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"Read the first English translated memoirs by his widow, Yukiko Sugihara. Learn about the significant roles that Chiune played before, during, and after World War Two. Read about the historical forces and events that occurred during this chapter of our history and how Chiune's decisions made a difference. Learn more about this extraordinarily unique and humanitarian diplomat who made the decision to go against the orders of his Japanese government, putting his life and that of his family at risk, in order to save the lives of thousands of Jewish refugees by helping them escape capture by the Nazis. Discover how this heroic, charismatic, and talented man continually chose to make decisions in his life by listening to his higher-level consciousness and recognizing his love for his fellow man, rather than to allow himself to be swayed by other individuals and outside forces"--Publisher's description.… (meer)
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Chiune Sugihara saved thousands of Jewish refugees by issuing thousands of visas so they could get a Japanese transit across Russia.
*Our library also contains a CD witch contains Narration by Tom Osborne, poetry by Sugihara's wife and an original score performed by an international ensemble.
  HolocaustMuseum | Jun 14, 2013 |
Sugihara was a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania. While serving as a diplomat his life turned upside down due to WW II breaking out. Defing orders from the Japanese government he issued over 6,000 transit visas which allowed Jews to leave the country and flea to safety. Sugihara returned to Japan where he was dismissed from government service and disgraced for the rest of his life. It was only after his death that his heroics became known. The book is written by his wife, and this is a little known part of WWII history.

Also, watch the PBS documentary entitled Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness. ( )
  eo206 | Jun 4, 2007 |
"...Sugihara was the Japanese consul to Lithuania when the Nazis invaded Poland, driving waves of Jewish refugees east into Lithuania. Their only hope of escape was a Japanese transit, which would permit them to travel across Russia. In 1939, in violation of direct orders from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sugihara began visas to the Jewish refugees, thereby saving thousands of innocent lives. Israel would eventually honor Sugihara as Righteous Among the Nations. The CD, which was produced for WYLN by Laughing Buddha Music, tells Sugihara's dramatic story through narration, poetry, music and photographs. Based on a live multimedia performance in Carnegie Hall in 2007..."
  HolocaustMuseum | Jun 14, 2013 |
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Sugihara, Yukikoprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Holocaust Oral History Project,primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Sugihara, HirokiIllustratorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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There is a 2005, Yomiuri TV (Osaka) two-hour-long drama entitled Visas for Life about Sugihara, based on the book.
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"Read the first English translated memoirs by his widow, Yukiko Sugihara. Learn about the significant roles that Chiune played before, during, and after World War Two. Read about the historical forces and events that occurred during this chapter of our history and how Chiune's decisions made a difference. Learn more about this extraordinarily unique and humanitarian diplomat who made the decision to go against the orders of his Japanese government, putting his life and that of his family at risk, in order to save the lives of thousands of Jewish refugees by helping them escape capture by the Nazis. Discover how this heroic, charismatic, and talented man continually chose to make decisions in his life by listening to his higher-level consciousness and recognizing his love for his fellow man, rather than to allow himself to be swayed by other individuals and outside forces"--Publisher's description.

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