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Hidden Champions of the Twenty-First Century: The Success Strategies of Unknown World Market Leaders

door Hermann Simon

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869323,539 (3.8)1
What do Tetra aquarium supplies, Elector-Nite sensors, and Nissha touch panels have in common? They are typical "hidden champions," medium-sized, unknown companies (with annual revenues under $4 billion) that have quietly, under the radar, become world market leaders in their respective industries. Hermann Simon has been studying these hidden champions for over 20 years, and in this sequel to his worldwide bestseller, Hidden Champions, he explores the dramatic impact of globalization on these companies and their outstanding international success. Going deep inside more than a thousand hidden champions around the world, Simon reveals the common patterns, behaviors, and approaches that make these companies successful, and, in many cases, able to sustain world market leadership for generations, despite intense competition, financial pressures, and constantly evolving market dynamics. In the tradition of In Search of Excellence, Built to Last, and Good to Great, Simon identifies the factors in business operations, customer service and marketing, innovation, human resources management, organizational design, leadership, and strategy that separate these outstanding performers from the rest of the pack – and from the large corporations of the day. In the process, he provides a glimpse behind the curtains of many secretive companies who buck today’s management fads, and succeed instead through such common-sense strategies as focusing on core capabilities, delivering real value to the customer, establishing long-term relationships, innovating continuously, rewarding employees for performance, decentralized operations, and developing an unparalleled global presence. Hidden champions teach us that good management means doing many small things better than the competition—quietly, with determination, commitment, and never-ending stamina. And in turbulent economic times, the hidden champions represent an antidote to the short-sighted and excessive practices that have brought many corporate giants crashing down. The hidden champions provide invaluable lessons for all stakeholders in the business community, from entrepreneurs to corporate managers, investors to employees, union organizers to regulators, advanced and emerging countries and may well serve as the new role models for sustainable economic growth in the globalized world of the future.… (meer)
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1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Interesting book that is very similar in premise to [b:Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't|76865|Good to Great Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't|Jim Collins||1094028], but focused on usually smaller and mostly European companies. The conclusions are well reasoned and documented and the lessons one can gain from this book are easily discoverable.

My one complaint is that it is not very readable. It is way too dense and repetitive. I found myself skipping paragraphs because the point had already been made and now was being belabored.

It still could be a valuable addition to your business library, but for reference use only. ( )
  Skybalon | Mar 19, 2020 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I don’t believe I’ve ever read a technical business book like this before. The closest I have probably ever come to that are pop bestsellers such as Who Moved My Cheese and The One Minute Manager – both of which I read and enjoyed ~10 years ago.

Hidden Champions is in a completely different league: a scholarly book, filled with unfamiliar terms and concepts (“value extraction”; “vertical integration”). It is not “fun” to read and would never top the best-seller list. It surely is a reference or textbook, or intended for those in upper-level management. Quite a bit flew over my head as I have neither the business experience nor the educational background (MBA) to fully appreciate the complex discussions. However, portions were quite readable, and Simon did an excellent job of distilling his case studies of “hidden champions” into fairly concise precepts. I was struck by how many of the “hidden champions” I was already familiar with even though Simon warned that very few of the companies were well-known outside their particular industry...and even “secretive.” As a climber, Petzl technical climbing equipment was the company, understandably, that I enjoyed reading about the most.

Part of the value of this book for me was opening a different world, one I’ve never known before – that of business theory and implementation. Even though I could not appreciate it fully, I found that other culture interesting. ( )
  MtnSk8tr | Aug 13, 2010 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
A very thorough review of the "hidden champion" marketspace. The author clearly knows this subject very well and covers all aspects of it. The topics are well discussed, with summaries and extensive notes for each chapter. The book is mainly written for the enterprise-level decision maker. ( )
1 stem varroa | Feb 11, 2010 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
While I haven't yet finished digesting this book in full I am greatly appreciative of the research and perspective this book brings to a hugely important, yet all too rarely studied part of global business. Specifically this is a follow up to the author's earlier research published as Hidden Champions. He studies companies which are market leaders and in most cases have remained market leaders for a very long time yet often are private and in many cases secretive companies. Drawing on a range of resources and research the author offers some insights into how these companies have prospered and what they do which is so dramatically different from what large, public companies do - and from what most writers about business suggest companies should do.

I am a business analyst and adviser, this book is the rare business book which will have an immediate value to my consulting work in the insights and perspective it offers on how to build long lasting, profitable companies. ( )
1 stem rycaut | Feb 10, 2010 |
1-5 van 9 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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What do Tetra aquarium supplies, Elector-Nite sensors, and Nissha touch panels have in common? They are typical "hidden champions," medium-sized, unknown companies (with annual revenues under $4 billion) that have quietly, under the radar, become world market leaders in their respective industries. Hermann Simon has been studying these hidden champions for over 20 years, and in this sequel to his worldwide bestseller, Hidden Champions, he explores the dramatic impact of globalization on these companies and their outstanding international success. Going deep inside more than a thousand hidden champions around the world, Simon reveals the common patterns, behaviors, and approaches that make these companies successful, and, in many cases, able to sustain world market leadership for generations, despite intense competition, financial pressures, and constantly evolving market dynamics. In the tradition of In Search of Excellence, Built to Last, and Good to Great, Simon identifies the factors in business operations, customer service and marketing, innovation, human resources management, organizational design, leadership, and strategy that separate these outstanding performers from the rest of the pack – and from the large corporations of the day. In the process, he provides a glimpse behind the curtains of many secretive companies who buck today’s management fads, and succeed instead through such common-sense strategies as focusing on core capabilities, delivering real value to the customer, establishing long-term relationships, innovating continuously, rewarding employees for performance, decentralized operations, and developing an unparalleled global presence. Hidden champions teach us that good management means doing many small things better than the competition—quietly, with determination, commitment, and never-ending stamina. And in turbulent economic times, the hidden champions represent an antidote to the short-sighted and excessive practices that have brought many corporate giants crashing down. The hidden champions provide invaluable lessons for all stakeholders in the business community, from entrepreneurs to corporate managers, investors to employees, union organizers to regulators, advanced and emerging countries and may well serve as the new role models for sustainable economic growth in the globalized world of the future.

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