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Tasting Beer: An Insider's Guide to the…
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Tasting Beer: An Insider's Guide to the World's Greatest Drink (editie 2009)

door Randy Mosher (Auteur)

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397766,317 (4.02)1
This completely updated second edition of the best-selling beer resource features the most current information on beer styles, flavor profiles, sensory evaluation guidelines, craft beer trends, food and beer pairings, and draft beer systems. You'll learn to identify the scents, colors, flavors, mouth-feel, and vocabulary of the major beer styles -- including ales, lagers, weissbeirs, and Belgian beers -- and develop a more nuanced understanding of your favorite brews with in-depth sections on recent developments in the science of taste. Spirited drinkers will also enjoy the new section on beer cocktails that round out this comprehensive volume.… (meer)
Titel:Tasting Beer: An Insider's Guide to the World's Greatest Drink
Auteurs:Randy Mosher (Auteur)
Info:Storey Publishing, LLC (2009), Edition: Original, 256 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Tasting Beer: An Insider's Guide to the World's Greatest Drink door Randy Mosher

Storey (4)
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Fascinating book, very well designed and informative. In addition to guiding a would-be beer taster on the complexities of various tastes and aromas, it provides a nice survey of the history of beer throughout the world, as well as the mechanics and economics of brewing. Who knew there was so much to know about beer!? ( )
  jmd862000 | Mar 28, 2023 |
This book made me really thirsty. Seriously -- it took me over a month to read it, because I couldn't sit down with it without a glass of beer to keep me company. It's impossible to read the lush descriptions of malt and hops without sipping along on something with those flavors.

I learned a lot from this book. I now know why I hate IPAs and why I love nut brown ales. I want to make myself a Black Velvet (a cocktail that's half stout and half champagne). I want to try practically every style mentioned in the book at least once.

I was a beer fan already. I may have just turned into a full-on beer geek because of Mosher's writing.

One small complaint, though: in the section on fruity witbiers, Mosher says 'Chick beers' are what beer geeks call these." This implies that a) beer geeks are all male; b) women can't appreciate good beer; and c) male beer geeks are misogynists. Not cool, Mr. Mosher. Not cool at all. ( )
  SwitchKnitter | Dec 19, 2021 |
I actually do like this book quite a lot. It is well written, with lots of information. I do love the quotes he brings into the book, and this liven it up quite a lot.

While I am not a beer expert, I wonder if the USA is a beer heaven, as he claims. Possibly, yes. The march of tasteless beers due to steady commercialisation is inevitable.

Some of the technical aspects went over my head, and this is the only reason I give it four stars instead of five.

All in all, a really enjoyable book ( )
  RajivC | Aug 6, 2017 |
A great book, especially for beginners, as Mosher hits on all the important parts from the basics on up.

Later this month a new and expanded edition will come out, so you might want to wait for that. ( )
  cwebb | Apr 7, 2017 |
A good companion to the Beer Bible. ( )
  wvlibrarydude | Mar 14, 2016 |
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This completely updated second edition of the best-selling beer resource features the most current information on beer styles, flavor profiles, sensory evaluation guidelines, craft beer trends, food and beer pairings, and draft beer systems. You'll learn to identify the scents, colors, flavors, mouth-feel, and vocabulary of the major beer styles -- including ales, lagers, weissbeirs, and Belgian beers -- and develop a more nuanced understanding of your favorite brews with in-depth sections on recent developments in the science of taste. Spirited drinkers will also enjoy the new section on beer cocktails that round out this comprehensive volume.

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