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The Witching Hour / Lasher / Taltos

door Anne Rice

Reeksen: De Mayfair Heksen (1-3)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
652413,188 (4.08)7
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:An enchanting, hypnotic trilogy of witchcraft, adventure, and romance from the beloved author of Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Lestat, The Mayfair Witches is a wondrous journey through the centuries, across the globe, and between the human and demonic worlds. Now all three novels in Anne Rice’s spellbinding series have been collected for the first time in this stunning eBook bundle:
On the screened porch of a great New Orleans house, now faded, a mute and fragile woman sits rocking. She belongs to a legendary dynasty of witches—a family that is itself haunted over the ages by a dangerous and seductive being named Lasher. Their story begins in our time, with a rescue at sea. Rowan Mayfair, a brilliant neurosurgeon aware of her abilities but oblivious to her ancient line, finds the drowned body of Michael Curry off the coast of California and brings him to life. In his brief interval of death, he has acquired a sensory power that mystifies and frightens him. Fiercely drawn to each other, Rowan and Michael set out to solve the mystery of her past and his unwelcome gift, and an intricate tale of evil unfolds: an evil unleashed in seventeenth-century Scotland, where the first “witch,” Suzanne of the Mayfair, conjures up the spirit that spells her own destruction and torments each of her descendants in turn.
Praise for Anne Rice and The Mayfair Witches
“Behind all the velvet drapes and the gossamer winding sheets, this is an old-fashioned family saga. . . . Rice’s descriptive writing is so opulent that it almost begs to be read [by] candlelight.”The Washington Post Book World
“[A] huge and sprawling tale of horror.”The New York Times Book Review
“Lush prose, dense atmosphere, steamy sex, Gothic tension . . . Rice stages her scenes in a wide variety of times and locales, tapping deeply into the richest veins of mythology and history.”San Francisco Chronicle
“Spellbinding . . . mythical . . . Rice is a pure storyteller.”Cosmopolitan
“Rice sees things on a grand scale. . . . There is a wide-screen historical sweep to the tale as it moves from one generation of witches to the other.”The Boston Globe
“An intricate, stunning imagination.”Los Angeles Times Book Review
“It is hard to praise sufficiently the originality of Miss Rice. . . . She has made a masterpiece of the morbid, worthy of Poe’s daughter.”The Wall Street Journal.
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Toon 2 van 2
Anne writes the picture so vividly, you live in the story among the characters. ( )
  Aloel | Jan 30, 2010 |
An enchanting, hypnotic trilogy of witchcraft, adventure, and romance from the beloved author of Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Lestat, The Mayfair Witches is a wondrous journey through the centuries, across the globe, and between the human and demonic worlds. Now all three novels in Anne Rice’s spellbinding series have been collected for the first time in this stunning eBook bundle:




On the screened porch of a great New Orleans house, now faded, a mute and fragile woman sits rocking. She belongs to a legendary dynasty of witches—a family that is itself haunted over the ages by a dangerous and seductive being named Lasher. Their story begins in our time, with a rescue at sea. Rowan Mayfair, a brilliant neurosurgeon aware of her abilities but oblivious to her ancient line, finds the drowned body of Michael Curry off the coast of California and brings him to life. In his brief interval of death, he has acquired a sensory power that mystifies and frightens him. Fiercely drawn to each other, Rowan and Michael set out to solve the mystery of her past and his unwelcome gift, and an intricate tale of evil unfolds: an evil unleashed in seventeenth-century Scotland, where the first “witch,” Suzanne of the Mayfair, conjures up the spirit that spells her own destruction and torments each of her descendants in turn.

Praise for Anne Rice and The Mayfair Witches

“Behind all the velvet drapes and the gossamer winding sheets, this is an old-fashioned family saga. . . . Rice’s descriptive writing is so opulent that it almost begs to be read [by] candlelight.”—The Washington Post Book World

“[A] huge and sprawling tale of horror.”
—The New York Times Book Review

“Lush prose, dense atmosphere, steamy sex, Gothic tension . . . Rice stages her scenes in a wide variety of times and locales, tapping deeply into the richest veins of mythology and history.”
—San Francisco Chronicle

“Spellbinding . . . mythical . . . Rice is a pure storyteller.”

“Rice sees things on a grand scale. . . . There is a wide-screen historical sweep to the tale as it moves from one generation of witches to the other.”—The Boston Globe

“An intricate, stunning imagination.”
—Los Angeles Times Book Review

“It is hard to praise sufficiently the originality of Miss Rice. . . . She has made a masterpiece of the morbid, worthy of Poe’s daughter.”
—The Wall Street Journal** ( )
  buffygurl | Mar 8, 2019 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Historical Fiction. HTML:An enchanting, hypnotic trilogy of witchcraft, adventure, and romance from the beloved author of Interview with the Vampire and The Vampire Lestat, The Mayfair Witches is a wondrous journey through the centuries, across the globe, and between the human and demonic worlds. Now all three novels in Anne Rice’s spellbinding series have been collected for the first time in this stunning eBook bundle:
On the screened porch of a great New Orleans house, now faded, a mute and fragile woman sits rocking. She belongs to a legendary dynasty of witches—a family that is itself haunted over the ages by a dangerous and seductive being named Lasher. Their story begins in our time, with a rescue at sea. Rowan Mayfair, a brilliant neurosurgeon aware of her abilities but oblivious to her ancient line, finds the drowned body of Michael Curry off the coast of California and brings him to life. In his brief interval of death, he has acquired a sensory power that mystifies and frightens him. Fiercely drawn to each other, Rowan and Michael set out to solve the mystery of her past and his unwelcome gift, and an intricate tale of evil unfolds: an evil unleashed in seventeenth-century Scotland, where the first “witch,” Suzanne of the Mayfair, conjures up the spirit that spells her own destruction and torments each of her descendants in turn.
Praise for Anne Rice and The Mayfair Witches
“Behind all the velvet drapes and the gossamer winding sheets, this is an old-fashioned family saga. . . . Rice’s descriptive writing is so opulent that it almost begs to be read [by] candlelight.”The Washington Post Book World
“[A] huge and sprawling tale of horror.”The New York Times Book Review
“Lush prose, dense atmosphere, steamy sex, Gothic tension . . . Rice stages her scenes in a wide variety of times and locales, tapping deeply into the richest veins of mythology and history.”San Francisco Chronicle
“Spellbinding . . . mythical . . . Rice is a pure storyteller.”Cosmopolitan
“Rice sees things on a grand scale. . . . There is a wide-screen historical sweep to the tale as it moves from one generation of witches to the other.”The Boston Globe
“An intricate, stunning imagination.”Los Angeles Times Book Review
“It is hard to praise sufficiently the originality of Miss Rice. . . . She has made a masterpiece of the morbid, worthy of Poe’s daughter.”The Wall Street Journal.

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