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Where the Wild Things Are: The Movie Storybook

door Barb Bersche

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Follow Max, a rambunctious boy who feels misunderstood at home, as he sets out in a tiny boat, seeking new worlds across the sea and lands on the incredible island of the wild things--where being made king of the beasts may not be all that grand.
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Having been inspired by one of my favourite children's books ever (and one of the best book to movie adaptations as well) I'm surprised at how disappointing this book is. There wasn't really a point in translating the film back into a children's book, since the original is perfection, but they failed even furthern due to the fact that the production quality of this book was so poor. How did they rationalize the blurry, out of focus images, when there's clearly no artistic drive behind doing so, and the source material (the film) would have been pristine? I'm going to keep this book in my collection for the sake of completion, but I'm very very unhappy that it is such a disappointment. ( )
  JaimieRiella | Feb 25, 2021 |
This story is about a boy named Max, who takes an imaginary adventure into the land of the "Wild Things". He becomes their leader and they have a "wild rumpus" while on the land. Max eventually leaves the island at the end of the book, and returns home to find dinner waiting for him. This book is a great one to read to students and has been incorporated into a movie which the class can watch after reading the book and compare the two stories.
  adh016 | Sep 23, 2010 |
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Follow Max, a rambunctious boy who feels misunderstood at home, as he sets out in a tiny boat, seeking new worlds across the sea and lands on the incredible island of the wild things--where being made king of the beasts may not be all that grand.

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