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A Life Embraced: A Hopeful Guide for the Pastor's Wife

door Gayle Haggard

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291839,074 (3.25)Geen
Discover the Joy of Your Unique Calling As the wife of a man involved in ministry, you sometimes may feel trapped by unrealistic expectations and overburdened by obligations. The constant demands on his time and yours-as well as the feeling that your life is always on display-can lead to discouragement and frustration. But ministry life isn't about enduring challenges, says author Gayle Haggard. It's about embracing joy. After more than twenty years of working alongside husband Ted Haggard, she believes that women supporting their husbands in ministry truly can be free, happy, and fulfilled as they recognize the value of their unique vocation. In this uplifting book, Gayle leads wives of pastors and other ministry leaders to find strength in their dependence upon the Holy Spirit and to pursue intimacy in their relationship with God. Her insights, drawn from personal experience, will inspire and equip you to view your day-to-day responsibilities from a fresh, positive perspective. As you allow God to shape your vision of how to walk alongside your husband as a partner in ministry, you will find true freedom and experience lasting joy in A Life Embraced.… (meer)
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While I'm not a pastor's wife, I was curious as to what Gayle Haggard had to say about being a pastors wife when she was one. Maybe I'm a bit jadged, but it seemed a bit overly simplistic. I know the ideas are spot on, but it seems as if it might be a bit more 'pat answers' than I would want if I was a pastor's wife. Even so, I did very much enjoy reading about some of her experiences as a pastor's wife as well as her family, and that's the reason I gave it four stars ( )
  jenndiggy | Mar 6, 2010 |
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Discover the Joy of Your Unique Calling As the wife of a man involved in ministry, you sometimes may feel trapped by unrealistic expectations and overburdened by obligations. The constant demands on his time and yours-as well as the feeling that your life is always on display-can lead to discouragement and frustration. But ministry life isn't about enduring challenges, says author Gayle Haggard. It's about embracing joy. After more than twenty years of working alongside husband Ted Haggard, she believes that women supporting their husbands in ministry truly can be free, happy, and fulfilled as they recognize the value of their unique vocation. In this uplifting book, Gayle leads wives of pastors and other ministry leaders to find strength in their dependence upon the Holy Spirit and to pursue intimacy in their relationship with God. Her insights, drawn from personal experience, will inspire and equip you to view your day-to-day responsibilities from a fresh, positive perspective. As you allow God to shape your vision of how to walk alongside your husband as a partner in ministry, you will find true freedom and experience lasting joy in A Life Embraced.

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