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> Babelio :

> YOGA NIDRA. — Le yoga nidra est le tranquillisant yogique, le moyen naturel d’établir l'harmonie dans tout l’organisme. C’est un système magnifiquement efficace de relaxation, qui réduit de manière substantielle les tensions physiques et mentales amenées par la vie moderne. Pour les gens malades ou affaiblis, c’est le moyen de revitaliser le système nerveux et d'éveiller les forces de guérison. Le yoga nidra est connu comme technique de relaxation, mais en fait vise à un parfait équilibre physique et mental. Il apporte un état de complète quiétude dans toutes les dimensions de notre personnalité. La pratique est fondée sur la rotation de la conscience, dans laquelle on passe mentalement en revue les différentes parties du corps, et là réside le secret de son efficacité.
—Swami Satyananda. “ Yoga Nidra
Ed. Satyanandashram.
11, Cité de trévise 75009 Paris
In: Infos Yoga, (13), Été 1997, (p. 2)

> YOGA NIDRA. — "La thérapie par la relaxation du yoga nidra a été appliquée de manière très satisfaisante sur des patients qui souffraient de problèmes chroniques" rapportent les médecins du centre médical Davis Sacramento-Université de Californie (U.S.A.).
ils ont pu constaté :
1) Le soulagement de l'insomnie et des troubles du sommeil.
2) La possibilité de maintenir d'une manière modérée la douleur en dehors du champ de conscience permettant ainsi au patient de s'endormir.
3) Le soulagement partiel du sentiment de désespoir et de dépression qui est communément associé à la maladie chronique.
4) Une diminution des besoins en drogues, hypnotiques et sédatifs.
Yoga Nidra - Swami Satyananda
Ed. Satyanandashram 11, cité Trévise
75009 Paris
In: Infos Yoga, (18), Eté 1998, (p. 9)

> RAJA YOGA. — Dans le monde moderne, le Raja yoga est le plus couramment pratiqué de tous les yogas et c'est de tous, celui qui correspond le mieux à la conception que les gens se font du yoga. Les pays occidentaux l'ont adopté, bien qu'il ne réponde pas à leurs critères de connaissance intellectuelle, ceci en
raison de son efficacité. Le Raja yoga convient à chacun quelque soit sa nature, car il réunit toutes les exigences de la vie spirituelle, de ses débuts à son sommet. Le yoga nidra est une méthode Raja yoga. Ces dernières années ont vu la popularisation du mysticisme de l'Inde en occident, et cela a donné un essor considérable au bhakti yoga. Cependant le Raja yoga reste la forme de yoga la plus répandue.
—Yoga Nidra,
Swami Satyananda
Ed. Satyanandashram
In: Infos Yoga, (23), Été 1999, (p. 10)

> Naissance de yoga nidra - Swami Satyananda
In: Infos Yoga, no. 43), Eté 2003), pp. 29-30. … ; (en ligne),
Joop-le-philosophe | 9 andere besprekingen | Feb 1, 2023 |
Kundalini Tantra is Swami Satyananda Saraswati's seminal work on kundalinin, chakras and kriya yoga. Defining and explaining kundalini, this book provides a detailed account of kundalini awakening, including the signs and effects of such experiences and ways to both elicit and manage them.

The book contains a comprehensive description of each chakra and the significance of the chakras in tantric and yogic practice. Techniques are given to balance each centre for greater harmony in mind, body and spirit, and in preparation for the rising of kundalini shakti. The 20 kriyas and their preparatory practices are fully elucidated.

Includes colour plates, diagrams and charts.


Introduction to kundalini and tantra
1 Ye man, tame the kundalini
2 What is kundalini?
3 Kundalini physiology
4 Kundalini and the brain
5 Methods of awakening
6 Preparing for the awakening
7 Diet for kundalini awakening
8 Risks and precautions
9 Kundalini and madness
10 Four forms of awakening
11 The descent of kundalini
12 The experiences of awakening
13 The path of kriy yoga
14 Vama marga and kundalini awakening
The chakras
15 Introduction to the chakras
16 Evolution through the chakras
17 Ajna chakra
18 Mooladhara chakra
19 Swadhisthana chakra
20 Maniura chakra
21 Anahata chakra
22 Vishuddhi chakra
23 Bindu visarga
24 Sahasrara and samadhi
Kundalini yoga practice
25 Rules and preparation
26 Posture
27 Chakra sadhana course
28 Practices for ajna chakra
29 Practices for mooladhara chakra
30 Practices for swadhisthana chakra
31 Practices for manipura chakra
32 Practices for anahata chakra
33 Practices for vishuddhi chakra
34 Practices for bindu visarga
35 Practices for integrated chakra awareness
36 Your sadhana program
37 Kundalini kriyas of kriya yoga
38 The kriya yoga practices
Kundalini research
39 Introduction
40 Kundalini, fact not fiction
41 Defining the nadis
42 Controlling the nadis and the brain
43 Evidence for the existence of nadis
44 Neurophysiology of the chakras
45 Evidence for the existence of chakras
46 Cosmic trigger
47 Cross-cultural evidence
48 Analysis of the chakras from a psychophysiological viewpoint
References (bibliography)
Index of practices
AikiBib | 4 andere besprekingen | May 31, 2022 |
(as a buddhist, reading this INFURIATED me)

saraswati aims to establish a rich philosophical system, but the contents r aimless, repetitive, and incoherent. i shelved this under "phenomenology" due to his dissection of e.g. the structures of hearing and vision, how they relate to consciousness, etc, but his interpretation of phenomena & signs is shallow throughout

the structure of the book has little sense to it, no justification for its random selection of topics, it has no situation within the wider corpus of the bihar school. there r guides and instructions given for many different practices, but they r often difficult to follow, unclear, too repetitive, and poorly placed within the chapter

i have nothing positive to say abt this book
sashame | 2 andere besprekingen | May 30, 2019 |
ALL of Swami Satyanada Saraswati's books are amazing. This has at least 10 variations and different lengths of yoga nidra that you can use personally (record yourself) or as an instructor.
JoyWolfe | 9 andere besprekingen | Jul 6, 2017 |
The second volume of Swami Satyananda's "Eternal Diary" contains one of his inspirational spiritual teachings for each day of the year. A great way to start the day!

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | 1 andere bespreking | May 26, 2017 |
The first volume of Swami Satyananda's "Eternal Diary" contains one of his inspirational spiritual teachings for each day of the year. A great way to start the day!

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | 1 andere bespreking | May 26, 2017 |
Initiation claire à la pratique de la détente et du sommeil éveillé. Un des rares livres sur la relaxation yogique
yogasantosha | 9 andere besprekingen | Mar 1, 2016 |
The Nine Principal Upanishads are the culmination of vedic thought and contain the essence of the original vedantic teachings. They impart sublime truths about the nature and destiny of mankind revealed by great sages and seers during informal discussions with disciples and spirtual seekers. These upanishads describe the direct experience of transcendence which results in the unity of the individual with the highest consciousness.They also provide methods of mediation to realize the nature of Atman, the supreme soul, and attain the immortal Brahman.

The Text includes the original Sanskrit verse, transliteration and translation of the following nine major upanishads: Prashnopanishad, Kenopanishad, Mandukyopanishad, Mundakopanishad, Ishavasya Upanishad, Kathopanishad, Aitareya Upanishad, Shevatashvataropanishad and Taittiriya Upanishad.

About the Author:

Swami Satyanananda Saraswati, a disciple of Swami Sivananda founded the famous Bihar School of Yoga in 1964. A prolific writer he is the author of some of the most outstanding books on Yoga like Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha, A Systematic course in the Ancient Techniques of Yoga & Kriya, and many other books.
Saraswati_Library | 1 andere bespreking | Feb 2, 2015 |
The text is a reference/collection of yoga techniques. The techniques are divided into groups: namely those mentioned in the title plus Shatkarma. The first group (Asana) takes by far the largest space (3/4); the other groups are approximately of equal length with Bandha being considerable shorter. Each technique is presented in a uniform way that first describes the technique step by step and then lists (a subset of) notes on "Breathing", "Duration", "Awareness", "Benefits", "Contra-Indications", etc...

Since I found these notes often repetitious or simply annoying (see below) I mostly only read the technique descriptions which almost always was well understandable.

Most techniques are illustrated with a drawing of a person performing some stage of the technique. While these drawings certainly have their value they are of poor quality (anatomically and concerning the print quality). I consider this the main disadvantage against Iyengar's "Light on Yoga". The set of presented Asanas (i.e. without even considering the other groups: Pranayama, ...) is more diverse than that given in Iyengar's book, e.g. it contains anti-rheumatic exercises (that I would call warm-up exercises) and eye exercises.

As usual for texts of this kind, bold statements about health improvements are made (e.g., p. 74: "Simplifying the diet [...] will help rectify poor vision". Also, the notes on "Benefits" often seem dubious) and overly cautious warnings are too often heard in the notes on "Contra-Indications" (sure, not everyone should do every exercise but I do not see why, e.g., people with high blood pressure should not perform Padahastasana; cf. p. 235).

To conclude, the text is a decent and quite exhaustive overview over the techniques of Hatha Yoga.
1 stem
Tobias.Bruell | 4 andere besprekingen | May 17, 2014 |
In this booklet, compiled from lectures given at the International Yoga Assembly, Bihar School of Yoga, India in 1967-68, Swami Satyananda presents refreshing, interesting and knowledgeable explanations about Tantra - the living science of self-realisation.
Saraswati_Library | Dec 6, 2013 |
Yoga Nidra is a simple yet profound technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from the traditional tantric practice of nyasa.The Text explains the theory of Yoga Nidra in both yogic and scientific terms and includes class transcriptions of the practice.It also presents the various applications of this versatile technique,which has been used for deep relaxation,in stress management and therapy,to enhance the learning process in education,to harmonize the deeper unconscious and awaken inner potential,and as a meditative technique.A research section is also included.
saraswati_library_mm | 9 andere besprekingen | Aug 22, 2010 |
Yoga Nidra is a simple yet profound technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from the traditional tantric practice of nyasa.The Text explains the theory of Yoga Nidra in both yogic and scientific terms and includes class transcriptions of the practice.It also presents the various applications of this versatile technique,which has been used for deep relaxation,in stress management and therapy,to enhance the learning process in education,to harmonize the deeper unconscious and awaken inner potential,and as a meditative technique.A research section is also included.
saraswati_library_mm | 9 andere besprekingen | Aug 22, 2010 |
Yoga Nidra is a simple yet profound technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from the traditional tantric practice of nyasa.The Text explains the theory of Yoga Nidra in both yogic and scientific terms and includes class transcriptions of the practice.It also presents the various applications of this versatile technique,which has been used for deep relaxation,in stress management and therapy,to enhance the learning process in education,to harmonize the deeper unconscious and awaken inner potential,and as a meditative technique.A research section is also included.
saraswati_library_mm | 9 andere besprekingen | Aug 22, 2010 |
Yoga Nidra is a simple yet profound technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati from the traditional tantric practice of nyasa.The Text explains the theory of Yoga Nidra in both yogic and scientific terms and includes class transcriptions of the practice.It also presents the various applications of this versatile technique,which has been used for deep relaxation,in stress management and therapy,to enhance the learning process in education,to harmonize the deeper unconscious and awaken inner potential,and as a meditative technique.A research section is also included.
saraswati_library_mm | 9 andere besprekingen | Aug 22, 2010 |
The first volume of Swami Satyananda's "Eternal Diary" contains one of his inspirational spiritual teachings for each day of the year. A great way to start the day!

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | 1 andere bespreking | Jun 18, 2010 |
A collection of spiritual teachings and verses by Sri Swami Satyananda over a number of years.

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
Satsangs (spiritual discourses) given by Sri Swami Satyananda at Rikhiapeeth, Deoghar, India, during the period 2000-2007.

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
The second volume of Swami Satyananda's "Eternal Diary" contains one of his inspirational spiritual teachings for each day of the year. A great way to start the day!

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | 1 andere bespreking | May 13, 2010 |
Taming the Kundalini is a collection of letters written by Swami Satyananda Saraswati to a close disciple, during the period 1959–62. Through this detailed and intimate account of yogic and spiritual training, the reader is given a rare glimpse into the unfoldment of the guru-disciple relationship and the implementation of progressive sadhana as a powerful tool to awaken consciousness.

In this book Swami Satyananda offers to all his spiritual advice and encouragement and leads the reader into a deeper understanding of the human place within the universe.

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
These inspirational verses, "High on Waves", were originally published in "Yoga Magazine" the journal of the Bihar School of Yoga. They are presented here in a beautiful, deluxe, illustrated book, together with numerous photographs.

The book was given as prasad to devotees in India and was not published for sale.

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
Sanskrit text, English translation and detailed commentary on this most important "principal" Upanishad, considered to be the seed of Indian philosophy in general and of Vedanta philosophy in particular. Includes a useful introduction to the essence and wisdom of the Upanishads.

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
This text contains the full Sanskrit text of Rishi Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, along with transliteration, translation and commentary. The Yoga Sutras, containing 196 epithets or threads of yoga, is the most respected treatise on yoga. This extensive commentary on each sutra fully explains the text and the path of raja yoga.

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.

Serious yogic aspirants and spiritual seekers will find invaluable guidance within these pages.
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
This book compiles the discussions between Swami Satyananda Saraswati and a group of French medical experts, physicians and yoga teachers who shared their views on Yoga and Medical Management of Cardiovascular Disease at Tenon Hospital, Paris in September 1981. A yogi discusses the whole range of heart and vascular diseases plus the relevant coexisting diseases like diabetes mellitus and pulmonary disorders from the modern scientific as well as yogic viewpoints. Covered are the causes, patho-physiology and management of cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, cerebral degenerative diseases, peripheral vascular disease and arteriosclerosis, followed by the yogic explanation and in-depth yogic management with scientific back up.

The research data was correlated by an Australian doctor and the scientific disposition and language make the book ideal for both medical scientists and lay people alike.
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha is recognized internationally as one of the most systematic yoga manuals available today. Since its first publication by the Bihar School of Yoga in 1969, it has been reprinted thirteen times and translated into many languages. It is the main reference text used by yoga teachers and students of Bihar Yoga/Satyananda Yoga within the International Yoga Fellowship Movement, and many other traditions as well.

This comprehensive text provides clear illustrations, step by step directions and details of chakra awareness. It guides the practitioner or teacher from the simplest to the most advanced practices of the hatha yoga system. A therapeutic index is included for use by doctors and yoga therapists incorporating recent information from research into yoga. This edition successfully brings the exposition of yoga practices to the standard of a university text.

Suitable for all teachers and practitioners.

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | 4 andere besprekingen | May 13, 2010 |
An excellent discussion of the health benefits of forward bending asanas, including for spinal and abdominal / digestive health.

About the Author:

Swami Satyananda is considered to be one of the major forces in bringing yoga to the West. He travelled the world tirelessly for over twenty years sharing the inspiration of yoga. During this time he wrote over 80 books on Yoga, Tantra and Spirituality. Swami Satyananda retired from public life in 1988 to work for mankind's upliftment in a more universal way. He moved to Rikhiapeeth, in a small village in Jharkhand in India, where he worked to support the local community and improve their quality of life.

After inspiring millions to live the divine life, Swami Satyananda took mahasamadhi at midnight on December 5th 2009 at Rikhiapeeth, leaving the present inspirers of the Satyananda Yoga tradition, Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda (popularly known as Swami Satsangi), to continue his work for humanity.
Saraswati_Library | May 13, 2010 |
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