'What scary movie have you watched recently?' - Midnight Double Feature! (not about double features)

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'What scary movie have you watched recently?' - Midnight Double Feature! (not about double features)

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

jun 24, 2013, 3:16 pm

I thought 300 was a nice figure to start a new thread at (okay, technically we made it to 301 in the last thread)!

#301 I saw The Collection in theaters. That club scene was really awesome on the big screen. Yeah, I felt about the same as you. it was fine and definitely reminiscent of the Saw franchise.

I recently began tracking on "ICheckMovies.com" the horror films I've seen. I am at 760-something now. I powered through several horror movies this weekend to add to the list (especially when I saw my list of "classics" was lacking).

The Dead Zone - I'd never seen this until last night, nor have I read the book or seen the TV series of the same name. Christopher Walken is seriously a good actor. I've mostly known him from his silly and/or typecast roles in recent years , but he did a great job in this. While more thriller than horror, it was interesting. It ending up having several story arcs which I liked because it wasn't really predictable. I am now interesting in reading the book. 7.5/10

Black Sunday (aka "The Mask of Satan) - This was a classic black-and-white Bava flick full of stereotypical supernatural gothic fun. We have a pair of 200-year old vampire/witches, a spooky castle, a crypt, a cheesey fog-covered cemetery, and horse-drawn carriages through haunted/cursed woods. It was exactly what you'd think and I thought it was great. The dubbing was a little harsh, however there wasn't a ton of dialogue. The ending was typical (guy saves girl). 7.5/10

Spiders 3D (although it was not in 3D for me) - I began watching this while waiting for my BF to join me. I didn't intend on watching the whole thing but it wasn't bad actually. An aside: I didn't have my iPad w/me all weekend so it was brutal when I saw the lead character and couldn't place him. For those of the same generation, I eventually figured out that this was Kelly's scumbag BF Jeff from Saved by the Bell. The CGI was pretty decent and there was an interesting plot too. The acting was pretty rough in spots, but overall this was a fun little movie for what it was. 6/10

An American Crime - Really more drama/thriller, this was a tough movie to watch. It was based on a true story that happened in the 1950s. I thought it began too lighthearted and silly because where it eventually went was horrible. Ellen Page did a great job, as did all of the children actors. If it wasn't a true story, I never would have bought the fact that Sylvia and Jennie's parents left them with essentially a complete stranger. The abuse was really hard to watch. I'd recommend you see the film first before investigating the case--there was a pretty interesting surprise towards the end. I liked the movie, but I don't ever want to see it again. 7.5/10

I started watching Daywatch this weekend also. I'd seen Nightwatch several years ago and really enjoyed it. Daywatch is coming along okay...very long, though. I've got a few days off at the end of this week so hopefully I will power through it and some more horror movies to add to my list!

jun 27, 2013, 10:53 am

I watched Sinister last night, I have to admit it creeped my shit out. I kept thinking "the Ring" and read later this was based on a nightmare he had after watching The Ring.

jun 28, 2013, 3:02 am

#1: Thanks for starting a new thread! :) We definitely needed it.

Yeah, the club scene definitely stands out in The Collection. I'm kind of drawing a blank on some of the rest of the movie (my fault; I've been watching other stuff immediately afterwards), except for the collection of human limbs and whatnot in the giant glass containers. For some reason, it reminded me of The Human Centipede, which I now want to rewatch. Sick, I know.

I'll have to visit ICheckMovies.com after I post here. I'm nowhere near 760+ horror movies like you are, but it'd be fun to see how many I have seen.

I haven't seen The Dead Zone (or read the book or watched the TV series either), but it's another one I want to get around to, even though I'm not too crazy about Stephen King movies, except for maybe Stand By Me. I'll also have to add Black Sunday and Spiders 3D to the TBW pile. I haven't heard of either one. I have seen An American Crime and liked it enough to buy the DVD. I agree--Ellen Page is really good in her role, but I'll always see her as that pregnant teen in Juno. I've also seen Daywatch and Nightwatch (liked them both) and was kind of hoping the third movie would eventually get made (wasn't it part of a trilogy?).

#2: That's another one in my long TBW list. Glad you liked it, too! :)

I finished watching House at the End of the Street tonight and really liked it, even though I could kind of guess some of the plot from the trailer. It's probably one of the better teen horror flicks I've seen in a long time.

jun 30, 2013, 3:47 am

I watched Beneath the Dark the other day. It was supposed to be a mix between The Shining and In the Bedroom. Since I haven't seen the latter, I don't know if they pulled off that combo very well. Anyway, I thought it was halfway decent, even if it was a bit slow and more of a supernatural drama than a suspense thriller.

jul 7, 2013, 3:47 am

I watched a few good movies this past week or so:

* The Vampire's Assistant -- It's more for kids, I suppose (it's based on the YA book/series by Darren Shan), but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

* Sinister -- I finally got around to this one and really wished I'd watched it sooner. Very, very creepy. The opening scene with the family hanging from the tree was pretty unexpected.

* Warm Bodies -- Again, mostly intended for kids/teens, but I liked it. I haven't read the book it was based on, but I plan on it.

* The Happening -- More sci fi-ish than horror, but I thought I'd mention this one, even though it's probably the only one of the four I wasn't too crazy about.

jul 7, 2013, 4:40 pm

Film 4 have been having a Ben Wheatley season. One of his films, Kill List, is a horror, but they are all dark in one way or another and I've enjoyed them all. Kill List is a violent, gritty Brit film about two hit men with vein of horror running through it - I recommend NOT reading up on it, especially on IMDB, unless you don't mind spoilers.

His latest, A Field in England, wasn't billed as a horror, but is listed as one on IMDB. It's a very weird film, set during the English civil war, and you couldn't spoil it for yourself reading up on it beforehand because it's that odd. It was my kind of dark so I loved it.

jul 8, 2013, 10:42 am

I watched 6 Souls it wanted to be good, but ended up running all over the place.

jul 8, 2013, 5:03 pm

beeg Too weird. I turned on 6 Souls last night and immediately realized (literally 20 seconds into the film) that I was too sleepy to appreciate it. Sorry to hear it wasn't good, I too want to like it. Maybe I will try again this weekend.

The Stuff - I'd not seen this before and had just assumed it would be like The Blob. It turned out to be quite clever (and cheesey, of course). It was a bit like They Live and Halloween III: Season of the Witch meets The Blob. I LOL'd at the effects. Overall, I recommend it but it was pretty "meh." The novelty wore off quick. 6/10

The Legend of Lucy Keyes - Despite its low Netflix and IMDB.com ratings, I wanted to give this one a fair shot (especially since I like ghosty movies). This turned out to be predictable and rather boring. I actually didn't finish it. Once the little girl ghost materializes and starts interacting with one of the characters, I just lost interest. The direction and acting detracted from a fairly decent story, but overall it was hard to get through (and I didn't even get through it all!). It reminded me of a Lifetime movie meets an episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" 5/10

jul 9, 2013, 5:57 am

Is anybody watching Les Revenants/The Returned, the French series? For anybody that hasn't come across it, it's a supernatural thriller, not really horror but I thought I'd mention it here because of the supernatural themes. It is about people coming back from the dead in a small town - not in a zombie/undead way, but as they were before they died - and the effects this has, not only on those returning but on their loved ones. There's also something weird happening at the local dam...

jul 9, 2013, 9:14 am

Moomin_Mama Oooh, that sounds good. I haven't even heard of it. Where can I get my hands on it?

jul 9, 2013, 12:31 pm

It's on the Channel 4 catch-up website, 4oD:


and YouTube:


(Channel 4 have just shown the 5th episode; all 8 are on YouTube. If anyone watches them all, please, no spoilers!)

Also on 4oD, more on A Field in England:


I thought Kill List was excellent, but I just can't get A Field in England out of my head...

jul 10, 2013, 7:59 pm

#6: Thanks for recommending Kill List. :) I've checked that one out a couple times from work but never watched it, so I put it on hold again. A Field in England we don't have, so I'll have to pass on that one.

#7: That's too bad about 6 Souls. :( It looks like it has a great cast, too. We have a copy at work, so I went ahead and put a hold on it, just to try it.

#8: We don't have copies of either The Stuff or The Legend of Lucy Keyes, so I'll have to skip on those. Sorry both were kind of meh. And I agree--sometimes IMDb's ratings are way off.

#9: No, I've never seen it. But it sounds really good. Thanks for mentioning it! :)

#11: Oh, good! I was thinking it was on cable and I'd never be able to see it (I don't have cable). Thanks for the links. :)

jul 11, 2013, 4:10 am

I watched a couple movies: Crazy Eights and The Descent: Part 2. Crazy Eights was a little lacking in back story, but overall it was ok. The Descent: Part 2 doesn't live up to the first one (what sequel does?), but at least they kept the same actors and tried to wrap up character drama from the first Descent. I wouldn't be surprised if they come out with a third; **spoiler** it ends kind of the same way.**end of spoiler**

jul 11, 2013, 8:58 am

#13 I watched The Descent 2 right when it first came out. I think I was too harsh on it because you are right, they did keep the same characters and attempted to resolve drama so the movie should get some credit for that. I just loved the first so much the second was just such a disappointment. I don't remember much of it except that I didn't like it.

I tried to watch The ABCs of Death but just can't get into it. It is an anthology (2+ hours) of 26 shorts directed by different directors of strange ways to die. There is a mix of languages (Spanish, Japanese, English, etc.) but there are subtitles. Netflix subtitles are awful yellow and in all caps so that alone was pretty distracting. The shorts are just so random and some are just silly (for example, "F is for 'Fart'") so that alone kind of sums up the movie. I am at 'J' or 'K' now. 5.5/10

I am looking forward to seeing The Conjuring. I think it comes out next week.

jul 12, 2013, 5:52 am

#9 I really liked Les Revenants, too. It asks a lot of interesting questions and I really liked the acting.

jul 13, 2013, 5:00 pm

#14: I loved the first Descent movie, too; that's why I was surprised they made a sequel. I thought it was fine on its own. So yeah, I can totally understand how it could be disappointing.

I haven't seen The ABCs of Death, but the titles sound, well, interesting. ;) I'll have to try it.

Hope you like The Conjuring! :) I was going to ask how it got a 7.7 rating on IMDb when it hasn't been realeased yet, but it looks like Spain and the UK got an early start.

jul 14, 2013, 8:06 am

The first Descent movie is excellent and more than makes up for Dog Soldiers (which got on my nerves with its laddish sexism). I caught a bit of the sequel when I changed channels one night and what I saw didn't fill me with hope, but I'm sure I'll catch the whole film one day.

Les Revenants is very interesting, and a different twist on the dead coming back to life. Has anybody watched it on YouTube yet?

Speaking of different twists, I was excited by the series Being Human until they brought in the vampire/werewolf conflict. I heard that there is now a US version. Any good?

jul 14, 2013, 3:11 pm

I watched the first season and liked it, but stalled out on the second one. too distracted for the most part.

jul 14, 2013, 5:27 pm

#17: I liked Dog Soldiers and don't remember any sexism (though I'm sure you're right; it's been forever since I've seen it). I wouldn't say you'd have to watch The Descent: Part 2, but it's not too bad, as far as sequels go.

I haven't gotten around to Les Revenants yet, sorry.

I keep checking out Being Human (just the UK version for now), but I haven't watched it yet. Sorry, not very helpful, am I? ;)

jul 15, 2013, 12:32 pm

>19 saraslibrary:: I'm as bad, Sara - I can rarely comment on anything written here because I only really catch films as they are shown on tv, so I'm always out of date :)

The 'punchline' of Dog Soldiers is that the heroine turns out to be a werewolf and therefore a 'bitch' and it is 'her time of the month'. The fact that the heroine is strong, capable, knowledgeable but a bit stand-offish and a bit smug makes it worse, as she's exactly the sort of woman who's put down by sexist men in real life as being a bitch, having PMT, etc.

Another recent watch - Rec 2. Watchable but silly really. Lots and lots of hysterics and running about shouting "Vamos!", with almost every zombie shooting looking like it came from a computer game. The possession-as-virus explanation wasn't convincing, nor was the door or bath that was only visible in night vision. I saw Quarantine a few years ago and enjoyed that, and it didn't seem quite so ridiculous.

jul 16, 2013, 10:14 am

I watched 6 Souls this weekend. It almost felt like two separate films. It was a little flawed plot-wise and there were some things that I don't think were fully explained, but I really liked it overall. I thought it was unique and pretty progressive. I'll definitely want to rewatch it again. 7/10

jul 16, 2013, 2:50 pm

I think if they would have left out the gypsy/mountain people thing, it would have been better.

jul 16, 2013, 7:41 pm

#20: Oh, yeah. I totally remember that part of Dog Soldiers now. Yeah, typical horror sexism. Even though the genre's evolved some, the sexism's still there.

I haven't watched any of the original Rec movies, but I did like Quarantine.

#21: I'm still waiting on 6 Souls.

jul 22, 2013, 12:15 am

I finished watching The Caller tonight. It's more supernatural than I expected, which made it a bit confusing, like who was real/imaginary/a ghost, the topic of time travel, etc. I'd still recommend it, though.

jul 22, 2013, 4:27 pm

#24 I really enjoyed The Caller. I ended up buying it because I knew I'd need to rewatch it again.

I rented Evil dead (2013). The best way I can describe this is that the good parts were really good (the gore, the atmosphere) but the bad parts were really bad (continuity issues, silly plot, cliched ending). I do think they did a good job of making this feel more like a horror movie by getting rid of the hokey-ness of the original Evil Dead films. That said, I am a big fan of the original and thought this was a missed opportunity. 6/10

I like the angle of setting it up with Mia detoxing. For a moment the characters didn't know if she was crazy from withdrawal vs being possessed.

I disliked most how Mia was all mutilated but towards the end of the movie, she is back to looking flawless. Someone on IMDB commented that when the possessed is cleansed, they turn back to how the originally looked. But that conflicts with the beginning of the story for me.

And also there were some inconsistencies w/how to kill the demons too. The one girl in the bathroom dies after Eric bashes her head in, so that kills her? While other demons later in the film are horribly mutilated and keep coming back.

******End spoilers******

jul 22, 2013, 5:21 pm

Saw The Conjuring this weekend and really enjoyed it. It might not be the most imaginative story, but it was solid spooky with some good jump scares (some might say overdone). I really like any movie that doesn't overuse CGI, and this is one that gets it. It's used in a few subtle ways but never like in the recent Mama or some other movies where you finally get a good look at "it" and aren't the least scared by a digital boogie man. Patrick Wilson does his standard work, but Vera Farmiga did a great job balancing strength and fragility in her take on Lorraine Warren.

jul 22, 2013, 5:31 pm

#26 Thanks for the info. I have this Friday off from work and am hoping to have a date night w/the BF to see The Conjuring. Spooky horror is my favorite and seeing this on the big screen should be great!

jul 23, 2013, 4:52 pm

Hope you enjoy it – there's such a variety of tastes on this list that I always hope I don't mislead folks. :)

Bewerkt: jul 27, 2013, 4:35 pm

#25: I'll have to rewatch The Caller; some parts were kind of confusing. And, strangely, I bought that one, too, mainly because it was $2. :)

Good to know about the Evil Dead remake. And thank you for the spoilers; I actually like reading up on movies. That one's in my TBW pile @ home.

#26: That one looks really good; I love the cast. I'm surprised it has a 8.1/10 rating on IMDb (horror movies rarely rate that high), but I'm guessing it'll probably drop over time.

#28: Opinions are always welcome here! :) I love getting new horror movie recommendations.

I went on a slight Children of the Corn binge this past week and watched the first one, #2: The Final Sacrifice, and #3: Urban Harvest (and am currently watching the remake of the original). They pretty much go in that order for best-to-worst rating. The first one was ok (although I haven't read the short story it was based on by Stephen King), although it is a bit dated re: special effects and clothes; not to mention religious children just don't scare me, even if they're armed with scythes. CotC #2: The Final Sacrifice I gave a 3/5. It wasn't terrible, but not great either. **spoiler** The ending was a little offensive in that they burn a Native American in what I'm guessing was their way of being respectable, but where I live, the Native tribes don't do that; they have regular underground burials. **end of spoiler** Cotc #3: Urban Harvest was probably the worst out of the three; I gave it a 2/5. The location change (from Nebraska to Chicago) didn't work for the scare factor, imho. And the monster scene at the end...well, I almost forgot what type of movie I was watching. The remake I'm maybe 15 minutes into, so I can't really say too much about it, although there are definitely some changes to characters.

jul 28, 2013, 7:57 pm

Didn't get a chance to see The Conjuring yet. I do hope to catch it while its still in theaters.

I did watch The Howling. I'd never seen it before and actually thought it was the one with Jack Nicholson until the opening credits. I'm not a fan in particular of the werewolf subgenre but this was fine. My main criticism is that many of the scenes were just too visually dark. I don't know if that was deliberate because of the special effects or if it was just a reflection of the times (early 1980s). The plot was somewhat predictable but there was some effort put in to make it a bit more thoughtful. I also admire the special effects in a time before CGI. I think they did a good job with the transformations however, that being said, the transformations were a bit inconsistent (some characters looked ghastly during the transformations while others looked like cute little puppies). It also seemed to take some characters forever to transform while others transformed immediately. Overall, I recommend this as a classic werewolf horror flick. 7/10

I watched some awful thing I'd never heard of just a few minutes ago, RSVP (2002). Gosh this was rough. It oozed 90s horror cliches and felt like it was trying to be American Psycho. I caught it on Fearnet OnDemand and have never heard of it otherwise. Awful acting and just crap all-around. Lots of drinking, and cigarette and pot smoking. It tied to be comedic too which just really confused me. I couldnt take this mess seriously. 4/10

jul 28, 2013, 8:22 pm

Love both Children of the Corn (although it is a bit corny - geddit?), and The Howling. Didn't know there was a remake of CotC but I'll look out for it. The short story is in Night Shift and is a favourite of mine. The Howling is an old favourite of mine - the transformation in the office scared me witless as a kid, although the effects have aged, but I still find it very watchable. Speaking of the effects, am I right in remembering that the sex scene is almost animated and cartoony?

Bewerkt: jul 28, 2013, 10:55 pm

#31 Ho yeah, super-cartoonish sex scene by the campfire. It was odd to me because this was the only scene that used computerized effects. I think I'd have liked this movie better if I'd seen it sooner or as a kid. You're right, the transformation scene in the office was really solid. Although I couldn't help but think it took too long; if I was Dee Wallace's character, I'd have been halfway to Canada by the time Eddie had turned into a werewolf.

I've seen a lot of people proclaiming this as the best, or one of the best, werewolf movies of all time. I much prefer The Company of Wolves or An American Werewolf in London (maybe even Silver Bullet) to this.

I just bought Psycho II-IV. I've only watched the original (and the Gus Van Sant remake of the first) but I've heard the sequels--well some of them, are pretty decent. I've been wanting more of this franchise since the Bates Motel series (which by the way is pretty good, but not at all "horror").

jul 29, 2013, 2:20 am

#30: It's been so long since I've seen The Howling; I can't remember if I liked or hated it. I'll have to rewatch that one sometime.

I do remember seeing Wolf (the Jack Nicholson movie) as a teenager and liked it.

I've never heard of RSVP either. I'll probably pass on that one. Thanks for the warning. :)

#31: (snort) Yes, Children of the Corn is very corny! :P I own Night Shift, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet, like most of King's books I own.

Anyway, the remake was pretty decent, imho (I just finished it tonight). There are some big changes in this version, like the time taking place in the 70's instead of the 80's; the main characters varying in race, personality, and occupation; children getting pregnant/having sex in public; not to mention the ending, which I actually liked because it was more realistic than the original's.

#32: I think I've seen most, if not all, of the Psycho sequels and thought they were pretty good, so hopefully you'll have fun watching them. :) I haven't seen the remake of Psycho, though. Another one for the TBW pile.

Bewerkt: jul 29, 2013, 3:10 pm

#32 – I so agree that An American Werewolf in London is better than The Howling (though I've never seen The Company of Wolves – I'll have to look for that one). The last transformation scene in The Howling made me think of a crazed terrier or something, so I get where you are coming from. But the first one is pretty darn good for the time.

I rather like the werewolf sub genre in fiction, but it seems difficult to do well onscreen.

Bewerkt: jul 29, 2013, 8:57 pm

#27 & #28 - I was able to catch The Conjuring on Saturday and it was super creepy! Rated it 7 out of 10 because, although it was scary, the plot was nothing fresh for horror veterans. Definitely recommend to fans of atmospheric horror with mild gore. Warning: If you're freaked out by dolls (like me!) then you'll probably have to cover your eyes in the beginning.

Last night on Netflix I watched The Bay and now I'm pretty sure I won't eat fish anytime soon. I'm not sure how I feel about the mockumentary style, though.

jul 31, 2013, 8:25 pm

An American Werewolf in London is one of my fave films. Is Silver Bullet the old film where you have to guess the identity of the werewolf at the end?

Psycho 2 is a lot of fun, if I remember correctly.

Good to know about The Conjuring - the ads are all over the tv at the moment but are just not scary. I like creepy films but can't do horror films at the cinema (I scream too much at anything jumpy, it's embarrassing), so I'll wait till that comes out on DVD.

A friend recently recommended An American Horror Story (tv series) but I haven't heard of it. Didn't want to catch any spoilers by looking on YouTube so thought I'd ask here. Any good?

jul 31, 2013, 8:33 pm

I haven't watched An American Horror Story, but I've had a few patrons say they like it. And it's one I'd like to watch eventually. Let us know how it pans out. It looks really good.

aug 1, 2013, 10:04 am

#36 & 37 I really loved American Horror Story the first season (8.5/10). My recommendation is to watch Season 1 w/o doing any research about the plot or the series. It was something to follow along each week and learn the twists along with the rest of the world.

Season 2 was less satisfying to me (I'd give it a 7/10). I want to talk about the series but since you both haven't seen it, I don't want to ruin it for you! Let's just say each season has a theme and I was let down a bit by Season 2: Asylum. Season 1 is streaming on Netflix I think.

I tell you, it is super hard avoiding all those Conjuring trailers. I've successfully been able to (though sometimes having to plug my ears). Hehe. I just really like to be surprised and trailers can give away so much.

I recently purchased The Loved Ones and Would You Rather on DVD. I rarely buy movies I haven't seen so this was a risk. I had heard good things about The Loved Ones. I went shopping on Amazon while buzzed or else I probably wouldn't have bought them! They weren't much, though, even new. I don't typically like "torture porn" but we'll see.

aug 3, 2013, 8:06 am

Watched the last episode of The Returned. Thoughtful, thought-provoking, touching, loved it.

aug 4, 2013, 8:56 am

The Children - British horror, 2008. Two married couples and their children holiday together in a house in the country, the children go mad and attack the adults.

Dumb. REALLY dumb. Plot holes, unsympathetic characters (spoiled brats and neurotic adults), lots and lots of screaming tantrums (had to turn it down frequently to avoid a headache), some scenes would have been unintentionally funny if they weren't so annoying.

Devils of Darkness - another Brit horror, this from the 60s. Had a funny 'swinging' party in the middle (swinging as in 60s, not in partner-swapping) but seemed really old-fashioned, even for its age.

aug 5, 2013, 12:04 am

#38: The Loved Ones and Would You Rather sound really, really good, especially The Loves Ones! (I read the synopsis for it on Wikipedia.) I may do like you did and just go ahead and buy it online, unless I can find it at Half Price Books or some other cheapo store. I'm just the opposite about buying movies. If I really don't like it, I know I can return it (at HPB anyway), which I rarely have to do.

#39: I'm glad the last episode was good. :) I wish my computer were faster so I could watch it online. Maybe I'll get to it when I'm at work.

#40: Children as villains are almost never scary to me, but I might still give The Children a go. I like most British horror. Devils of Darkness...well, I'll probably pass on that one, even though I love vampire flicks. You would think adult swinging would be more appropriate for the 60's than swing dancing, but I guess not.

I finished watching The Signal yesterday. It's a little slow-paced, but morbidly funny at times (mainly the second part), with bits of science fiction thrown in. I didn't quite understand the point of the opening scene, though, with the female victims escaping their killer. I kept waiting for that story to come into play, but nothing. Oh well. Overall a good flick.

aug 5, 2013, 2:17 pm

#40 I am not a fan of children-themed horror movies. I watched that one last winter I think (I tried to time it w/the holidays). It fell flat and I was really bored with it.

#41 The Signal has been in my Netflix queue for awhile now. I might check it out soon though since you didn't hate it.

I watched a few really good movies this weekend. It seems I either have a good run of enjoying movies or a bad run where I've see like 4 pieces of crap in a row.

Would You Rather - I am a big fan of Jeffery Combs so that was the main driving force for me purchasing this w/o having seen it first. The movie started off well and kind of got cliche and predictable at the end. It was not too gory considering that it could have been really overt. ::potential spoiler::It did kind of irk me that some people died so easily.::end spoiler:: Overall, I recommend it but I didn't love it. 7/10

The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh - This I stumbled on while searching Netflix Streaming. It was just released and despite the cover looking cheesey, I ended up really enjoying it. It was a very unique movie and I am going to buy it in a few months when the DVD is cheaper. I have never seen such a genuinely creepy house. I was staged beautifully and just how I imagine a haunted house in my mind. The ending could be interpreted in a few ways which is why I want to re-watch it. Vanessa Redgrave did a wonderful job voicing the narration. 8.5/10

The Conjuring - I am so glad I got to catch this in theaters! It was really spooky, a nice mix of jumping scares, true bone-chilling creepiness, and the supernatural. I liked that it was set in the 1970s, it just made it a little more atmospheric. I loved Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, and Lilli Taylor's performances, but I felt the dad (Ron Livingston)'s character was a missed opportunity. It was one of the better box-office horror movies I've seen in awhile (right up there w/Insidious and Sinister). It reminded me a bit of Amityville Horror too. I thought the ending was a little "meh" and some things could have been explained better, but overall, really great. 8/10

aug 6, 2013, 10:51 am

I added The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh to my queue, I might skip starting another book and watch this instead - don't you love decadent tuesdays?

aug 6, 2013, 2:21 pm

#43 Don't watch it if you're tired. It is incredibly slow-going. But I really enjoyed it.

aug 6, 2013, 5:02 pm

Nah, I watched it before lunch, I liked it as well - it's one of those movies where you want to bounce it off others for their thoughts.

aug 7, 2013, 3:27 pm

Hmmm, I'll have to keep an eye open for the Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh. Sounds interesting.

Glad several of you liked The Conjuring. No, it wasn't terribly original, but atmosphere and effects were spot on. And the acting was solid or really good, depending on the character. (Though I think I have to agree with CurrLee33 about the father character - could have done more there.)

aug 10, 2013, 7:19 pm

I suppose it could be termed science fiction, but Quatermass and the Pit still scares me!

aug 12, 2013, 1:24 pm

This weekend I watched a couple of "eh" horror movies.

Last Kind Words - Beginning when a family is moving into a new home in the country (I've never seen that before in a horror movie), this was a real missed opportunity. it was predictable to me, however then at the end, I was really surprised and disappointed with where they took it. The main character is a 17-year-old boy and it was a little too "teeny-bop" for me (i.e. the romance aspect). There wasn't enough background information supplied on the boy's family or their history with the farm (it was implied but I still needed some answers). "Meh" pretty well sums this up. 6/10

State of Emergency was streaming on Netflix. I caught all but the first 15 minutes of it. It was fine, a nice alternative take on a zombie apocalypse (they aren't really your typical zombies, think "The Crazies"). It was fine. 6/10

Watched about 10 minutes of FDR: American Badass. It is supposed to be off-the-wall and actually had a semi-interesting concept (FDR contracted Polio when he was bitten by a werewolf). It was really stupid and not in a good way (although it tried to be). It reminded me of Bubba Ho-Tep (which I actually enjoyed) meets Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. This was just to silly for me to sit through. 3/10

I was happy to see The Possession available OnDemand for one of the cable packages I subscribe to. I didn't catch it this weekend but hope to sometime this week. l also still need to make a dent in the Psycho sequels set I bought.

aug 14, 2013, 6:33 am

Film4 are having their annual FrightFest season, and it kicked off last night with Splice, Re-animator and Scanners.

Splice - Not sure what it was supposed to be. More sci-fi than horror, much of it was a cute monster flick but then it turned more unsavoury (two sexual scenes in particular were not nice). A mess.

Re-animator - Forgot how funny this was, although they showed the uncut version with THAT scene (the one where Dr. Hill has kidnapped the dean's daughter). I'd also forgotten how icky and unnecessary that scene was, it really was too much and didn't fit in very well with the tone of the rest of the film. Prefer the cut version but on the whole it's an enjoyable and ridiculous horror romp.

Scanners - Fell asleep at the same part I always fall asleep! I've done it so often that I'm sure it's become hard-wired. One day I will get past the bit after the fight at the artist's hideaway...

aug 16, 2013, 7:48 am

The Reef - Not sure I'd classify this as horror, and it was too similar in plot to Open Water (which was, at least, suspenseful). Bored me; Jaws it most certainly ain't.

The Keep - I thought from the look of the film in the beginning that it had promise*, despite the horrible 80's synth score, atrocious dialogue and wooden acting. Sadly no. The effects weren't up to much, the dialogue was all about explaining what was going on when the plot made no sense, and the score got more and more annoying as it went on. Although I've never seen this before, it did remind me of some of the low-budget crap that I watched in the 80s.

*Loved the look of the village and the keep itself when the soldiers first encountered them, and the contrast between traditional-looking villagers and soldiers in Nazi uniform rolling in with their tanks. Really impressed with the scene where the soldiers attempt to steal the silver cross - the panning away of the soldier till all you can see is his tiny torchlight above the abyss was amazing, but the film went downhill from the moment the lights came whizzing out of said abyss.

Dog Soldiers - I rewatched this despite not liking what I thought was a very sexist twist. Still think it's annoying to have a capable female lead who serves only to be the punchline (about what bitches women are, no less), but the rest of the film is pretty enjoyable. Really a shame they couldn't have found a better twist, or left out the twist and the female character altogether. I forgot how it ended - the one man and THE LOYAL DOG survive and walk out into the daylight together. Yes, that's right men, you are better off with man's best friend any day than with the untrustworthy fairer sex. Maybe it was going for ironic, but it failed and was loaded with sexist cliches.

aug 16, 2013, 8:34 am

#50 - Did you read The Keep by F. Paul Wilson before you watched the movie? I read it in early 2012 and still plan to watch the movie, but I kinda have a feeling the movie won't live up to my expectations. Although I do love 80s movies, flaws and all. :D

aug 16, 2013, 6:07 pm

Flying_Monkeys (love the name) - if you love 80's films you will enjoy this, it is VERY 80s! I think I would have tolerated the flaws better if the film wasn't so visually impressive in places, there was a lot of potential. I haven't read the book, if I do I hope it's got all the atmosphere of the film with a more coherent plot.

aug 17, 2013, 6:46 am

Basket Case - An old teen favourite, I don't know if I enjoyed this just because of the nostalgia because it hasn't aged brilliantly. I always thought that this was better than other 80s tasteless, low-budget horror comedies such as Peter Jackson's earlier works, but I don't know what modern audiences would make of this.

There's a sequel on tonight (I didn't know there were sequels) that looks just as daft but better made. Don't know if I'll stay in to watch it...

aug 23, 2013, 10:35 am

Basket Case 2 - Yeah, I stayed in to watch this!!! Bonkers like the first one but with better production values. Enjoyed the stupidity well enough, not my favourite type of horror but probably my favourite of the tasteless horror-comedy genre. Speaking of the genre, I recently tried to watch Slither (again!) and I can't seem to get past the beginning without switching off, it's so icky. And I didn't watch the third (yes, the THIRD) Basket Case on tv. Didn't like the first two THAT much...

Bug - Freaky but my kind of freaky. Dark, weird, gory, strangely funny, it was right up my street.

I missed Dario Argento's Inferno (and I've always wanted to see it) and Guillermo del Toro's Julia's Eyes :(
Any good?

The series Under the Dome has just started over here, the first one caught my attention and I'm looking forward to following it.

Bewerkt: aug 26, 2013, 3:08 pm

I am a huge fan of those Basket Case movies. They are such cheese but when I am in the mood, they are great! I also really like Bug; saw it a few years ago but recently bought it to watch again. I haven't seen Under the Dome yet. I am a stickler for watching TV shows in order and I missed a few episodes in the beginning so I guess I will wait until it is OnDemand for me or on DVD.

I saw lots of horror movies recently while on vacation.

You're Next - I wasn't really planning on seeing this, maybe one day as a rental but definitely not did not plan to see it during opening weekend. My BF and I were on vacation in Florida and felt like seeing something scary in theaters and this was the only thing playing at the local theater. All I knew was that it looked like a typical home invasion horror movie and the baddies wore cute animal masks. The theater (Friday night 10pm showing) has only about 10 people in it--not sure if this is typical for this theater. While it was a home invasion horror movie, there were a couple of twists so it did have more of a plot than most of that sub-genre. It was kind of predictable to me, but the gore was decent. Once the villains take off their masks, the suspense is really lost for me. Overall, it was okay-- I can't get that one song out of my head (if you see it, you'll know what I am taking about). 6.5/10

Antiviral - This was a very unique and modern horror film. While not your typical scary movie, it really was more of a reflection on modern society's infatuation with the celebrity. The director is David Cronenberg's son and it definitely feels like a Cronenberg film. Psychologically it was very disturbing. I wouldn't want to watch it again (jut not my type of movie), but I'd recommend it to other horror fans. I think it would have been more successful for me as a shorter film. 6.5/10

Stoker - Again, I knew zero about this movie before renting it. I saw the 7-ish star rating on IMDB and thought it couldn't be too bad. It was more of a psychological thriller, something I can see being studied in a film class, or better yet, something that felt more like a book than a movie. I love dark, gothic stories and this fits that genre. It also could be interpreted a few ways, which is another quality I like in a movie. I highly recommend it. 7.5/10

aug 27, 2013, 8:33 am

CurrLee - so far, Under the Dome is very watchable and comes across less "tv mini-series" and more modern than a lot of King's made-for-tv stuff. Not exactly ground-breaking but decent viewing which I'm looking forward to following.

The trailers for You're Next have really grabbed me, even though like you, CurrLee, I'm expecting your average home invasion film.

I caught a film I liked a lot just before the FrightFest season ended - The Arrival of Wang. Not really a horror but enjoyed it all the same. It was advertised well - absolutely no spoilers - so took me completely by surprise. It's a low-budget Italian film about a woman who is hired as an interpreter and taken, blindfolded, to an unknown location for a one-off job. It's best left at that, don't look it up at all if you are intrigued by the sound of it.

aug 29, 2013, 7:57 am

CurrLee - how did you get along with ABC's of Death? Did you get through the whole alphabet? I was intrigued enough to watch it on my pay-per-view service and thought it was quite a mixed bag, with most entries going for 'alternative' and 'quirky'. 'F', I thought, was funny, 'I' was disturbing but poignant when you read the credits and understood the point they were making, 'L' was beyond tasteless and completely unnecessary, with 'M' not being much better. 'A' was interesting and amusing, I liked 'T' (one of the animated entries), 'Y' had a distasteful theme but had a very well done, almost pop-video style, 'O' was very stylish, and 'N' was another funny one. And it was nice to see an entry from Ben Wheatley at 'U'. I have absolutely no idea what 'Z' was all about...

aug 31, 2013, 7:29 pm

>#57 Moomin - No, I never did get around to finishing ABCs of Death. Yeah, the letters I made it through we're quite random.

sep 1, 2013, 2:13 am

Lots of good movies I want to see now. Thanks, everyone! :) I think I've only seen three mentioned: Scanners (but I honestly don't remember if I have or not; was that an 80's movie?), Dog Soldiers, which I really liked but should probably rewatch, and Stoker, another one I liked.

#50-52: I really enjoyed The Keep (the book) too, and want to watch the movie eventually. I'll still look for it, even if it is low-budget 80's crap. ;)

#54: Nope, I have not seen Dario Argento's Inferno or Guillermo del Toro's Julia's Eyes. Sorry.

I watched a few movies these past few weeks, in order from best to worst (imho):

1. Stoker -- More gothic/psychological thriller than horror, like CurrLee mentioned. I definitely liked this one better than the other Park Chan-wook movies I've seen (Thirst and Lady Vengeance). I didn't know much about it either when I picked it up at work (I honestly thought it had something to do with Bram Stoker; it doesn't), so I'm glad I'm not the only one. :) Just a heads-up: it does get a bit incesty.

2. The Woman in Black -- Ghosts just aren't scary to me, but this is still a good atmospheric horror flick. Beautifully dark set design, location--all that. And, no, I haven't read the book yet.

3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre -- (the 2003 one) It's not a scene-for-scene remake, but most of it's the same, which was a relief. Unfortuantely, like the original, it seems to lag in certain spots; and I can't really say it was all that scary or gory compared to slashers nowadays, but then I watched the R-rated version. It's not a must-see, but fans of the original version may still want to check this out.

4. The Butterfly Effect 2 -- More sci fi/drama/thriller than horror. It's been too long since I saw the first Butterfly Effect movie to compare the two; but I kind of lost interest in this one. It was more drama-heavy (characters chasing money, ruined relationships, etc) that I forgot about the time travel aspect of it, which was disappointing (I was wanting to see something a little darker/trippier).

Bewerkt: sep 3, 2013, 5:40 am

Well that's two thumbs up for Stoker AND it's a Park Chan-wook film, so I'll have to watch that (and the incest doesn't surprise me).

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - I'm sure I've seen this. SPOILER: Does it have a scene where the killer appears wearing the face of one of the victims? Thought that was a great scene in an otherwise mediocre remake.

Sara: Scanners is an 80's film by David Cronenberg, famous for its exploding head scene.

sep 3, 2013, 6:37 pm

I hope you like Stoker. :) I had a coworker who didn't, but I think it had to do with the incest.

There have been a couple of Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes, haven't there? I just saw a couple other titles pop up on IMDb. Anyway, to answer your question: yes, I think that's the same remake. (**spoiler** I think it was Eric Balfour, the driver of the van/Jessica Biel's movie boyfriend, who ends up being Leatherface's new mask.) I never realized it until you mentioned masks that there are quite a few horror movies where the killers wear their victims' faces (The Silence of the Lambs, The Devil's Rejects, etc).

The exploding head scene sounds familiar. I own a copy of Scanners, so I'll try and rewatch that one soon.

I finished watching two more 8 Films to Die For/After Dark Horrorfest movies:

* The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations: I liked this one better than the second. It deals mostly with the lead character trying to stop a serial killer. Kind of forgettable already, and again, hints of incest. I don't know how I managed that.

* Autopsy: Not recommended, but somehow watchable. It's one of the weaker, lower-budgeted movies in this series. A bunch of 20-somethingers crash their car during Mardi Gras and end up at a supposedly abandoned hospital that's run by a demented doctor and staff. Meh.

sep 4, 2013, 6:37 pm

I finished another one: In Their Skin. It wasn't as scary as I'd hoped, and the ending was kind of disappointing, but overall it was a good creepy-neighbor movie.

sep 5, 2013, 8:04 pm

Watched A Haunted House on Netflix Streaming - Ugh, so bad. I almost turned it off twice it managed to finish the whole thing. I enjoyed the Scary Movie films but this one was really unoriginal. There was no plot really, just a "funny" version of the Paranormal Activity franchise. Now I am no prude, but there was so much sex in this, it was really uncalled for. I don't recommend it at all. One of the worst movies ive seen in awhile. 3/10

The Possession - Eh, this was fine. It was pretty much The Exorcist but with a demon box and the demon was Jewish not Catholic. There were lots of predictable points but it wasn't terrible (it was forgettable, though). I'd recommend it if you're in the movie for a clichéd, thoughtless horror flick. 6.5/10

sep 6, 2013, 10:45 pm

Thanks for the heads-up about A Haunted House. :) And The Possession sounds familiar (I think I may have brought that home once or twice), but I haven't watched it yet.

I watched Texas Chainsaw (the 2013 one) last night. It wasn't as bad as IMDb lead me to believe (4.8 stars--ouch!), but there were certainly some questions I had during the film regarding timelines, character motivations (*spoiler* like why the main character teams up with Leatherface at the end *end*), etc. Again, like all of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies I've been watching, it's not a necessary one to watch, but it's decent enough.

sep 10, 2013, 7:40 am

I liked The Possession - it was an interesting take on the trope.

sep 10, 2013, 5:14 pm

Watched Twixt this weekend and found it . . . interesting. Despite being billed as "terrifying," I didn't find it at all scary. Yet it had an art house and gothic feel that was unique and had small touches of humor. Also one of those that focuses on the writing profession. It's not a fast-moving movie, so it's not for those who need fast action (or gore). Very different from Coppola's normal work too.

sep 10, 2013, 8:30 pm

#66 - Awesome! I was hoping to rent this last weekend but had car problems. This weekend I plan on renting it, as well as The Iceman and Lords of Salem.

I made it about 15 minutes into A Haunting at Silver Falls. The cover artwork looks terribly low budget but it has decent reviews and I liked what I saw so far (I made the mistake of watching it when I was much sleepier than I realized). Hope to finish it before the weekend.

sep 11, 2013, 4:45 pm

I'm curious about the Lords of Salem as well, but I've found some of Zombie's other films too gruesome for my taste. So I'm torn.

sep 16, 2013, 12:27 pm

A Haunting at Silver Falls - Despite having a terrible cover, this turned out okay. It was an interesting mix between ghosts/supernatural and a psychokiller. The story was centered around a teen who had gone to live with relatives after her father dies. It wasn't too "highschoolish" and actually had a complex plot. Some things were a little questionable as the story unfolded, however I enjoyed it. 7/10

Donner Pass - I have been interested in the Donner Party story since I was a child so I was interested in seeing this movie since the Donner Party event was real. Well, this was a huge flop. The story was very cliched: 4 teens head up to a family cabin in the woods, the "bad girl" teen's friends show up unannounced and crash the weekend, and then cannibalistic killing ensues (but the killing isn't exactly what you would think). It did have a supernatural plot but it just didn't work for me. I ended up fast-forwarded through most of it just to see how things resolved. 5.5/10

American Mary - I didn't know anything about this except that it had received pretty good reviews. Working at a medical school, it was appalling how the medical education was portrayed in this film (i.e. the doctor who Mary is on bad terms with invites her to a surgeon's party where there are lots of drugs/alcohol/debauchery). Mary drops out of school but not before learning some valuable surgery skills. To fund her lifestyle, Mary partners with a stripclub owner who puts her in contact with a group of, lets say colorful characters who are all involved in body modification. I was afraid this would be a gorefest but it really wasn't. It was a multiplot movie and felt like several small movies in one. I thought it was really original (and weird) but it worked. It reminded me a tad of May. And the girl who played Mary did a great job. 7.5/10

Bewerkt: sep 21, 2013, 3:27 pm

I watched Lords of Salem last night. It was terribly disappointing and I fast-forwarded through the second half of it. The beginning was slow going but not necessarily in a good story-building way. The second half felt very predictable. It reminded me of Rosemary's Baby with a hint of House of the Devil and The Innkeepers. There was also a feeling of influence from Black Sunday (1960). For me, it just wasn't original enough to be good but Sheri Moon did a commendable job. Oh, and it wasn't like typical Rob Zombie. The gore was tolerable, not too much of it either. 5.5/10

Bewerkt: sep 26, 2013, 2:21 pm

#70 - Hmmm, well that's not very encouraging, is it? :)

Earlier this week, I watched Scream and The Craft – yeah, they're old but I still enjoy them.

I also watched The Last Exorcism and The Last Exorcism Part II. The last two were recommended by a friend who knows of my interest in folk magic. I dislike the documentary style so I could have lived without the first one, but it did help set up the second one. Part II was better as it was filmed like a regular movie and it did indeed incorporate some hoodoo. Character development could have been better (other than for the lead, that is).

Bewerkt: sep 26, 2013, 2:21 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

Bewerkt: sep 26, 2013, 2:21 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

Bewerkt: sep 26, 2013, 2:21 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

okt 4, 2013, 1:47 pm

I hope we all watch some more horror movies soon. I mean it is October!

I picked up a few horror classics from my college's library (Alice, Sweet Alice and The Innocents). I haven't seen either but am looking forward to both. Also might check out V/H/S/2 from RedBox since I liked the first so well.

okt 4, 2013, 3:15 pm

#75 - no doubt! LOL

I'm hoping to check out Insidious 2 this weekend (it's still playing locally) and I might rent an older one as well.

Bewerkt: okt 8, 2013, 2:28 am

I just saw Hansel and Gretel, a Korean horror flick that was pretty good. Not too gory and an interesting concept: a chap gets in a car accident on a lonely road and is led to a mysterious house in the woods . . . Sounds like same ol' same ol' but it gets quite creative after that . . .

Bewerkt: okt 7, 2013, 4:57 pm

#77 - I'm not a huge fan of Asian horror, but I have to say I do like this type of setup. Might have to look for it.

Saw Insidious 2 this weekend and enjoyed it quite a bit. They picked up the story exactly where it left off in the first movie, and I was impressed that they had pretty much all of the original cast (even the psychic's research assistants). Nice jump scares and atmosphere, and the astral projection bit wasn't heavy handed so it didn't get tiresome.

TCM also ran a couple B&W films I've always wanted to see, so I also watched low-budget classics Carnival of Souls and Night of the Living Dead (I know, I know, it's sad that I'd never seen this Romero before). The first was interesting in that you could see how it affected later horror directors, though it's not scary by today's standards. And the pipe organ music was grating to me. Really enjoyed NOTLD too.

okt 7, 2013, 1:02 pm

#78 - Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I have thought about seeing this in theaters but had heard it is really focuses on the "other side," which wasn't my favorite part of the first movie. I am a huge Wan fan so maybe I will see this while it is still in theaters.

I watched Alice, Sweet Alice this weekend. It is really overlooked in my opinion and yet heavily "borrowed from." At first, I was trying to figure out how this was supposed to be suspenseful as it was obvious to me what had happened, but then there was a twist I was totally not expecting and caused me to rethink much of the first part of the film. It was painfully slow going at times, but it deserves a rewatch a some point. 7/10

okt 7, 2013, 4:57 pm

#79 - They do focus on the other side a lot, but not necessarily the lost in the dark fog stuff when they purposefully astral project - that's actually my least favorite parts. This is more how the two sides overlap, IMO.

I'll have to look for Alice, Sweet Alice.

okt 8, 2013, 2:30 am

>78 PJGraham: Insidious 2 sounds interesting - I'll definitely put it on my list.

okt 10, 2013, 6:42 am

Dead Souls - made for tv horror film, started out with promise considering the budget but fell apart the more it went along. The plot got sillier as it got more complicated, it tried to fit too much in.

PJGraham - I saw Night of the Living Dead relatively late for a horror fan and I can see why it's a horror classic. I've re-watched and enjoyed it a good many times and it's now a firm favourite of mine.

Am I the only person who didn't like the first Insidious?

okt 11, 2013, 10:00 am

OK, I was beebopping around on IMDB for something and came across the announced plan to make a miniseries based on King & Straub's The Talisman. I just finished that book, and I must say I'm intrigued!

#82 - You're not alone - I've met a few folks that didn't like it. I felt the production value was a little low but really enjoyed the different premise of it. But I enjoyed the second movie more than the first. And for NOTLD, thanks - I guess better late than never? A nearby movie theater is planning to run the RiffTrax for that movie later this month. A group at work is considering going together, so that could be fun.

okt 15, 2013, 1:31 pm

I watched an awful mess called Satan's Little Helper. It started off promising, but just got too silly for me (I enjoyed it until the part where the dad comes home from work). It was supposed to be a horror comedy but I just didn't enjoy it. I would, however, recommend it for horror fans wanting to see a Halloween-themed horror flick. There are surprisingly very few Halloween-themed movies of the horror genre so I always try catch the ones that are Halloween-y. 5.5/10

okt 17, 2013, 11:29 am

Anybody else planning to see the Carrie this weekend?

okt 17, 2013, 12:05 pm

I am.

I loved the book and Chloë Grace Moretz is a great upcoming actress.

Bewerkt: okt 21, 2013, 12:47 pm

#86 - I agree. She was wonderful in Let Me In and a few other things I've seen her in.

Bewerkt: okt 19, 2013, 4:31 pm

#84: Oh, yeesh. I remember watching Satan's Little Helper a couple years ago. Sooo bad. I wouldn't recommend it. But yeah, for Halloween, it might be ok.

#85-87: Unfortunately, I won't be seeing the new Carrie, but I love Chloe Grace Moretz. I really liked her in Let Me In, too. I hope you guys have fun, whoever gets to see the new movie! :)

(I'm so behind on this thread, but I'll try to catch up where I left off later on this afternoon. :)

ETA: This past month I've watched:

* Texas Chainsaw 3D -- I did like the beginning with the clips from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie and its own version of how things ended in the original. I had a lot of questions throughout the movie, however, and the script was pretty bad. But overall, not too bad.
* The Factory -- I never really got into this one. The surprise ending is a bit out there. More suspense/thriller-ish than horror.
* Aftershock -- The older guy/barely legal girl main characters was a tad creepy; and the beginning half hour or so of partying/touring and some over-the-top sibling drama was tedious. But it was relatively short (around 80 or 90 minutes). The ending's a bit predictable (if you've seen an Eli Roth movie, then you know how most end) and a little drawn-out, but I liked that there's no happy-ever-after for the characters.
* The Haunting Hour: Don't Think About It -- It's a kid's horror movie (PG rating). If you like R. L. Stine and/or have children, then you might like it for Halloween.
* Return to Sleepaway Camp -- Oh, so bad. Not recommended unless you liked the other Sleepaway Camp movies.
* The Lords of Salem -- I'm with CurrLee on this one. It's pretty odd and verrry slow. But part of me still liked it, probably because I'm a Rob Zombie/Sheri Moon Zombie fan. Not overly gory at all.
* Night Visitor -- Not too shabby for an 80's movie. The ending blows, but overall, fun stuff.
* The ABCs of Death -- Too many shorts to cover, but I did like D is for Dogfight and L is for Libido.

okt 21, 2013, 2:51 pm

#88 Thanks for all the recaps! I generally enjoyed Texas Chainsaw 3D, The Factory, and Return to Sleepaway Camp (I did like the first ones, partially b/c they were so bad). I never did get into The Lords of Salem or The ABCs of Death.

October is a busy month for me work-wise, so unfortunately I do not get to enjoy the season as much as I'd like. I have been out of state since Thursday for a conference and am back at work today so I haven't been able to watch any movies. I do have a day off tomorrow so I hope to catch something then.

I was happy to find that The Following TV show is streaming on Netflix so I watched the first episode of that and enjoyed it. I like Poe and Kevin Bacon is okay so we'll see how it goes. Since I'm a stickler for watching episodes in order, I really love that this is on Netflix.

okt 22, 2013, 7:27 pm

No problem. :) I only saw the first Sleepaway Camp, so I'm not sure how the other sequels stacked up. But from what I'm guessing, they're all kind of "campy." ;) I agree on The Lords of Salem. If I didn't like Rob/Sheri so much, I wouldn't have watched the whole thing. It was too slow.

That sucks about not being able to watch horror movies in October of all months! Hope you're able to catch at least one or two movies you want to see at least.

I think I saw part of one episode of The Following, but I haven't watched it all. Maybe when it's released on DVD, I'll check it out at work. Thanks for mentioning it! :)

I watched two pretty good ones this week:

* The Tall Man -- Halfway through, this one makes a real big twist. The same director did Martyrs, if that gives you any indication of the abduction/abuse themes that're in it, but The Tall Man is nowhere near as gory. Recommended.

* Inside (in French) -- Super gory and short (around 80 minutes). Although it made me a bit nauseated, I still liked it and would recommend it. It might offend some people, though, because the lead character is pregnant and the killer wants the baby. Just a heads-up.

okt 22, 2013, 11:58 pm

I liked The Tall Man a lot too. It had some really interesting themes going on.

okt 23, 2013, 11:05 am

#90 & #91

Without spoiling for the others, I will just say that I thought this would be one movie and it turned out to be very different. I didn't like it because I was hoping it would be "horror" while it was more thriller. It was an interesting twist, though.

I had yesterday off and was so lame I slept most of the day and cleaned up some (still recovering from an 8 hour drive to and from Mississippi from Georgia for the all-weekend conference I attended).

This weekend I hope to rent V/H/S/2 (I really liked the first) and maybe Twixt. I also may rewatch some Halloween favs (Halloween 3, Hocus Pocus, and Trick 'r Treat). I never did catch Insidious 2. I was hoping to re-watch the first and then see the sequel in theaters. Maybe I will do that this weekend?

okt 23, 2013, 7:22 pm

#91: I'm glad you liked it, too. :) Yeah, The Tall Man definitely made me think a bit afterwards. It explained a lot more, too, than say Martyrs did.

#92: I totally agree about The Tall Man. It really went in a strange direction about 40 minutes into it, and, no, it's not full-out horror. Definitely twisted.

Ick on the 8-hour drive. I'd be sleeping an entire day away, too. But then, I like sleeping. Period. :)

I still haven't gotten around to V/H/S, and Twixt is still on my radar. Let us know how that one and the V/H/S sequel pan out. They sound good. And those are some good Halloween rewatches! Trick 'r Treat is definitely my favorite of the three, though I liked Hocus Pocus as a kid. Best of luck with catching up on the Insidious flicks!

Bewerkt: okt 26, 2013, 5:00 pm

I was thrilled to find that Maniac (2012) and V/H/S/2 are streaming on Netflix.

I'm watching Maniac now and I'm not loving it. I didn't watch all of the original, but this is disappointing in a artsy-fartsy cliched sort of way. As someone who has struggled with depression and who has mental illness in my family, this is kind of offensive. True mental illness isn't this black-and-white. ::sigh:: Surprisingly, it's shot POV so that's something interesting. Anyway, I'll report back early in the week w/ my thoughts.

I also plan on watching a few more horror flicks this weekend too.

okt 28, 2013, 1:24 pm

So I finished Maniac. It was POV and kind of oddly shot. Elijah Wood's dialogue felt so forced and fake. Again, I found his mental illness highly unbelievable; if he was as screwed up as he is now from childhood happenings, he would've broken down long before now. The gore was nice (lots of scalping) but I was overall disappointed. 5.5/10

I also saw V/H/S/2. I didn't like it nearly as much as the original but some of the stories were alright. It seemed shorter but I think it was just because one story was incredibly long. 6/10

Penny Dreadful seemed a lot longer than it should have been. It was pretty much just the weak main character freaking out and having panic attacks and/or injuring herself. It didn't really go anywhere and kind of reminded me of ATM. 5/10

okt 28, 2013, 1:31 pm

I bailed on Maniac, too many other things to watch or read.

nov 4, 2013, 1:37 pm

Watched Paranormal Activity 4: Unrated Version. This is a frustrating franchise for me. I really didn't like the first, but loved the second (and the "twist" timeline made me like the first). I truly despised the third and felt pretty "meh" with four. It had promise and I genuinely liked the teen characters and the young boy, however it really didn't go anywhere. There were a lot of video footage scenes where nothing happened. If you watch this, do it when you are not at all tired because it will put you to sleep. 5.5/10

Bewerkt: nov 5, 2013, 11:23 pm

#94-95: Sorry Maniac didn't turn out so well. :-/ I agree; sometimes movies can be pretty offensive when it comes to mental illness.

*snerk @ The gore was nice (lots of scalping)* I don't remember the last horror movie I've seen with scalping; mostly really old westerns (which I didn't watch a whole lot of).

I still haven't watched V/H/S (though I want to), so I'm glad the sequel wasn't totally off from the first one. If/when we get V/H/S/2 at work, I may just sit down and watch both.

Penny Dreadful...yeah, I vaguely remember that one. It was one of those After Dark Horrorfest/8 Films to Die For flicks, am I right? I honestly don't remember much about it, so that can't be good. She was stuck in a car during a snow storm? Or am I confusing that with another ADH/8FTDF movie? Oops.

#96: Two no's for Maniac. Yikes. Noted. :)

#97: I was kind of meh about the first Paranormal Activity. It was good, but I never really got into the sequels. Good to know it'll help me sleep at least. ;)

I watched a couple movies this past week or so:

* 7 Below -- Skippable, though I thought IMDb's 3.1 rating was a bit harsh. It's not that horrible, but I wouldn't recommend it, unless you like ghost/reincarnation movies.

* Priest -- Definitely better than 7 Below. It's kind of a mixed genre (sci fi/fantasy/action/horror/thriller, by IMDb's standards), but I thought I'd mention it anyway. The vampires were refreshingly ugly and vicious (no sparkles, sorry ;). Recommended.

Bewerkt: nov 27, 2013, 10:40 am

I've watched a few movies since posting last. Here are quickie recaps below.

At the risk of sounding spammy, I did just start a blog. It is horror-related and I hope to focus on horror movie reviews and book reviews. I'll give much more detailed reviews there if anyone wants to check it out (http://scarylibrary.wordpress.com/). I have only 1 review thus far, but hopefully I will make more of a dent over the Thanksgiving and Xmas holidays!

Grabbers - This is the one film review I posted to my blog. I saw this pop up on Netflix and thought it looked amusing. I had really zero hopes for it but when it began, it was clear it was well done (good CGI). It was a silly horror movie but still recommended. My biggest complaint was the Irish accents were a bit heavy at times. 7.5/10

In Her Skin - More of a dramatic thriller, this was based on a true story. It was a disturbing movie about a woman who became obsessed with a teen she babysat for. In a total coincidence, the "ugly" woman babysitter was the lead actress from Grabbers. She gained a lot of weight for the role and I actually didn't recognize her until I looked the two movies up later. Overall the film reminded me a bit of An American Crime and Heavenly Creatures. 8/10

The Loved Ones - In a rare turn I purchased this on DVD before watching it. I actually don't regret the purchase because it is a unique film and I will probably rewatch it down the line. It was very brutal and gory, also disturbing. I won't give away too much about the plot but it was pretty good. Parts of it dipped into horror comedy but moreso, it was just straight up torture porn. 7.5/10

nov 27, 2013, 7:58 pm

Wowzie, awesome movies! :) Unfortunately, I haven't seen any of them, but I IMDb'd all three, and I'd definitely want to see them all. And feel free to site-drop; it's all good. :)

My movies watched--the good ones: The Purge, Cold Prey II, Slither, and Evidence; the bad ones: The Devil's Mercy.

nov 27, 2013, 11:24 pm

Ooh, awesome! I've been eyeballing The Purge so I just might rent it tomorrow!

Been kinda bummed that no horror movies are playing in theaters for awhile.

nov 30, 2013, 12:05 am

The Purge is pretty darn good. I hope you like it! :)

I haven't been paying attention to what's playing in movie theaters, so that's disappointing to hear. But I guess with summer and Halloween over, it's kind of expected. Oh well, at least there's plenty of rentals to catch up on.

dec 2, 2013, 6:27 pm

I did a few articles for Halloween on some great horror movies - they may be of interest. Of course I was being seasonal, but these movies are great on any night.




mrt 4, 2014, 7:48 am

Currlee33- Omigod I loved Grabbers! I also went into with very low expectations, but I thought it was hilarious. It wasn't really scary, although there were a couple of good, unsettling parts.

mrt 5, 2014, 7:30 pm

#104: Thanks for the links! :)

I haven't been watching too many horror movies, but here's what I've gotten through these past few months:

The Good

* Carrie -- It's been too long since I watched the original, but this one seemed to be fairly close to it.

* You're Next -- Great if you like home invasion flicks.

The Bad

* Deadly Friend -- I love 80's horror, so this one wasn't all bad, just dated.

apr 30, 2014, 7:43 am

Haxan - have only just discovered that you can watch free films on the Internet Archive (duh!), so thought I'd catch up on a load of silent horror that I've always wanted to watch, or re-watch. Haxan was the first and disappointed me, and was interesting only as an example of early horror. There were some creepy scenes, as well as amusing ones (the devil churning butter - now I want THAT as one of those little repeating gifs people use as avatars on message boards!), but overall it was boring.

The Dead Zone - the only off scene was Christopher Walken doing a full-blown Christopher Walken when he shouts "THE ICE --- IS GONNA BREAK"!!! Still not as heart-breaking as the book, but a very decent film.

Under the Skin - blown away by this. Not strictly a horror but with some elements. It is based on the book of the same name by Michel Faber, and while it differs in some ways it captures a lot of what the book is about, although in a more arty-cinema way. One scene really disturbed me but was so well done.

I found a new toy - Letterboxd, for cataloguing watched and liked films and making film lists... endless lists....

Bewerkt: mei 3, 2014, 4:34 pm

I'm so out of the loop on old horror, but I would've thought Haxan would've been halfway good, if IMDb's 7.7 rating is reliable. Sorry to hear it was so disappointing.

Ha! Perfect Christopher Walken. I honestly don't remember if I ever watched The Dead Zone, but I'm sure I've seen clips over the years. I'll probably stick with the book instead. I'm always undecided about Stephen King movie adaptations. They never quite live up to the book, imho.

For a second, I thought you meant In Their Skin (there're so many titles with "skin" in the title; it gets confusing), but Under the Skin definitely looks better. Thanks for the rec!

I'll look into Letterboxd. I've never heard of it.

Here're my horror watches so far:

* Bates Motel: Season 1 -- recommended
* Twisted Sisters -- not recommended; low budget, bad plot, etc etc
* Koma -- recommended (foreign)
* No One Lives -- recommended; don't worry, the title doesn't give anything away
* Dark Circles -- kind of recommended; slow
* The Cabin in the Woods -- recommended

Bewerkt: mei 5, 2014, 3:26 pm

I loved cabin in the woods, glad you got to it - I'm on the second season of Bates Motel ( I want to watch the movie to see if the house is the same)

mei 4, 2014, 11:39 pm

It took me long enough to get to The Cabin in the Woods, didn't it? ;) But I'm glad for you guys recommending it. It was worth it; very funny, too.

How's the second season so far? I'm still on hold for it at work. As for the house, I'm not sure if it's the same, but it sure looks similar in some of the shots. They did a good job of remaking it, if it's not the original house.

mei 5, 2014, 5:50 am

Just saw Wakewood, which had an interesting twist in the end and a decent plot. Very UK in terms of acting.

mei 5, 2014, 3:32 pm

I'm liking the second season very well, I even started the book - I get a little OCD like that. Here's a nugget from the book, Norman is a plump, balding man, and Mary is dark haired, opposite from the movie. I know the house isn't the same one, but it's iconic. I just wondered if they copied the insides as well, the stairs and foyer are pretty close from what I remember.

mei 5, 2014, 5:08 pm

#110: I've been wanting to watch that one for awhile now. I'm glad to hear it's good. I'll put it on hold again, thanks. :)

#111: I've never read Psycho, so I had no idea Norman's (or Mary's) appearance in the book and movie vary quite a bit. Good to know. :)

mei 7, 2014, 6:07 pm

I watched a real stinker of a movie--The Dead of Night--something about monsters attacking a group of high schoolers. Even IMDb's 1.7 star rating doesn't lie. I don't know why I watched it all, but I wouldn't recommend anyone else do the same.

mei 10, 2014, 3:58 pm

I just finished The Dark last night (the one with Neve Campbell, before her The Craft and Scream days). It was an improvement over the last movie I watched above, but that's not saying much. The characters and writing were pretty one-dimensional and unbelievable, but it was still an ok creature flick.

mei 11, 2014, 1:23 pm

I watched Byzantium it was ok, although if I hadn't of IMBD'd it I would have missed half of the things going on without explanation. Still trying to find the book it was adapted from.

mei 11, 2014, 5:40 pm

Byzantium looks really good. I'm always a sucker for vampire movies (pun intended). :) I don't know what book it was based on either, but it might actually be a play by Moira Buffini, going by the writing credits on IMDb.

mei 11, 2014, 7:47 pm

yup, after looking again, it's a play rather than a book.

mei 12, 2014, 2:48 am

I just saw We Are What We Are, which was quite a bit deeper and more nuanced than I had expected it to be. Nice acting and an interesting story. The medical details were wrong, but, frankly, I was able to suspend my disbelief with no trouble.

mei 12, 2014, 5:30 pm

That's another I've been wanting to watch for the longest time, especially the original. I'm glad it's a well-done remake. :) Onto the Wishlist it goes.

mei 13, 2014, 4:09 pm

I added it as well, also noticed the original

mei 13, 2014, 4:56 pm

Cool! :) Let me know how good/bad they are if you get to them before I do.

mei 15, 2014, 10:00 am

106Moomin_Mama and

Under the Skin by Michel Faber was one of the most disturbing books I have ever read. That was back in 2001 and I have often thought about that book over the years.

The movie trailer appears to have a slightly different premise than the book. I'll be waiting for it in DVD.

mei 15, 2014, 6:21 pm

#122: I found the film was true to the themes of the book, and I'll dwell on the film the same way I did with the book. The 'surprise' of the book is definitely portrayed in a different way, not as graphic, more creative. I'd compare the difference in the film and the book to that of Kubrick's film and Clarke's book of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I do agree with you, the book was very disturbing.

mei 15, 2014, 8:15 pm

#122: That's impressive for a book to stick with you that long. I'll definitely add it to my wish list, along with the movie. Thanks! :)

I finished watching Deadly Instincts (aka Breeders) last night. It was another one of those so-bad-it's-good movies. Definitely not recommended unless you like b-grade alien horror.

jun 25, 2014, 11:01 pm

I haven't been watching a lot of movies, but I got through a couple this past month or so:

* Hannibal: Season 1 -- recommended, though I haven't read all the books in the series, so I'm not sure how close they are to the book characters.

* Flowers in the Attic -- not really horror, I know, but I'd still halfway recommend it if you're a V. C. Andrews fan. It's about the equivalent of the 80's movie version, which isn't really saying much.

jun 26, 2014, 4:37 pm

they have the second one out as well but I missed it, not that it broke my heart but I would watch it just because I liked the books back in the day.

jun 28, 2014, 12:29 pm

I totally understand about liking the books but not being heartbroken over missing the second movie. I don't have Lifetime, so I missed out on Petals on the Wind, too, but I'll probably just wait for the DVD to show up at our library and watch it then.

jul 12, 2014, 4:43 pm

I watched an 80's oldie: Happy Birthday to Me. I'm hesitant to recommend it, unless you like 80's horror movies. The ending is so unbelievable and Scooby Doo-ish, but part of me still liked it.

aug 1, 2014, 3:13 pm

I did manage to catch Petals on the wind and it was pretty meh, but however the series "The Strain" is pretty darn excellent and following the book The Strain with Guillermo Del Toro producing

aug 10, 2014, 5:58 pm

I'm not expecting too much out of Petals on the Wind, so I'm sure I'll have the same "meh" reaction. Still, it's on my wishlist.

I'll have to look for The Strain, if/when we get it at work. I haven't read the book, but I love all things vampirish, and having Guillermo del Toro involved is certainly a plus.

It took me about a week, but I finally got through Nine Lives. Not recommended; and I should've known better, too, since Paris Hilton is in it. But if you're into demons/haunted houses in the middle of a Scottish snowstorm, then it's worth a try.

aug 12, 2014, 7:10 pm

Backing up, I watched Karla a few weeks ago, which is more drama/thriller than horror, but I just thought I'd mention it anyway. If you're into movies about real-life serial killers, then you might like it.

aug 13, 2014, 9:33 am

The Funhouse (the Tobe Hooper movie). Have always wanted to see this as I'd heard it was particularly shocking - having watched it I think it's a fairly average teen slasher movie of its time.

A quick look on Wikipedia suggests that there was an attempt to put it on the notorious UK list of banned 'video nasties', probably due to a mix up with another movie with the alternative title of 'Fun House'.

Anyway, the film wasn't bad for its time, certainly no better or worse than films like Friday the 13th. Wasn't the slightest bit disturbing, or even scary for that matter, but I did get a decent jump when a skeleton popped up unexpectedly, and I enjoyed it well enough while I was watching it. Just a typical horror for the teen crowd, and nothing wrong with that.

aug 13, 2014, 2:17 pm

I watched Under the Skin, but was terribly disappointed. I loved the book and was looking forward to the movie. Either it was one of those movies that just borrowed the title or you had to read the book to know what the hell was going on.

aug 13, 2014, 8:07 pm

#132: I've never seen that one, but I just might give it a try, if/when I find a copy. We don't have one at work, so it might be awhile. It was probably put on that UK ban list just because it was a Tobe Hooper movie (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and all that). What was the other Fun House movie about? It doesn't ring a bell.

#133: I still have that one gathering dust next to my DVD player. I'm sorry to hear it was so disappointing. If I do watch it, it'll be interesting to see how confused I get. Thanks for the heads-up!

aug 16, 2014, 1:53 pm

Another one: Rites of Spring. Despite it's that-was-it? ending and almost unbelievable intertwining story lines, I liked it and would recommend it, especially if you like monster flicks.

aug 16, 2014, 8:26 pm

>134 saraslibrary:: The other Fun House movie was actually called something else - one of those House at the End of the Garden style titles - with Fun House being the alternative title for it.

>133 beeg:: I liked the subtlety of Under the Skin, and how it dealt with the broader themes of the book without being too literal, but I can see how it would be frustrating for readers of the book to change some of the bigger scenes, and also how it could confuse people who haven't read the book. The friend who watched it with me wasn't entirely sure what happened to the men and I had to explain what the film was suggesting, but he was still impressed with the film and found it creepy.

aug 27, 2014, 9:43 pm

Thanks for clearing that up for me, Moomin. :)

I watched Oculus this week. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either; just sort of meh. Worth watching if you like paranormal horror, though.

aug 31, 2014, 1:29 pm

Watched V/H/S - a massive disappointment. I think the third story (about Emily) had promise, and I liked some of the ideas in the fifth story (the haunted house) but everything else was terrible! Didn't understand the point of the framing story, didn't think any of the segments were any good, and hated the shakiness of the webcam. Not for me I'm afraid :(

aug 31, 2014, 3:39 pm

I've been meaning to watching V/H/S for the longest time, but I never have. I'm sorry it was so disappointing. :( I might give it a go, but I'm in no rush now. Thanks for the heads-up. :)

I finished Dark Touch the other day. I really liked how it was shot, but man, was it confusing near the end! Still, I liked it and would (hesitantly) recommend it. It's kind of like an Irish Carrie with the telekinesis thing.

sep 2, 2014, 8:44 pm

I just watched The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia. I wasn't expecting much from it but I actually really liked it. It was a good ghost story and I actually had to turn the light on. :) I have V/H/S on the Hopper but haven't watched it yet. I may just delete it, it's been on there forever and I can't get in the mood to watch it. Plus I seriously need the room.

sep 2, 2014, 10:16 pm

>140 pandora1971:

I liked it too - and was also not expecting much. A good ghost story.

sep 2, 2014, 10:53 pm

Is The Haunting in Connecticut 2 as good as the first? I liked the first one, but I'm always hesitant about sequels.

sep 4, 2014, 11:23 am

LOL I've seen them both and can't remember anything about them.

Just watched Oculus and had the same reaction as Sara

sep 6, 2014, 3:17 pm

I watched The Quiet ones, not sure why it's call that? If you watch Bates Motel you'll recognize the girl with the oxygen tank as the experiment. It was pretty good, lots of loud starts to cause the jump factor. I'm still a bit confused what was wrong with the girl, but still enjoyed it.

Bewerkt: sep 6, 2014, 4:39 pm

#143: That's definitely not a good sign. :D

Yeah, Oculus was very middle-of-the-road for me.

#144: Spooky; I just got done watching The Quiet Ones, too, the other day. I'm not exactly sure why they called it that, but I remember one scene where a student approaches the camera man character played by Sam Claflin and calls him one of the professor's quiet ones (or something along those lines).

That was the oxygen tank girl? Wow, I didn't recognize her at all. :D

I wasn't totally impressed with The Quiet Ones, but I think I'm just paranormaled out. And I've since forgotten why the girl was being "treated." Something about possession or evil telekinetic powers. Sorry. :)

Another one I wasn't wowed over with was Under the Skin. Don't get me wrong: I liked it (the music is still stuck in my head), especially since it helped put me to sleep and give me trippy dreams, but it was So. Slow. Hesitantly recommended. I might give the book a try, though. Maybe it'll be better.

sep 7, 2014, 6:42 pm

The book is so good, you'll scratch your head in confusion at the movie afterwards.

sep 8, 2014, 7:10 pm

Yeah, the movie ending wasn't so great. Is the book ending anything like that?

sep 9, 2014, 2:15 pm

LOL the ending will make you rethink what you eat

sep 14, 2014, 2:23 pm

Oh no. :x Thanks for the warning! :)

Bewerkt: okt 4, 2014, 5:13 pm

Unborn But Forgotten -- Korean horror. Something about death by spontaneous fast-growing pregnancy that, I guess, crushes the internal organs. And then the phantom pregnancy just vanishes. I've forgotten most of it by now. Hesitantly recommended.

Enemy -- Not really horror (unless giant spiders freak you out--see the ending), and not really recommended, unless you like thinking a lot about a film. Based on the novel, The Double by José Saramago.

Eden Lake -- It took me awhile to get into this, probably because I don't find teenagers scary or believe they're organized enough to commit the acts they did. Still, the ending...wow! Recommended.

A Serbian Film -- (foreign) By far, the sickest of the bunch. I can understand how some people would like to see this one banned. It covers everything from snuff to pedophilia to necrophilia to newborn porn...well, you name it. Still, I was fascinated by the whole story and liked it best out of the four I just mentioned. The ending was pretty darn good, and I loved the music. Recommended only if you have a stomach of steel.

okt 7, 2014, 6:20 pm

>150 saraslibrary:: Eden Lake's a favourite of mine, the ending does pack a punch but I thought all the performances were good throughout. Really doubt I could watch A Serbian Film because of the paedophilia, although I am interested as to why you thought it was the best of the four. What merits would you say it had?

okt 7, 2014, 7:35 pm

Yeah, the ending to Eden Lake vaguely reminded me of The Last House on the Left, but with no happy ending. Great movie.

The main reasons I liked A Serbian Film over the other 3 was the pacing, the end, and the story, just to see if the main character ever discovered what happened while he was drugged up. He does, and the ending is sad and sick. It has that car-crash appeal to it. You know you shouldn't watch, but you still want to see. Well, not everybody does, of course. Thus the "stomach of steel" recommendation. And some parts just made me angry as hell (the newborn porn), but I try to ignore that part. If you can get through 8mm, then you might make it through A Serbian Film.

okt 11, 2014, 2:34 pm

I watched a couple mediocre movies:

* Evil Remains (aka Trespassing): I was left pretty confused by this one, but had no interest to rewatch it to figure things out. It's your typical "Hey, let's go into this abandoned house where people have been massacred and is supposedly cursed" flicks.

* Nature's Grave (aka Long Weekend): Mostly a marital problem drama than a man vs. nature movie. And neither character I found sympathetic, just the dog. It's good if you're not into scary slashers; however, there was some animal violence that bothered me, plus a scene near the end involving a semi; kind of on the bloody side.

Both I hesitantly recommend.

okt 27, 2014, 5:40 pm

I watched two good ones:

* Bates Motel: Season 2 -- I liked this one a little better than the first season, because Norman was starting to act, well, psycho. ;)

* Not Forgotten -- More of a thriller with some voodoo/paganism thrown in. I'm not sure why it got a 4.8 rating on IMDb; I thought it was pretty recommendable.

okt 28, 2014, 12:38 pm

The Taking of Deborah Logan - I gave it 7/10 stars. Not just another possession movie. The plot was creepy and fun, and the acting, especially Jill Larson who played Deborah Logan, was spot-on. I recommend this movie to anyone who isn't too jaded by this sub-genre.

Bewerkt: okt 28, 2014, 3:46 pm

>155 flying_monkeys: That does look good! Sadly, we don't have it at work yet*. :( But I'll keep it in mind.

*D'oh! No wonder. It was just released. My bad. ;)

okt 28, 2014, 4:59 pm

>156 saraslibrary: yep, I watched it on Netflix Instant.

okt 28, 2014, 5:13 pm

Cool! :) I've thought of doing Netflix (I just saw they have 1 month free--nice!), but I've even given up my internet so I can save money; so I'll probably just wait until The Taking of Deborah Logan is released on DVD. Thanks for the rec! :)

Bewerkt: okt 28, 2014, 5:38 pm

155> just added it, think I'll go watch it now before it gets dark 😉

okt 28, 2014, 5:38 pm

>159 beeg: But watching horror movies at night is the best time to watch them! ;)

okt 28, 2014, 7:21 pm

uh, not for me, not anymore I take them to bed with me, and that movie seriously creeped my shit out.

okt 28, 2014, 7:34 pm

:D Understood. But what about Halloween? Is anyone doing a Halloween movie marathon?

okt 28, 2014, 7:54 pm

I can watch old horror movies at any time, it's the new stuff that's too real. I think there is a movie marathon, but forget which channel?

okt 28, 2014, 8:02 pm

Probably cable, right? I think AMC's doing a marathon. I'm not sure about the rest.

okt 29, 2014, 12:46 am

We stopped cable/satelite about 4 years ago, so we're doing our own Halloween marathon starting out with MY all-time lifelong fave Halloween (1978) which I have to watch while it's still light out, or else I won't sleep right for about a week. Followed by my daughter's new fave (she watched it for the first time this year) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) then Trick 'r Treat (2007) with Horns (2013) as our finale.

P.S. >158 saraslibrary: one way I save big bucks in rentals is the library. Ours has an extensive network so we can borrow just about anything released during the last 30 years or so. It's the foreign horror and foreign thrillers that are harder to get, which is why I still have Netflix.

Bewerkt: okt 29, 2014, 4:02 pm

>165 flying_monkeys: Great line-up! :) I absolutely love Trick 'r Treat. That's perfectly Halloween. I wish I'd seen Horns by now, but I haven't. Thanks for reminding me about it. :)

That's the way I save money on movies, too. :) I work in a library, so I'll sometimes get first dibs on new movies. Unfortunately, the library's losing money, so we're not buying as many DVDs anymore. :/ I love foreign horror/thrillers, too! :) We still have some good ones; some others have magically grown feet and left the building. :(

ETA: My second source of cheap movies: the clearance section @ Half Price Books, and sometimes library book sales. Those are awesome! :)

okt 29, 2014, 4:17 pm

>166 saraslibrary: don't get me started on Half Price Books! I have to give myself a firm spending limit when I go in there. When I was manager of a video store (years ago) I saved oodles on my movie budget. Free rentals, first dibs on new releases, discounted previously viewed dvds - it was like a dream :) So I can appreciate the hookup you have working at the library (surrounded by all those books!), though I am really sorry to hear your library's losing money. It amazes me how overlooked the library is, in some communities.

My daughter just informed me that we planned to watch Devil's Pass for our Halloween marathon on Friday. Hmm, we're gonna be watching a lot of spooky flicks that day.

okt 29, 2014, 4:56 pm

lol @ don't get me started on Half Price Books!

I know; the store's like crack. ;) I love it! Working at a video store sounds fun. You were very lucky. :) Oddly enough, I don't check out a whole lot of books from work, unless they're new. It's kind of off-putting to open a book and have a pubic hair or bandage fall out of a page. And then there are the ever-fun mystery crusties smeared on them. But the same goes for most of our material. Get them new or patron beware! ;) I think the biggest reason our finances are hurting is because of taxes. We get a huge percentage of income from property/home taxes, and since house values are so low right now, we're not getting as much.

Oh, man, I think I saw the trailer for Devil's Pass. For some reason, it reminded me of The Descent except set in the Russian(?) snowy mountains. Good luck not getting freaked out by that one. :D

okt 29, 2014, 5:01 pm

Ooh, added Devils Pass to my list as well.

okt 30, 2014, 12:33 pm

>168 saraslibrary: & >169 beeg: We watched Devil's Pass last year and loved it. We own it - all of this year's marathon movies are part of our collection except for Horns. We're gonna rent that one tomorrow night as the big finale. Hope it's as good as the trailer makes it out to be.

okt 30, 2014, 11:30 pm

>170 flying_monkeys: That's always fun--rewatching old favorites, especially on Halloween. :) Btw, have you read Horns? I started it but never finished it. Not that it was bad; I just got distracted and then forgot where I shelved it. Oops.

Btw, I finished The Presence last night. As I've said before, I'm not a big fan of ghost movies (they're not very scary, imho), and this one fits right in with the rest. It was very slow the first half or so, and the ghost characters were a bit confusing (who were they? what did they want? etc). But at least there was some beautiful wood/lake scenery, and having a second ghost was an interesting twist. Still, I wouldn't really recommend it unless you like ghost films and/or are a fan of one of the actors.

okt 31, 2014, 12:42 pm

>171 saraslibrary: I read Horns in December 2013 and rated it 4 stars. I really enjoyed it, though not as much as Hill's 20th Century Ghosts which I rated 4.5 of 5 stars. That collection is my favorite of his works to date, and I can definitely see why it won a Bram Stoker award.

Bewerkt: nov 1, 2014, 11:14 am

LOL I tried to upload a halloween pic, but I don't know how

nov 1, 2014, 11:40 am

I watched The Presence and thought it was the dullest movie I'd ever seen LOL

nov 1, 2014, 1:30 pm

To all of you mentioning Devil's Pass, I haven't watched it yet so don't know how true it is to the actual Dyatlov Pass incident.

However just a couple of weeks ago I read Dead Mountain by Donnie Eichar and the author has a very, very plausible theory as to what happened.

nov 1, 2014, 4:34 pm

>172 flying_monkeys: Good to know. I have yet to hear anything really bad about Joe Hill's books.

>173 beeg: It's all right, beeg. :) It took me awhile to get a hang of it. There's a how-to here on LT, if you'd like to learn.

>174 beeg: Yeah, I've soon learned that most horror movies that are rated PG13 start entering dullsville. But I guess for a younger (or non-horror) audience, they are pretty scary. If I remember right, I had to watch The Presence in two days, because I started to fall asleep during the beginning.

>175 pollux: Not to worry about watching Devil's Pass. When you get done, I'd love to hear what you thought of it.

I didn't get any new horror movies watched for Halloween. Instead, I watched bits of The Addams Family and Addams Family Values with the family, and House at the End of the Street on my own. It was an early night, because I had work early in the a.m. :/

nov 3, 2014, 3:25 pm

I watched Devils Pass, it was excellent. I almost want to watch it again after seeing the end, am I the only one that saw the two objects in the back by the weather station? I had to go back to make sure I saw them and it all clicked into place.

nov 3, 2014, 3:38 pm

>177 beeg: I'll have to make sure to pay attention at the end, if/when I see it. Kind of like those horror movies that have after-credit scenes. I love/hate those, because sometimes I miss them.

nov 4, 2014, 9:32 am

>177 beeg: If you're talking about the two moving in the far background, kind of behind the rocks, while two characters are talking in foreground, then no you're not alone. My daughter was actually the one who caught those on my 3rd viewing, her 2nd. Definitely watch it again!

nov 4, 2014, 6:25 pm

I love talking about movies, we need a spoiler alert

nov 4, 2014, 7:07 pm

No worries. I usually forget spoilers by the time I get to a movie, unless it's something really obvious, like giving away endings to a lot of M. Night Shyamalan's movies.

nov 5, 2014, 9:16 am

I watched The Blood on Satan's Claw over the weekend. I'd never heard of it until I watched the series "A History of Horror" (a BBC series, if anyone's interested in looking for it on the net - it's very good). Unfortunately I was very disappointed. I can imagine it was shocking for the time (late 60's, early 70s, I think) but it hasn't aged well. I loved the beginning, weird camera angles emphasising a recently ploughed field, a strange eye in the earth, odd behaviour from the villagers, but it became increasingly silly. A real shame, if it had maintained that opening atmosphere it would have been an interesting, creepy film.

Still, loved the setting and the witchcraft theme, which worked much better in Witchfinder General and A Field in England.

nov 5, 2014, 1:22 pm

>182 Moomin_Mama: I've never heard of that one, but I haven't watched a lot of older horror movies either. Sorry to hear it was so lame. :)

I watched a couple good ones this past week:

1) Trinity Blood: Chapter 1 - Sci fi-horror vampire anime. The DVD I watched only contained 4 episodes of the anime TV series, so I didn't get to watch the entire series. But I have read the first two manga books it was based on, and the anime was actually a little better, imho, despite the weird Japanese animation (I'm still not used to it). Probably only recommended to younger viewers and/or people who're already into manga/anime.

2) Found - "A horror-obsessed boy discovers his older brother is a serial killer." Pretty disturbing coming-of-age stuff, particularly the movie the boys watch ("Headless," which is included by itself in the special features; very short). I really enjoyed the movie, but would only recommend it to people who're into slashers.

nov 5, 2014, 3:03 pm

176 saraslibrary

Watched Devil's Pass last night. For the most part they had the facts correct about the original party of 9 who died in the 1959 expedition until they interviewed the old woman. Then it was just a movie about 5 people re-creating a real life tragedy. The film was of course, complete conjecture. But entertaining.

Again I recommend Dead Mountain by Donnie Eichar. I think he has solved the mystery.

Bewerkt: nov 5, 2014, 5:59 pm

>184 pollux: I'm glad you got to see it! :) It makes me curious which came first--the book or the movie. Btw, I thumbed your book review of Dead Mountain.

I hit a stinker today--Autumn--which is oh so skippable. I'm not sure why I watched it either, other than I was curious how it would end for some of the characters. If there's a sequel (since the movie is based on the same-named book by David Moody, which I haven't read), I highly doubt I'll watch it.

Bewerkt: nov 9, 2014, 1:59 am

I finished Roman tonight. I thought it was recommended on this thread, but I looked and couldn't find it here. Anyway, I wasn't totally won over by it (I give it a 3/5), because it was so slooow with very little dialogue and long scenes. Personally, I thought it would've made a better short film instead of a 90-minute movie. Plus I was a bit confused at the end. Did he really kill his second girlfriend? But I wanted to see it because Kristen Bell is in it, one of the pluses. I wouldn't really recommend it, but if you're looking for a suspense drama, then you might like it.

nov 9, 2014, 1:10 pm

I went to the Horror night at the Stockholm International Film Festival, and saw these three movies:

1. "A girl walks home alone at night" (2014, Iran): moody vampire movie, black and white, with lots of nods to the history of vampire movies. Excellently stylish, and liberally sprinkled with creepy shots and a wonderful soundtrack. Some of the cinematography is downright amazing.

2. "Cub" (2014, Belgium): a troupe of scouts go camping, and it turns out that the camp story featuring a feral boy is not entirely fake. Much of this flick played out as a generic "primitive being preying on unsuspecting campers" kind of movie, but this one went a little bit over the top in its execution -- and delightfully so: that was what made it surprisingly entertaining.

3. "WolfCop" (2014, Canada): A small-town alcoholic cop gets turned into a werewolf and starts dispensing judgment by tearing off limbs and ripping off faces. The movie's tagline "Here comes the fuzz" is a good indicator of its punny and jokey approach, but the concept fell a little flat about halfway through and the film did not do enough to maintain its momentum in the second third. It's not a bad horror-comedy by any standard, but it lacked a little substance to make it feel fully-rounded.

nov 9, 2014, 4:41 pm

>187 Petroglyph: Awesome reviews! :) I've never heard of any of those movies and have my fingers crossed they'll be released here in the U.S. I'd love to see them all. lol @ "Here comes the fuzz!"

nov 11, 2014, 12:02 am

I watched Live Animals yesterday, about some people who abduct some partiers and keep them in horse stalls for selling, torture, etc. It was kind of low budget, and the acting wasn't so great, so it was hard to stay interested. But it was only around 80 minutes. Plus there's a twist near the end, if you're into those. Still, I wouldn't say it's one you'd have to rush out and see.

nov 11, 2014, 4:51 pm

I finished another one--Vampire Journals--which I liked it. I was surprised, though, it was made in 1997, because some of the hairstyles seemed more 80's. Or maybe its older feel is due to it being a direct-to-video film. Either way, I'd still recommend it, especially if you're into vampire movies.

nov 13, 2014, 1:07 pm

I finished The Human Centipede II last night. Meh. It's still very gory, but maybe because it's a sequel and/or it's filmed all in black and white, it lost some of its shock value, for me anyway. And the ending was pretty weak and confusing. Not really recommended unless you really loved this series. (FYI: there's a third HC movie not yet released.)

nov 13, 2014, 6:47 pm

I watched The Returned, a zombie movie where the lead male looks like Chris from Coldplay it was ok.

nov 13, 2014, 9:11 pm

My laptop's too slow to watch the trailer, but what I read of it on IMDb, it looks really good. Thanks for the recommendation. :)

Bewerkt: nov 14, 2014, 11:19 am

I watched The Returned sometime last year on Netflix Instant and rated it 7/10 on IMDb. I liked what they were attempting with the whole "who's really the monster here?" but I loathed the ending. It seems like more and more "horror" movies are opting for that nowadays; e.g., The Mist. Oh, and Kris Holden-Ried is the lookalike :) He plays Dyson on Lost Girl if anyone wants to watch him in something else.

Last night I watched Deliver Us from Evil and rated it 6/10. Too many plot holes for my tastes. I admit I rated it 6 mostly for Eric Bana and Édgar Ramírez. :D

nov 14, 2014, 9:05 pm

I have Deliver Us from Evil in my TBW pile, but I keep putting it off, because I'm just not into exorcisms, and any time someone claims it's based on true events, I just roll my eyes. But like you, I want to watch it just because Eric Bana and Edgar Ramirez are in it. Maybe I'll get to it this week. Thanks for the heads-up about the plot holes.

nov 16, 2014, 10:42 pm

I finished Nightmare Man last night. I like most of the After Dark Horrorfest movies, but this isn't one of them. Not recommended.

nov 17, 2014, 8:37 am

I watched After life, it was quietly creepy with a lot of wtf is going on, is she or isn't she? Was she or wasn't she? Christina Ricci, Leim Nesin and the Mac commercial guy.

I also watch something so stupid I'm embarrased I finished it.

nov 17, 2014, 7:47 pm

I don't think I've seen After Life yet, but it's definitely in my TBW pile. Mac commercial guy = Justin Long? I still remember him from Jeepers Creepers and love it when he does horror movies (though I could never get myself to finish Drag Me to Hell). :)

My interest is now piqued? Tell us. Please?

I finished Bloody Reunion this morning before work. I liked it, but there were some confusing parts to it, like what happened to the teacher's physically deformed son? Why were there torture scenes if the characters actually died in different manners? Was it the killer's fantasy? Despite the plot holes, I'd recommend it if you like Korean horror.

nov 18, 2014, 8:34 am

Here comes the devil, Mexican horror sub-titled. it was mostly porn for the first part then not too much horror afterwards. There must have been a gifted film cutter to make the trailer look good.

nov 18, 2014, 7:26 pm

I just watched the trailer on IMDb, and I thought it looked great! Too bad it sucked. :) I've never heard about it before.

nov 18, 2014, 10:33 pm

it sucked balls

nov 19, 2014, 7:31 pm

:D I'll take your word for that. Speaking of really bad movies, I was thinking of buying Thankskilling for Thanksgiving. Has anyone seen it? Bad? Really bad? Beeg's sucked-balls bad? ;)

nov 23, 2014, 10:48 am

I watched the series Penny Dreadful not scary so much but all the monsters are in there.

nov 23, 2014, 5:45 pm

>203 beeg: That one looks good. I haven't seen it yet, but I plan on it.

I forgot to mention I saw The Purge: Anarchy. Pretty much the same as the first--several people trying to survive Purge Night. I liked it.

nov 24, 2014, 4:09 pm

I finished Deliver Us from Evil last night. I wasn't too crazy about it (I'm not big into demon possessions), but the cast kept me interested. As for based on true events, I didn't buy into that.

nov 26, 2014, 11:32 am

I watched Open Grave, I'm sure I got it off this thread as I had never heard of it, it was pretty good :)

nov 26, 2014, 3:41 pm

Good to know! :) I have that one at home, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Bewerkt: nov 28, 2014, 11:02 am

A few years ago I was really creeped out by The Baby's Room, of the 6 Films to Keep You Awake compilation. So when Witching and Bitching popped up on Netflix Instant and I noticed it was by the same director of The Baby's Room, Álex de la Iglesia, I thought what the hay. Well, it was... interesting to say the least, but most definitely hilarious. Only recommended if you enjoy B movie "horror" in Spanish. 6/10

ETA: I thought The Purge: Anarchy was a million times better than The Purge.

nov 29, 2014, 11:56 am

ok i had a movie marathon yesterday and watched three movies from Netflix. Favorite one was Red Lights" how did I not hear about this? With this cast? seriously? Any way a nice twisty ending starring one of my favorite pretty boys.

"The Damned" meh for the most part, had the plastic ken doll daddy from The Twilight series.

"The Pact" this wasn't terrible it maintained a good level of suspense unfortunately I watched it last and had it on the brain for bedtime.

dec 2, 2014, 2:10 am

>208 flying_monkeys: Witching and Bitching does look good (what a title; what a cover--lol). I doubt we have this one at work, but I'll keep my eyes open at Half Price Books. They sometimes have really obscure stuff.

It's been awhile since I saw the first Purge, so I can't say the sequel was a million times better, but I liked how they involved more of the city and not just a small family. Like with the first, it still had me thinking what I would've done in the same situation--purge or not to purge?

>209 beeg: Was it this Red Lights with Cillian Murphy? (And if you mean he's one of your favorite pretty boys, then you have excellent taste. ;) I've seen this one a few times at work, but I never picked it up. Too busy, I guess. I'm glad to know it's worth watching, though.

That's too bad about The Damned. The summary sounded super creepy, "plastic ken doll daddy" or not. ;)

Is this The Pact you saw? (I've seen that cover somewhere recently, or maybe it's just so common with paranormal movies.) Looks good! And don't you love that? Watching something creepy right before bed and then having it invade your dreams and everything. I guess that's the sign of a good movie. :)

dec 2, 2014, 1:34 pm

yup, that's the right The Pack, uh no, I don't like to go to bed and take the monsters with me. For some reason the paranormal movies seem to disturb me more than the run of the mill demonic possessions. Sorry I don't remember actors names, I'm getting old timers and usually just give them nicknames.

dec 2, 2014, 5:45 pm

I don't blame you not wanting to take monsters to bed with you. ;) I rarely have dreams about movies I watch, though I had a short incident of nightmares when I was a kid after secretly watching some slug horror flick.

I have old timers, too, and I'm in my 30's. :D I rarely remember actor's names either unless it's someone I see on a regular basis.

dec 4, 2014, 11:08 pm

I watched a really good, but sad, one the other day--Chained--about a young boy who is abducted with his mom by a taxi driver and kept captive for years by this serial killer. The ending's left open for a lot of interpretation about what the boy, now a man, decides to do. But the climax was really off the wall. I had to read several reviews and rewatch parts of the movie to put some of the pieces together, and even now I'm not sure I know the true relationship between the boy and the serial killer. Anyway, definitely one I'd recommend.

dec 5, 2014, 1:39 pm

>213 saraslibrary: that's been on my to-watch list but it looked kinda heavy, and you said good but sad, so I'll keep putting it off then I'm in the "right" mood.

dec 5, 2014, 7:30 pm

Chained is pretty heavy stuff, and I think you've got the right idea: only watch it when you're ready to. It's more psychological than gory (though there is some bloodshed; just a heads-up). It definitely feels like a movie made by someone whose dad is David Lynch. ;)

I finished another one last night: Steel Trap. Judging by the cover*, I thought it was going to be a little more action-packed, kind of like a rip-off of the Saw series, instead of what it is: vague notes/warnings and running up and down dark maze-like hallways. And the ending (the killer's motive) just stunk. It wasn't 100% awful (maybe just 90% ;), but it's still not one I'd recommend.

*And I'm still trying to figure out which character is on the front. Maybe one of the party crashers?

dec 7, 2014, 6:46 pm

I got around to watching Open Grave. The suspense is pretty good, and it's kind of a zombie movie without being obvious about it (or perhaps it's not; but it does involve a plague that affects the brain, kills people, etc). I think I gave it 4/5 here on LT, because there was something I felt kind of missing near the end, maybe just me thinking, "Oh, man! Those characters are going to have to start over from square one again??" Good movie, though. Recommended.

dec 7, 2014, 7:29 pm

Yay, I thought it was pretty good, mostly because I didn't have it figured out.

dec 8, 2014, 5:38 pm

Same here. It really keeps the audience captivated with each character trying to figure out who they are and what they did to get to that point. Good recommendation, beeg. :)

dec 18, 2014, 11:39 pm

I finished Dracula: Season 1 today. It's not bad, though I was expecting a little more horror than drama. Recommended.

dec 19, 2014, 4:26 pm

I finally got around to watching the original Prom Night last night. I've seen the remake (yeah, I'll even admit I liked it), but it's been too many years for me to compare the two. (Was the killer/motive even the same?? The identity of the killer didn't ring a bell when I saw it.) Anyway, even though it's pretty dated (disco!), I liked it and would recommend it.

dec 20, 2014, 5:44 pm

I watched Mercy on netflix. a lot of familiar faces and even the little boy from walking dead. I think the movie had real potential but kinda fizzled out at the end, it was kinda anti-climatic and left some loose threads.

dec 20, 2014, 5:58 pm

I might still look for Mercy (the trailer seemed ok, and like you said, "a lot of familiar faces" :), especially since I saw on IMDb that it was based on Stephen King's short story, "Gramma" (in Skeleton Crew). Thanks for the rec!

Bewerkt: dec 21, 2014, 11:34 am

Its worth watching it had some good moments esp the spoon. The cinematography is excellent, but after a quick re-read of the story it only borrowed from it.

Bewerkt: dec 21, 2014, 2:18 pm

I think Skeleton Crew is one of King's short story collections I haven't read, so maybe I won't notice. Btw, I did see on the LT page for Skeleton Crew that The Twilight Zone adapted "Gramma" as well. I don't think I ever caught that one. Have you?

dec 21, 2014, 2:54 pm

Yup, big fan of Twilight Zone

dec 21, 2014, 2:57 pm

Awesome. :) I only saw a few as a kid, but I never saw the entire series. Was the Twilight Zone version of "Gramma" better/worse than Mercy? Or is that too big of a time frame?

dec 21, 2014, 7:58 pm

Twilight one is kinda cheesy, it's best to read the story

dec 22, 2014, 3:08 am

Good to know. I was considering putting the Twilight Zone series on hold at the library, but my TBW pile is getting overwhelming as it is. Hopefully I'll get around to Skeleton Crew next year. Thanks. :)

Also, I finished The Mailman tonight. Blech. Yes, it's that bad, but it was still somehow watchable, maybe because it was just under 80 minutes. It's more of a thriller than horror, but I just thought I'd mention it, mostly as a warning to avoid it. ;) But I suppose if you like nonsensical plots and random toplessness over blood and guts, then go for it. However, the 2.7 stars it received on IMDb is very appropriate.

dec 23, 2014, 9:54 am

I watched Come back to me, the only saving factor was the ending. Truly I didn't not see that coming.

Bewerkt: dec 24, 2014, 12:33 am

Hmm, maybe I'll just watch the ending then. ;) Or read the book it was based on instead ("The Resurrectionist" by Wrath James White).

dec 25, 2014, 9:41 pm

My standards have apparently dropped, because I watched Bled yesterday and kind of enjoyed it. It's definitely a guilty pleasure vampire flick, so I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for a full-out vampire movie. In fact, the movie didn't make a whole lot of sense, so I was glad the screenwriter wrote a plot synopsis on IMDb, though even after reading it, I was still going, "Huh?" Maybe it's one best to watch while wasted.

dec 27, 2014, 6:45 pm

Be warned: The Resurrectionist is extremely disturbing! In my book review I recommended Come Back to Me as an alternative to the book for the more squeamish folks. While the movie was violent and disturbing, for some reason, it didn't eff with my mind quite as much as the book.

>230 saraslibrary: I believe I recall you mentioned having watched A Serbian Film, so The Resurrectionist and Come Back to Me would probably be equal for you. And note, there are enough differences between the two that whether you read the book first or watch the movie first, you won't know everything that's about to happen.

*shivers* Just thinking about either makes me sick to my stomach. It's one helluva premise, though, and actually quite terrifying if you really think about it...

dec 28, 2014, 11:28 pm

>232 flying_monkeys: Thanks for the heads-up! :) Usually books can get away with far more graphic things than movies can, so that makes sense The Resurrectionist would be far nastier than Come Back to Me. (I've added the movie to my Amazon wishlist, but I already own the book. I just need to find it now.)

Yes, I did watch A Serbian Film awhile back (very disturbing film, but I liked it; if a movie can get stuck in my head, then it gets a clenched, shaky thumbs up from me). Thanks for the warning about Come Back to Me. I read a few reviews on Amazon claiming it was pretty sick, so I'll be prepared with my Pepto Bismal. ;) Thanks again for the rec! If I find my copy of The Resurrectionist, I'll start on that first. I like the fact you mentioned the book and movie are different enough I won't be able to guess everything ahead of time. Predictable movies are the worst.

dec 29, 2014, 9:19 am

Berberian Sound Studio - weird, very weird, but my kind of weird. Don't expect it to make any sense. Fans of 70s/80s Italian horror/giallo will get the most out of it, I think.

dec 29, 2014, 5:50 pm

>234 Moomin_Mama: I watched the trailer for Berberian Sound Studio on IMDb, and, yeah, it definitely looks weird, but interesting. Thankfully, our library has a copy, so I just put a hold on it. Thanks for the rec! It should be nice and trippy. :)

jan 2, 2015, 9:25 pm

7/10 to As Above, So Below which I would describe as National Treasure, starring Lara Croft, set in the Catacombes de Paris, directed by Clive Barker when he was in a fairly laid mood, just kinda slowly stirring the pot. (I mention Clive Barker because, for me, he immediately pops into mind when something involves hellscapes.) The first 60-ish minutes were all about setting up the main character's journey, gathering her team, foreshadowing - the usual. It's really the last 20-30 minutes when the adventures goes to hell (hahahaha) that things got tense.

My biggest complaint was Scarlett, a seriously educated woman, making some of THE dumbest decisions, ever. Oh, and some of the dialogue was cringeworthy. But overall, I had a good time and I'd watch it again.

On a side note, I enjoyed this film way more than Catacombs (2007) that I watched a few years back.

Bewerkt: jan 4, 2015, 5:40 pm

>236 flying_monkeys: I'll definitely add As Above, So Below; and maybe Catacombs. They both sound interesting. Thanks! :)

ETA: Oops, I forgot to mention the two horror movies I've watched this year:

1) Kiss Me Kill Me (aka Baba Yaga) -- An early 70's movie with considerable amounts of nudity, even I was surprised. I didn't particularly like the movie, but I will admit it was halfway interesting.

2) House of Voices -- Pretty disappointing, but if you're into haunted orphanages, you might want to try this one. Very low-key horror, so it shouldn't scare too many viewers.

jan 5, 2015, 6:15 pm

I finished up Embrace of the Vampire last night. Very light on the vampire theme; more heavier on the nudity if you watch the unrated version. Halfway recommended. Apparently there's a remake of this one. Has anyone see it? Liked it/hated it?

jan 7, 2015, 4:45 pm

I thought I was recommended Triangle on this thread, but I didn't see it mentioned. *shrugs* Anyway, I just finished it last night and really enjoyed it. It's one of those plots stuck in a time loop. Pretty good stuff; I'll probably have to rewatch it. Recommended.

jan 7, 2015, 6:48 pm

Yeah, I watched that a while back, fuzzy on the details - it's been awhile. But I remember liking it and posting about it, prolly a year or two back.

jan 7, 2015, 8:11 pm

>240 beeg: I'm glad my memory's not slipping completely. :) You probably were the one who recommended it. It is one of those fuzzy-detail movies because the story repeats itself: the main character has to kill all the survivors and keep them from boarding the big ship. Seeing that more than a couple times, everything does get confusing.

Bewerkt: jan 13, 2015, 5:14 am

Watched The Bay last night. I didn't think it was a very good film but it wasn't unwatchable. Some of it confused me (was never sure if there was a virus too), some of it was ludicrous (the CDC's response, especially), and as if the female lead wasn't bad enough, they got her to narrate the whole film.

BUT there were some truly horrible moments: the brief bit of footage of the man's stomach on webcam would have been silly if not for his genuinely terrified-sounding screams; likewise the scene with the cops going in to the house - the audio of what happened in there chilled me; and the corpse with his face half-missing by the fountain.

I'm sure most people who watched the film Googled it, but there really is a parasite that eats the tongue of its host fish, replacing it and acting as the tongue while receiving a home and a source of food. One of the more disgusting parasites out there (I'm not a fan of bot-flies either).

>35 flying_monkeys: Fish attract a whole array of parasites! They live in the gills and the intestinal tract mostly, parts which we don't eat, but they can be pretty much riddled with critters.

Bewerkt: jan 11, 2015, 11:20 am

>242 Moomin_Mama: I was true to my word, too, and haven't eaten fish since watching this movie lol. (We're a vegetarian family but I'd always loved seafood and hadn't given it up.) I did eat shrimp last week and I thought of this movie with each bite. *shivers* So I'm off seafood again.

The main thing (I can remember) that bothered me about the female narrator was her tongue when she spoke. Do you know what I'm referring to? I can't remember specifically what she was doing with it, yet I distinctly remember her tongue - all these months later.

jan 11, 2015, 8:05 pm

>243 flying_monkeys: Yes, she started her web-cam narration by staring, lost in space, for a minute or two, sticking her tongue out! Kind of funny considering the parasite involved.

jan 12, 2015, 10:26 pm

>242 Moomin_Mama:, >243 flying_monkeys:, >244 Moomin_Mama: Ooh, lovely. I'm so glad I don't eat fish. XP I'll have to look for a copy of The Bay. Sounds nice and gross. ;)

I watched a few good/ok ones over the past few days:

* Decadent Evil -- A so-bad-it's-good flick that I kind of liked. I know it's somehow loosely connected to Vampire Journals (I think one of the characters from that movie is in DE) and has a sequel that I'll probably end up looking for, too. Only recommended if you like B vampire horror movies with really cheap-looking monster puppets.

* Happy Tree Friends -- I recently bought the first DVD, which only had maybe a dozen episodes on it, so I haven't watched the entire series. But if you like darkly humorous animation with really cute cartoons dying horrible deaths (think Itchy & Scratchy from The Simpsons), then I'd highly recommend. They're super quick episodes, too; maybe 2 minutes long at most. You could probably find most of them for free on YouTube.

* The Seasoning House -- IMDb has this one listed as drama/thriller, but I figured it deserved a spot on this thread. It's pretty brutal and gory (I mean both the blood-letting and topics), but it's one I'd definitely recommend if you can handle the material. It's a tie between this one and Happy Tree Friends being my favorite over the past week.

Bewerkt: jan 13, 2015, 10:21 pm

Two more down:

* Rest Stop: Don't Look Back -- This one made as much sense as the first. It's not bad, just confusing. But at least it gives a little more insight to the connection between the religious family in the Winnebago and the serial killer in the yellow truck. Half-hearted recommendation.

* Five Across the Eyes -- A really low-budget movie about 5 girls taking a wrong turn and being hunted by a female serial killer/rapist, which was an interesting twist. I think I gave it a 2/5 rating (yeah, it's pretty bad, and all the screaming and arguing in the van got on my nerves), but I still felt compelled to watch it all. Some gross-out stuff--vomiting, poo-flinging (seriously, try and keep a straight face during that scene)--but a lot of it was done off-screen, which I felt made it even gorier. Not recommended unless you like low-budget movies.

jan 14, 2015, 12:18 pm

I had a Jeepers Creepers day, I always liked the first one, mostly, couldn't remember the second one and didn't realize the Mac guy was in both of them. It was a fun way to spend the afternoon with my dog and snacks. I also watched two "scary" movies that were like made for Lifetime? If you want to give your grandmother a recommendation in weak horror these two would fit the bill regardless of who starred in them. Bless the Child with Kim Basinger and A Haunting at Silver Falls.

jan 14, 2015, 3:34 pm

A Jeepers Creepers binge sounds fun, especially with pets! :) I never could figure out the creature, though (why pretend to be a human? why not create a bloodbath after hibernating for so long?), but never mind.

LOL @ If you want to give your grandmother a recommendation in weak horror. My grandmother's more into British mysteries now, but she did enjoy Psycho and Dark Shadows in her day. I might give Bless the Child and A Haunting at Silver Falls a try sometime down the road, but no rush. Thanks for the recs! :)

jan 17, 2015, 8:18 pm

Kevin Smith's Red State - only watched it as it was billed as a horror satire. Didn't think much of it as either horror or satire, but maybe that's because we don't get that sort of Christian fundamentalism over here in the UK.

Bewerkt: jan 19, 2015, 1:05 am

>249 Moomin_Mama: Lucky you then! :) I've checked out Red State a few times, but I've never gotten around to it. Was it worth watching though, horror or not?

I watched two this past week:

1) Life After Beth - If you're into all the romantic zom/com movies coming out lately, then this is one to watch as well. I honestly didn't think the main character would do what he did at the end, so it's not completely predictable. Recommended.

2) As Above, So Below - One recommended on this thread. It's a lot like those shaky handheld camera horror movies (Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity, Cloverfield, etc), which isn't a bad thing; just a heads-up. Maybe because it's been a day or so since I've seen it, I can't remember what the point of the whole movie was now. They went down through these underground tunnels and got what exactly out of it? *still scratching head* Still, I'd recommend it.

jan 18, 2015, 8:18 pm

>250 saraslibrary: That was me #236 :) I guess I must be desensitized when it comes to mockumentary style because I don't recall more than a couple scenes being what I'd deem "too shaky".

FYI: Scarlett, the main character, was continuing her father's lifelong search (read: obsession) for the philosopher's stone, which basically drove him to suicide, and fueled her subsequent lifelong studies and research. The film was obviously inspired by Dante's Inferno and, as I originally mentioned, I'm sure the writer was influenced by Clive Barker as well

For me the film boils down to a lesson in what blind ambition / obsession can do aka you might not want to find what you're looking for sorta deal. Also, catacombs = creepy.

jan 18, 2015, 8:33 pm

>250 saraslibrary: Worth a watch, but it might be more relevant for American audiences because of the subject matter. It started out as torture-porn, and changed to satire/humour mid-way through, which didn't work for me either. Interesting idea though, tried to be different, I'll give it that.

jan 19, 2015, 1:05 am

>251 flying_monkeys: Oh, yeah, that was you. Thanks for the rec! :) And, actually, you are correct: there weren't a lot of shaky scenes. I probably should scratch shaky out of that message.

That's what I kind of got out of the ending, but I was hoping maybe I missed something and there was more to it. Still, I really liked the movie! Loved the catacombs (definitely creepy).

>252 Moomin_Mama: That does sound weird, going from tortore-porn to satire/humor, but I'll still look for it. Thanks! :)

I finished Hell tonight, which was an interesting find. If you like dystopian sci-fi/horror, then you might like this one. Oh, and it is foreign (German), but it at least has subtitles.

jan 20, 2015, 12:27 pm

I mainlined the first season of Helix over the weekend, and for the most part thought it was pretty good. I kept thinking Aliens meet The Thing with some quirky weird ass music.

worth watching.

jan 20, 2015, 5:05 pm

>254 beeg: I just got done watching the trailer. Looks good! :) I probably won't get around to it anytime soon, though. You mentioned it was kind of like Aliens meets The Thing; you're pretty dead-on, because I found this bit of trivia on IMDb: "Repurposed from Moore's take on "The Thing" which was planned as a 6 to 8 hour mini-series on SyFy with participation from Frank Darabont at one point."

jan 20, 2015, 8:20 pm

Huh, great minds ;)

jan 25, 2015, 12:16 am

I watched Daddy's Little Girl tonight. It does fall into the category of torture porn; just a heads-up. I didn't feel really pulled into this movie, but I still liked it. Recommended.

jan 27, 2015, 4:11 pm

I finished The Apparition last night. Oh. Dear. What a mess. It was pretty confusing, and the ending was just terrible. Two pluses: it was made fairly well, and it's only 82 minutes (thank god), but I wouldn't recommend this one.

Bewerkt: jan 27, 2015, 6:16 pm

Ah, the one with the twilight chick, I remember as being pretty weak as well.

I watched Neverlake, it wasn't bad, not scary but the story was good.

Bewerkt: jan 27, 2015, 6:21 pm

Yep, this time she has lots more hair in The Apparition and is less flaky than in Twilight. Agreed: The Apparition was very weak.

ETA: I just checked Neverlake on IMDb. I'd definitely watch it. Thanks for the rec! :)

ETAA: Unfortunately, we don't have a copy of Neverlake @ work, so I'll look for it when I'm Half Price Books shopping.

Bewerkt: feb 2, 2015, 1:04 pm

>259 beeg: I've been pausing at Neverlake on Netflix for more than a week now. It keeps catching my attention, and now you've watched it, so I think I'll go ahead and give it a shot too.

ETA: Neverlake exceeded expectations. In my opinion it was more dark fantasy than horror. I liked that the story was inspired by "The Sensitive Plant" by Percy Bysshe Shelley and set in a real place with such an interesting history. 7/10

Bewerkt: feb 2, 2015, 1:20 am

I watched Fright Night 2: New Blood tonight. It's not a remake of the 1980's Fright Night 2 (as far as I know), but it's not bad on its own as far as direct-to-video vampire flicks go. Recommended, despite IMDb's 4.2 rating.

feb 3, 2015, 3:43 pm

I finished In a Glass Cage (aka Tras el cristal) last night. Just a heads-up, it does revolve around gay pedophilia and serial child killing, though they're not seriously graphic. It's the topics themselves that'll make most viewers cringe. But overall, I really loved the movie, though the end was kind of weird.

feb 6, 2015, 3:04 pm

I watched "Horns" it was strange watching Harry Potter do the big nasty, smoke and say fuck, over all not too bad. I also watched "The Appearing" which *was* pretty bad not sucked balls bad, but got close. I still can't figure out how it got in my queue? I even read through the thread to make sure I didn't pull if from here (so's to not hurt anyones feelings).

Bewerkt: feb 6, 2015, 6:51 pm

>264 beeg: I'm still waiting for Horns at work. It will be interesting to see Daniel Radcliffe in something other than a Harry Potter movie and being more adult.

Thanks for the heads-up on The Appearing. :) I haven't seen it yet, but I think I'll return it without watching it. lol @ so's to not hurt anyones feelings. Totally understood. Nothing's worse than saying, "That movie sucked," and realizing you got the recommendation on the same thread. But it wouldn't hurt my feelings. :) Sometimes movies I really love, I can't stand watching all the time.

I watched The Devil's Rock yesterday or maybe it was the day before. Anyway, it was one of those middle-of-the-road, I-didn't-hate-it-or-love-it types. I think I was irked a little, because I bought it without checking it out for free at work. But if you like WWII horror with demons this time (so many with zombies in them!), then you might like this one.

feb 9, 2015, 5:58 pm

I watched a pretty good one yesterday: Housebound. Unpredictable and kind of funny at times. Recommended!

feb 10, 2015, 2:07 pm

I finished another good one last night: Wer. If you like werewolf movies, then I'd definitely recommend it.

feb 10, 2015, 4:53 pm

>267 saraslibrary: I second that recommendation! I watched it back in January and was pleasantly surprised.

feb 11, 2015, 2:56 am

>268 flying_monkeys: I'm glad you liked it, too. :) It's been a looong time since I've seen a good werewolf movie.

feb 11, 2015, 11:48 am

I watched "Chained" and liked it, however I'm curious what others thought about the ending? the sounds during the credits? and Netflix doesn't have WER which sucks as I love a good werewolf movie.

feb 11, 2015, 4:13 pm

>270 beeg: I loved Chained, too. In fact, after reading some reviews online, I went ahead and ordered the movie online right away. *trying to remember the ending and the sounds during the credits* Was it sounds from the house? I honestly don't remember, sorry. :) But the ending was definitely a thinker. I wondered if maybe he followed in his "uncle's" footsteps and killed the girl. Or maybe she became his "slave" like he was for so long. The what if's were endless. What were your thoughts? Oh, man, that does suck that Netflix doesn't have Wer. :( I'm not sure if your local rental stores might have it. Or if you want to splurge, you might find a cheap copy online (that's what I did).

I watched We Are the Night last night/this morning before work (I was impatient; I didn't want to wait until after work to finish it). If you like vampire movies, then you might like it. It is foreign (German), just in case you love/hate subtitles. The movie doesn't really bring anything new to the whole vampire myth--the sun kills, blood must be drunk, immortality for vamps, etc--but it was interesting that there were no male vampires in the entire world. They had been exterminated over years by humans and other vampires, so the movie does have a feminist/lesbian feel, especially with the lead vampiress in love with her new vampire fledgling. Recommended.

feb 14, 2015, 5:12 pm

I took me a long-ass time, but I finally bought a copy of The Loved Ones on Amazon, because I just wasn't finding it in local movie stores. Definitely not for the faint of heart, but I loved it! Recommended. It's right up there with those other disastrous prom movies.

feb 15, 2015, 8:53 am

>270 beeg: Yeah the DVD was released in September 2014, so when it got to be January 2015, I had to give up on Netflix getting Wer and go local. Family Video is where I rented it but redbox also has it listed, just a matter if you have one of those near you.

feb 15, 2015, 11:56 am

I don't, I'm out in the swamps of south Louisiana. If Netflix or Amazon doesn't have it, I'll just wait for cable.

feb 16, 2015, 2:27 am

I watched two more good ones: Mother's Day and Excision (this one's definitely my favorite of the two). Both recommended.

feb 16, 2015, 10:36 am

I watched Stephen Kings "A good Marriage" not bad, not horror, also "The Deaths of Ian Stone" which was pretty good, it had the psycho girlfriend from Dexter and some bad latex but the FX were cool. "Werewolf: The Beast Among Us" was enjoyable as well, motley gang of monster hunters with a surprise ending.

feb 16, 2015, 6:29 pm

Just watched "crazy eights" not so much

feb 16, 2015, 8:27 pm

>276 beeg: I'll have to look for A Good Marriage. I haven't seen a Stephen King movie in quite awhile. It's been a few years since I've seen The Deaths of Ian Stone, but I liked it, too. The "psycho girlfriend from Dexter" is Jaime Murray. She's always really good in bad guy roles. :) *adds Werewolf: The Beast Among Us to the TBW pile too* Thanks! :)

>277 beeg: Same here. I wasn't too crazy about Crazy Eights either. It's a pretty passable After Dark Horrorfest/8 Films to Die For movie.

feb 17, 2015, 7:40 pm

I finished Alyce Kills last night. Kind of trippy with the drug use and mental breakdown of the main character who "accidentally" kills her best friend. I liked it, but it's not a rush-out-and-see-it-NOW recommendation. It's definitely better than Zombie Strippers, the other movie Jay Lee directed.

feb 19, 2015, 7:27 pm

It took me a couple days, but I finished watching Some Guy Who Kills People yesterday. I'm honestly surprised at the movie's high rating on IMDb (6.4 stars). It's funny in parts (especially the scenes with the sheriff in them), but it's not one I was blown away by either. The twist at the end is surprising, though. I sure didn't see it coming. Still, I'm pretty indifferent about recommending it: if you see it, great; if you don't, great.

feb 20, 2015, 5:33 pm

I watched "What lies beneath" I've seen it a couple of times as it's a favorite, I do find new ghost faces each time I watch it. It's worth checking out if you've never seen it.

feb 20, 2015, 11:35 pm

This one, right? It's been ages since I've seen it. I really should rewatch it. Such a great cast!

feb 21, 2015, 12:35 am

I finished Schramm: Into the Mind of a Serial Killer today and am still watching the making of part of the DVD, just to try and understand it better, because I thought the whole movie was kind of pointless. It was a little too artsy and slow for me, even though it was just over 60 minutes. I wouldn't really recommend it, unless you're into artsy, foreign horror. Just a heads-up: it's pretty graphic, more sexually, though there are some violent scenes that might make some people squirm, like the killer hammering nails into his penis, him daymaring over having his eye removed by his dentist, etc. Half-hearted thumbs up.

feb 21, 2015, 8:33 am

Yup, that's the one. I first saw it at the theater, I should mention I'm a grabber and a squealer, people don't usually care to sit next to me.

feb 21, 2015, 1:49 pm

LOL! Well, hopefully you're grabbing and squealing at people you know. ;)

feb 21, 2015, 2:31 pm

Not always

feb 21, 2015, 2:33 pm

XD Even worse. One day you'll meet your match, and you'll both end up deaf and bruised.

feb 22, 2015, 9:31 pm

I watched American Mary yesterday. I really loved it, and I thought it was a perfect touch having the Soska twin sisters (the directors) as one of Mary's customers. Highly recommended.

feb 23, 2015, 9:41 am

>287 saraslibrary: Just saw this! Couldn't help picturing a pair of grabbers and squealers knocking lumps out of each other while screaming the cinema down :D

feb 24, 2015, 2:40 am

>289 Moomin_Mama: If it's your typical slasher flick, then I doubt their screams would be heard over the sound system. ;) But it would be funny/weird to see people like that stumbling out of the theater all bloody and bruised up. o.o

Speaking of bloody and bruised, I got done with Nekromantik tonight. Hmm. What to say. Obviously, the necrophilia aspect of the movie didn't bother me, because I knew it was fake, and I actually found it funny that the lead character's wife runs off with the dead skeleton they had a threesome with. However, I wasn't prepared for a real-life killing and skinning of a rabbit, as well as the killing of a pet (though I'm not sure if this last one was faked). Quite a few times I grew bored with the movie, too, and it was only 75 minutes long. Major thumbs down.

feb 24, 2015, 2:49 pm

it's not nice to heckle the squealers and the grabbers ya know. I watched "The house at the end of time" and liked it. It's subtitled which doesn't bother me, creepy ass house and the story is a bit convoluted but recommended. I have American Mary in my queue and at the rate of not getting things done I might watch it today.

feb 24, 2015, 3:36 pm

>291 beeg: I know. I should know better...because the squealers and grabbers will come after us next! ;) (The Squealers and Grabbers...sounds like a really bad horror movie. :D

Ooh, The House at the End of Time looks great! And, hey, we actually have it at work. *places hold on it* I love subtitled movies, so I'm with you on that. :) I hope you like American Mary. You might recognize Mary as the girl from Ginger Snaps (another good horror flick!).

feb 24, 2015, 5:53 pm

>291 beeg: It's alright Beeg, you're in good company - I don't do too much grabbing but I'm very much a squealer!

feb 24, 2015, 5:57 pm

Hmm, I think of the two, I'm more of a grabber. But usually I grab myself. Um...that just sounds all wrong, but I'm sure you guys know what I mean. :)

feb 24, 2015, 7:03 pm

I think we should all hook up and watch horror movies together and see who the last one standing is

Ok, so I didn't watch American Mary, I will, but I watched Housebound OMG, ya'll if you have netflix you have to watch this! and don't read any spoilers just watch it.

feb 24, 2015, 7:10 pm

>295 beeg: That sounds scary! *squeezes self*

No worries on American Mary. Yeah, Housebound is really good! :) I watched that one a couple weeks ago and recommend it as well.

feb 24, 2015, 7:58 pm

Ahhhh, scrolled up and yup it was you, I'm still giggling.

feb 24, 2015, 8:28 pm

I'm glad you liked it. :) Yeah, it's a very unpredictable movie, and the last scene is pretty funny. The main character actually kind of scared me. I feared for any bad guys that came across her. ;)

feb 24, 2015, 8:35 pm

I know right, she could have my back, she wasn't scared of nothing, I liked the stare off between her and the next door neighbor

feb 24, 2015, 8:41 pm

Yep, I'm hiding behind her forever! ;) The stare off...? Oh, yeah, that creepy guy.

mrt 1, 2015, 6:34 pm

Stonehearst Asylum, this was excellent. Another movie that slipped past me - with this cast? Scary? not so much but still worth watching.

I also watched "Absentia" indie, low budget, unknowns, not impressed.

mrt 1, 2015, 6:43 pm

>301 beeg: *added Stonehearst Asylum to her wishlist* Too bad about Absentia. I saw it had high ratings and thought it'd be good. *makes sure to avoid* Thanks all around! :)

mrt 1, 2015, 6:51 pm

Just saw The House at the End of Time, very cool and twisty.

Also saw Neverlake, which was sort of gently eerie, though the climax and ending seemed a bit rushed to me.

mrt 1, 2015, 8:10 pm

"Gently eerie" I like that, and totally describe the film.

mrt 3, 2015, 2:52 am

>303 Helcura: I'm glad The House at the End of Time is a hit. It's in my TBW pile right now.

Neverlake is another one I want to see, but I'll probably have to wait awhile until 1) our library purchases a copy, or 2) I find a cheap copy to buy. Thanks for both recs! :)

I don't know why I did it, but I watched Nekromantik 2, even though I didn't like the first one. (What's even worse is that I bought both the first and second Nekro movies a few weeks ago without borrowing/renting them first. Shame on me.) It started off better than the first Nekromantik movie, so I had high hopes for it. Unfortunately, it lagged in a few spots, and then they had to add in the unnecessary (at least imo) animal skinning. "Thankfully," the seal that was skinned was already dead (unlike in the first Nekro movie, where the rabbit was alive), but still...animal abuse is just not my cup of tea. Very skippable.

mrt 3, 2015, 8:22 am

Sara, did you ever get around to watching American Werewolf in London?

mrt 3, 2015, 3:54 pm

I watched American Mary, I'm not sure what I expected but liked it.

mrt 3, 2015, 7:25 pm

>306 beeg: Nope. *hangs head in shame* I did put it on hold a long time ago, but I never got around to it. *puts it back on hold* At least I'm #1 in line. :)

>307 beeg: I'm glad you liked it. :) I wasn't exactly sure what it was about either when I bought it. But the cover kind of suckered me into buying it. It was worth it, imo.

I finished Kissed of the Damned last night. It took me a couple days to watch it, even though it wasn't that long (97 minutes). It was probably just me (I had other stuff going on). It's a pretty decent vampire flick. If you like little action and more drama/romance, then you might like this one. However, there is plenty of blood.

mrt 3, 2015, 8:19 pm


mrt 3, 2015, 8:27 pm

*fans beeg* I promise I'll watch it this time! I promise, I promise! ;D

mrt 8, 2015, 2:07 pm

I watched Halloween H20 this weekend (again) and still find myself amused by the Psycho spoofs this time I noticed the license plate on "Norma's" car with the initials NFB

mrt 9, 2015, 12:58 am

>311 beeg: I had no idea there were links to Psycho in Halloween H20. Weird. I'll have to rewatch that one sometime. :)

I watched Restraint yesterday (or maybe the day before; who knows). Anyway, it's more of an Australian drama/thriller, and turned out a lot better than I had hoped! Definitely recommended.

mrt 9, 2015, 10:19 am

Seriously? Janet Lee, from Psycho is called "Norma" Norman Bates mother, she drives the same car from Psycho, she tells Jamie lee the girls shower is clogged again, a kid teases her son if he doesn't watch out he'll be in his thirties still living with his mom running some creepy ass motel, the security guard calls someone Psycho, lol and that's just off the top of my head.

mrt 9, 2015, 10:23 am

I watched Thale super low budget subtitled and I thought it was excellent, I would love to see it redone with better CGI and some gray areas cleared up.

Bewerkt: mrt 9, 2015, 10:26 pm

>313 beeg: Yeah, those are pretty obvious Psycho links. :D It's been years and years since I've seen it.

>314 beeg: I have heard of that one before. Looks good. Thanks! :)

ETA: Again, not a horror movie (more crime/drama/thriller), but I watched Nightcrawler last night. Jake Gyllenhaal's character is a pure sociopath, and it was hard to believe he believed the stuff coming out of his mouth. Really good movie. Recommended!

mrt 10, 2015, 3:57 pm

> I saw Nightcrawler a couple of months ago, and I loved it. So well-made, so well-acted: I have nothing but praise.

mrt 10, 2015, 4:45 pm

>316 Petroglyph: Cool! I'm glad there was someone else who loved it as well. :)

Bewerkt: mrt 11, 2015, 11:32 pm

Again, not horror (more of a drama/thriller), but I finished Miss Meadows last night and liked it. Katie Holmes's character did get on my nerves a little (the line describing her as a "Pulp Fiction Mary Poppins is dead-on), but with most vigilantes I've seen, you kind of feel sorry for them (they usually have traumatic pasts) and secretly cheer them on. This was one of those movies. Recommended.

mrt 14, 2015, 11:26 am

I watched Jessabelle, it was ok, I rather Skeleton key at least the acting was better. I do like seeing movies made in south La so I can say "oh, I know that place" :)

mrt 16, 2015, 7:18 pm

>319 beeg: I've been curious about that one, but I kept seeing bad reviews for it, so I've kind of been avoiding it. Louisiana...oh, yeah, there are quite a few vampire movies (and books) based down there.

I watched Safeword a couple days ago. I wouldn't recommend it (the plot was just off-the-wall; it's low-budget, so things like the shadow of the camera are common, etc), but I still found myself halfway liking it.

mrt 22, 2015, 1:17 am

This past week, I've watched:

* We Are What We Are (the remake) - Very suspenseful from beginning to end. I haven't seen the original, but I'll probably get around to it soon. Recommended.

* Bad Milo! - Lots of butt humor (well, I mean, the demon/monster lives in his intestines, so it's kind of unavoidable). If you can handle that, then I'd definitely recommend it.

* Detention - Bizarre as hell (it involves time travel, body swapping, a serial killer, etc), but one I'd recommend if you like funny teen horror.

mrt 23, 2015, 1:47 pm

it was slow movie weekend, all the movies I watched were slow quiet borderline boring. First was Immortality, with Jude Law, not bad. Coherence, another strange movie with a Huh? We are what we are, sorry Sarah I wasn't in too much suspense and it had a Huh? ending as well. I also watched NightCrawler which I loved, Jake is one creepy Mofo, I would catch glimpses of Donnie Darko in his face.

mrt 23, 2015, 3:05 pm

>322 beeg: I think I've seen bits and pieces of Immortality, but I don't remember much of it. I own it, so maybe I should rewatch it.

Coherence...hmm, doesn't sound familiar, so I'll have to look that one up.

No worries on We Are What We Are. :) I guess it was just the movie I needed to see to keep me creeped out. I guess it was the children factor involved in the cannibalism that did it for me. The religious part of it I could've lived without.

Yeah, I watched Nightcrawler a week or two ago and loved it as well. :) He was definitely off his rocker in that one.

mrt 24, 2015, 11:49 am

>321 saraslibrary: I've watched them both; I watched Somos lo que hay (2010) in 2013 and rated it 6/10 stars. Then I watched We Are What We Are (2013) last year, I think that was around summertime, and rated it 5/10 stars. Neither was mind-blowing, for me, but there was definitely creepy aspects to both. And they're different enough from each other that I didn't even realize the latter was a remake of the former. That's saying something I guess.

mrt 24, 2015, 8:36 pm

>324 flying_monkeys: I knew someone on this thread had seen both. Thanks for letting me know what you thought of both! :) That is good to know you don't really have to watch the original first. And from what I read on Amazon and IMDb (and via the trailers), you're right: they don't really seem exactly the same. I should be getting Somos lo que hay in a week or two, so hopefully I'll watch it sometime in April. :) Thanks again for the recs!

I finished Byzantium last night. It was good--I love vampire movies--but I was a little confused by the hermit hut.Does anyone know what the doppelganger vampire meant? Was it just an ancient vampire that lived there that mimicked how they looked? Or am I missing it entirely?I can see the Let Me In comparisons. Very good movie!

mrt 25, 2015, 8:28 am

Lol, I watched that movie a while back and can't remember anything about it...sigh

mrt 25, 2015, 5:06 pm

>326 beeg: Which one, beeg? :)

mrt 25, 2015, 5:21 pm

LOL can't you read my mind? Byzantium

mrt 25, 2015, 6:10 pm

>328 beeg: No, 'fraid not. I failed Mind Reading 101. ;) Yeah, Byzantium wasn't too terribly memorable, though I still liked it. I remember the young girl a little more than the mother who was a prostitute for, what, 200 years? (Major skills there!) The girl had some inner code about only feeding on old people and wouldn't kill her sick "boyfriend." And it flashes back to the 1800s(?) a few times. Ring any bells now? ;)

mrt 25, 2015, 7:11 pm

Nope, old timers in full bloom

mrt 25, 2015, 7:15 pm

:D No worries. There are a ton more movies to watch. If they stick in your head, good; if not, then they weren't worth it. :)

mrt 27, 2015, 2:35 pm

I watched as above so below and for the most part liked it. I think some movies have too many themes going on which makes it annoying or unnecessary this one falls into that camp, with the magic, weird bug eyed girl, and and let go of your guilt - and then the ending? "ok, bye" *shakes head* underground stuff freaks my shit out, at one point I grabbed my dog and kinda squeezed him, he squeak at me and stayed tense for the rest of the movie.

I'm having a Hobbit Marathon as the last installment just came in so I'll be MIA for a while.

Bewerkt: mrt 28, 2015, 6:49 pm

>332 beeg: Same here: for the most part, I liked As Above So Below, but I think I was confused about a few things in the film. And, yeah, probably one of the worst ending I've seen in awhile, too.

Good luck with your Hobbit Marathon! :) No worries about being MIA. We'll still be here.

I watched Nurse a few days ago. Not too bad, but not very scary at all. If you prefer gratuitous nudity, sexy nurses, lesbian kisses, etc over blood and guts, then this is probably your movie. I was just shocked it got a 4.6 rating on IMDb. It's not stellar, but come on!

mrt 29, 2015, 4:57 pm

The Devil's Rejects - Massive improvement on House of 1000 Corpses, great grindhouse homage, thought it was very well filmed and loved the retro look and feel, but the script was terrible and the plot wasn't brilliant (could have done without the crazy cop and his henchmen). It was so polished looking, why oh why didn't Rob Zombie invest in a decent script?

Found - Pretty good indie horror with some thought behind it; wasn't perfect but I was impressed. 183> I thought it was interesting to have the boy see more graphic scenes in the 'Headless' movie than in real life, despite the reality of what was going on. Ending could have been more subtle but that last scene was a shocker.

Bewerkt: mrt 30, 2015, 12:26 am

>334 Moomin_Mama: Didn't Rob Zombie write the script? Or if he didn't, I would be surprised, because it was full of gratuitous profanity. It kind of sounded like lyrics from his music. ;) (Not that I'm knocking his music--I love it--but I agree: a better script would've made it awesome. "Tutti f*ing fruity!" :P) I haven't seen House of 1000 Corpses, but I've heard similar things--out of the two, The Devil's Rejects was definitely better. It's been years since I've seen it, but I still remember liking The Devil's Rejects. Parts of it reminded me of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre; one scene in particular.

As for Found, yeah, it was definitely graphic; but, oh man, the "Headless" movie! *shudders* If I remember right, you never see the boy actually watching the movie. I think they edited the scene so it only appears like he is. And the last scene had me mute,though doesn't anybody notice the blood-soaked naked killer walking down the road?. Anyway, that's cool that you got around to watching Found. :) I was so disturbed by it that I had to track down a copy to own. I might try and find the book/short story(?) it was based on, too (Found and Other Stories by Todd Rigney). We'll see.

mrt 30, 2015, 5:48 am

>335 saraslibrary: Tutti f*ing fruity!!! :D

House of 1000 Corpses is a lot lower budget but started out okay, mostly because Sid Haig is so good as Captain Spaulding. Once the movie moves from Spaulding's funhouse to the actual house it gets weird, but very badly acted. The ending scene was cool but that middle part is seriously dodgy.

I actually found 'Found' in a charity shop last week, and knew nothing about it. Glad I picked it up.

What was I doing in a charity shop? Why, looking for books of course! The horror read we're taking part in will make a serious dent in my under-the-bed stash, which justified a book-buying trip. And I didn't see a single book I wanted, a first!

mrt 30, 2015, 5:56 pm

>336 Moomin_Mama: Yeah, I constantly have "tutti f*ing fruity" stuck in my head (especially when I'm looking at ice cream or fruit or just because--lol), among other less mentionable quotes from the movie. :D

I think I've seen several copies of House of 1,000 Corpses at HPB, so I might try picking up a copy when I go there next. Just to be on the safe side, I'm adding it to my Amazon wishlist. Thanks! :)

You are seriously lucky to find Found in a charity shop! :) I had to order mine online, because I couldn't find it in stores. I'm glad you picked it up, too. I first checked it out at work and was just shocked we had ordered it. Maybe they didn't know what it was about. *shrugs* Oh, and btw, I just order the book it was based on by Todd Rigney, so I'll probably start it if/when I get it. :) I'll let you know which one wins out--the story or the movie.

What?? You didn't find a single book there? :o The Found find was awesome, but still... :*( I like shopping at charity shops too, especially ones for cancer, disease, etc, because I just tell myself it's for a good cause! ;)

mrt 30, 2015, 6:58 pm

>337 saraslibrary: VERY lucky to come across Found, I know! It's hard to find something obscure that's actually good but it's always worth looking. Over here if you want a horror film from a charity shop, you can't go wrong with 28 Days Later or Shaun of the Dead. There's a copy of at least one available whenever I go shopping!

You want quotes? Treat yourself to the DVD menu/intro to the House of 1000 Corpses:


Be warned - it's probably the best bit of the DVD! But the film's worth watching just for Captain Spaulding.

Bewerkt: mrt 30, 2015, 7:30 pm

>338 Moomin_Mama: Yeah, 28 Days Later is definitely one of my favorites. I see that one for sale quite a bit, too, in second-hand stores. That and Hannibal and most of Stephen King's movies. I'm glad I'm not a massive hoarder or I'd be buying repeat copies of those in the hundreds!

LOL! Yeah, what a charming guy. ;) I also found the entire movie on YouTube. :o I'll probably still buy a DVD of it, because the resolution isn't the best on this computer at work.

Bewerkt: apr 8, 2015, 11:37 am

Anyone else watched Starry Eyes yet?

Here's the official site. If you dig the vibe of the site's header image, you'll probably enjoy the film's style.

I watched it around 1am this morning and, while it was pretty slow in certain parts, I was overall very happy I watched it. Made me think of 70s grindhouse with trippy 80s style music. Its influences will be pretty obvious to film geeks but it did not feel like a direct rip off or even like an homage. There was an air of originality yet familiarity, if that makes sense.

The finale is a brutal killfest. Best part (other than the aforementioned soundtrack) was how well film depicted perfectionism and ambition for the evils they can truly be.

ETA: bonus points if anyone can tell me what movie is playing on TV during final scene at friends' house. It seemed really familiar.

Bewerkt: apr 13, 2015, 9:07 am

Ok, I added Starry Eyes, will check out the movie on the TV as I love bonus points

I watched Dracula Untold, not bad. Bat effects were pretty cool, not much different on the story line other than someone is suppose to stay in the cave? not too clear on that part but leaves things open for Part 2.

apr 8, 2015, 7:23 pm

Ok, I did like Starry Eyes. dark haired guy looked like Nick Simmons from Family Jewels and it was Nick Simmons. I thought the producers assistant looked like Bat boys mom - could be just me. The movie for the bonus points was Evils of the night with Tina Louise (from Gilligan's Island)

apr 9, 2015, 6:39 pm

>342 beeg: Thank you!!

apr 12, 2015, 11:40 pm

>340 flying_monkeys: No, I haven't seen Starry Eyes, but it's definitely going on my wishlist. Thanks, Leah! :)

>341 beeg: I have that one in my TBW pile, but I'm not sure when/if I'll get to it. I'm glad it's watchable. :)

Bewerkt: apr 13, 2015, 10:29 pm

I forgot to mention the movies I've seen in the past week or so:

* Man Bites Dog - Ugh, what a waste of time and money. Very boring, the ending was disappointing, and I flat-out hated how pretentious and annoying the killer was. I'm still scratching my head over its 7.6 stars on IMDb, as well as why I'm still keeping it. Maybe I'll like it better after a rewatch? For now, not recommended. (ETA: It's foreign, in case you love/hate subtitles.)

* We Are What We Are (the original Mexican version) - I liked this one about the same as the remake I saw awhile back, which means I really liked it. The daughter gave me the creeps (in a good way!), so I, of course, loved the ending. You'll know what I mean if you see it. Recommended.

* I Saw the Devil (Korean) - I always love revenge horror movies, and this one didn't disappoint. It also helped to have such a hot lead actor (Byung-hun Lee). And the ending--wow! Sick, but appropriate. And for once, I agree with IMDb's 7.8 rating. Recommended. (ETA: Probably my only complaint is that it's around 140 minutes.)

Also, I finally ordered/received a copy of the book Found and Other Stories by Todd Rigney via Amazon. (I'm sure there were cheaper copies available, but I do a lot of my shopping on there.) To start off, the book Found is more of a novella (it's 134 pages), so it's a very quick read. I'm maybe halfway through it, at the part where Marty, the young main protagonist, is getting ready to show is best friend what his older brother keeps in his closet. I love how close the story and movie are to each other. It's really hard to tell which I like better. Maybe the movie, but just by a little bit. (I'm reading this one for one of my horror challenges--graphic novels & short stories.)

Bewerkt: apr 16, 2015, 11:44 am

>345 saraslibrary:
Since I really like Man Bites Dog, I feel like I have to defend it a little. It came out all the way back in 1992, before found footage films (and especially found footage horror films) became a mainstream subgenre, and before Reality TV (and satires of Reality TV) became so ubiquitous. I cannot but see it as an early instalment that now looks tame and boring in hindsight.

apr 14, 2015, 1:50 pm

>345 saraslibrary: >346 Petroglyph: Oh, I have to stick up for Man Bites Dog too! It's meant to be a send up of fly-on-the-wall documentaries, and the killer is supposed to be an annoying idiot. I still find it funny in places. Me and a friend of mine used to sing "cinema, CINEMAAAAA" when we'd had a drink.

apr 14, 2015, 7:32 pm

>346 Petroglyph: I definitely agree it was ahead of its time re: found footage. That part of the movie I liked, as well as it being filmed in b&w. :)

>347 Moomin_Mama: Defend away. It's ok. :) I guess I kind of missed out on the funny bits. Some of it made me kind of snort out of amusement, but I don't think I laughed once. *shrugs* I'm glad for the feedback, though, >346 Petroglyph: and >347 Moomin_Mama:. :)

apr 14, 2015, 8:03 pm

I finished Dead in 3 Days last night (yeah, I've kind of been on a foreign horror binge; this one's German). Meh. I just didn't get into this one. At one point, it started to feel like I Know What You Did Last Summer, so I lost a little interest. I'll probably rewatch it sometime; just not right now. FYI: There's a sequel, if anyone watches it, loves it, and wants more.

apr 16, 2015, 2:22 am

I watched Would You Rather last night. Usually, I watch movies in sections--30 minutes here, 5 minutes, etc--depending on my schedule. This one I watched all the way through, even though I had work in the morning. It's not a super gory torture game, but there are a few deaths, of course, to lead up to the winner. It's pretty quick and suspenseful, with a kind of sad, surprise ending. Recommended.

apr 16, 2015, 6:07 am

>348 saraslibrary: It could just be me and my friend, Sarah - we went to see another Belgian film years later, called Aaltra, and we were the only ones laughing in the cinema. I agree with >346 Petroglyph: I saw it a few years after it came out and it's hard for me to judge how I'd see it if I saw it for the first time now. Can't believe it's 23 years old!!!

apr 17, 2015, 2:35 pm

>351 Moomin_Mama: Well, for one, you have excellent taste in choosing friends with cool names. ;) But I think sometimes it depends on who you're with when you see certain movies. If I had seen Man Bites Dog with friends or my sister (who was great at cracking me up over the stupidest lines), then yeah, I probably would've joked about it. On my own, I was just kind of disappointed. *shrugs* And yeah, it is 23 years old! :D I couldn't believe that either when I saw the copyright. I thought it was newer, because I remember seeing it listed on several disturbing movies lists with more current movies.

apr 18, 2015, 7:48 am

>352 saraslibrary: Sara, the film was called Aaltra, not my friend (although he does have a cool name too)!

Bewerkt: apr 19, 2015, 12:26 pm

it might be time for a new thread, just sayin'

I watched The Babadook and wow. This is not your intense, jump factor, gore fest, special fx type horror. It's all about the acting and a homemade creepy ass book. This movie grew on me more after I watched it and thought about it. Curious to see if anyone else agrees.

Also saw Restraint thought it was ok for the most part, poor girlfriend can't catch a break.

Bewerkt: apr 20, 2015, 10:38 pm

>353 Moomin_Mama: My mistake. :) I thought your friend's name was Sarah you went to see Aaltra with. (I'm a Sara without an "h.")

>354 beeg: I totally agree! New thread. Anyone game to start it and name it? (I'm pretty useless with creative titles.)

I just watched the trailer for The Babadook on IMDb and it does look very creepy. I'm not a big fan of ghost horror (I'm assuming it's a ghost), but it looks good. I'll have to look for it sometime. Thanks! :)

Restraint: was that the one with Stephen Moyer, Teresa Palmer, and Travis Fimmel? If so, I saw it about a month ago and had low expectations of it, but I was fairly impressed with it and gave it 4 stars on LT. It's more of a drama/suspense/thriller, imo, but good. And, yeah, you're right--the girlfriend really got the raw end of the deal each way she turned. :D

ETA: Oh, I forgot to mention the movie I watched a couple days ago: All the Boys Love Mandy Lane. Going by my notes, it was slow (even though it was 90 minutes) and a little disappointing. The identity of the killer is fairly obvious, though there's an interesting twist at the end. I was pretty sure someone on this thread saw it, too, but I don't see it above. Maybe it was on the previous thread? Anyway, I halfway recommend it if you're into teen horror where a "group of high-schoolers...{go} to a weekend party on a secluded ranch" and, well, you guessed it...murder ensues. ;)I was really curious about Mandy's parent's though. If you saw it, do you think she had anything to do with their deaths?