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Auteur van Heroine Saves A Gentleman

1 werk(en) 1 lid 1 Geef een beoordeling


Read it in Chinese. Tried reading the English translation, but when the paragraph introducing the female lead says, “The person have a lifeless look in his eyes, his hair was messily combed into two buns...” and then later jumps to a female pronoun with no explanation... yeah, I wasn’t willing to deal with that mess.

Now, why am I harping on the translation when I’m supposed to be reviewing the story? It’s because it’s a pretty good story that flows nicely, and a believable main lead (maybe a little OP, but in a nice way), and I don’t want people to get put off by the translation.

It’s a sweet love story with a respectful approach to gender role reversal - the man is not especially weak, just that he does get into a lot of dangerous situations and she’s just good at getting him out of it. The other men and women in the story aren’t useless baggage, they all have their own strengths, and the baddies are sufficiently evil. If there is one point I felt a little uncomfortable with, it was that homosexuality was depicted quite negatively in the story.

I don’t know if the translation gets better as it goes - I just want people to give the story a go. This is a short one and won’t take too long to finish.
vishae | Apr 29, 2021 |