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Crash Dive: True Stories of Submarine Combat

door Larry Bond

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551485,957 (3.2)Geen
"They are the ultimate unseen deterrent in modern warfare. Thousands of tons of steel, missiles, torpedoes, and men lurking silently hundreds of feet underwater, able to lie off any coastline and unleash a devastating hail of destruction with pinpoint accuracy. They are the true masters of the oceans, striking swift and unseen before slipping away, ready to do it all over again at a moment's notice" --Cover, p. 2.… (meer)
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Crash Dive: True Stories of Submarine Combat
By Larry Bond
Publisher: Forge
Published In: New York, NY
Date: 2010
Pgs: 379

Submariners and submarine warfare. Ready at a moment’s notice. Lurking unseen, silent, ready to unleash their torpedos on the enemy. World War 2 and the Cold War vignettes.


Main Character:
N/A or submarines in general

Favorite Character:

Least Favorite Character:

Favorite Scene:
In the final story in the book, when the USSR put Captain Shevchenko’s plan into motion.

Plot Holes/Out of Character:

Last Page Sound:
A deep sigh. I expected more. The tension of undersea combat isn’t communicated well in the shorts within this collection.

Author Assessment:
I’ve enjoyed other stuff with Larry Bond’s name attached.

Disposition of Book:
Half Price Book stack

Why isn’t there a screenplay?
Individually and with a lot of expansion, these could probably be movies. Maybe. Afraid too many of them would end up as love stories pining for the homefront instead of war story/action adventure stuff.

Casting call:
None really stand out to me ( )
  texascheeseman | May 1, 2013 |
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"They are the ultimate unseen deterrent in modern warfare. Thousands of tons of steel, missiles, torpedoes, and men lurking silently hundreds of feet underwater, able to lie off any coastline and unleash a devastating hail of destruction with pinpoint accuracy. They are the true masters of the oceans, striking swift and unseen before slipping away, ready to do it all over again at a moment's notice" --Cover, p. 2.

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Gemiddelde: (3.2)
1 1
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