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Woods' Hothouse Orchid; (Hothouse Orchid by…
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Woods' Hothouse Orchid; (Hothouse Orchid by Stuart Woods) (editie 2010)

door -Stuart Woods-

Reeksen: Holly Barker (5)

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7051533,760 (3.53)10
Special Agent Holly Barker returns to her hometown of Orchid Beach, Florida, and faces off against an old nemesis--the man she brought charges against for sexual harassment, attempted rape, and rape. The army officer in question was acquitted of all charges, and is now Orchid Beach's new police chief. Will Holly return to the CIA? Or will she challenge her old nemesis for control of the Orchid Beach Police Department?… (meer)
Titel:Woods' Hothouse Orchid; (Hothouse Orchid by Stuart Woods)
Auteurs:-Stuart Woods-

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Hothouse Orchid door Stuart Woods

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1-5 van 15 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I've enjoyed this series. I would have given them all 5 stars but Stone Barrington, who I passionately hate, started rubbing off on Holly. He's trashy and it was strongly turning into another series with a man who thinks like a dog. Holly lost her strength when she was thinking about him, and sex, most of the time. Her priorities in the books with Stone became drastically askew. ( )
  whybehave2002 | Jul 13, 2022 |
Holly questions the ones in charge of solving rapist murders but is not really very involved with her talents shown in previous books. Really thought the planes were going to play a part in the story. Missed that Daisy the dog and Ham were not involved. Missed that Teddy Fay did not do various disguises and was surprised he did not play a bigger part in the story though he could come back again hopefully. Missed the interactions that gave the other books their humor with her superiors except for the TV monitor scene. Sorry that officer Jimmy was not the nice officer that he was before. Glad to see a resolution to Army man Bruno for Holly and Lauren but not sure he deserved the ending of his life. ( )
  kshydog | Dec 13, 2020 |
A Holly Barker mystery that is well worth reading. Holly is a strong female protagonist, formerly of Orchid Beach and back for a forced vacation. Holly gets a MD boy toy and her buddy takes up with Teddy Fay...unknowingly. This is the last book in the series, so we will not know what happens to them. Typical Stuart Woods - murder and sex - light reading and fun. ( )
  buffalogr | Nov 25, 2020 |
Holly Barker returns to Orchid Beach on a forced vacation from her post as a CIA officer. While there she becomes involved in the investigation and hunt for a serial rapist. All her old friends are there along with a retired army colonel who had been her boss and who had tried to rape her. Since he was the new Chief of Police it makes for some awkward moments. That, combined with the appearance of another old enemy, provides some interesting twists to the plot. ( )
  WhitmelB | Mar 10, 2015 |
It helps to have friends in hidden places to cover your back. Teddy is a good friend even if she does not know it. She better be careful in her spending though. ( )
  bgknighton | Jan 23, 2015 |
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This book is for Suzanne Alley
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Holly Barker arrived at CIA headquarters, in Langley, Virginia, at her usual seven thirty a.m., parked the car in her reserved spot and took the elevator to her floor.
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Special Agent Holly Barker returns to her hometown of Orchid Beach, Florida, and faces off against an old nemesis--the man she brought charges against for sexual harassment, attempted rape, and rape. The army officer in question was acquitted of all charges, and is now Orchid Beach's new police chief. Will Holly return to the CIA? Or will she challenge her old nemesis for control of the Orchid Beach Police Department?

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Gemiddelde: (3.53)
1 2
1.5 1
2 7
2.5 4
3 24
3.5 6
4 41
4.5 4
5 8

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