Read readafew's few reads...

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Read readafew's few reads...

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

sep 20, 2010, 11:44 am

I keep track track of my reading in my Read Tracking List Collection in my catalog. I fill in the Start and End dates so someone can easily see what I have started or ended recently.

I keep my profile fairly well up to date with my currently reading and my last read books.

I also have a tag I add to each book after finishing for the year I read it i.e. Read 2010

I also review and rate all my books though sometimes the review might be a week or so after I've finished.

Recently finished books include Jack Blank by Matt Myklusch which was very much in the vein of Harry Potter or Alcatraz Smedry. Very enjoyable YA book.

Fantastic Voyage by Asimov, Typical Asimov, I really liked reading it.

Fall of Gilead and the previous two Dark Tower Graphic Novels. It's a Graphic Novel of Stephen Kings work so be warned.

And Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde Finally got around to reading this after enjoying the Eyre Affair so much. Well of Lost plots is on the short list of books to read next.

sep 20, 2010, 11:53 am

Currently reading The Defector by Daniel Silva and enjoying it. This is a book in the Gabrial Allon books. He's an Israeli assassin and covert operative. All the books I've read of the series gives a little history lesson on different groups or countries actions toward the Jews during WW2. Generally pretty good if a little gruesome at times.

On the short list.
ninety trillion fausts by Jack L. Chalker I enjoyed the first 2 of the trilogy and finally found a copy of this during vacation!

Well of Lost Plots the first 2 were so enjoyable I can't wait for this one.

The Atlantis Complex by Eoin Colfer the latest book in the Artemis Fowl series.

And Another Thing by Eoin Colfer. I'm curious to see how he did continuing Doulas Adams THGTTG

Shades of Grey
The Way of Shadows

sep 20, 2010, 10:07 pm

Tehehehe @ your thread title :)

sep 20, 2010, 10:48 pm

Oh! *gasp* There's another Artemis Fowl! Yessss! And I hadn't heard about And Another Thing. That should be interesting. Can't wait to know what you think.

sep 21, 2010, 8:55 am

3 > thanks! Trying saying it 5 times fast ;)

4 > yep AF #7! I also knew that Eoin was writing a Douglas Adams book, but until I saw it in the store didn't know it had already been finished.

sep 21, 2010, 8:58 am

>5 readafew: it it it it it

sep 21, 2010, 8:59 am


sep 21, 2010, 2:37 pm

I've listened to all the Artemis Fowl books on audio so far. Didn't know there was a 7th until recently and now I've got the audio on hold at the library. Can't wait to hear it.

I'd like to know what you think of And Another Thing as well, when you get to it. I really like the Artemis books, but I usually shy away from books continued on by not the original author.

sep 21, 2010, 2:43 pm

Ya, I would have been much more skeptical, but since I like both Douglas Adams and Eoin Colfer I thought I'd give it a try. I will report back after it's been read.

sep 21, 2010, 3:06 pm

I've got the latest Artemis in my To Be Read Soon pile. I shall check back and see what you thought of it.

sep 21, 2010, 5:22 pm

Ordered both from the library and am waiting for the notice that they are on the reserved shelf. *hurry hurry hurry please*

>8 sandragon: I've listened to most on audio too and really love them in that format, although the one print book I read was good too. I had the audio "voices" firmly in my head as I read it.

sep 21, 2010, 5:28 pm

Yeah! Me too! I read The Time Paradox when it came out because I couldn't find it narated by Nathaniel Parker. And the whole time I could hear Artemis, Butler, Holly and Mulch in my head.

sep 21, 2010, 8:57 pm

I took a little break from The Defector and read Girl Genius Volume 8: Agatha Heterodyne and the Chapel of Bones since it just arrived in the mail today. I really like these, now I just need to get the rest. (I know I can read them all online, I have)

Bewerkt: sep 22, 2010, 6:45 am

I haven't read it (still haven't progressed beyond The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) but my fiance just finished And Another Thing and reported on it very favourably.

sep 22, 2010, 1:56 pm

#1 readafew: Oooh, I really loved Fantastic Voyage! I keep meaning to read more Asimov, but just haven't gotten round to it.

#5-6: "Railroad crossing, look out for the cars": spell that without any R's...

sep 22, 2010, 2:21 pm

yep, I like Asimov and I am slowly collecting many of his works, I still have a bunch I haven't read yet. Need the first book in the series before I start them.

sep 22, 2010, 2:31 pm

Reading his bibliography is a tall order - he was really prolific, no? Not that I can comment much; I'm trying to work my way through both Stephen King and Agatha Christie, both of whom are/were super-productive!

sep 22, 2010, 2:35 pm

yes, he was very prolific and no, I didn't mean I was attempting to read everything he ever wrote. I think it would be a life long endeavor just to collect it all. I meant I still have a couple in my possession that I are on my TBR pile.

He makes Agatha and King look like lazy writers.

sep 22, 2010, 5:21 pm

Just put up a review of A book of air and shadows by Michael Gruber I found it 'meh' overall.

sep 22, 2010, 6:00 pm

18: *and* he didn't just write about one thing - the guy knew *everything*!

sep 23, 2010, 7:36 am

>15 scaifea: Bwhahaha. That.

sep 24, 2010, 9:15 pm

I just finished The Defector and I must say it's my favorite Silva book yet. I happen to be a sucker for a 'man on fire'. Some rich/powerful person does something merely because of who they are, and they pick the wrong person to do it to. Following the wronged person on the road to revenge.

sep 25, 2010, 8:43 am

>13 readafew: Girl Genius! I love that strip. I only discovered it recently and had the fun of staying up late working through the archives.

Also, I'm curious to see what you think of the Thursday Next series as the books progress.

sep 30, 2010, 9:14 am

23 > yes Girl Genius is great, I was surprised I liked it so much.

I just finished 90 Trillion Fausts by Jack L. Chalker. Over all it was a good book though it got a little preachy by the end. It was the 3rd book in the trilogy as well.

Next (unless one of my ER books shows up today) I'll be starting And Another Thing

sep 30, 2010, 3:23 pm

#24: I think you'll love And Another Thing -- I did!

sep 30, 2010, 3:36 pm

That's good to hear. I'll be posting my thoughts when ever I finish it.

okt 5, 2010, 11:49 am

OK, I just finished And Another Thing last night and I will say it's not bad. I found parts to be very funny and it felt mostly like a HGttG novel. but sometimes it felt like Eoin was trying to hard. Also the HG articles got a little thick in places. Overall I enjoyed the book but I wouldn't put in real high on any list. It was nice to see Arthur survive the last book, and see how he escaped again.

This evening I am hoping Pray for Silence will be here ( my May ER win) so I can start it. Everyone else is receiving them so fingers crossed.

After that The Atlantis Complex, Well of Lost Plots, Way of Shadows and Shades of Grey are on the list, though they will be interspersed with review copies as I get them.

okt 10, 2010, 8:04 am

Finished Pray for Silence last night, I have to say it was quite a bit better than the first book. In the first book I knew who the murderer was slightly past the half-way point, no if's and' or but's about it. this one I had suspicions but I was not putting real money on any of them.

Got a real good start on The Atlantis Complex last night and I have to say it's another good Artemis Fowl so far.

I'm hoping one or both of my ER books show up early next week.

okt 10, 2010, 2:02 pm

I'm really looking forward to The Atlantis Complex. I've missed Artemis Fowl ~ seems like a long time since I finished The Time Paradox.

okt 10, 2010, 9:00 pm

I wasn't that impressed with the first Artemis Fowl. It was okay. Does it get better? Normally I wouldn't ask. But I wasn't impressed with the first Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief but my nephew insisted I try the second and I was glad I did.

okt 11, 2010, 9:51 am

Morph > Yes, I think they're worth it. #4 was the low point in the series and #5 was the best IMO. The first one was a little different than the rest of the series but I've enjoyed them all. However if you read one or two more and still don't like them then there is no point in continuing.

As short and fast as the books are coupled with the speed you read I don't think trying one more would be much of an investment for you.

If you decide to try another one let me know what you think.

Bewerkt: okt 13, 2010, 12:41 pm

Just finished The Atlantis Complex last night. Another fun addition to the series. I'm wondering how many more Colfer has left. Even though he's still telling a good story, it's getting a little thin. I hope he doesn't write another one just to do so without a good idea behind it. The Lost Colony is still by far my favorite.

When I get home tonight, if none of my review books have arrived I'll start The Well of Lost Plots

okt 13, 2010, 12:31 pm

I'm reading TWOLP now and enjoying it! Hope you do too!

okt 14, 2010, 11:02 am

well, The Well of Lost Plots has been postponed because my ER book Khan:Empire of Silver showed up last night. The book starts with Ghangis Khan's son about 2 years after his death (no, not the son's death!).

okt 14, 2010, 11:27 am

Don't you mean KHAAAAAAAAAAN?

okt 14, 2010, 11:47 am


okt 25, 2010, 11:31 am

Just finished Khaaaan: Empire of Silver. While most of the book didn't keep me glued to my seat, it was still very good and I learned quite a bit about the Mongol invasion to the west.

I am now currently reading City of the Gods. I agreed to read the book and host an Author chat here on LT (you all are invited, I'll let you know when the dates are set). I am relieved to report that so far the book is pretty good.

okt 28, 2010, 11:26 am

finished City of the Gods last night. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. While it could have used one more pass from an editor before printing (primarily to catch wrong words from spell check, and and put some missing words back in) the story itself was pretty good. As I said in the last post, I'm going to be hosting an Author chat and doing a little interview of the author. When I know the dates I will let everyone know. Currently working on the review and I need to have at least 5 questions so I'd be willing to take suggestions.

Not sure what I'll be starting next, I am waiting for several review books to arrive but if none of them show up tonight then I'll be starting Gary W. Babb's book Earth is Ours. (He's an LT author). Might help out with an interview with him as well.

nov 8, 2010, 9:27 am

Finished Earth is Ours, fun post-apocalyptic alien invasion story. The main character was a bit of a Mary Sue, but it was a lot of fun none-the-less.

I finally started The Well of Lost Plots this weekend, didn't get a lot of time so still trying to see where things are going, Thursday is still settling into Chasham Heights or whatever the book is called, but I suspect things will be moving along pretty soon.

I also started Danny's new book Between a Roc and a hard place. It's a fun book and well written, my wife and I are reading it aloud to each other (mostly me reading) so that's why I'm not done yet. It's supposed to be a short kids book, (and it is) BUT I suspect many kids might need a little help or have it read to them (which is also a lot of fun) because Danny didn't pull any punches with his vocabulary.

nov 17, 2010, 5:15 pm

Finished Well of Lost Plots last night, while it was pretty good and had a lot of subtle meta humor it just didn't catch me like the first 2 did. I hope I like the next one more. It was kinda fun meeting Jack Spratt in the Well, since I've already read both of the Nursery Crime books (and eagerly awaiting the 3rd.)

Tonight I will starting either Skin Deep by Christopher Golden or if one of my 4 books to read for review show up I'll start on that.

nov 18, 2010, 8:52 am

Well, none of my review books showed up but Girl Genius 9 did. I didn't have quite enough time last night to finish it so should finish tonight. Anyone else reading Girl Genius? It's a web comic so it doesn't have to cost you any money.

nov 22, 2010, 10:17 am

received and read Girl Genius 4 this weekend, and still reading Skin Deep. this one is about racial tensions and it is the most emotional of the series to date.

nov 22, 2010, 8:08 pm

#40 - Well of Lost Plots is the last Fforde I read. Judging from the ratings it got here on LT it is the weakest of the five books, so keep on reading them. I know I will. LOL

nov 23, 2010, 12:55 am

Girl Genius is awesome!!!

nov 23, 2010, 8:52 am

43> yes that's what I've picked up, that 3 is the low point in the series, though only in comparison to the others. I certainly plan on reading the next two.

44> absolutely! I'm trying to collect all nine books. I'm hoping to this Christmas to add some of the missing books to my collection.

nov 24, 2010, 11:44 am

#40, 43, 45, yeah, I stopped after Well of Lost Plots too, but plan on reading the last two eventually. I'm glad to hear they improve again.

nov 24, 2010, 3:31 pm

Last night I finished Skin Deep. It was pretty good. It's the 6th book in the Body of Evidence series. there's 10 all together. It's a YA mystery series and the main character is a freshman in college and she has a job working for the pathologist at the medical center. That's how she gets involved with all this different murder cases. Pretty good stuff over all. This one was the first to tackle a larger issue and as the title suggests it's racism. I think he did an excellent job.

nov 24, 2010, 7:35 pm

Just in time for Santa Thing! I'm starting a book I got for Santa Thing last year An Acceptable Time It's the 5th book in the series and I decided since I had read the first one over 20 years ago I'd reread them all in order. It's finally this ones turn.

nov 24, 2010, 8:22 pm

You mustn't give up before reading Something Rotten, but then, that might just be my Hamlet fixation speaking.

nov 24, 2010, 10:33 pm

I'm not giving up, I'm even hoping I'll get Something rotten for Christmas, and if I don't it's one of the top 5 I'll likely be buying next. Though to be honest I really liked the Nursery Crimes more. Haven't gotten to Shades of Grey yet but I'll get there!

nov 25, 2010, 8:20 am

There's a new Thursday Next book coming out in February, so there's just time to catch up with the series before then. I wasn't crazy about the most recent book First Among Sequels, so I hope I like this one a bit better. I think The Eyre Affair is still my favourite, although Something Rotten is a good second.

I just wish they wouldn't keep changing the designs of the books. It drives me insane that I now have three different styles of book in one series. Argh!

nov 29, 2010, 10:48 pm

#48 - I can't believe that I forgot to sign up for Santa Thing this year! I hate that I will miss it.

Bewerkt: nov 30, 2010, 9:31 am

52 > you didn't miss it by much either.

I took 3 minutes and read Star Wars: Scanimation 2 nights ago. Cool little book but not sure if it's worth 14.95. I think it's meant for elementary school kids. Each page has a 'picture' behind a grill and as you turn the pages the 'picture' slides behind the grill and gives the appearance of movement, kind of like an animated flip book. this one has 10 scenes from the 6 star wars movies. I need to write a review for the book for a blog. I think I've already used more words in this paragraph than the whole book had.

Currently about 2/3rds through An Acceptable Time and it fits fairly well with the other books in the series though I'm really irritated by a rather selfish and self-centered character.

Next will be The End of the World Club by J&P Voelkel a fun YA series teaching about the Maya Culture and dealing with the old Maya gods.

dec 1, 2010, 9:31 am

Finished An Acceptable Time last night, it was OK but most of the story was pretty obviously broadcast way ahead of time so there really were no surprises and there was one real selfish prick in the story who irritated the heck out of me.

dec 9, 2010, 9:45 am

Finished The End of the World Club last night. It's the second book in The Jaguar Stones series. Pretty good and well written YA books. I am can't wait for the 3rd book to come out.

Started Girl Genius 2 last night and should finish it tonight, as I've said before this is a great graphic novel series and I'm slowly getting them all.

Next will either be Hell's Corner by David Baldacci or Progeny: The Children of the White Lions by R T Kaelin. The first I agreed to review for a blog and the second I agreed to interview the Author here on LT, so I'm torn. Any thoughts on which I should read first?

dec 12, 2010, 9:20 am

Well I went with Baldacci's Hell's Corner and zipped through it in 2 days. It's a thriller kind of like the Jack Ryan books. Now I have 2 reviews to write for a blog. I hope to get them done in the next couple days.

Next up is Progeny by R T Kaelin. I'll be doing an author interview in the Author Chat with him probably sometime in early January. I'll let everyone know when it's set.0

dec 15, 2010, 12:02 pm

I finished listening to Four to Score last night. I really enjoy listening to these books while I'm driving, I think they're laugh out loud funny, and the reader does an excellent job.

I've gotten a good start on Progeny and I will say right now that if it continues to be as good for the rest of the book, we've got a winner. So far the magic system is just as inventive as any by Brandon Sanderson.

dec 16, 2010, 10:47 am

#56 - like the early Jack Ryans - tight interesting informative and action packed or the horrible, predicatble, bloated and dull later ones?

dec 16, 2010, 12:01 pm

58 > the Tight, interesting, informative and action packed ones. Hell's Corner is the 5th in the Camel club Series. Each one is a bit different from the last.

I think you'll really like the Progeny book. I can let you know more about it when I finish it but I think it has the potential to be up there with Feist and Sanderson. I suspect Kaelin would send you a PDF for your reader if you wanted to check it out. So far it's one of the most promising books I've gotten for reviews .

Bewerkt: dec 25, 2010, 10:12 pm

I finished the Progeny book and I REALLY enjoyed it. Those how like Epic Fantasy will really enjoy this book. I think he's in the league of Brandon Sanderson and Scott Lynch with a hint of David Eddings (mostly the humor). I'm still working on the review and I'll be interviewing the author about his book in Author Chat in Mid-January. Everyone's welcome.

I also read The fall of Jericho Hill the latest graphic Novel in the Dark Tower series. It was a might depressing. I suspect like watching the star wars: Revenge of the Sith as the only star wars movie you've seen.

Currently I'm working on Agent X my ER book and I have to say it sounds like a good thriller so far. More later.

dec 29, 2010, 6:42 am

#60 Sounds excellent. I'll keep an eye out for it.

dec 29, 2010, 7:54 am

Certainly piques my interest when you mention being in the same league as Brandon Sanderson and Scott Lynch as they've become firm favourites of mine over the last couple of years. I'm looking forward to your review.

dec 30, 2010, 1:16 pm

Ok, I have my review up for Progeny as well as Agent X. I am a little over half way through Alcatraz vs the Shattered Lens and it's just as fun as the previous 3. They are YA books with a bit of absurdist fun.

Just got Girl Genius 5,6 and 7 in the mail yesterday YAY! Now I'm only missing #3. I'll be mixing them in between my other reads as I go along.

Bewerkt: jan 3, 2011, 1:17 pm

starting new year thread 2011...