
Uitgereikt door Zimin Foundation

Andere Namen: Enlightener.Translation Award
22 Werken / 29 Items 18,609 boeken 448 Besprekingen 4.1
Alle, Winner (2), Shortlist (17), Longlist (21)
Alle, 2021 (29), 2020 (10)

Winner 1

Shortlist 7

Longlist 21

Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything door David Bellos2021
The Truth About Animals: Stoned Sloths, Lovelorn Hippos, and Other Tales from the Wild Side of Wildlife door Lucy Cooke2021
Weird Math: A Teenage Genius and His Teacher Reveal the Strange Connections Between Math and Everyday Life door David Darling2021
Onze onsterfelijke genen een darwinistische kijk op het leven door Richard Dawkins2021
The Death of the Artist: How Creators Are Struggling to Survive in the Age of Billionaires and Big Tech door William Deresiewicz2021
Bach muziek als een wenk van de hemel door John Eliot Gardiner2021
Bullshit Jobs: A Theory door David Graeber2021
Geschiedenis van het theater door Phyllis Hartnoll2021
The Last Alchemist in Paris: And other curious tales from chemistry door Lars Öhrström2021
Elastic: Flexible Thinking in a Time of Change door Leonard Mlodinow2021
Math with Bad Drawings door Ben Orlin2021
Onzichtbare vrouwen door Caroline Criado Perez2021
Ons betere ik waarom de mens steeds minder geweld gebruikt door Steven Pinker2021
The Rare Metals War: The Dark Side of Clean Energy and Digital Technologies door Guillaume Pitron2021
Who We Are and How We Got Here: Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past door David Reich2021
De Arabieren een geschiedenis door Eugene Rogan2021
The Collector of Lives: Giorgio Vasari and the Invention of Art door Ingrid Rowland2021
Exact Thinking in Demented Times: The Vienna Circle and the Epic Quest for the Foundations of Science door Karl Sigmund2021
Pale Rider: The Spanish Flu of 1918 and How It Changed the World door Laura Spinney2021
Calculating the Cosmos: How Mathematics Unveils the Universe door Ian Stewart2021
She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity door Carl Zimmer2021


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