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All I See

door Cynthia Rylant

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1724162,271 (3.91)Geen
A child paints with an artist friend who sees and paints only whales.
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Toon 4 van 4
Sweet - but I think there was some sort of point I didn't get. ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
a fun story that shares an encounter between an artist and a young boy at a lake. A young boy observes a painter from a far while the artist create daily paintings of whales. While the author is taking a breaking canoeing in the lake, the young boy decides to make his own painting uses the artist's empty canvas Although the boy is too shy to present his painting, the artist finds the apitning when he returns to shore. Eventually the boy and artist meet and build a beautiful relationship.

The illustration of this book are beautiful. I love the images of nature. Also, the illustrations provide different point of views according to whoever is telling the story.

I would like to use this piece of literature to maybe teach point of view, and first person, second or third person point of view. ( )
  mcnicol_08 | Apr 24, 2015 |
A young boy curiously watches a painter each day. He is too shy to introduce himself so a friendship is creating through their paintings until one day the painter, Gregory asks him to say. Each day they practice their paintings. This story was rather boring to me, I do not think I will incorporate it into my curriculum.
  danielleburry | Aug 4, 2010 |
Gregory is a painter that stands on the shore and paints pictures of whales every afternoon. When he goes on a break in his canoe Charlie goes and looks at his paintings. One day Charlie decides to paint a picture of Gregory painting while Gregory is in his canoe. Gregory sees this and invites Charlie to paint with him. Charlie spends the afternoons with Gregory painting and asks him why all he paints is whales and Gregory tells him it is because that is all he sees.
  aelambert | Aug 26, 2009 |
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A child paints with an artist friend who sees and paints only whales.

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5 3

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