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Silverstein and Me: A Memoir

door Marv Gold

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2712889,293 (2.54)6
In Snake, Snake is the last thing left alive. He#65533;s all that remains of our voices. The bodies of all living animals and plants have escaped down the Dreaming Way, leaving behind a residual ego trapped inside Snake: the sole survivor the Earth must destroy to complete the cleanse and start over. All that is gone--all that has been reduced by fire and ice and the other dynamic retributive forces of Earth--lives on in Snake. Snake is the extracted limbic brain removed from the collective consciousness and hunted across an emptied landscape. Snake is the bad ass reptile holding back the end of time by sticking himself into the spokes of Samsara. Snake is a single narrative sequence, a frontline account of pursuit, avoidance, and even friendship, forged in the heat of struggle.… (meer)
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Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Wow, I see I received this book as an early reviewer edition way back in.... well, a long time ago. Apparently I didn't bother to write a review - which, believe me - was a blessing for the publisher. This book was so bad, I remember it. It was just awful. It was poorly written and offered no insight. Wonder why you haven't seen it for sale anywhere? Now you know. ( )
  paroof | Nov 29, 2022 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is the author's memoir detailing his relationship with Shel Silverstein. There is nothing truly extraordinary revealed, the book provides some slightly interesting detail to the outline found in the appendix. Not a painful read, but not exactly the most exciting either. ( )
  MrsBond | Jun 26, 2010 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
While I love Shel Silverstein and his childrens work, I could have been very happy never knowing the skeletons in his closet. The book was very well written and held my attention. I chose not to keep it in my library because of the content. I know we all have "pasts", but I believe most of it is better off untold. ( )
  Book_Shelter | Jan 3, 2010 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Silverstein & Me: A Memoir is not one's "typical" biography.

Author, Marv Gold, shares his memories of cartoonist, author, and songwriter Shel Silverstein. The most intriguing angle of this particular biography is the fact that Gold had known Silverstein since childhood. Gold is able to reveal the nature of Shel Silverstein without over stepping the private wall that Silverstein had kept around himself throughout his public life.

I first encountered Silverstein's work when I started my career as a school teacher. Having absolutely no idea about the complete body of Silverstein's work, I was delightfully surprised by the stories shared in Gold's writing.

There are some awkward devices used in this book (such as Gold having "meetings" with a fictional psychiatrist ). That writing choice can be a bit disconcerting, but this book is written in a light vein and should not be taken as a scholarly effort to reveal the man behind the cartoons.

What I believe Gold has done successfully, is to reveal the friendship he shared with Silverstein... which makes this book well worth the visit.

Enjoy! ( )
  watertiger | Nov 4, 2009 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
As a reader of Silverstein's children's poems I was excited to pick this book up. Once I began to read it I found that it was not at all what I expected. Yes, I knew a bit about Mr. Silverstein but this book seemed to be more about Mr. Gold than Mr. Silverstein. For those parts that were tied to Silverstein I began to wonder how much was really true. I found that I didn't enjoy this book at all, and was hard to get through once I started. I had to make myself finish the book. ( )
  kirbyjack | Oct 30, 2009 |
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In Snake, Snake is the last thing left alive. He#65533;s all that remains of our voices. The bodies of all living animals and plants have escaped down the Dreaming Way, leaving behind a residual ego trapped inside Snake: the sole survivor the Earth must destroy to complete the cleanse and start over. All that is gone--all that has been reduced by fire and ice and the other dynamic retributive forces of Earth--lives on in Snake. Snake is the extracted limbic brain removed from the collective consciousness and hunted across an emptied landscape. Snake is the bad ass reptile holding back the end of time by sticking himself into the spokes of Samsara. Snake is a single narrative sequence, a frontline account of pursuit, avoidance, and even friendship, forged in the heat of struggle.

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Marv Gold's boek Silverstein and Me: A Memoir was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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