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Miami Snow

door Darcia Helle

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1031,894,427 (3.25)Geen
Nick Donovan's ex-wife and best friend have turned his world upside down. Broke and emotionally shattered, he moves hundreds of miles away in an attempt to start over. But his ex-wife has a hold on him that he can never escape.Soon he meets Brandy, who quickly leads Nick into a world of sex, drugs, and cash. Now Nick is sinking fast and desperate to stay afloat.… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3
This book is a smooth read with a cast of cool characters. At the center of the book is Nick Donovan, an IT guy whose wife has left him for his best friend. Nick’s life changes drastically when he has to negotiate the trials of fighting his ex-best friend and his ex-wife for custody of his child while surviving the hazards of the South Florida drug scene. The book’s strong points are its colorful characters and its vibrant pace. For readers like me, the writer’s fidelity to genre form may rub the wrong way: in this book, good guys are good guys, drug dealers are shady characters, and scheming bad guys are scheming bad guys. But within this form, Darcia Helle knows how to get the most out of every character and plot twist.

One last word: I downloaded this book from Smashwords. Usually, it is very hard for me to get through a PDF file ebook. What made this book enjoyable as an ebook was that each chapter was only about a page and a half. I could easily open up my lap top and read one or two chapters before going out or going to bed. ( )
  DanielClausen | Sep 7, 2011 |
This is the second book that I've read by author Darcia Helle and I'm glad she has several other books available as I'm looking forward to more.

Her knack for creating drama and compelling characters draws readers into her fictional world. I loved the title Miami Snow and thought it was a perfect title for the book. Miami Snow was one of those novels that you read through in a couple of days as you can't put it down, and then once you finish, you wish there was more left to read. The book was packed with drama and conflict. The main character, Nick, undergoes a great deal of growth during the novel and I liked seeing his transformation. The characters felt real and the story led to a suspenseful and satisfying conclusion. All in all, a great read.
  StacyJuba | Jul 12, 2010 |
While the plot is interesting, the characters left me wanting more. Nick Donovan, down-and-out, newly divorced is forced to move into a small apartment because his wife and best friend have taken everything from him. On top of that, his wife is pregnant and he must watch his friend step in and play daddy. Nick meets the wild, porn-star-esque Brandy, and her drug dealing friends and soon gets caught up in dealing cocaine. However, most of the action comes in the last few chapters of the book, and the build-up is lacking. The characters are very flat however, and I wanted to feel more of a connection. I didn't feel too badly for Nick, despite his circumstances, and I was confused as to why he and Brandy were together. They have sex almost every chapter, but never seem to talk, or have any emotional connection. They're not human enough. It is a quick, easy read though, and I was very interested in how everything would turn out in the end. ( )
  MillieHennessy | May 1, 2010 |
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Nick Donovan's ex-wife and best friend have turned his world upside down. Broke and emotionally shattered, he moves hundreds of miles away in an attempt to start over. But his ex-wife has a hold on him that he can never escape.Soon he meets Brandy, who quickly leads Nick into a world of sex, drugs, and cash. Now Nick is sinking fast and desperate to stay afloat.

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Darcia Helle is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (3.25)
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