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Joe & Azat (2009)

door Jesse Lonergan

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2311,011,088 (3.44)20
Joe is an American in the strange land of Turkmenistan who finds a good friend in Azat, a Turkmen dreamer whose optimism knows no bounds. With tales of doomed desert cab rides, nights of endless vodka shots, unlikely Turkmen business schemes, and secret girlfriends, Lonergan captures not only the bizarreness of living in a country where the president for life launches copies of his poetry books into space, outlaws gold teeth and renames the months and days, but also reveals that there is hope in seemingly hopeless situations. Based loosely on Lonergan's Peace Corps experience in the former Soviet republic--Publisher's description.… (meer)
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'I came to see that Turkmenistan was a place where a certain amount of fatalism made a lot of sense',, February 21, 2015

This review is from: Joe & Azat (Paperback)
I haven't read a graphic novel since childhood, but purchased this wanting to find out more about Turkmenistan - and I loved it!
A quick read at around 100 pages, this is based on the author's time as a Peace Corps volunteer; in it, he explains everyday life in this country - from crazy dictator/ president Turkmenbashy, who wrote his own religious book and sent a copy into space, through courtship, alcohol, corruption and the Turkmen's feelings on the West...
The story hinges on Joe, the American narrator, and his friend Azat - a guy with big dreams.
The images really give the reader a feeling for what it's like there, picturing the houses and costumes.
Not too many books available on Turkmenistan, but this is a great introduction!
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  starbox | Feb 21, 2015 |
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Joe is an American in the strange land of Turkmenistan who finds a good friend in Azat, a Turkmen dreamer whose optimism knows no bounds. With tales of doomed desert cab rides, nights of endless vodka shots, unlikely Turkmen business schemes, and secret girlfriends, Lonergan captures not only the bizarreness of living in a country where the president for life launches copies of his poetry books into space, outlaws gold teeth and renames the months and days, but also reveals that there is hope in seemingly hopeless situations. Based loosely on Lonergan's Peace Corps experience in the former Soviet republic--Publisher's description.

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Gemiddelde: (3.44)
3 3
3.5 3
4 2

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