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Nuance: Why Some Leaders Succeed and Others Fail

door Michael Fullan

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Break the cycle of surface-level change and failure How do leaders become clearer as complexity increases? We live in a world where decisions require judgment, getting people on board, drawing on local knowledge, ingenuity, and commitment. As leaders, how do you get beneath surface-level change to tackle complex challenges with depth and clarity. Nuance is the answer. Michael Fullan returns with an eminently readable, compelling and practical guide on the three habits of nuance: joint determination, adaptability, and culture-based accountability. Learn how you can: ·         Combine the power of networks and humanity to get to desired destinations. ·         Embrace complexity and understand context to develop better judgment ·         Change the culture of your organization to harness the forces of nuance. ·         Develop quality change that sticks With tons of examples and case studies of this book makes explicit the hidden habits and mind frames of leaders who deliver lasting change.… (meer)
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At the end of his book, Michael Fullan shares his concern that readers will miss the nuance in the leadership approach he outlines and misinterpret it as a simple three-step process. Nuanced thinking is required to understand nuance. Nonetheless, this is a valuable book for those having to grapple with the complexities of today’s world. This is a guide for leaders who are unwilling to settle for surface-level change. Fullan describes what is required to lead within complex environments. He illustrates his process with case studies of leaders who lead with nuance. Though Fullan focuses primarily on the education arena, nuanced leadership is applicable to any sector of society. ( )
  mitchellray | May 20, 2019 |
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Break the cycle of surface-level change and failure How do leaders become clearer as complexity increases? We live in a world where decisions require judgment, getting people on board, drawing on local knowledge, ingenuity, and commitment. As leaders, how do you get beneath surface-level change to tackle complex challenges with depth and clarity. Nuance is the answer. Michael Fullan returns with an eminently readable, compelling and practical guide on the three habits of nuance: joint determination, adaptability, and culture-based accountability. Learn how you can: ·         Combine the power of networks and humanity to get to desired destinations. ·         Embrace complexity and understand context to develop better judgment ·         Change the culture of your organization to harness the forces of nuance. ·         Develop quality change that sticks With tons of examples and case studies of this book makes explicit the hidden habits and mind frames of leaders who deliver lasting change.

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