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Hush, Hush door Becca Fitzpatrick
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Hush, Hush (editie 2010)

door Becca Fitzpatrick

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7,5484991,243 (3.68)157
High school sophomore Nora has always been very cautious in her relationships, but when Patch, who has a dark side she can sense, enrolls at her school, she is mysteriously and strongly drawn to him, despite warnings from her best friend, the school counselor, and her own instincts.
Titel:Hush, Hush
Auteurs:Becca Fitzpatrick
Info:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2010), Edition: Reissue, Paperback, 416 pages
Verzamelingen:YA Romance I Just Didn't Buy, Jouw bibliotheek, Gelezen, maar niet in bezit

Informatie over het werk

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1-5 van 497 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
slow start, some predictable twists, and a high school life written as if theyd never been in high school. over all well written and had some cool lore ( )
1 stem mawce | Mar 31, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |

Wow, I'm still speechless to how terrific this book was. One of the best I've ever read? YES.

This novel is filled to the brim with creativity, and a summary that will hold your attention even past the last page. I was really absorbed in Nora's story and her character felt so alive and real to me. Even by the first few sentences in the book, I was already hooked. And unlike some books that start out great, and eventually lose my interest, this one did the opposite. I was craving more of the story the closer I got to the end. And I actually read the last chapter extremely slow, just so I could savor it that much more.

The twist at the end was GREAT. I was definitely not expecting it. Throughout the book I kept making mental predictions of who could be the "bad guy" or villain, and I was way off the whole time, ha! But oh man, the suspense in this book was killer. With Nora being stalked by a stranger in a ski mask, out to deliberately murder her? Creepy! But addicting to know what would happen next.

Patch. The mysterious, sexy, bad-boy. He was one of the best male fictional characters - and I'd choose him over Edward any day! I loved how the author portrayed him, and kept him secretive. It made me long to know about his past, which he purposely tried to avoid talking about with Nora. Which brings me to my next point - their relationship. Wow the chemistry between them was so believable! Nora's a very smart girl with self-control, which I liked. She didn't throw herself at Patch, even though she wanted to, and tried logical thinking to stay away from him. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
So...I definitely enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I know this got mixed reviews, so I went in a little apprehensive.

I really enjoyed reading about Patch and Nora and their love story. I liked Nora as a character, but wish she was fleshed out a little more. I enjoyed the second part of the story very much when everything starts coming together - and being a motorcycle rider myself, thought it was very cool that Patch also rode. There were also many characters I wanted to know more about, and even though I had an inkling who the main villain was, I still enjoyed the reveal. And I enjoyed the intrigue with surrounding characters and how Patch and Nora's love story came to be - there was no love-at-first-sight thing going on, which I appreciated. I also found her best friend, Vee, to be a little annoying.

My only complaint? A very slow start...I feel like even with the front cover, it was quite obvious what Patch really was, and it took Nora over 200 pages to figure it out. Up until then, it kind of dragged, and the second half the of the book picked up and took on steam. I did feel like at least 50% of the first 200 pages could have been cut out/condensed without taking anything away from the story.

By the end, I was interested to know where the story would go, and I have Crescendo on my TBR list now =) ( )
  galian84 | Dec 29, 2023 |
So...I definitely enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I know this got mixed reviews, so I went in a little apprehensive.

I really enjoyed reading about Patch and Nora and their love story. I liked Nora as a character, but wish she was fleshed out a little more. I enjoyed the second part of the story very much when everything starts coming together - and being a motorcycle rider myself, thought it was very cool that Patch also rode. There were also many characters I wanted to know more about, and even though I had an inkling who the main villain was, I still enjoyed the reveal. And I enjoyed the intrigue with surrounding characters and how Patch and Nora's love story came to be - there was no love-at-first-sight thing going on, which I appreciated. I also found her best friend, Vee, to be a little annoying.

My only complaint? A very slow start...I feel like even with the front cover, it was quite obvious what Patch really was, and it took Nora over 200 pages to figure it out. Up until then, it kind of dragged, and the second half the of the book picked up and took on steam. I did feel like at least 50% of the first 200 pages could have been cut out/condensed without taking anything away from the story.

By the end, I was interested to know where the story would go, and I have Crescendo on my TBR list now =) ( )
  galian84 | Dec 29, 2023 |
1-5 van 497 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This book is ON FIRE! It's downright fantastic--from the book cover which is just tempting until the very last page. I finished this book in just one sitting. I actually read this book twice in one week. And I just love my best friend for lending me this book because I know I'll be missing half of my life if I hadn't read this.

Moving on, the concept of the story was very well defined. I simply adore how Becca made the story incredibly without trying too hard. The writing was just awesome and there were remarkable dialogues. The characters complement each other very well and they are easy to like.
...första delen av en rad böcker om Bella, förlåt, Nora som träffar en mörk, sexig, vältränad, mystisk och lite farlig kille på gymnasiet, Edward, förlåt, Patch.
toegevoegd door Jannes | bewerkDagens Nyheter, Steven Ekholm (Aug 30, 2010)
In a thrilling debut with an attention-grabbing cover, this game of revenge among fallen angels with Nora caught in the middle has too many coincidences to move the plot along and an uneven, rushed ending. Twilight readers will either squeal over the forbidden romance between Nora and Patch and the steamy scenes they generate or sigh over another helpless young woman torn between sexuality and fear and threatened and manipulated by males who play with her vulnerability.
toegevoegd door Shortride | bewerkKirkus Reviews, a
Although the concept of an archangel willing to become human for love is compelling, the mythology could have been better researched and often appears to be inserted in the story as an afterthought. Twilight comparisons are unavoidable and may prove to be either a delight or distraction. These include a first-person narrative told by a smart but innocent girl and an unsettling much-older biology lab partner who stalks and romances her as he reluctantly puts her in mortal danger. Even the setting of Nora Grey's foggy Coldwater, Maine, is interchangeable with Bella Swan's dreary Forks, Washington.
toegevoegd door Shortride | bewerkVOYA, Lynne Farrell Stover
Nora's tempestuous relationship with prototypical bad boy Patch is genuinely, even unsettlingly, seductive—fans of paranormal romance should be rapt.
toegevoegd door Shortride | bewerkPublishers Weekly, a

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (21 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Becca Fitzpatrickprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Greer, CaitlinVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Porto, JamesOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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...God spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell,
and delivered them into chains of darkness,
to be reserved unto judgment....

~2 Peter 2:4
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For Heather, Christian, and Michael. Our childhood was nothing if not imaginative. And to Justin. Thanks for not chosing the Japanese cooking class--love you.
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Chauncey was with the farmer's daughter on the grassy banks of the Loire River when the storm rolled in, and having let his gelding wander in the meadow, was left to his own two feet to carry him back to the chateau.
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"'You smell good too,' said Patch.
'It's called a shower.' I was staring straight ahead. When he didn't answer, I turned sideways. 'Soap. Shampoo. Hot water.'
'Naked. I know the drill.'" -pg. 63
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High school sophomore Nora has always been very cautious in her relationships, but when Patch, who has a dark side she can sense, enrolls at her school, she is mysteriously and strongly drawn to him, despite warnings from her best friend, the school counselor, and her own instincts.

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3 378
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