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Elizabeth von Arnim(1) Jane Austin(1) Enid Bagnold(1) Helen Bannerman(1) J. M. Barrie(1) Geraldine Beare(2) GERALDINE (editor) BEARE, introduced by HEALD, TIM with llustrations by ECCLES, DAVID(1) Hilaire Belloc(1) Helicon Books(4) George Borrow(1) Raymond Briggs(1) Great Britain(1) John L. Brom(1) Pam Brown(1) Bertel Bruun(1) Bob Burton(1) Lewis Carroll(2) Henry Francis Cary(1) Erskine Childers(1) Agatha Christie(1) Philip R. Davies(1) E.M. Delafield(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(1) Alexandre Dumas(1) Richard Exley(1) Patrick Leigh Fermor(2) Henry Fielding(1) Paul Gallico(1) Margaret Gilmour(1) Robert Graves(2) Graham Greene(2) Stuart Hadaway(1) H. Rider; Illustrated By David Eccles Haggard(1) Christopher Hibbert(1) Edith Holden(1) Roger Hudson(2) Rudyard Kipling(7) Margaret Lane(1) Henrietta Lucy Dillon de La Tour du Pin(1) Anna Harriette Leonowens(1) JOHN LETS(1) C. S. Lewis(1) A. G. Macdonell(1) Salvador de Madariaga(1) Frederick Marryat(2) W. Somerset Maugham(5) A. A. Milne(3) A. A. Milne, and Shepard, Ernest H.(1) Nancy Mitford(2) Nicholas Monsarrat(2) Roberta Morrell(1) John Mortimer(1) H. V. Morton(1) Axel Munthe(1) William Francis Patrick Napier(1) E. Nesbit(2) Urgunge Onon(1) Baroness Orczy(1) Beatrix Potter(2) Procopius(1) Arthur Ransome(12) Arthur; Mitrokhin Ransome, Dmitri (illustrations)(1) Anthony Tollope; Julian Symons (introduction by); Illustrated by Peter Reddick(1) Mary Renault(1) William Roper(1) Thomas Roscoe(1) Siegfried Sassoon(3) John Scott(1) Edward Seago(3) W. C. Sellar(1) Mark Shand(1) Samuel Shellabarger(1) Edith Sitwell(1) E Œ Somerville and Martin Ross(1) Tony Soper(1) Norman J. Sparnon(1) Henry M. Stanley(1) Robert Louis Stevenson(4) Mary Stewart(2) Han Suyin(1) Jonathan Swift(1) James Thurber(1) J. R. R. Tolkien(1) Leo Tolstoy(1) Louise and Aylmer Maude and Clifton Fadiman Leo Tolstoy(1) Anthony Trollope(5) Niccolò Tucci(1) Gore Vidal(1) Linda M Walker(1) Roger Wardale(2) Evelyn Waugh(6) Marion St. John Webb(1) Morris L. West(1) Sloan Wilson(1) P. G. Wodehouse(1) V. M. Yeates(1)