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Jung and the Bible

door Wayne G. Rollins

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491538,056 (3.25)Geen
Out of the life and thought of a noted psychologist, Carl Jung, comes a captivating method for reading and understanding the Bible. Jung's study of psychology and his extensive knowledge of the human psyche give Biblical readers a new perspective for getting at the Word of God. People who read the Bible are real people who want to believe, to understand, to learn. Jung, not a Biblical scholar but a lay person and physician, helps us to learn. He views the Bible not as an ancient artifact but as an agent in the present whose myth, story, law, song, gospel, epistle, and apocalypse has the capacity to speak with power to contemporary hearts and souls.… (meer)
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This is a nifty book for those who enjoy sources of biblical interpretation from non-traditional venues. The book provides a very good definition of "archetype" - a concept difficult to explain - and other psychological concepts pertinent to Jung. Although the author writes from an evangelical perspective the work is not critical but explanatory. Rollins has made a great contribution the fields of psychology and religion. ( )
  galacticus | Mar 9, 2012 |
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"I do not write as a biblical scholar (which I am not) but as a layman and physician who has been privileged to see deeply into the psychic life of many people." C.G. Jung, Answer to Job.
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To a Special Quaternity: Amanda Meizner Myerholtz, Ethel Kamin Rollins, Lawrence John Myerholtz, Arthur Gilchrist Rollins.
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Out of the life and thought of a noted psychologist, Carl Jung, comes a captivating method for reading and understanding the Bible. Jung's study of psychology and his extensive knowledge of the human psyche give Biblical readers a new perspective for getting at the Word of God. People who read the Bible are real people who want to believe, to understand, to learn. Jung, not a Biblical scholar but a lay person and physician, helps us to learn. He views the Bible not as an ancient artifact but as an agent in the present whose myth, story, law, song, gospel, epistle, and apocalypse has the capacity to speak with power to contemporary hearts and souls.

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