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The Best Medicine (Stories from Hope Haven, Book 1)

door Anne Marie Rodgers

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It has been three years since the death of Candace Crenshaw's husband, and she is often overcome with debilitating grief. As she struggles to reconcile what happened, her eleven-year-old daughter Brooke begins coping with her father's death in disconcerting ways, and Candace is left wondering how she can help her hurting child when she can't even help herself. Meanwhile, she and the rest of the staff receive very upsetting news: the hospital is in dire financial straits, and save some sort of miracle, it will close. Distraught, Candace, along with her colleagues Elena Rodriguez, James Bell, and Anabelle Scott band together to keep it open, and in the process, form lasting friendships that will forever change them. Elena fights the bureaucracy of the hospital board to launch the ambitious and inspiring Wall of Hope fund-raiser, but will it be enough? James must decide whether to accept a job offer in Chicago, which would mean uprooting his family from their beloved home, while Annabelle reminds everyone why it is so important to save their close-knit, small-town hospital: It was the doctors at Hope Haven who saved her daughter's life more than a decade ago. Experience God's love with four of the most compassionate people you will ever meet and feel the healing warmth of friendship in a place where prayer walks hand in hand with modern medical miracles!… (meer)
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01- Stories From Hope Haven
  macnoid | Sep 4, 2024 |
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It has been three years since the death of Candace Crenshaw's husband, and she is often overcome with debilitating grief. As she struggles to reconcile what happened, her eleven-year-old daughter Brooke begins coping with her father's death in disconcerting ways, and Candace is left wondering how she can help her hurting child when she can't even help herself. Meanwhile, she and the rest of the staff receive very upsetting news: the hospital is in dire financial straits, and save some sort of miracle, it will close. Distraught, Candace, along with her colleagues Elena Rodriguez, James Bell, and Anabelle Scott band together to keep it open, and in the process, form lasting friendships that will forever change them. Elena fights the bureaucracy of the hospital board to launch the ambitious and inspiring Wall of Hope fund-raiser, but will it be enough? James must decide whether to accept a job offer in Chicago, which would mean uprooting his family from their beloved home, while Annabelle reminds everyone why it is so important to save their close-knit, small-town hospital: It was the doctors at Hope Haven who saved her daughter's life more than a decade ago. Experience God's love with four of the most compassionate people you will ever meet and feel the healing warmth of friendship in a place where prayer walks hand in hand with modern medical miracles!

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