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A Vision of Loveliness

door Louise Levene

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474557,930 (3.56)Geen
It's 1963, and Jane James knows that she was born for better things than evenings spent eating Heinz tinned potato salad in her Aunt's house. She dreams of a glamorous life filled with beautiful things. When Jane finds a crocodile handbag left in a pub, it leads her to Suzy, a girl-about-town with the irresistible allure that Jane has been practising for so long. Could Jane's dreams be about to come true?… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
Picked this up for my daughter - it sounded good on the back blurb but apparently is a rip off of Breakfast at Tiffany's and In Cold Blood. She didn't rate it very high. Probably will go to the bottom of my to read list.
  velvetink | Mar 31, 2013 |
This was quite gripping, and captures quite clearly the social climate of the time, the detail was fantastic. I would recommend.
  Debspage | Jun 9, 2012 |
Louise Levene captures life in London in a 1960's version of Bridget Jones - my, we have come a long way from that society.
Wonderfully detailed about food, clothing and attitudes to class. Jane James is both pitiable and admirable for her determination to change into 'a vision of loveliness' and when by chance she links up with Suzy St John you just know that things may take some dark turns. This was the world in which Christine Keeler and her pal Mandy Rice-Davies lived, a world of double standards, dubious morality and the petty snobbery for which the English lower middle-classes were famous. The story is sharp, funny and sad all at the same time. Although the period is before my time in the UK, some details were like Proust's madeleines - Goya bath cubes - I could practically smell them! This book is most definately NOT chick-lit, it is social satire at it's best. A most entertaining read. ( )
  herschelian | Jun 21, 2011 |
Like a Jean Rhys novel that's been shot through with a ray of sunshine. ( )
  monkeyandcrow | Jun 3, 2010 |
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It's 1963, and Jane James knows that she was born for better things than evenings spent eating Heinz tinned potato salad in her Aunt's house. She dreams of a glamorous life filled with beautiful things. When Jane finds a crocodile handbag left in a pub, it leads her to Suzy, a girl-about-town with the irresistible allure that Jane has been practising for so long. Could Jane's dreams be about to come true?

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