varielle, .Monkey., pmdean, dhm, jefbra, m_island, karamazow, sjmccreary, amanda4242, deldevries, sturlington, flips, cathyta, brenzi, ncgraham, BekkaJo, souloftherose, ridgididge, canantopaloglu, CVido, Bici47, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, TrulyAragorn, Himalmitra, gypsysmom, jaysbooks, bibliobuzz, StefanieGeeks, pincus2, FancyHorse, flying_monkeys, bcrowl399, rosemitchell, NinieB, pewterbreath, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, Laura1124, SamTaylor, daisy_jane, Chirules, christianromney, hudzilla55, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, Ares14, lsah, Saxon451, Zaeynab, kierstens, spiderlily, HollieKirt, JMK2020, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, readerdad, TaraJohnson, FireflyLover, KrystalSheppard, MyFathersDragon, ArayaK, zombiecat, ngoomie,lorax , ,eromsted ,cpg ,aulsmith , ,auntSteelbreaker , ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Read it and loathed it.sturlington: Important book but kind of a slog.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, enjoyed.MyFathersDragon: It was one of the classics to choose from to read in a high school class. I read lots of the choices, so I had options to choose from when it was time to write a book report.
door Jane Austen
82,848 leden
1,420 besprekingen
½ 4.4
Score 162.48
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:58 AM
- 85 Members
- Aquila, ABVR, benfulton, wordswordswords, staffordcastle, anglemark, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, longway, pamelad, lahochstetler, booksinbed, smcwl, almigwin, prosfilaes, varielle, .Monkey., antqueen, pmdean, jefbra, otterlake, sjmccreary, amanda4242, redsox0407, peterdj, crazy4reading, deldevries, artturnerjr, sturlington, brenzi, BekkaJo, susiesharp, perennialreader, ridgididge, nik61, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, Dunord, Dehinde, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, ahef1963, SkuldOMG, bcrowl399, NinieB, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, jnmlkr901, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, December7, nedhyu, JohnMB, courtneyp93, Zaeynab, HollieKirt, merriqat, MargaretD1, TwinDaddy, Sisif, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, kmc3501, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, KrystalSheppard, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton, jarcipreste, ngoomie,gilroy , , ,eromsted ,_Zoe_ ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith , ,auntSteelbreaker ,Peace2 ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Loved it.auntSteelbreaker : Read it, even though it was boring.ahef1963: Loved it.JohnMB69 : Doesn't sound appealing to me.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, enjoyed.MyFathersDragon: I read it because it was available.
- 79 Members
- bookwoman84, benfulton, kerry1897, eromsted, mlfhlibrarian, Rtrace, jain, mybookshelf, foggidawn, longway, craso, pamelad, SilentInAWay, SimoneA, BookWallah, varielle, europhile, dhm, Zylphan, jefbra, m_island, icre8dstny, sjmccreary, amanda4242, deldevries, PatsyMurray, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, fundevogel, auntSteelbreaker, Percevan, briarhills, Cindy1954, CVido, Beorn_se_Bacaire, Bici47, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, Himalmitra, fuzzi, JalenV, gypsysmom, ahef1963, Marleen_Cloutier, elia1168, FancyHorse, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, Laura1124, christianromney, hudzilla55, linnzsue, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, courtneyp93, Evelyn_Lilly_317, mmseiple, Zaeynab, kierstens, HollieKirt, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, CTyner, hrd666dri, rjbd, mcountr, TeriAndersonNeedham, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, MaureenONeill, ArayaK, zombiecat, ngoomie,Edward , ,aulsmith ,ukh ,electrice , ,Peace2 ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- electrice : read in 2014JalenV: I read it because I was a fan of the original "Dark Shadows" soap opera. I've read it twice.ahef1963: Re-read via audiobook. It drove me crazy.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, enjoyed.
door E. M. Forster
11,386 leden
226 besprekingen
Score 153.14
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:02 AM
- 70 Members
- wordswordswords, conceptDawg, staffordcastle, tiddleyboom, eromsted, cpg, jain, mybookshelf, foggidawn, pamelad, lahochstetler, SilentInAWay, almigwin, lwbooklover, .Monkey., europhile, EmScape, jefbra, Smiler69, Cecrow, otterlake, stellarexplorer, amanda4242, sturlington, cathyta, japaul22, BekkaJo, susiesharp, perennialreader, citybird, nik61, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, Dunord, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, electrice, gypsysmom, al.vick, bibliobuzz, ahef1963, Marleen_Cloutier, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, metamedusa, banana4thelord, Chirules, christianromney, hudzilla55, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, MadaraR, mmseiple, lsah, Zaeynab, Rusty37, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, thamara.abrao, mcountr, ManWithAnAgenda, CharlesTheB, GrimFiend1977, Lazlo_Kovaks, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, MaureenONeill,prosfilaes ,karamazow ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- jain: Read it in high school but need to reread as an adult.amanda4242: Loved it.
door Mary Shelley
43,850 leden
721 besprekingen
Score 152.02
Toegevoegd 2012-02-12, 05:07 PM
- 80 Members
- Aquila, Stav, Rtrace, jain, mybookshelf, foggidawn, longway, pamelad, jamesabg, booksinbed, SimoneA, KimarieBee, BookWallah, varielle, .Monkey., europhile, Zylphan, jefbra, Smiler69, sjmccreary, amanda4242, sundancer, redsox0407, peterdj, sturlington, cathyta, BekkaJo, susiesharp, bacbaby, cc9, Beorn_se_Bacaire, Bici47, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, al.vick, ahef1963, raperper, elia1168, AmourFou, FancyHorse, Elizabeth088, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, jnmlkr901, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, christianromney, hudzilla55, linnzsue, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, courtneyp93, dianeham, kierstens, Rusty37, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, CTyner, mcountr, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, CharlesTheB, kmc3501, TaraJohnson, MMC22378, MaureenONeill, zombiecat, ngoomie,Edward , ,waitingtoderail ,tiddleyboom ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,auntSteelbreaker ,CVido ,electrice ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : Read it. Still a great story.jain: Read it in high school but need to reread as an adult.electrice : readJalenV: Listened to my library's audio copy. I've been a horror fan for nearly 60 years and it's a classic monster.Aprill: Read it. Brilliant.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, fantastic.
door Mark Twain
33,857 leden
327 besprekingen
Score 149.77
Toegevoegd 2012-02-12, 09:58 PM
- 78 Members
- Aquila, benfulton, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, evilmoose, kageeh, dara85, pamelad, jamesabg, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, varielle, s2nowy, pmdean, Zylphan, jefbra, m_island, sjmccreary, amanda4242, deldevries, cathyta, japaul22, ncgraham, BekkaJo, jyssco, perennialreader, ridgididge, Beorn_se_Bacaire, bw94612, Dunord, Dehinde, BlueSkies305, electrice, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, ahef1963, raperper, bcrowl399, NinieB, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, Liivin, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, Laura1124, Sarahlinbook, hudzilla55, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, December7, dljones442, JohnMB, seanogui, courtneyp93, joannawolotira, Saxon451, Zaeynab, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, JMK2020, Rusty37, TwinDaddy, Sisif, TeriAndersonNeedham, CharlesTheB, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, KrystalSheppard, MMC22378, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, ArayaK, valeriepatton, cackleconure, ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,sturlington ,CVido ,mattries37315 ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : Read in grade schoolJalenV: I believe this is another one of the classics my parents had that I read.JohnMB69 : Read it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: I started reading Twain in 5th grade and kept on, reading several of his.
door H. G. Wells
11,152 leden
260 besprekingen
½ 3.5
Score 147.99
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:15 PM
- 70 Members
- Only2rs, gennyt, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, quillmenow, mybookshelf, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, smcwl, lwbooklover, .Monkey., pmdean, Zylphan, jefbra, Smiler69, sjmccreary, martina_hrubes, sturlington, cathyta, perennialreader, bacbaby, citybird, CVido, Dilara86, bw94612, Bici47, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, tjsween, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, al.vick, ahef1963, raperper, elia1168, matthewmason, FancyHorse, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, Laura1124, hudzilla55, linnzsue, nedhyu, JohnMB, courtneyp93, joannawolotira, mmseiple, Zaeynab, aquariumministry, linfootr, kierstens, spiderlily, HollieKirt, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, hrd666dri, thamara.abrao, TaraJohnson, KrystalSheppard, MyFathersDragon, ArayaK, ngoomie,cpg , ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- JalenV: I read quite a bit of H. G. Wells during the 1970s. I'm pretty sure I read this one.ManWithAnAgenda : Read, enjoyed.MyFathersDragon: I would have been about 13. I donāt remember finishing it, so either we went on vacation or I didnāt like it. At that age, I almost always finished books.
- 73 Members
- Aquila, Only2rs, hipdeep, wordswordswords, anglemark, kerry1897, kageeh, Rtrace, jamesabg, smcwl, almigwin, prosfilaes, varielle, antqueen, pmdean, EmScape, bell7, otterlake, karamazow, sjmccreary, amanda4242, crazy4reading, deldevries, SylviaC, jerry-book, Myrrha, cathyta, jyssco, bacbaby, souloftherose, cc9, canantopaloglu, Cindy1954, CVido, Dilara86, Bici47, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, fuzzi, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, SkuldOMG, AmourFou, NinieB, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, SamTaylor, banana4thelord, chukche, christianromney, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, Ares14, mmseiple, Saxon451, spiderlily, TwinDaddy, Sisif, rjbd, mcountr, ManWithAnAgenda, TaraJohnson, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, zombiecat, ngoomie,Edward , ,ABVR ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay , ,peterdj ,sturlington ,electrice , ,lsah ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : Read in collegeelectrice : read in collegeJohnMB69 : Read it. Great book!MyFathersDragon: I loved this since I was in grade school.
door J. D. Salinger
70,649 leden
1,090 besprekingen
Score 141.43
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:09 PM
- 78 Members
- bookwoman84, waitingtoderail, wordswordswords, kageeh, mybookshelf, foggidawn, longway, pamelad, ghilbrae, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, almigwin, lwbooklover, varielle, pmdean, jefbra, chgstrom, olgakm, amanda4242, deldevries, cathyta, brenzi, ncgraham, ukh, perennialreader, bacbaby, CVido, Bici47, Kristelh, Dunord, eclecticdodo, rretzler, JqnOC, tjsween, TrulyAragorn, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, al.vick, jaysbooks, bibliobuzz, ahef1963, pincus2, bcrowl399, rosemitchell, pewterbreath, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, metamedusa, Laura1124, kristilabrie, banana4thelord, Sarahlinbook, christianromney, hudzilla55, kdemetter, linnzsue, JohnMB, Ares14, courtneyp93, blancosa, Saxon451, misfortune317, HollieKirt, merriqat, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, Sisif, steller0707, kmc3501, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, zombiecat, Mama_Smurf, ngoomie,Edward ,lorax , , ,eromsted ,cpg ,.Monkey. ,aulsmith ,sturlington ,Simone2 ,electrice ,wrysosrs ,lsah ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- .Monkey. : Read it. Hated it.amanda4242: Loved it in high school.sturlington : Read in high school.electrice : readJalenV: Had to read it in high school.ManWithAnAgenda : Read it. Hated. Read it. Loved it.MyFathersDragon: I knew some of the high school English classes read it. I knew it was considered a classic. So, I decided I would read it. I did not like it. I am glad I read it, so I know what people are talking about when they bring it up, but I wouldnāt read it again.
door Harper Lee
80,331 leden
1,443 besprekingen
½ 4.4
Score 138.2
Toegevoegd 2012-02-10, 10:43 AM
- 79 Members
- Edward, Aquila, wordswordswords, kageeh, Rtrace, pamelad, jamesabg, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, lwbooklover, varielle, AnnaClaire, Zylphan, jefbra, m_island, stellarexplorer, icre8dstny, sjmccreary, amanda4242, martina_hrubes, deldevries, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, fundevogel, perennialreader, ridgididge, briarhills, CVido, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, John_Vaughan, Jys-g, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, ahef1963, NinieB, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, kristilabrie, Nivram, hudzilla55, linnzsue, December7, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, MadaraR, courtneyp93, Mellerup, Saxon451, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, misfortune317, merriqat, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, thamara.abrao, mcountr, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, FireflyLover, KrystalSheppard, Melinapm, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton, Mama_Smurf, ngoomie, ,tiddleyboom ,henkl ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,Simone2 ,electrice ,mattries37315 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : Read in High School - one of my favorites. Movie is excellent too.amanda4242: It's not awful, but it is highly overrated.sturlington: Everyone should read this book.electrice : readJalenV: Read decades ago. I remember parts of it.
door Joseph Heller
40,631 leden
536 besprekingen
Score 133.2
Toegevoegd 2012-02-12, 05:06 PM
- 75 Members
- bookwoman84, gennyt, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, eromsted, Illiniguy71, mybookshelf, foggidawn, pamelad, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, lwbooklover, pmdean, Zylphan, jefbra, Cecrow, otterlake, martina_hrubes, sturlington, flips, cathyta, brenzi, ukh, jyssco, perennialreader, souloftherose, ridgididge, nik61, cc9, Cindy1954, CVido, Dunord, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, TrulyAragorn, fuzzi, Jys-g, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, al.vick, elia1168, FancyHorse, bcrowl399, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, daisy_jane, christianromney, hudzilla55, ramsesiii, linnzsue, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, Ares14, courtneyp93, blancosa, lsah, Saxon451, merriqat, JohnMB69, MargaretD1, readerdad, TeriAndersonNeedham, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, FireflyLover, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon, zombiecat,Edward ,lorax ,waitingtoderail ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith , ,sjmccreary ,electrice ,mattries37315
- Verklaringen
- electrice : readMyFathersDragon: I was bored and wanted something to read. We had it in the house, so I read it.
45,165 leden
697 besprekingen
Score 131.9
Toegevoegd 2012-01-26, 05:19 PM
- 73 Members
- AntiLeah, Only2rs, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, foggidawn, pamelad, lahochstetler, almigwin, lwbooklover, varielle, .Monkey., AnnaClaire, otterlake, m_island, stellarexplorer, sjmccreary, martina_hrubes, deldevries, artturnerjr, jerry-book, cathyta, BekkaJo, susiesharp, perennialreader, bacbaby, ridgididge, briarhills, cc9, canantopaloglu, CVido, bw94612, Dunord, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, John_Vaughan, TrulyAragorn, gypsysmom, Aprill, ahef1963, elia1168, FancyHorse, bcrowl399, NinieB, EElsen, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, metamedusa, Laura1124, hudzilla55, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, nedhyu, courtneyp93, Mellerup, blancosa, lsah, aquariumministry, lindafader, TwinDaddy, Jonas.Pieters, electricgoddess1993, readerdad, ManWithAnAgenda, GrimFiend1977, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, CarolynBurke7, MaureenONeill,lorax ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay , ,peterdj ,sturlington ,brenzi ,auntSteelbreaker ,Simone2 , ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : I don't really like his style.Aprill: It's on my tbr shelf.ahef1963: Read via audiobook. Terriby confusing. Can't say I liked it.
door Gustave Flaubert
26,813 leden
387 besprekingen
Score 130.18
Toegevoegd 2012-02-14, 08:06 AM
- 69 Members
- gennyt, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, eromsted, longway, pamelad, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, lwbooklover, .Monkey., thorold, europhile, dhm, jefbra, otterlake, stellarexplorer, karamazow, andejons, sjmccreary, sundancer, redsox0407, martina_hrubes, sturlington, cathyta, ncgraham, jyssco, susiesharp, perennialreader, souloftherose, canantopaloglu, Cindy1954, bw94612, Bici47, Dunord, Dehinde, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, electrice, gypsysmom, al.vick, jaysbooks, ahef1963, raperper, Marleen_Cloutier, matthewmason, Elizabeth088, NinieB, pewterbreath, EElsen, linlef, LesleyAshton, FlorianKarpfinger, Arrashid7, Laura1124, christianromney, ramsesiii, linnzsue, nedhyu, dianeham, aquariumministry, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, steller0707, kmc3501, TaraJohnson, MaureenONeill, ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,nephron44 ,peterdj ,Simone2 ,CVido ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
door Vladimir Nabokov
32,270 leden
564 besprekingen
Score 124.08
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:17 AM
- 70 Members
- Aquila, Only2rs, bookwoman84, ABVR, gennyt, eromsted, mybookshelf, foggidawn, longway, paradoxosalpha, pamelad, jamesabg, booksinbed, SimoneA, smcwl, lwbooklover, prosfilaes, varielle, EmScape, otterlake, icre8dstny, amanda4242, martina_hrubes, artturnerjr, cathyta, brenzi, fundevogel, ukh, mousse, nik61, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, Dehinde, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, bwtsang, Marleen_Cloutier, flying_monkeys, Elizabeth088, EElsen, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, IsabelJacobson, Laura1124, SamTaylor, christianromney, hudzilla55, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, nedhyu, JohnMB, loogawa, courtneyp93, Zaeynab, kierstens, merriqat, Sisif, electricgoddess1993, steller0707, CyndiCiavarella, Stephan_Rogers, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, jarcipreste, ngoomie,gilroy , ,waitingtoderail ,tiddleyboom ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,sjmccreary ,peterdj ,sturlington ,Simone2 , ,lsah ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,gerggerggerg
- Verklaringen
- gilroy : Read it. Hated it. Let the dang thing die.aulsmith : I see no reason for anyone to feel obligated to read this bookamanda4242: Read it, but not in a rush to read it again.sturlington : Could not finish.Simone2 : Loved itManWithAnAgenda : Read.ngoomie: I'm kinda scared to read it, but I've heard a lot about it so I'd like to one day try just so I can know what its deal is, if that makes sense.
door Charles Dickens
13,923 leden
250 besprekingen
Score 122.26
Toegevoegd 2012-02-10, 10:27 AM
- 62 Members
- wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, evilmoose, eromsted, jain, foggidawn, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, AnnaClaire, europhile, pmdean, Smiler69, m_island, stellarexplorer, peterdj, martina_hrubes, cathyta, japaul22, brenzi, ncgraham, BekkaJo, susiesharp, bacbaby, briarhills, Cindy1954, Simone2, CVido, bw94612, Bici47, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, Himalmitra, JalenV, gypsysmom, ahef1963, raperper, Marleen_Cloutier, NinieB, linlef, Peace2, FlorianKarpfinger, Laura1124, linnzsue, dljones442, joannawolotira, mmseiple, lsah, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, mcountr, CharlesTheB, pozzoandlucky, TaraJohnson, MyFathersDragon, CarolynBurke7, MaureenONeill, ,cpg ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- JalenV: Can't recall if I listened to a library copy or read my sister's copy. It was certainly bleak. Avoid lawsuits!ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: I was reading lots of Dickens back then.
door Thomas Hardy
11,622 leden
200 besprekingen
Score 120.6
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:15 AM
- 61 Members
- Only2rs, wordswordswords, SqueakyChu, tiddleyboom, eromsted, cpg, mybookshelf, foggidawn, pamelad, jamesabg, lahochstetler, smcwl, almigwin, lwbooklover, spounds, sarahemmm, AnnaClaire, jefbra, Smiler69, stellarexplorer, redsox0407, PatsyMurray, cathyta, ncgraham, perennialreader, Kodibear, ridgididge, cc9, Cindy1954, Simone2, bw94612, Bici47, Kristelh, Dehinde, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, Himalmitra, gypsysmom, al.vick, jaysbooks, matthewmason, FancyHorse, pewterbreath, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, Arrashid7, Laura1124, hudzilla55, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, joannawolotira, mmseiple, lsah, Zaeynab, Rusty37, CharlesTheB, MccMichaelR, TaraJohnson, MaureenONeill, ,SilentInAWay ,prosfilaes ,aulsmith ,sturlington ,CVido ,Peace2 ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,gerggerggerg
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : No more Hardy!ManWithAnAgenda : Read. Loved.
- 62 Members
- lorax, bookwoman84, gennyt, anglemark, kerry1897, eromsted, longway, jamesabg, smcwl, almigwin, varielle, .Monkey., otterlake, sjmccreary, amanda4242, PatsyMurray, SylviaC, jerry-book, Myrrha, cathyta, souloftherose, cc9, Cindy1954, Dilara86, bw94612, Bici47, Kristelh, Dunord, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, TrulyAragorn, Himalmitra, cej1027, mattries37315, elia1168, SkuldOMG, AmourFou, pewterbreath, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, hudzilla55, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, joannawolotira, mmseiple, Rusty37, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, rjbd, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, Yzma, MyFathersDragon, ngoomie,Edward ,ABVR ,SilentInAWay ,prosfilaes ,aulsmith ,peterdj ,sturlington ,CVido ,aekd ,lsah
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Got through Carthage and gave up in disgust.sturlington : Read in college.aekd: Unlikely to read, but who knows?MyFathersDragon: Mythology - I always read that. Then we read it in a 12th grade class, too.
door John Steinbeck
39,975 leden
673 besprekingen
Score 118.55
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:13 PM
- 69 Members
- Aquila, Only2rs, waitingtoderail, gennyt, wordswordswords, dara85, mybookshelf, longway, pamelad, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, varielle, pmdean, ScarySquirrel, m_island, nephron44, icre8dstny, karamazow, sjmccreary, amanda4242, deldevries, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, ncgraham, BekkaJo, souloftherose, CVido, nlgeorge, rretzler, tjsween, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, ahef1963, bcrowl399, linlef, Peace2, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Eirinfrey, Arrashid7, banana4thelord, hudzilla55, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, nedhyu, JohnMB, Ares14, courtneyp93, lsah, Saxon451, JMK2020, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, readerdad, steller0707, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, KrystalSheppard, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton, Mama_Smurf, ngoomie,Edward ,eromsted ,aulsmith ,Simone2 ,electrice ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: I despised this book.Simone2 : In high school I hated it, but after reading it again recently I love it!electrice : readJalenV: Read in high school. It was sad.ahef1963: Loved it. Cried twice while reading it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: It was one of the classics to choose from to read in a high school class. I read lots of the choices, so I had options to choose from when it was time to write a book report.
door Oscar Wilde
40,544 leden
639 besprekingen
Score 114.54
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:15 PM
- 73 Members
- benfulton, hipdeep, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, eromsted, kageeh, jain, mybookshelf, longway, pamelad, jamesabg, booksinbed, lwbooklover, varielle, AnnaClaire, ScarySquirrel, otterlake, m_island, icre8dstny, amanda4242, redsox0407, peterdj, jerry-book, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, fundevogel, ukh, jyssco, bacbaby, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, eclecticdodo, electrice, tjsween, TrulyAragorn, cej1027, fuzzi, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, ahef1963, SkuldOMG, pincus2, flying_monkeys, linlef, LesleyAshton, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, kristilabrie, linnzsue, nedhyu, Saxon451, misfortune317, kierstens, JohnMB69, RachelKirk, CTyner, Sisif, mcountr,, Stephan_Rogers, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, gerggerggerg, MaureenONeill, ArayaK, zombiecat,Edward , ,waitingtoderail ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,jefbra , ,sjmccreary ,Simone2 ,Aprill ,JohnMB ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda ,emily-judith
- Verklaringen
- jain: Need to read the uncensored version.amanda4242: Brilliant book.Aprill: I found it difficult and not to my taste. Didn't finish.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door H. G. Wells
18,049 leden
343 besprekingen
½ 3.7
Score 112.86
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:12 PM
- 65 Members
- Aquila, hipdeep, tiddleyboom, evilmoose, eromsted, Rtrace, mybookshelf, longway, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, lwbooklover, .Monkey., Zylphan, jefbra, Smiler69, chgstrom, amanda4242, sturlington, cathyta, BekkaJo, jyssco, Cindy1954, CVido, Dilara86, bw94612, Bici47, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, electrice, tjsween, JalenV, gypsysmom, al.vick, ahef1963, elia1168, FancyHorse, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, hudzilla55, mattmcmahon, ramsesiii, linnzsue, JohnMB, joannawolotira, mmseiple, Saxon451, TwinDaddy, hrd666dri, thamara.abrao, Aggelos, steller0707, Stephan_Rogers, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, MyFathersDragon, valeriepatton, Mama_Smurf, ngoomie,Edward ,cpg ,aulsmith ,lsah ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB ,
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Tried and gave up.JalenV: I loved the 1960 movie with Rod Taylor when I was a kid so of course I read the book.ahef1963: So far the only book by Wells that I've liked.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: I discovered Jules Verne and H. G. Wells in 4th or 5th grade and read all of the ones I found in the public library.
- 54 Members
- Only2rs, kerry1897, Stav, dara85, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, almigwin, lwbooklover, Zylphan, bell7, amanda4242, deldevries, cathyta, brenzi, susiesharp, perennialreader, bacbaby, 2wonderY, CVido, Dilara86, BlueSkies305, Himalmitra, bwtsang, cej1027, fuzzi, al.vick, ahef1963, elia1168, EElsen, luvpumpkns, linlef, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, IsabelJacobson, Laura1124, SamTaylor, darlenebuckner, linnzsue, dljones442, MadaraR, courtneyp93, mmseiple, Zaeynab, linfootr, JohnMB69, RachelKirk, CTyner, RadioheadMel, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, Evan_Birkeland, valeriepatton, zombiecat,tiddleyboom ,_Zoe_ ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : Read in High School...still haunts me after all these years.amanda4242: Read it in high school but should read it again.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door Italo Calvino
12,771 leden
261 besprekingen
Score 110.39
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:14 AM
- 53 Members
- Only2rs, gennyt, anglemark, sthadani, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, eromsted, longway, craso, pamelad, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, smcwl, almigwin, varielle, .Monkey., Smiler69, stellarexplorer, martina_hrubes, jerry-book, cathyta, clamacchia, BekkaJo, auntSteelbreaker, perennialreader, souloftherose, 2wonderY, briarhills, mousse, cc9, Cindy1954, bw94612, Kristelh, Dunord, nlgeorge, Himalmitra, ahef1963, elia1168, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, metamedusa, linnzsue, joannawolotira, lsah, linfootr, ManWithAnAgenda, steller0707, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, ArayaK, ngoomie,Edward , ,prosfilaes ,peterdj ,CVido ,Bici47 ,
door Charlotte Brontƫ
60,387 leden
931 besprekingen
Score 109.42
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 05:16 AM
- 71 Members
- Edward, Aquila, wordswordswords, staffordcastle, tiddleyboom, eromsted, kageeh, dara85, pamelad, jamesabg, booksinbed, almigwin, varielle, antqueen, europhile, EmScape, Zylphan, jefbra, otterlake, m_island, sjmccreary, amanda4242, redsox0407, martina_hrubes, artturnerjr, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, perennialreader, ridgididge, Cindy1954, CVido, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, electrice, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, ahef1963, NinieB, LesleyAshton, Peace2, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, Arrashid7, Laura1124, SamTaylor, linnzsue, December7, dljones442, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, JMK2020, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, mcountr, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, KrystalSheppard, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton, jarcipreste, Mama_Smurf,lorax ,gilroy , ,ABVR ,_Zoe_ ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,auntSteelbreaker ,Simone2 ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB ,emily-judith
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom: I know the whole plot and resolution of Jane Eyre; I've just never read the book.JalenV: I have read this book so many times since I was a school girl. However, it wasn't until PBS first aired "I, Claudius" that I understood that "West Indies Messalina" insult.Aprill: Enjoyed it.ahef1963: A favourite.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: It was available when I was reading anything I could find. I reread it in high school.
door George Eliot
18,134 leden
333 besprekingen
Score 108.99
Toegevoegd 2012-05-16, 09:39 AM
- 61 Members
- hipdeep, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, eromsted, mybookshelf, foggidawn, pamelad, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, SimoneA, smcwl, almigwin, AnnaClaire, otterlake, sjmccreary, amanda4242, peterdj, martina_hrubes, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, perennialreader, Kodibear, cc9, Cindy1954, Dilara86, bw94612, Bici47, vwinsloe, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, electrice, fuzzi, gypsysmom, al.vick, ahef1963, Marleen_Cloutier, AmourFou, FancyHorse, Elizabeth088, pewterbreath, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, Arrashid7, Laura1124, christianromney, linnzsue, dianeham, lsah, Rusty37, MargaretD1, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, steller0707, TaraJohnson, CarolynBurke7, MaureenONeill,cpg ,nephron44 ,sturlington ,Simone2 ,CVido ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : Never finished it :-(ManWithAnAgenda : Read. Loved.
door Nathaniel Hawthorne
37,412 leden
375 besprekingen
½ 3.4
Score 108.64
Toegevoegd 2012-02-12, 09:57 PM
- 64 Members
- Aquila, wordswordswords, kageeh, cpg, pamelad, SimoneA, almigwin, varielle, europhile, Zylphan, jefbra, chgstrom, otterlake, sjmccreary, amanda4242, peterdj, martina_hrubes, cathyta, brenzi, ncgraham, BekkaJo, Simone2, CVido, bw94612, Dunord, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, electrice, tjsween, JalenV, gypsysmom, jaysbooks, ahef1963, raperper, AmourFou, rosemitchell, NinieB, jnmlkr901, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, SamTaylor, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, courtneyp93, mmseiple, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, misfortune317, kierstens, JohnMB69, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, mcountr, steller0707, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, MMC22378, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, zombiecat,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,.Monkey. ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,sturlington ,aekd ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- .Monkey. : Read it. Hated it.sturlington : Read in collegeJalenV: I have, and have read, my copy. I was already familiar with the plot thanks to The Classics Reclassified by Richard Armour.aekd: Not likely to read.ahef1963: Loved it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read. Nearly everything else he wrote is better.MyFathersDragon: It was one of the classics to choose from to read in a high school class. I read lots of the choices, so I had options to choose from when it was time to write a book report.
door Alexandre Dumas
21,822 leden
253 besprekingen
Score 108.61
Toegevoegd 2012-08-04, 11:43 AM
- 58 Members
- Aquila, Rtrace, cpg, SilentInAWay, SimoneA, KimarieBee, varielle, .Monkey., europhile, pmdean, jefbra, Smiler69, m_island, amanda4242, cathyta, BekkaJo, perennialreader, CVido, Kristelh, eclecticdodo, rretzler, BlueSkies305, electrice, gypsysmom, jaysbooks, elia1168, FancyHorse, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, banana4thelord, Sarahlinbook, hudzilla55, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, nedhyu, JohnMB, loogawa, mmseiple, Zaeynab, Rusty37, JohnMB69, MargaretD1, TwinDaddy, CyndiCiavarella, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, FireflyLover, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, ArayaK, valeriepatton, ngoomie,aulsmith ,sjmccreary ,peterdj
door John Steinbeck
23,951 leden
430 besprekingen
½ 4.4
Score 107.65
Toegevoegd 2012-02-10, 09:58 AM
- 58 Members
- AntiLeah, Only2rs, tiddleyboom, evilmoose, longway, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, .Monkey., pmdean, Cecrow, m_island, icre8dstny, karamazow, amanda4242, WSB7, deldevries, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, ukh, CVido, Bici47, nlgeorge, rretzler, BlueSkies305, electrice, John_Vaughan, Himalmitra, Shutzie27, bibliobuzz, Marleen_Cloutier, matthewmason, AmourFou, bcrowl399, NinieB, pewterbreath, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, metamedusa, Laura1124, hudzilla55, ramsesiii, linnzsue, JohnMB, courtneyp93, mmseiple, lsah, Rusty37, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, readerdad, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, MyFathersDragon,eromsted ,aulsmith , ,auntSteelbreaker ,Simone2
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Hated it.Simone2 : One of my best last yearMyFathersDragon: It was one of the classics to choose from to read in a high school class. I read lots of the choices, so I had options to choose from when it was time to write a book report.
door Giovanni Boccaccio
10,211 leden
123 besprekingen
Score 107.02
Toegevoegd 2012-01-12, 11:21 AM
- 53 Members
- hailelib, Only2rs, gennyt, kerry1897, eromsted, mlfhlibrarian, longway, jamesabg, smcwl, almigwin, .Monkey., europhile, Smiler69, amanda4242, peterdj, cathyta, japaul22, clamacchia, ncgraham, TBergen, briarhills, mousse, cc9, Cindy1954, Beorn_se_Bacaire, Dilara86, bw94612, Kristelh, Dunord, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, TrulyAragorn, Himalmitra, mattries37315, elia1168, luvpumpkns, LesleyAshton, FlorianKarpfinger, Arrashid7, linnzsue, nedhyu, joannawolotira, mmseiple, lsah, aquariumministry, fredasteele, JohnMB69, Sisif, ManWithAnAgenda, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon,Edward ,SilentInAWay ,sjmccreary ,CVido ,Bici47
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: A slow starter and can drag a bit in places, but a great read.MyFathersDragon: I read this as an adult because it was a classic. I read some excerpts in high school.
35,138 leden
439 besprekingen
Score 105.66
Toegevoegd 2012-08-05, 12:13 PM
- 63 Members
- waitingtoderail, hipdeep, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, mybookshelf, longway, jamesabg, SimoneA, BookWallah, .Monkey., pmdean, Zylphan, jefbra, chgstrom, m_island, icre8dstny, sjmccreary, amanda4242, deldevries, sturlington, cathyta, BekkaJo, ridgididge, briarhills, CVido, Dunord, Dehinde, BlueSkies305, tjsween, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, al.vick, ahef1963, mattries37315, elia1168, FancyHorse, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, Laura1124, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, mmseiple, Rusty37, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, CharlesTheB, Stephan_Rogers, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, FireflyLover, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, valeriepatton, ngoomie,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,electrice ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- electrice : read in 2013JalenV: Of course! I have it in hardcover, too. (I probably read it because of movie versions.)ahef1963: I really love R.L. Stevenson. Great book.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: I knew it was considered a classic, so I thought I would read it.
door Jonathan Swift
1,140 leden
11 besprekingen
½ 3.5
Score 102.82
Toegevoegd 2012-08-04, 11:41 AM
- 65 Members
- wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, Rtrace, foggidawn, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, varielle, pmdean, ScarySquirrel, jefbra, chgstrom, otterlake, m_island, amanda4242, deldevries, cathyta, BekkaJo, ridgididge, nik61, CVido, Beorn_se_Bacaire, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, electrice, fuzzi, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, jaysbooks, ahef1963, mattries37315, NinieB, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, Laura1124, daisy_jane, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, Ares14, seanogui, Saxon451, Rusty37, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, Sisif, mcountr, CharlesTheB, CyndiCiavarella, Stephan_Rogers, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton, ngoomie,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,sjmccreary ,peterdj ,sturlington ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Worth reading.sturlington : Not required reading anymore.JalenV: Bought an annotated copy. The annotations were interesting.ahef1963: Read in university. Hated it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door Jane Austen
39,066 leden
527 besprekingen
Score 101.8
Toegevoegd 2012-01-26, 05:34 PM
- 63 Members
- Aquila, benfulton, wordswordswords, kerry1897, pamelad, lahochstetler, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, smcwl, almigwin, varielle, .Monkey., antqueen, pmdean, jefbra, otterlake, sjmccreary, amanda4242, WSB7, redsox0407, artturnerjr, SylviaC, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, perennialreader, nik61, canantopaloglu, Cindy1954, Bici47, Dunord, eclecticdodo, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, ahef1963, StefanieGeeks, NinieB, EElsen, linlef, LesleyAshton, FlorianKarpfinger, Laura1124, daisy_jane, nicolaskowsk, linnzsue, December7, nedhyu, JohnMB, mmseiple, kierstens, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, TaraJohnson, KrystalSheppard, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton,gilroy , ,eromsted ,cpg ,aulsmith , ,peterdj ,auntSteelbreaker ,Simone2 ,CVido ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Liked it.auntSteelbreaker : I think Austen is boring.JalenV: Don't love it as much as Pride and Prejudice, but I've read it a few times.ahef1963: I love Austen. This may be my favourite of her works.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door George Orwell
61,489 leden
891 besprekingen
Score 96.47
Toegevoegd 2012-02-14, 08:36 AM
- 63 Members
- Aquila, bookwoman84, wordswordswords, kageeh, Rtrace, varielle, antqueen, pmdean, jefbra, m_island, karamazow, amanda4242, deldevries, sturlington, cathyta, fundevogel, ukh, jyssco, HGideon, canantopaloglu, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, JqnOC, electrice, John_Vaughan, cej1027, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, al.vick, jaysbooks, ahef1963, LesleyAshton, mspixieears, jnmlkr901, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, SamTaylor, daisy_jane, linnzsue, JohnMB, Saxon451, aquariumministry, JMK2020, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, hrd666dri, Sisif, mcountr, readerdad, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707,, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, Flothat, zombiecat, jarcipreste, ngoomie,Edward ,lorax , ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,prosfilaes ,aulsmith ,sjmccreary ,peterdj ,Simone2 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- JalenV: I know I've read it. I'm pretty sure I did so for school. The ending stayed with me.ahef1963: Didn't really care for it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door Louisa May Alcott
27,199 leden
411 besprekingen
Score 96.14
Toegevoegd 2013-09-22, 01:06 PM
- 54 Members
- Aquila, wordswordswords, cpg, jamesabg, booksinbed, almigwin, varielle, jefbra, otterlake, m_island, martina_hrubes, deldevries, sturlington, BekkaJo, perennialreader, citybird, CVido, Dehinde, nlgeorge, fuzzi, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, ahef1963, NinieB, LesleyAshton, Peace2, james.proffitt, mspixieears, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, December7, JohnMB, MadaraR, TwinDaddy, mcountr, kihohamu, TeriAndersonNeedham, ManWithAnAgenda, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, FireflyLover, KrystalSheppard, MMC22378, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, ArayaK, valeriepatton, ngoomie,aulsmith ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
door Daphne Du Maurier
21,249 leden
622 besprekingen
Score 94.84
Toegevoegd 2012-02-10, 04:41 PM
- 61 Members
- Aquila, hipdeep, kageeh, dara85, cpg, jain, mybookshelf, longway, craso, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, lwbooklover, varielle, .Monkey., antqueen, europhile, jefbra, otterlake, m_island, olgakm, amanda4242, redsox0407, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, auntSteelbreaker, perennialreader, citybird, CVido, bw94612, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, bwtsang, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, al.vick, jaysbooks, ahef1963, NinieB, linlef, LesleyAshton, Peace2, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, Arrashid7, Laura1124, linnzsue, December7, fredasteele, Rusty37, RachelKirk, Sisif, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, MMC22378, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, ,tiddleyboom ,henkl ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,sjmccreary ,Simone2 ,Himalmitra ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : Read it - LOVEaulsmith : Not a classicamanda4242: Excellent read.JalenV: I read it decades ago. I'm old enough (69) that I remember when new romantic suspense paperbacks claimed the book was like REBECCA. Loved the spoof on the Carol Burnett Show.Aprill: Read it.
door Jane Austen
29,405 leden
535 besprekingen
Score 91.8
Toegevoegd 2012-02-08, 06:49 PM
- 58 Members
- Aquila, benfulton, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, smcwl, varielle, .Monkey., antqueen, jefbra, otterlake, sjmccreary, WSB7, redsox0407, SylviaC, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, perennialreader, nik61, Cindy1954, CVido, Bici47, Kristelh, Dehinde, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, ahef1963, NinieB, linlef, LesleyAshton, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, Laura1124, linnzsue, December7, nedhyu, seanogui, mmseiple, kierstens, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, steller0707, TaraJohnson, MyFathersDragon, CarolynBurke7, MaureenONeill, jarcipreste, ,eromsted ,cpg ,aulsmith , ,Simone2 ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
door Herodotus
10,325 leden
85 besprekingen
Score 90.03
Toegevoegd 2012-05-16, 09:42 AM
- 49 Members
- Edward, gennyt, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, smcwl, almigwin, .Monkey., europhile, Smiler69, otterlake, sjmccreary, peterdj, jerry-book, Myrrha, cathyta, ukh, CVido, Dilara86, bw94612, Kristelh, rretzler, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, Himalmitra, al.vick, raperper, elia1168, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, metamedusa, ramsesiii, nedhyu, dljones442, joannawolotira, mmseiple, Saxon451, aquariumministry, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, rjbd, ManWithAnAgenda, MyFathersDragon, ngoomie,Bici47 ,aekd ,lsah
- Verklaringen
- aekd: Who am I kidding? I won't read this.
door John Milton
14,310 leden
115 besprekingen
Score 89.85
Toegevoegd 2012-10-30, 12:33 PM
- 55 Members
- gennyt, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, evilmoose, cpg, foggidawn, jamesabg, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, europhile, pmdean, ScarySquirrel, sjmccreary, amanda4242, redsox0407, peterdj, deldevries, jerry-book, Myrrha, cathyta, briarhills, nik61, cc9, CVido, Kristelh, BlueSkies305, electrice, TrulyAragorn, bwtsang, Shutzie27, ahef1963, FancyHorse, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, linnzsue, JohnMB, Ares14, seanogui, joannawolotira, mmseiple, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, GrimFiend1977, Stephan_Rogers, TaraJohnson, gerggerggerg, MyFathersDragon, valeriepatton,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,sturlington ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : I tried, but after Satan leaves Heaven things get very boring.sturlington : Read partly in college. Not worth it.FancyHorse: I read it in high school but have forgotten most of it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: We read excerpts in an English class. I knew it was a classic, so I thought I should keep reading.
17,508 leden
323 besprekingen
½ 3.7
Score 88.45
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:14 PM
- 61 Members
- wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, Rtrace, foggidawn, jamesabg, SimoneA, AnnaClaire, pmdean, ScarySquirrel, Zylphan, jefbra, chgstrom, m_island, icre8dstny, amanda4242, WSB7, redsox0407, sturlington, cathyta, BekkaJo, auntSteelbreaker, CVido, bw94612, Kristelh, Dehinde, eclecticdodo, JqnOC, JalenV, gypsysmom, al.vick, ahef1963, elia1168, NinieB, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, Laura1124, SamTaylor, hudzilla55, linnzsue, nedhyu, dljones442, JohnMB, MadaraR, courtneyp93, mmseiple, JohnMB69, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, mcountr, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, MyFathersDragon, ArayaK, valeriepatton, jarcipreste, ngoomie, ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,sjmccreary ,Simone2 ,electrice ,Peace2 ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Read in college.electrice : read in 2013JalenV: It's been decades, but watching the Overly Sarcastic Productions video about it on YouTube reminded me of details I'd forgotten, not to mention making me chuckle.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: I received it as a gift when I was about 12, so of course I read it. I reread it several years later, too.
door Ernest Hemingway
31,433 leden
506 besprekingen
Score 88.22
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:13 PM
- 57 Members
- wordswordswords, eromsted, kageeh, Rtrace, mybookshelf, SimoneA, BookWallah, almigwin, varielle, aulsmith, pmdean, jefbra, icre8dstny, amanda4242, deldevries, sturlington, cathyta, brenzi, clamacchia, BekkaJo, ukh, Cindy1954, CVido, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, ahef1963, elia1168, AmourFou, NinieB, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, Laura1124, SamTaylor, linnzsue, nedhyu, Mellerup, mmseiple, blancosa, Saxon451, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, JMK2020, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, steller0707, Stephan_Rogers, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, FireflyLover, gunarss, MaureenONeill, Flothat, jarcipreste,tiddleyboom ,SilentInAWay ,sjmccreary ,peterdj ,auntSteelbreaker ,Simone2 ,lsah
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : Can't take Hemingway. Just not my thing.aulsmith: No more Hemingway, ever.amanda4242: Hated it.JalenV: Had to read for school decades ago. It did not stay with me.Aprill: I like Hemingway's books and would like to read this one again.ahef1963: Dull.
door Betty Smith
16,877 leden
447 besprekingen
½ 4.3
Score 86.04
Toegevoegd 2012-02-08, 06:48 PM
- 49 Members
- wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, dara85, jain, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, smcwl, almigwin, lwbooklover, jefbra, sjmccreary, redsox0407, cathyta, brenzi, ncgraham, perennialreader, bacbaby, citybird, cc9, CVido, vwinsloe, BlueSkies305, Himalmitra, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, ahef1963, FancyHorse, bcrowl399, EElsen, linlef, ryaSilvia, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, metamedusa, Laura1124, darlenebuckner, linnzsue, December7, dljones442, joannawolotira, mmseiple, Rusty37, ManWithAnAgenda, steller0707, MMC22378, ArayaK, Mama_Smurf,eromsted ,kageeh ,.Monkey. ,JohnMB69 ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
door Sir Walter Scott
13,334 leden
121 besprekingen
½ 3.7
Score 84.59
Toegevoegd 2012-10-25, 05:29 PM
- 53 Members
- kerry1897, evilmoose, mybookshelf, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, varielle, .Monkey., pmdean, ScarySquirrel, m_island, icre8dstny, sjmccreary, amanda4242, morryb, cathyta, perennialreader, cc9, bw94612, Dehinde, BlueSkies305, electrice, tjsween, TrulyAragorn, raperper, elia1168, FancyHorse, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, metamedusa, Laura1124, daisy_jane, mattmcmahon, linnzsue, JohnMB, mmseiple, Saxon451, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, JMK2020, Rusty37, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, ManWithAnAgenda, steller0707, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, FireflyLover, MyFathersDragon, Mama_Smurf,aulsmith ,CVido , ,aekd ,lsah ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- aekd: no interest
door Mikhail Bulgakov
20,910 leden
467 besprekingen
Score 83.37
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:18 AM
- 48 Members
- hipdeep, anglemark, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, Scorbet, longway, KimarieBee, almigwin, prosfilaes, .Monkey., stellarexplorer, icre8dstny, amanda4242, peterdj, SylviaC, cathyta, japaul22, clamacchia, BekkaJo, ukh, souloftherose, TBergen, Cindy1954, Simone2, CVido, Dilara86, bw94612, Dunord, nlgeorge, elia1168, matthewmason, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, metamedusa, ramsesiii, linnzsue, nedhyu, dljones442, joannawolotira, mmseiple, lsah, merriqat, JohnMB69, Sisif, steller0707, gunarss, ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith , , , ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : See no reason to read.ManWithAnAgenda : Read. Loved.
door Kurt Vonnegut
44,868 leden
712 besprekingen
Score 81
Toegevoegd 2012-03-07, 02:30 PM
- 53 Members
- waitingtoderail, gennyt, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, Rtrace, foggidawn, almigwin, varielle, Zylphan, jefbra, amanda4242, redsox0407, martina_hrubes, sturlington, cathyta, BekkaJo, perennialreader, nik61, CVido, eclecticdodo, electrice, TrulyAragorn, bwtsang, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, jaysbooks, ahef1963, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, metamedusa, Laura1124, daisy_jane, darlenebuckner, hudzilla55, linnzsue, JohnMB, Ares14, courtneyp93, Saxon451, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, electricgoddess1993, readerdad, steller0707, CharlesTheB, KrystalSheppard, zombiecat, jarcipreste, ngoomie,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,Simone2 , ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Devoured this in one sitting.JalenV: I think I read it after I saw the movie at a local science fiction collection. I felt sorry for his wife and the poor man killed at Dresden.Aprill: I would read this one again.ahef1963: Read in university. Loved it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door Thomas Malory
7,239 leden
53 besprekingen
Score 80.46
Toegevoegd 2012-01-12, 11:20 AM
- 44 Members
- hailelib, kerry1897, eromsted, Rtrace, longway, paradoxosalpha, ghilbrae, jamesabg, smcwl, prosfilaes, varielle, .Monkey., thorold, AnnaClaire, europhile, aulsmith, sjmccreary, cathyta, suitable1, souloftherose, Cindy1954, Dilara86, bw94612, Kristelh, rretzler, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, JalenV, al.vick, FancyHorse, flying_monkeys, linlef, james.proffitt, mspixieears, Arrashid7, JohnMB, dianeham, joannawolotira, mmseiple, lsah, fredasteele, JohnMB69, MargaretD1, CharlesTheB,lorax ,anglemark ,SilentInAWay , ,sturlington ,CVido ,Bici47 , ,aekd
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith: I've read a lot of this, but I mean to sit down and read it all the way through someday.sturlington : Read at least in part in high schoolJalenV: Had a summer job once where, after I wrote my weekly report, there was nothing to do. I decided that would be improve my mind day and read then. It did give me a glimpse of how cultures differ when a well-born youth pretending to be a kitchen boy didn't hold it against a well-born young lady for the way she mistreated him when she didn't know who he was.aekd: no interest
door Ray Bradbury
55,190 leden
1,017 besprekingen
Score 79.14
Toegevoegd 2012-02-12, 04:59 PM
- 53 Members
- wordswordswords, eromsted, Stav, Rtrace, longway, jamesabg, booksinbed, almigwin, varielle, ScarySquirrel, Zylphan, jefbra, m_island, karamazow, amanda4242, redsox0407, deldevries, sturlington, cathyta, perennialreader, HGideon, nik61, Cindy1954, Dehinde, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, ahef1963, Peace2, james.proffitt, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, Laura1124, daisy_jane, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, lsah, Saxon451, aquariumministry, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, readerdad, steller0707, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, KrystalSheppard, valeriepatton, zombiecat, ngoomie,Edward ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,Simone2 ,electrice ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- sturlington: Great book.electrice : readJalenV: I think I've read this.ahef1963: Boring.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door Wilkie Collins
10,989 leden
251 besprekingen
Score 77.67
Toegevoegd 2012-08-04, 11:37 AM
- 49 Members
- tiddleyboom, kerry1897, cpg, jain, longway, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, smcwl, .Monkey., europhile, jefbra, Smiler69, otterlake, sjmccreary, WSB7, jerry-book, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, barbharper, bacbaby, nik61, Dilara86, bw94612, Bici47, BlueSkies305, tjsween, Himalmitra, JalenV, gypsysmom, jaysbooks, ahef1963, FancyHorse, NinieB, linlef, LesleyAshton, Peace2, james.proffitt, Arrashid7, Laura1124, linnzsue, dljones442, joannawolotira, mmseiple, lsah, Sisif, steller0707, ArayaK,sturlington ,fundevogel ,Simone2 ,CVido , ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : Tried to read--couldn't get into it.JalenV: I believe I read a Classics Illustrated version first. I don't like it as much as The Woman in White, but I liked it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
- 47 Members
- wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, evilmoose, eromsted, jain, mybookshelf, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, almigwin, lwbooklover, europhile, jefbra, Smiler69, otterlake, stellarexplorer, amanda4242, BALE, redsox0407, martina_hrubes, sturlington, cathyta, japaul22, brenzi, ncgraham, BekkaJo, Cindy1954, Bici47, Kristelh, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, gypsysmom, FancyHorse, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, Laura1124, ramsesiii, linnzsue, joannawolotira, mmseiple, lsah, TwinDaddy, CharlesTheB, Musicaldreamer, TaraJohnson, MaureenONeill,Simone2 ,CVido ,ahef1963 ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- jain: Read it in high school but need to reread as an adult.ahef1963 : Have tried to read it several times but was too bored.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door Albert Camus
36,257 leden
512 besprekingen
Score 77.01
Toegevoegd 2012-01-26, 05:47 PM
- 51 Members
- hailelib, gennyt, wordswordswords, kerry1897, jamesabg, almigwin, lwbooklover, varielle, .Monkey., Zylphan, amanda4242, artturnerjr, cathyta, BekkaJo, fundevogel, ridgididge, CVido, Kristelh, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, electrice, tjsween, ahef1963, bcrowl399, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, ryaSilvia, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, metamedusa, Laura1124, SamTaylor, christianromney, hudzilla55, linnzsue, TheUndergroundMan000, courtneyp93, Mellerup, mmseiple, blancosa, JMK2020, JohnMB69, Sisif, Jonas.Pieters, mcountr, steller0707, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, MyFathersDragon, ArayaK,Edward , ,eromsted ,SilentInAWay ,peterdj ,Simone2 ,mattries37315 ,Peace2 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- amanda4242: Read in college.ahef1963: One of my favourite books of all time.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: We read this in French class. It was interesting. Iāve considered reading it again.
door Henry Fielding
8,264 leden
94 besprekingen
Score 74.84
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:16 AM
- 45 Members
- gennyt, hipdeep, tiddleyboom, eromsted, mybookshelf, almigwin, lwbooklover, .Monkey., thorold, amanda4242, martina_hrubes, cathyta, ncgraham, BekkaJo, ridgididge, nik61, cc9, Cindy1954, Dilara86, Bici47, rretzler, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, Himalmitra, fuzzi, al.vick, jaysbooks, ahef1963, raperper, matthewmason, Elizabeth088, NinieB, EElsen, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, hudzilla55, linnzsue, joannawolotira, mmseiple, kierstens, TwinDaddy, mcountr, CharlesTheB,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith , ,CVido ,rplinke ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Life is to short to bother with this one.ManWithAnAgenda : Read. Honestly, if you have to read the 18th century....this is a good one.
- 44 Members
- gennyt, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, eromsted, longway, paradoxosalpha, ghilbrae, jamesabg, almigwin, .Monkey., europhile, Zylphan, stellarexplorer, andejons, jerry-book, Myrrha, cathyta, ncgraham, cc9, Cindy1954, Dilara86, bw94612, Bici47, Kristelh, Dunord, Dehinde, rretzler, BlueSkies305, JqnOC, TrulyAragorn, elia1168, linlef, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, ramsesiii, linnzsue, joannawolotira, blancosa, Zaeynab, aquariumministry, Sisif, rjbd, ngoomie,SilentInAWay ,peterdj ,sturlington ,CVido ,nlgeorge ,aekd ,lsah ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : Probably read in school. No interest.aekd: no interest
17,456 leden
192 besprekingen
Score 72.67
Toegevoegd 2012-10-25, 06:11 PM
- 48 Members
- gennyt, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, eromsted, mybookshelf, jefbra, Smiler69, sjmccreary, martina_hrubes, deldevries, cathyta, BekkaJo, fundevogel, souloftherose, Cindy1954, CVido, bw94612, Kristelh, rretzler, BlueSkies305, Shutzie27, al.vick, jaysbooks, bibliobuzz, elia1168, FancyHorse, rosemitchell, NinieB, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, banana4thelord, linnzsue, JohnMB, courtneyp93, mmseiple, Saxon451, JMK2020, Rusty37, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, readerdad, TaraJohnson, gunarss, MyFathersDragon, valeriepatton,waitingtoderail ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,sturlington ,lsah
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Life's too short to bother with this polemic.sturlington : You can understand the importance of this novel in history without actually having to read it.
door Emily Brontƫ
53,326 leden
711 besprekingen
Score 72.46
Toegevoegd 2012-01-17, 01:38 PM
- 59 Members
- Edward, Aquila, wordswordswords, _Zoe_, kageeh, Rtrace, booksinbed, almigwin, varielle, antqueen, AnnaClaire, europhile, Smiler69, otterlake, m_island, amanda4242, redsox0407, cathyta, brenzi, BekkaJo, perennialreader, Kodibear, nik61, CVido, Dunord, Dehinde, nlgeorge, JalenV, gypsysmom, Aprill, Shutzie27, jaysbooks, bibliobuzz, ahef1963, NinieB, LesleyAshton, Peace2, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, linnzsue, nedhyu, JohnMB, JMK2020, JessGalchutt, TwinDaddy, Sisif, mcountr, kihohamu, TeriAndersonNeedham, steller0707, TaraJohnson, Tyler_DDurden, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton, jarcipreste,gilroy ,tiddleyboom ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay , ,aulsmith ,EmScape ,jefbra ,karamazow ,peterdj ,sturlington ,susiesharp ,Simone2 ,TrulyAragorn ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : Read ages ago. Never again.sturlington : Kind of a slogJalenV: Another classic that I listened to a library audio edition. I didn't like ANY of the main characters. I don't think Heathcliffe is romantic at all. Ugh.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.
door H. G. Wells
18,875 leden
313 besprekingen
Score 72.16
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:15 PM
- 47 Members
- Aquila, gennyt, kerry1897, Rtrace, jamesabg, fbroussard, SimoneA, pmdean, Zylphan, jefbra, chgstrom, icre8dstny, sjmccreary, amanda4242, deldevries, sturlington, cathyta, BekkaJo, nik61, CVido, Dehinde, BlueSkies305, electrice, JalenV, gypsysmom, Shutzie27, al.vick, ahef1963, elia1168, FancyHorse, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, jnmlkr901, Arrashid7, daisy_jane, linnzsue, JohnMB, mmseiple, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, hrd666dri, mcountr, TaraJohnson, valeriepatton, ngoomie,tiddleyboom ,SilentInAWay ,.Monkey. ,lsah
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : I'm intrigued by other H.G.Wells's works, just not this one..Monkey. : Read it. It's alright.sturlington: Terrified me.JalenV: Not my favorite H. G. Wells book.ahef1963: Disliked it completely.
door Ralph Ellison
16,546 leden
213 besprekingen
Score 67.99
Toegevoegd 2012-02-19, 01:15 PM
- 44 Members
- bookwoman84, hipdeep, wordswordswords, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, almigwin, lwbooklover, pmdean, Cecrow, icre8dstny, cathyta, brenzi, Simone2, CVido, Dehinde, nlgeorge, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, bwtsang, Aprill, Shutzie27, elia1168, FancyHorse, NinieB, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, Laura1124, hudzilla55, linnzsue, mmseiple, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, Sisif, ManWithAnAgenda, steller0707, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, MyFathersDragon, ArayaK,eromsted ,aulsmith ,lsah
- Verklaringen
- MyFathersDragon: It was recommended as a classic, so I read it.
door Geoffrey Chaucer
22,492 leden
168 besprekingen
½ 3.7
Score 67.04
Toegevoegd 2012-08-05, 12:08 PM
- 51 Members
- Edward, Aquila, wordswordswords, kerry1897, booksinbed, SimoneA, almigwin, varielle, .Monkey., europhile, otterlake, sjmccreary, deldevries, cathyta, ukh, souloftherose, nik61, cc9, CVido, Kristelh, eclecticdodo, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, cej1027, fuzzi, al.vick, jaysbooks, ahef1963, mattries37315, bcrowl399, linlef, LesleyAshton, FlorianKarpfinger, IsabelJacobson, Arrashid7, Laura1124, hudzilla55, dljones442, JohnMB, Ares14, courtneyp93, mmseiple, Saxon451, JohnMB69, RachelKirk, Sisif, TaraJohnson, KrystalSheppard, MyFathersDragon, MaureenONeill, valeriepatton,tiddleyboom ,eromsted ,cpg ,SilentInAWay ,aulsmith ,karamazow ,sturlington ,aekd ,lsah ,ManWithAnAgenda
- Verklaringen
- tiddleyboom : Read in High School - loved it!aulsmith : Took a course on Chaucer in college and read all I'm going to.sturlington : Read partly in collegeaekd: Tried to read this in college, then switched majors out of English in horror.ahef1963: Read in university. Loved it.ManWithAnAgenda : Read.MyFathersDragon: We read excerpts in high school. I thought it was interesting so decided to keep reading.
door Henry James
11,027 leden
126 besprekingen
Score 66.03
Toegevoegd 2012-05-16, 09:40 AM
- 45 Members
- wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, eromsted, mybookshelf, foggidawn, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, almigwin, .Monkey., otterlake, sjmccreary, redsox0407, cathyta, ncgraham, souloftherose, Cindy1954, CVido, bw94612, Bici47, Kristelh, rretzler, BlueSkies305, electrice, al.vick, jaysbooks, Elizabeth088, NinieB, pewterbreath, linlef, LesleyAshton, FlorianKarpfinger, linnzsue, dljones442, courtneyp93, joannawolotira, mmseiple, lsah, Zaeynab, TwinDaddy, RachelKirk, Sisif, mcountr, steller0707, TaraJohnson, MaureenONeill,gennyt ,aulsmith ,peterdj ,sturlington ,JohnMB69 ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
- aulsmith : Didn't get past the first chapter.sturlington : Done with James!ManWithAnAgenda : Read. A favorite.
door Milan Kundera
22,794 leden
277 besprekingen
Score 65.82
Toegevoegd 2012-08-04, 11:39 AM
- 45 Members
- tiddleyboom, kerry1897, eromsted, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, smcwl, almigwin, varielle, Cecrow, m_island, sjmccreary, deldevries, jerry-book, cathyta, brenzi, perennialreader, Cindy1954, CVido, BlueSkies305, gypsysmom, elia1168, AmourFou, FancyHorse, linlef, LesleyAshton, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, mspixieears, metamedusa, Laura1124, rplinke, hudzilla55, ramsesiii, linnzsue, nedhyu, mmseiple, blancosa, lsah, fredasteele, RachelKirk, Sisif, CharlesTheB, TaraJohnson, MaureenONeill, jarcipreste,cpg ,nephron44 ,peterdj ,sturlington ,Simone2 ,JohnMB69
- Verklaringen
- sturlington : I didn't enjoy this.Simone2 : I thought this was really a beautiful novel, but read it a long time ago.
door Edmund Spenser
2,592 leden
24 besprekingen
Score 65.38
Toegevoegd 2012-01-12, 11:09 AM
- 43 Members
- gennyt, wordswordswords, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, eromsted, cpg, paradoxosalpha, jamesabg, smcwl, .Monkey., europhile, stellarexplorer, peterdj, Myrrha, cathyta, japaul22, susiesharp, souloftherose, nik61, cc9, Cindy1954, Bici47, Kristelh, rretzler, BlueSkies305, TrulyAragorn, Himalmitra, elia1168, FancyHorse, EElsen, linlef, james.proffitt, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, SamTaylor, JohnMB, courtneyp93, joannawolotira, mmseiple, fredasteele, JohnMB69, MargaretD1, TwinDaddy,SilentInAWay ,antqueen ,aulsmith ,sturlington ,CVido , ,aekd ,ManWithAnAgenda ,CharlesTheB
- Verklaringen
door Thomas Mann
5,796 leden
109 besprekingen
Score 65.18
Toegevoegd 2012-01-09, 10:10 AM
- 38 Members
- gennyt, staffordcastle, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, eromsted, Scorbet, longway, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, smcwl, almigwin, Smiler69, andejons, cathyta, japaul22, Cindy1954, Simone2, Dilara86, Kristelh, Dunord, nlgeorge, electrice, Marleen_Cloutier, elia1168, matthewmason, pewterbreath, linlef, james.proffitt, FlorianKarpfinger, rplinke, ramsesiii, linnzsue, nedhyu, MadaraR, joannawolotira, mmseiple, mcountr, CharlesTheB, ,aulsmith ,peterdj ,CVido ,JohnMB69
door Stephen Crane
11,456 leden
129 besprekingen
½ 3.4
Score 64.96
Toegevoegd 2013-09-12, 03:59 PM
- 42 Members
- gilroy, hipdeep, wordswordswords, kerry1897, jamesabg, almigwin, varielle, pmdean, Zylphan, jefbra, icre8dstny, redsox0407, cathyta, ridgididge, Kristelh, BlueSkies305, electrice, tjsween, TrulyAragorn, JalenV, Shutzie27, IslesOfMine, al.vick, jaysbooks, ahef1963, james.proffitt, ryaSilvia, Arrashid7, Laura1124, hudzilla55, linnzsue, dljones442, JohnMB, mmseiple, lsah, Saxon451, IllsleyFamilyLibrary, JohnMB69, TwinDaddy, mcountr, steller0707, MyFathersDragon,cpg ,aulsmith ,CVido
- Verklaringen
- JalenV: Had to read for class. I've read that the standard text is a victim of bad editing. If true, that explains a lot.ahef1963: Beautiful book.MyFathersDragon: About 3rd grade - it was in the school library.
door Shirley Jackson
8,450 leden
433 besprekingen
Score 64.38
Toegevoegd 2012-02-12, 05:07 PM
- 40 Members
- anglemark, tiddleyboom, kerry1897, eromsted, jamesabg, SilentInAWay, booksinbed, KimarieBee, smcwl, almigwin, amanda4242,