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Betty Smith (1) (1896–1972)

Auteur van A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

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11+ Werken 18,758 Leden 489 Besprekingen Favoriet van 35 leden

Over de Auteur

Betty Smith, December 15, 1896 - January 17, 1972 Betty Smith was born December 15, 1896, in Brooklyn, New York. She attended grammar school in Brooklyn, completing only the eighth grade. After leaving school at the age of fourteen, she worked in a factory, in retail and clerical jobs in New York toon meer City and eventually became a reader and editor for Dramatists Play Service, as well as an actress and playwright for the Federal Theater project and a radio actress. She attended the University of Michigan, from 1927 to 1930, as a special student. While attending the University of Michigan, some of her one-act plays were published, and she also worked as a feature writer for NEA (a newspaper syndicate) and wrote columns for the Detroit Free Press. She went on to Yale University Drama School, from 1930 to 1934. Smith became a member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, from 1945 till 1946. She was a member of the Authors League and the Dramatists Guild. Smith is perhaps best known for her work "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," which became an overnight success for the first time writer. She won the Avery and Jule Hopwood first prize of $1,000 in 1931; the Rockefeller fellowship in playwriting and Rockefeller Dramatists Guild playwriting fellowship while at Yale and the Sir Walter Raleigh award for fiction in 1958, for "Maggie--Now." Betty Smith died on January 17, 1972. (Bowker Author Biography) toon minder

Werken van Betty Smith

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1943) 16,770 exemplaren, 445 besprekingen
Glimlach in de morgen (1963) 1,048 exemplaren, 22 besprekingen
Maggie-Now (1958) 374 exemplaren, 4 besprekingen
Tomorrow Will Be Better (1971) 315 exemplaren, 11 besprekingen
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn | Maggie-Now (1943) 228 exemplaren, 7 besprekingen
25 Non-Royalty One-Act Plays for All-Girl Casts (1991) — Redacteur — 2 exemplaren

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Algemene kennis

Officiële naam
Smith, Betty Wehner
Wehner, Elisabeth Lillian (born)
Legion Street Cemetery, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Plaats van overlijden
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Yale School of Drama
Prijzen en onderscheidingen
Rockefeller Fellowship (1940)
Korte biografie
Betty Smith was born Elizabeth (or Elisabeth) Wehner in Brooklyn, New York, to parents who were German immigrants. She attended school until age 14, when she was obliged to go to work to help support the family. She worked at a succession of jobs, including making tissue flowers at a factory and at a press clipping bureau. In 1919, she married George Smith, a fellow German-American, and moved with him to Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he went to law school at the University of Michigan. The couple had two children and Betty waited until they were in school to complete her higher education. Although she had not finished high school, in 1927 she was permitted to enroll in classes, and studied journalism, literature, writing, and drama.
She attended the Yale University School of Drama from 1931 to 1934, and had two one-act plays produced in 1932. In 1938, she and her first husband divorced, and she moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She remarried to Joseph Jones, a newspaper columnist, in 1943, the same year in which she published A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, her highly autobiographical novel. It was a runaway bestseller. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was adapted into a famous 1945 film and several television versions, and has proven to be her most enduring work. She went on to become a well-known playwright, receiving many awards and fellowships. Her other novels include Tomorrow Will Be Better (1947), Maggie-Now (1958) and Joy in the Morning (1963).



A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Group Read (August 1, 2012) in 75 Books Challenge for 2012 (augustus 2012)


Nevada Book Club pick - didn't seem very relevant - newly weds struggle as husband finishes law school and wife dreams of being a writer (with no HS education)
MartyB2000 | 21 andere besprekingen | Jul 15, 2024 |
This is probably the guishyist book I have ever read that still left a sweet warm feeling. This is indeed an intimate look at life when my parents were first married (although in much different circumstances). Supposedly based on the life of the author, Betty Smith, this is a story of a young naive couple from Brooklyn who get married at 18 and 19 and head to the midwest where the man is a law student. Anne is so young, so naive, but so talented and learns to adapt quite well even beginning her writing career by sitting in on literature classes at the university where her husband attends. It is hard times for everyone, a week's wages might be $2, jobs are scare, women do not work, and men rule everything.

The couple argue, but it is with such sweetness and love their arguments seem almost silly. She becomes pregnant, he works many jobs, they get buy and he graduates and one of her stories are published. The ending certainly predicts a happy, successful life.

The tone of the book is so out of sync with today's world. There are many references that would be politically incorrect today, but it is a clear reflection without pretense of what life was like then.
… (meer)
maryreinert | 21 andere besprekingen | Jul 8, 2024 |
This book was sitting on my shelf for quite a while, I ended up donating it only to buy another copy from Books-A-Million. Finally, I picked it up and fell in love with it. I didn't know if I was ready for a family drama, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed at the exact moment I picked it up. Francie Nolan has soared up on the list of my favorite fictional characters of all time; to be honest, you might not like the book as much if you are a "realist". However, if you are a dreamer and see the world much differently than your peers, you will love it!

I particularly liked her relationship with her mother. Yes, it was a co-dependent relationship with a lack of affection, but this made the moments where affection was shown between them that much more powerful. Francie sees so much and understands so much, and you watch her grow and understand the world, to accept and make the most of the life she has, to find the light in the darkest circumstances. Yeah, I love this book and highly recommend it, especially if it has been sitting on your shelf collecting dust for the last five years.
… (meer)
tayswift1477 | 444 andere besprekingen | May 15, 2024 |
Among the most fervent and outspoken of coming-of-age novels in American literature that I've read, full to the brim with life sketches as pictorial as David Copperfield and with an epic scope as sweeping as East of Eden. Betty Smith invites us into a breathtaking depiction of New York with the same richness that Woody Allen's Manhattan did for the big screen, visualized from the perspective of an aspiring and headstrong Francie Nolan raised in the heart of poverty-stricken Brooklyn. This novel expresses a hope for American immigrants at the turn of the century that isn't to be found in Upton Sinclair's the Jungle, and although Francie's relatives are far from perfect, their love and care for each other is irrefutable and irrepressible. Francie is met with experiences and choices that are as various and unique as any uncommon family, and their stories are forever memorable as the small things that are best in a simple life.… (meer)
TheBooksofWrath | 444 andere besprekingen | Apr 18, 2024 |


1970s (1)
1940s (1)
AP Lit (1)


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