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The Greek's Pregnant Lover

door Lucy Monroe

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664412,530 (3.58)Geen
Self-made billionaire Zephyr Nikos has come a long way from the streets of Athens, but his heart is stone-cold--like marble. He can't offer Piper Madison his love; instead he offers her his world--fine dining, private jet, rubbing shoulders with the rich and powerful.... As their desire heats up and finally reaches boiling point, Zephyr and Piper must end their affair before one of them gets hurt. There's just one small complication...Piper's pregnancy test just came back positive!… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3

Really liked this one:

Heroine is not a virgin, she has her own business, sleeps with the hero because they have been friends for a few years and are attracted to each other.

When things do go wrong with an accidental pregnancy the hero does not berate the heroine or assume anything bad about her motives. He points out it took both of them and they had a conversation.

In fact, their conversations were what made this book fabulous.

There were no scheming other women.

At no time was it assumed the heroine would give up her business.

Loved that they had a sane but still very hot relationship. ( )
  Shelley8059 | Jan 25, 2024 |
This was ultimately just okay. There wasn't much conflict. It was basically the story of these two nice people fell in love and decided to get married after she accidently became pregnant. He had some issues with recognizing that he was in love. She fessed up her love early which I suppose was different. Just so pleasant it didn't really draw me in. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
"3 out of 5 stars, it was a good book but not as good as the previous book I've read of hers. Plus, it was a little unbelievable how..."

Read more of this review and a TEASER here: ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Feb 22, 2019 |
Toon 3 van 3
3 out of 5 stars, it was a good book but not as good as the previous book I've read of hers. Plus, it was a little unbelievable how accepting the main characters were to their circumstances and how easily they handled them. *shrug*

Read more of this review and a TEASER here: https://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot...
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Self-made billionaire Zephyr Nikos has come a long way from the streets of Athens, but his heart is stone-cold--like marble. He can't offer Piper Madison his love; instead he offers her his world--fine dining, private jet, rubbing shoulders with the rich and powerful.... As their desire heats up and finally reaches boiling point, Zephyr and Piper must end their affair before one of them gets hurt. There's just one small complication...Piper's pregnancy test just came back positive!

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Gemiddelde: (3.58)
2 1
3 9
3.5 1
4 6
5 3

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