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A young girl discovers a light in nature that helps her overcome her fear of the dark. Includes an author's note about fireflies.
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Little Kid Reaction: My children enjoyed the book. However, not really having experienced fireflies, I'm not entirely certain this book hit home for them.

Big Kid Reaction: I liked the book. The synopsis on the book about Amy finding the light within her is a bit of a stretch, but the story is unique and fun, and it certainly would help initiate a discussion with a child who is scared of the dark. I also have to respect the author's ability to create this book from the heart, and with so much thought. He thought up and wrote the story, created the images, and had one of his daughters pose for the photos, the other perform the reading in the flash video. PLUS, he thoroughly researched and wrote an interesting synopsis of the biology of fireflies, plus provided links to more info in a way that inspires readers to get excited about learning about these special beetles!

The illustrations are photo-illustrations -- it appears that the author took photographs and modified them to add in texture, create a mood, and depict some of the firefly lighting effects.

To read our full review, go to The Reading Tub®.
  TheReadingTub | May 10, 2012 |
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A young girl discovers a light in nature that helps her overcome her fear of the dark. Includes an author's note about fireflies.

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Haiku samenvatting

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5 1

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