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With a dramatic introduction, Mister Black drew me in from the beginning. There was something about Talia that made me want to coddle her, and towards the end of the book I was grateful for the snippet into her past, that helped me understand what that something was.

It would be lying to say that this wasn't sexy. I like to think that I'm not the "alpha male" type, however, Mr. Black's domineering demeanor kept me wanting more of him. It was well into the hours of the morning when I finally finished this book because I couldn't put it down.

There were two things that bothered me, however. Firstly, the Fifty Shades of Grey formula that made me feel as though that was the book I was reading. Albeit, I'm talking smut scenes here, but Mr. Black and Mr. Grey's names could have been interchangeable. Secondly, the book stops just as the story's plot comes to head, leaving the reader with little actual story and needing to purchase the next installment to get a.) more character development, and b.) a resolution. Don't get me wrong; I love a good cliffhanger, but I would have been satisfied with a bit more plot.

Character wise, I more intrigued by the Blake family and Sebastian than Talia.

Mina Blake's roommate has committed suicide and Talia is out to figure out why. Mina does open up to Talia with the help of Mr. Black, and I'm curious to find out if Talia will keep true to her word and help Mina, or if things will go awry. Hopefully Mina's side of the story will continue, but if not, I do hope the author will consider giving Mina her own novella.

And Sebastian... If you're quiet enough you might hear panties dropping around the world. He's mysterious, intuitive, sexy, and from what I gather, a killing machine. Now I'm just curious to know how he came to be all of those things.

While smut laden, there are multiple stories within this book that I'll happily buy the second installment to get more of. I liked the authors voice and will be looking for more to read from her.
b00kdarling87 | 31 andere besprekingen | Jan 7, 2024 |
And we've arrive to Part 2 ... If you haven't read Part 1, Mister Black, then you must, it's actually essential that you do so. You'll need to know all the details to figure out what's going on. Well, you did it again, I was completely in awe with this one and of course, left wanting more.

After that ending we got in Mister Black, it's three years later and Talia & Sebastian have yet to cross paths again. Talia was left with so much turmoil with Sebastians quick departure and learning that he was a Navy SEAL, three years later, she knows that she has to move on with her life. After calling off her engagement with a cheating douchebag, she's without a job, but is now an author and needs to find some inspiration. She heads on a little vacation at a resort that her aunt insists she goes on. Talia's said she'd go only under one condition; if her BFF, Cass, goes with her. All was set until Cass gets an opportunity of a lifetime that'll further her photography business. And that's when Bash enters the picture, yet another man that's full of mystery. Oh you know, another piece to this puzzle. He exudes sexiness and Talia can't help, but be constantly reminded of Sebastian, trying to keep all of that in the back of her head, she also tries to keep her distance from Bash. Having Bash around and ironically popping wherever she is, can she move past Sebastian and give someone else a chance?

To add more to the mystery and suspense, Bash is on job at the resort, which I wish I could tell you more about, but that would just give away things too easily. He's a sexy man and knows what he wants, and all eyes lead to Talia. Just read the book, you'll learn to love the guy and probably find him frustrating at the same time.

Man oh man, FLAWLESS! Granted that I like to see Part 1 & 2 as one book, this plot is simply amazing and intriguing. There's so much suspense, not just about what Talia is trying to figure out, but also piecing together who the hell Bash is. He's one of those people you squint your eyes with a very deep suspicion for. It's no mystery that this strong attraction is present between Talia and Bash, but she refuses to act on it ... thanks a lot Sebastian ... lets ruin the fun for everyone, why don't we.

I have no idea how you do it, Michelle. The gears were just turning constantly inside my head, trying to keep up with everything. All while trying to solve every little piece that you intricately laid out this one. And you did it again with getting me right to the edge, seeing that glow at the end of the tunnel and BAM ... we have to wait for Part 3 ... sigh.

There's one scene I really wanted to talk about because it's my absolute favorite and it really portrays some awesome writing talent. After witnessing a beautiful sunset, Talia was asked to describe it. And man, I was just left in complete awe of this ... maybe it was just me that felt that way ... but I hope not!

"The sun's a ball of fire sitting on the edge of the world, ready to slip into the night. Though its brightness can never really be contained, only hidden from view, the last rays of the day reflect off the water in shades of orange, purple and pink. Sparks of yellow skip along the wave's crests like dancing fireflies. And in the deeper waters, fiery red-orange veins in the dark, rolling waves in thick ribbons of molten lava."

I'm not an expert on writing, but to me, this is pure talent. To have an author already writing an amazing storyline and pouring everything they got into their work, and then adding another element of her writing; it just ... I have no words to explain it. As amazing of writer she already is, I know there's so much more to her writing than we've all read. And I definitely look forward to whatever she brings to our beloved romance world.

"You have a gift. Never stop writing. That was perfect."
b00kdarling87 | 29 andere besprekingen | Jan 7, 2024 |
Renegadefx | 2 andere besprekingen | Sep 22, 2023 |
Nara Collins has spent years knowing exactly what will happen to her the next day until she sees something that she can't let happen and makes the decision to interfere. Then everything starts falling apart. There's only one bright spot in the aftermath - the new transfer student, Ethan Harris.

Ethan Harris just wants a fresh start. Years of torturous dreams has left him withdrawn from the world and he can't see anything that will change that - until he meets Nara and finds his dreams replaced with hers.

I really enjoyed this. Nara is a great character. She's fierce and outspoken and I loved her attitude. Even when her life spins out of her control she remains upbeat and determined to make the best of things. Ethan was dark and mysterious and everything you look for in a love interest. And the romance between him and Nara was heart stoppingly perfect. There was no real complications or angst in their relationship, just heat and fluffy and swoony goodness. There is a bit of instalove but no worse than any other YA book and much better than many others. There's a bit of relationship development and deeper feelings by the time they actually kiss so I felt it was a win. And they were just so adorable that it was hard to care anyway. Something about them honestly just clicked and I was rating it.

I loved the supporting characters. Nara's family is hilarious. I loved her Aunt Sage and her Gran. It was hilarious when the Gran turns up at their house having escaped from the nursing home and she gets her drunk to avoid having her pierce her ear.

As I held ice on my right earlobe, I was surprised Gran had been so quiet. Maybe she’d decided to just watch. “My turn,” Gran said, elbowing Lainey aside. Grabbing up the needle, Gran turned to dip it in the alcohol we’d poured into the lid, but the needle dropped in the lid instead. She tried to fish it out, but the needle spun around like a confused compass. “Come here, you little pissant,” she mumbled, digging her fingers into the alcohol. My gaze jerked to Lainey, pleading, Help me, please. She lifted her hands helplessly and mouthed, “What can I do?” “Got it!” Gran bent toward me, her gnarled fingers clasping the needle at a strange angle. When her hand began to shake as she drew near and the needle between her fingers shifted even more, I panicked and blurted, “I just remembered where we have some rum.” Gran immediately straightened, a marionette yanked upright by rum’s sweet lure. The needle slipped from her fingers. “Where?” she asked with bright eyes.

Michelle, P.T.; Patrice Michelle. Brightest Kind of Darkness: Book 1 (pp. 189-190). Limitless Ink Press. Kindle Edition.

Although I was also pretty amused by the fact Nara sends roses from a secret admirer to her Gran, so she can get one over her bitchy friend, Clara. It was brilliant.

After practice, I checked voicemails when I got home and had a message from Gran. “Inara.” She sounded muffled and raspy, like she was talking into the phone with her hand over the mouthpiece so no one would hear. “You’re brilliant! Clara has been hounding me, trying to find out who my secret admirer is.” She snickered, then continued, “I even told her that’s where I was, drinking it up and seeing my man. I feel like such a floozy. Haven’t had this much fun in years! Well, I need to get ready for game night. Just wanted to say thank you. Come see me sooner than a few months, young lady.” And with that final dig, she hung up.

Michelle, P.T.; Patrice Michelle. Brightest Kind of Darkness: Book 1 (p. 218). Limitless Ink Press. Kindle Edition.

I was disappointed that Ethan's brother Samson doesn't really appear much but hopefully in the next books. Lainey was a bit of a fair weather friend but I liked that she seemed to realise her friendship with Nara was a bit more important than boys and popularity - even if she got carried away at times.

The plot is interesting and the world building is fascinating - if not quite as fleshed out as I would've liked. Although there's lots of intriguing elements, I felt like it lacked a few explanations that would've made it more coherent and expansive. I'm not sure I totally followed where the supernatural paranormal elements are going but I'm interested to find out. The writing itself was good and Nara and Ethan's chemistry makes up for whatever flaws the plot has.

An intriguing start to a new paranormal series with a swoonworthy main couple. 4 stars.
funstm | 34 andere besprekingen | Jul 2, 2023 |
Rating: 3.75/5

I want to thank my best friend Ashwaq for recommending me to read this book; I enjoyed it a lot sweetheart! *blow kisses*

It reminded me a lot of the Final Destination movie, well the first one anyway since it's my favorite and the best actually. The rest of them were a poorly-done imitation and lacked in originality... and yes it's 85% because of Devon Sawa.

I liked the intrigue: it's new, a little bit of scary and philosophical; the mystery surrounding Inara's father and Ethan's powers kept me on edge so I guess I'll be reading the next book!
Ash600 | 34 andere besprekingen | Mar 19, 2021 |
The Kiss of a Seal - 1 star
Hot Bayou Seal - 3 stars
Seal's Obsession - 2 stars
Unbreakable Seal - 2 stars
Seal's Promise - 1.5 star
Lara-IT | 1 andere bespreking | Feb 3, 2021 |
I read this book a long time ago, when Ellora's Cave published it. I went back to read it again because I'd enjoyed it so much. I love how the hero in this book is such a romantic. He's waiting for the return of his love and is willing to give the heroine time to get to know him. He's lost love once. He has no intention of losing it again. If you like heroes who have no trouble expressing their feelings, then you'll enjoy this book.
JordanSummers | 2 andere besprekingen | Mar 31, 2020 |
I love this series. I definitely recommend reading it.
ThiBalandran | Mar 17, 2020 |
I am so in love with this series. It just keeps getting better and better. All the twist, turns and the heat between Sebastian and Talia has me coming back for more. I didn’t want the book to end because I have so many questions. I hope we do not have long to wait for the next book in the series.
ThiBalandran | Mar 17, 2020 |
I loved getting Mina and Den’s story. I just wished there was more. Loved seeing Sebastian, Talia and the others. Can’t wait to read more!
ThiBalandran | Jun 26, 2019 |
Recommended for 16+ years. Order: Ethan (read after Brightest Kind of Darkness; brightest Kind of Darkness; Lucid; Destiny; Desire; Awaken.
Gmomaj | 34 andere besprekingen | Apr 13, 2019 |
Colt's Choice was, plain and simple, boring. The characters were one dimensional and had no personality. The H/h had zero chemistry and the conflict between the two got old very quickly. Hunger and Temptation was the much better book.
mitabird | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 10, 2018 |
Patrice Michelle knows how to write sexy stubborn alpha cowboys. Every couple in this series has had smoking chemistry between then and Colt and Elise have that in spades.

Colt Tanner took over not only the running of his family’s rodeo ranch when his father died but also helped raised his two younger brothers. He didn’t think twice when he had to give up his own rodeo career to do so. The ranch was owned in equal parts by his father and his uncle and Colt always figured when his uncle passed he would get his share. Well his aunt decided give it to her niece Elise Hamilton and she’s decided she wants to start over in Texas and help run the ranch much to Colt’s aggravation. The sparks fly immediately with these two but Colt a little skittish about rich city women after his mother left him and his 2 brothers and broke his father’s heart when he was younger.

As this was a full length book there is more plots to this one. We get a glimpse into what it takes running a rodeo ranch from the animal training to public relations and the running of the website to draw in more customers. We also get to see how the desertion and eventual return of the mother affected all three men differently and how some were willing to forgive and others not receptive to the woman that deserted them.

I remember when I first read this thinking these are some of the hottest love scenes I’ve ever read and I’m pretty sure its what started me on my road to loving cowboy romances. If you haven’t read this series and love hot dominate cowboys I highly recommend.
CindySnS | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 26, 2016 |
This sexy novella kicks off the Bad in Boots series. What an opening it has too. Two strangers meet in an elevator and the sexual attraction is so off the charts these two act on it. Problem is they have something in common…

Harmon Steele (I just love that name) is at a hotel to meeting with Ty Hudson and his sister Jena to buy their Great Aunt’s farm that Ty lives adjacent to. He was very close with their Aunt and since he already used part of her land for his horses he figured she would have for sure left him the farm in her will. To his surprise she didn’t but Ty wants nothing to do with Texas or the farm and figures his sister will feel the same way so he set up the meeting to sell to Harm. Well imagine Harm and Jena’s surprise when they come face to face in the meeting after their hot tryst in the elevator neither knowing who the other was.

Jena who’s never really had a place to call home as her father’s job always had them moving growing up has decided maybe she doesn’t want to sell and is thinking about staying in Texas and living in her Aunt’s house. This doesn’t go over to well with Harm and puts the two at odds.

These two have one more night of hot sex before Harm backs away. Seems he has some views on permanent relationships – he wants nothing to do with them. Jena sticks to her guns about staying and Harm walks around brooding for weeks over it even though it’s as plain as the Stetson in his head he’s in love with Jena but he refuses to change his mind about having a relationship with her. How long do you think that last (wink)
CindySnS | 3 andere besprekingen | Oct 26, 2016 |
When we met Ty Hudson in the first book he was all business. When he comes back to Texas for his sister’s wedding we get to see that Ty defiantly has a dominate personality that ohh so panty melting.

When Ty and Evan Masters first meet its with her wearing a towel and taking him down and tying him up thinking he is a burglar. Even though she got the best of him he found himself very fascinated.

Evan Masters was a child prodigy and graduated college at 24 as a Veterinarian. Because of her high IQ men were usually intimidated by her and she still has her V card. What she sees in Ty is a way to get rid of the pesky thing with a man she is attracted to but one she knows that is going to leave in a few days.

The sexual attraction between these two was hot but Ty fought it for while due to the whole V card issue. But it wasn’t long before a bit of his control slipped and he give Evan what she wants. But what neither counted on was falling for the other. Ty got burned by his first love and erected some pretty high emotional barriers that he is afraid to let down.

The story is built around Jena and Harm’s wedding which was great to get to see how they were doing. Each of the stories in this series move pretty fast but I think the author does a great job of showing us enough about each character that you understand them and feel the sexual connection. I read these books many years ago and now rereading them they still are just as good as they were the first time I’m read them.
CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
UNBREAKABLE SEAL by J.M. Madden — The emotions you feel when reading this authors books are so deep. This one was starts out when the hero Maxwell Tate is right in the middle of an hallucination in a public place. A former Walter Reed nurse comes upon him and realizes what’s happening to him and helps him through the episode. As with all the books in this series the author shows us the what these guys have to go through when they come back and how easy it is for them to find themselves addicted to pills and booze to numb the pain and also how its an easy fix for a VA Dr to just subscribe them tons of pills instead of getting to the root of the problem. Lacey Adams had seen this to many times with her time at Walter Reed and refuses to let Maxwell let his demons win. Even though this was short it was powerful and a great romance between two wonderful but wounded people that heal each other.

BREAKING TIES by Teresa Reasor — Those that follow the series know that Oliver “Greenback” Shaker is the only one of the in the SEALs team that was married before becoming a Navy SEAL. He and his wife have had a great life and have a young son. Selena hasn’t always liked the amount of time that Oliver is away but respects his love for his job and his team. When she is diagnosed with breast cancer and finds out she’s pregnant the first real test of the marriage comes into play. This author writes great military romances and in this one she gives us a glimpse of how a tough military man is brought to his knees by something he cannot fight or protect his family from. We also get a detailed look at all the stages a woman goes through after being diagnosed along with the complication of being pregnant. Very heartfelt story.

WATCH OVER ME by Delilah Devlin — Deke Warrick been a SEAL for 12 years and has loved every minute of it but his last deployment he lost a friend and for the first time wondering if it may be time to move on. His former commander who is now a congressman with a strong stance against drugs fears his family may be targeted he ask Deke as a personal favor to keep an eye on his daughter while she is on vacation in the Caribbean. What he doesn’t count on is the instant attraction between them that they waste no time acting on forgetting about the danger. This was a quick sexy read with a little suspense at the end.

SEAL'S OBSESSION by Elle James – This fast paced action novella has SEAL TEAM 10's Jack Fischer playing bait for a group of pirates off the coast of Honduras as he and his team tries to find two men that were hijacked and being held for ransom. He runs into a group that runs a medical ship that lands and helps the natives. When an attempt to take the ship is made Jack and his team decides him going undercover on the boat is the best way to catch the pirates as they seem to want the Dr. really bad. Dr. Natalie Rhoades had lost everything 4 years before and the only way she can go on is to help those in poor countries. Jack and Natalie are instantly attracted to each other but know due to their professions and the dangerous situation they are in its not good idea to act on it.
CindySnS | 1 andere bespreking | Oct 26, 2016 |
There are two parts to this book: Talia's past (when she first meets Sebastian) and Talia's present (when she meets him a second time). The first part was hard to understand and it left me with a myriad of questions regarding whether or not Talia accidentally killed her sister. Then the book abruptly jumped forward into present day. I assume eventually everything will be explained in the following book.

Once present day began, I was hooked. The chemistry between Sebastian and Talia is electric. I loved the play between Red Riding Hood and the big, bad wolf at the costume party, very creative. Sebastian is everything you want in an alpha hero: sexy, mysterious, commanding and a SEAL to boot. Unfortunately the book ended much sooner than I would have preferred and I found myself wanting more (just like Talia). Scarlett Red, the next book in the series, is already at the front in my TBR pile.
alyssadrake | 31 andere besprekingen | Sep 1, 2016 |
This may be only a short read but it still packs a punch. I loved the back story at the start when the main characters where still young and the world hadn't effected them yet. They seemed so innocent. However later on in the present we learn that they were both dealing with major issues, that even adults struggle with. I love a good back story that has some real depth in it.

Mister Black is focused in the present time with Talia trying to discover why one of the daughters of a wealthy family (The Blacks) just randomly up and left college. Little does she realize that this will led her straight into the arms of the mystery guy from her past. When they met again, the fireworks are still there. Now there is nothing holding them back from what they really want. They plan to met the next day, yet life happens and the reader is left wondering if they will ever met again.

Sebastian Quinn is one hot guy. His mystery and shadow soul make him that much more attractive. I will never look at rainbows the same way now.

I liked both of the main characters and the story line was set up nicely. However it feel just a little short in some places. Maybe the next book will help fill in those gaps.
purpleprincess1311 | 31 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2016 |
Didn't think it would be possible but for once I liked a second book in a series more than the first. Mister Black was a good read, but this was just something else all together.

It had everything I could possibly want in a book and more. Scarlett Red begins from the end of Mister Black, so it will make sense to read that first. Sebastian and Talia are just perfect for each other and yet they seem to be fighting their natural attraction to each other. They should be counting their lucky stars to find someone so special, however they keep stuffing it up one way or another.

Along with the HOT romance is a great mystery and suspense subplot. After about half way I couldn't put the book down. I HAD to just know what was going to happen. Totally didn't see the twist thrown in there.

I only downside it waiting for the next book now.
purpleprincess1311 | 29 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2016 |
I can't believe I just finished reading this incredible series. Every book seemed to be getting better and better. But all good things must come to an end it seems. And Blackest Red is the perfect ending to this series. It had everything I could ask for and more. I don't think I have the words to do this book justice. There are just too many emotions flowing through me right now after just finishing this. Ms Michelle I think you may have just out done yourself here.

*noms the popcorn*

Blackest Red starts 6 months after the events of Scarlett Red and Talia is busier than ever but she can't seem to forget her Mr Black. I loved how they first went again after the time apart. I think I may have had the goofiest grin on my face, but it was so entertaining. Only to make matters worse, she is now stuck with him during the promo tour of her latest book due to some mystery death threats received at her publishing house. The best thing I like about Talia is that she is not afraid to fight. She doesn't let anything stand in her way.

Sebastian is still has dominating as ever and willing to protect Talia with his life. He's not giving up on her so easily this time around. He's prepared to make her his, not matter the cost. But man does this man oze sex appeal. I was seriously waiting for my kindle to catch on fire a few time. The chemistry between these two is unbelievable. It was all fire when they truly let go of their passion for each other.

If you read the other books in the series (which is advisable because they should be read in order) You will notice that the plot follows a similar fashion to the previous book. Again Sebastian and Talia are tracking down a mystery person that has it out for her because of her book Blindside been based on true events. Somebody doesn't want the public to know. I was fully into the whole mystery thing and then BANG! So did not see that and that or that coming. You'll just have to read the book to know what I'm talking about.

After all the struggles and self denials, it was nice to see our couple get their happy ever after.

If you like your romance novels with a bit of everything thrown in and I mean everything; mystery, suspense, drama, hot sex scenes, humour; then I can't recommend this series highly enough. It truly is just epic.
purpleprincess1311 | 28 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2016 |
This may be only a short read but it still packs a punch. I loved the back story at the start when the main characters where still young and the world hadn't effected them yet. They seemed so innocent. However later on in the present we learn that they were both dealing with major issues, that even adults struggle with. I love a good back story that has some real depth in it.

Mister Black is focused in the present time with Talia trying to discover why one of the daughters of a wealthy family (The Blacks) just randomly up and left college. Little does she realize that this will led her straight into the arms of the mystery guy from her past. When they met again, the fireworks are still there. Now there is nothing holding them back from what they really want. They plan to met the next day, yet life happens and the reader is left wondering if they will ever met again.

Sebastian Quinn is one hot guy. His mystery and shadow soul make him that much more attractive. I will never look at rainbows the same way now.

I liked both of the main characters and the story line was set up nicely. However it feel just a little short in some places. Maybe the next book will help fill in those gaps.
purpleprincess1311 | 31 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2016 |
Didn't think it would be possible but for once I liked a second book in a series more than the first. Mister Black was a good read, but this was just something else all together.

It had everything I could possibly want in a book and more. Scarlett Red begins from the end of Mister Black, so it will make sense to read that first. Sebastian and Talia are just perfect for each other and yet they seem to be fighting their natural attraction to each other. They should be counting their lucky stars to find someone so special, however they keep stuffing it up one way or another.

Along with the HOT romance is a great mystery and suspense subplot. After about half way I couldn't put the book down. I HAD to just know what was going to happen. Totally didn't see the twist thrown in there.

I only downside it waiting for the next book now.
purpleprincess1311 | 29 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2016 |
I can't believe I just finished reading this incredible series. Every book seemed to be getting better and better. But all good things must come to an end it seems. And Blackest Red is the perfect ending to this series. It had everything I could ask for and more. I don't think I have the words to do this book justice. There are just too many emotions flowing through me right now after just finishing this. Ms Michelle I think you may have just out done yourself here.

*noms the popcorn*

Blackest Red starts 6 months after the events of Scarlett Red and Talia is busier than ever but she can't seem to forget her Mr Black. I loved how they first went again after the time apart. I think I may have had the goofiest grin on my face, but it was so entertaining. Only to make matters worse, she is now stuck with him during the promo tour of her latest book due to some mystery death threats received at her publishing house. The best thing I like about Talia is that she is not afraid to fight. She doesn't let anything stand in her way.

Sebastian is still has dominating as ever and willing to protect Talia with his life. He's not giving up on her so easily this time around. He's prepared to make her his, not matter the cost. But man does this man oze sex appeal. I was seriously waiting for my kindle to catch on fire a few time. The chemistry between these two is unbelievable. It was all fire when they truly let go of their passion for each other.

If you read the other books in the series (which is advisable because they should be read in order) You will notice that the plot follows a similar fashion to the previous book. Again Sebastian and Talia are tracking down a mystery person that has it out for her because of her book Blindside been based on true events. Somebody doesn't want the public to know. I was fully into the whole mystery thing and then BANG! So did not see that and that or that coming. You'll just have to read the book to know what I'm talking about.

After all the struggles and self denials, it was nice to see our couple get their happy ever after.

If you like your romance novels with a bit of everything thrown in and I mean everything; mystery, suspense, drama, hot sex scenes, humour; then I can't recommend this series highly enough. It truly is just epic.
purpleprincess1311 | 28 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2016 |
This may be only a short read but it still packs a punch. I loved the back story at the start when the main characters where still young and the world hadn't effected them yet. They seemed so innocent. However later on in the present we learn that they were both dealing with major issues, that even adults struggle with. I love a good back story that has some real depth in it.

Mister Black is focused in the present time with Talia trying to discover why one of the daughters of a wealthy family (The Blacks) just randomly up and left college. Little does she realize that this will led her straight into the arms of the mystery guy from her past. When they met again, the fireworks are still there. Now there is nothing holding them back from what they really want. They plan to met the next day, yet life happens and the reader is left wondering if they will ever met again.

Sebastian Quinn is one hot guy. His mystery and shadow soul make him that much more attractive. I will never look at rainbows the same way now.

I liked both of the main characters and the story line was set up nicely. However it feel just a little short in some places. Maybe the next book will help fill in those gaps.
purpleprincess1311 | 31 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2016 |
Didn't think it would be possible but for once I liked a second book in a series more than the first. Mister Black was a good read, but this was just something else all together.

It had everything I could possibly want in a book and more. Scarlett Red begins from the end of Mister Black, so it will make sense to read that first. Sebastian and Talia are just perfect for each other and yet they seem to be fighting their natural attraction to each other. They should be counting their lucky stars to find someone so special, however they keep stuffing it up one way or another.

Along with the HOT romance is a great mystery and suspense subplot. After about half way I couldn't put the book down. I HAD to just know what was going to happen. Totally didn't see the twist thrown in there.

I only downside it waiting for the next book now.
purpleprincess1311 | 29 andere besprekingen | Mar 9, 2016 |
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