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The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems

door Ronald D. Siegel

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1861151,615 (3.81)Geen
Mindfulness offers a path to well-being and tools for coping with life's inevitable hurdles. And though mindfulness may sound exotic, you can cultivate it-and reap its proven benefits-without special training or lots of spare time. Trusted therapist and mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald Siegel shows exactly how in this inviting guide. You'll get effective strategies to use while driving to work, walking the dog, or washing the dishes, plus tips on creating a formal practice routine in as little as twenty minutes a day. Flexible, step-by-step action plans will help you become more focused and efficient in daily life; cope with difficult feelings, such as anger and sadness; deepen your connection to your spouse or partner; feel more rested and less stressed; curb unhealthy habits; find relief from anxiety and depression; and resolve stress-related pain, insomnia, and other physical problems.… (meer)
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I first heard about this book on an episode of Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski (). I was in the middle of reading [b:The Distant Hours|6746018|The Distant Hours|Kate Morton||6942439] by [a:Kate Morton|615274|Kate Morton|] when this book came in from the Library. I didn't want to rush through [b:The Distant Hours|6746018|The Distant Hours|Kate Morton||6942439] so [b:The Mindfulness Solution|7949549|The Mindfulness Solution|Ronald Siegel||11559979] languished a bit while I enjoyed [b:The Distant Hours|6746018|The Distant Hours|Kate Morton||6942439]. As luck would have it, before I got very far, the books was recalled to the Library! So many books, so little time!

Still, I found a few tidbits that I can think about, which I think will expand my horizons a little bit.

The first thing I noticed, in the preface, was the author's ability to say something directly that did not make me think "who does he think he is telling me THAT?" In the preface [a:Ronald Siegel|79270|Ronald K. Siegel|] writes "How can one practice possibly help with so many different problems? The answer is that they're all made worse by the same natural tendency: in our effort to feel good, we try to avoid or escape discomfort, only to discover that this in fact multiplies our misery." He goes on to promise that examples in the book will prove his point. In the recesses of my brain, I realized that I was avoiding finishing the back of the
Zig Zaggy quilt, because I had done too much piecing on the back and it was a pain to finish the piecing.
1 stem jlapac | Aug 14, 2013 |
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Mindfulness offers a path to well-being and tools for coping with life's inevitable hurdles. And though mindfulness may sound exotic, you can cultivate it-and reap its proven benefits-without special training or lots of spare time. Trusted therapist and mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald Siegel shows exactly how in this inviting guide. You'll get effective strategies to use while driving to work, walking the dog, or washing the dishes, plus tips on creating a formal practice routine in as little as twenty minutes a day. Flexible, step-by-step action plans will help you become more focused and efficient in daily life; cope with difficult feelings, such as anger and sadness; deepen your connection to your spouse or partner; feel more rested and less stressed; curb unhealthy habits; find relief from anxiety and depression; and resolve stress-related pain, insomnia, and other physical problems.

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