July-September 2024 Nominations and voting

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July-September 2024 Nominations and voting

mei 14, 2:48 pm

It is this time again :)

Nomination gives a point to the author. Seconding, thirding and so on and all other kinds of support add a point as well. The 3 authors with the most points win in the order of votes (unless someone has an anniversary or something - in which case will try to match them in their month). Ties that produce more than 3 authors overall at the top will be broken with an admin half-vote and everyone who is in a tie but does not make it into this selection, gets half a point for next time.

Anyone is eligible to be nominated except for the authors we had read the last 24 months: https://wiki.librarything.com/index.php/Monthly_Author_Reads#Recent_Picks . It is preferred that the author does have at least some work in English -- most of the participants read in English (even if some may be able to also use other languages) :)

As the wiki seems to have issues at the moment, here is the list of ineligible authors:

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sebastian Barry
Luis Alberto Urrea
J. G. Farrell
Anthony Trollope
Sylvia Townsend Warner
Alan Brennert
Chaim Potok
Elizabeth von Arnim
Edna Ferber
Honoré de Balzac
Emily St. John Mandel
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Colson Whitehead
The Brontë Sisters
Willa Cather
Elizabeth Gaskell
George Bernard Shaw
Sir Walter Scott
Wilkie Collins
Maggie O'Farrel
Margaret Atwood

Deadline: May 31, 2024, whatever time I get around to counting :)

mei 15, 11:37 am

I'm very derelict in my French Big Fat tome reading. I propose Victor Hugo and Émile Zola.

Bewerkt: mei 16, 12:56 am

Dawn Powell
Emma Donogue
Wallace Stegnar

mei 16, 9:27 am

I propose Jane Gardam and Elizabeth Strout.
And I second Émile Zola.

mei 16, 11:08 am

Id second Gardam, but it seems like we read it but that mustve been else thread

mei 16, 11:34 am

>5 cindydavid4: Not in the last 24 months - it was back on February 2020: https://www.librarything.com/topic/314996 :)

mei 16, 12:20 pm

>4 MissWatson: I second Strout. I remember loving Olive Kitteridge

mei 16, 3:11 pm

>6 AnnieMod: ok cool

mei 16, 11:24 pm

I second Emile Zola

I nominate George Eliot

mei 17, 1:27 pm

I nominate William Faulkner and second Emile Zola.

mei 19, 3:28 pm

I Third Jane Gardam

Bewerkt: mei 21, 9:07 am

I nominate James Baldwin.

August 2024 is the 100th anniversary of his birth.

mei 21, 4:54 am

I second James Baldwin.

mei 21, 7:48 am

I ‘ll be a third for James Baldwin, and I second William Faulkner and George Eliot.

Bewerkt: mei 23, 5:26 am

>2 Cecilturtle: I second these. i.e. Zola and Victor Hugo.

mei 23, 5:25 am

mei 23, 11:22 am

I nominate steinbeck

mei 23, 2:24 pm