Afbeelding van de auteur.

Terese Marie Mailhot

Auteur van Heart Berries: A Memoir

1+ werk(en) 895 Leden 58 Besprekingen

Over de Auteur

Terese Marie Mailhot is from Seabird Island Band. She graduated with an MFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts, where she now serves as faculty. She is a Tecumseh Postdoctoral Fellow at Purdue University.

Werken van Terese Marie Mailhot

Heart Berries: A Memoir (2018) 895 exemplaren

Gerelateerde werken

The Best American Essays 2019 (2019) — Medewerker — 132 exemplaren
Old Growth: The Best Writing about Trees from Orion Magazine (2021) — Medewerker — 7 exemplaren


Algemene kennis

Land (voor op de kaart)
Seabird Island, British Columbia, Canada
Prijzen en onderscheidingen
Whiting Award (2019 | Nonfiction)



Leggere questo libro mi ha riportato alla mente la lettura di un altro: non ne ricordo né il titolo né il nome del curatore e – in effetti – non so nemmeno dove sia finito nel caos della mia (non) libreria. Ne ricordo però a grandi linee il contenuto, una raccolta di storie trascritte dalla tradizione orale di una popolazione nativa americana, della quale – udite, udite – non ricordo il nome.

Tuttavia, nonostante tutti questi non ricordo, Heart Berries mi ha fatto proprio ripensare a quel libro. Il motivo è presto detto: di quella raccolta di storie capii poco o nulla, così come durante la lettura di questo memoir ho avuto la sensazione che ci fosse un muro di incomprensione culturale e di conoscenze non condivise tra me e Mailhot.

Quella raccolta raccontava storie usando delle modalità che mi erano del tutto estranee e la loro logica sfuggiva completamente alla mia comprensione: mi mancavano la conoscenza pregressa e il background culturale necessari per decodificarle. Allo stesso modo, Heart Berries mi è sembrato contenere delle informazioni che nella mia ignoranza non sono riuscita a cogliere e ne sono molto dispiaciuta, perché quello che invece ho capito mi è piaciuto molto e mi ha anche regalato degli interessanti spunti di riflessione.

Immagino che per chi vive in Nord America (o conosce molto bene la cultura delle popolazioni che vi abitavano in origine) sia un libro più fruibile, ma se la sola copertina vi sembra tanto invitarvi alla lettura, non fatevi frenare dalla mia freddezza: magari Heart Berries riuscirà a toccarvi anche se non siete espertз di nativз americanз. Fate solo attenzione ai contenuti sensibili, perché Mailhot in più punti ci va giù pesante.
… (meer)
lasiepedimore | 57 andere besprekingen | Jan 17, 2024 |
Just finished reading Heart Berries by
Terese Marie Mailhot and it broke me into a thousand pieces.

I had to read it in pieces. And remember to breathe.

There's so much emotion being awakened inside of me, by these words. Some things that I don't want to think about or feel. Other things that create a longing and heartache from fresh wounds with barely a scab.
AAPremlall | 57 andere besprekingen | Jul 23, 2023 |
This book was hard to read, hard to finish, and one that I knew I want to re-read as soon as I did finally finish. The same things that I loved about the book are also what made it a difficult reading for me. The writing style is poetic... not in a lyrical way (though it is that), but in a way that chooses emotion, symbolism, and character over narrative and plot. Her poetic prose are layers that pull you in -- she speaks explicitly to the power of words, and it's clear that she has chosen hers quite purposefully in what she says and in what she doesn't. Ms. Mailhot's memoir pulled me in and made me feel in ways I did not necessarily want to, and she forced me to face parts of me and us that I would rather glaze over. PS - I especially recommend reading the interview afterward.… (meer)
preeti1sfr | 57 andere besprekingen | Dec 5, 2022 |

I became aware of this book because of an article about new Native American authors on the rise. The book was then picked for several celebrity book clubs. It has gotten a lot of buzz. The question is- is it worth it? In short, absolutely!

If you have never read a Native memoir or book, you should know going in that they are often difficult reads because they explore the deep and tough aspects of life. Mailhot’s book is exactly this. She explores her life and her upbringing. She looks at her dual diagnosis of PTSD and bi-polar. She explores her relationship with her father who was a drunk, abusive, and who was murdered and her mother who was an advocate for prisoners and a social worker.

While this is not a “happy” read, it is an incredible read. Her writing is poetic at times and just draws the reader in. She has an incredible voice, even in the midst of all that is surrounding her in this narrative.

This is what is incredible in Native writing, the struggle is always worth exploring because it is a deep part of life. Trials build the person, but they are never easy to go through. Going through them shows the strength of the person.

There is one thing to note for those that may get a icky feeling, Sherman Alexie is a part of this book besides the Introduction. This was published just before the information about Alexie came out and of course there has been a big backlash regarding his behavior. He is part of her story and he shows up in the memoir. Just be ready for that.
… (meer)
Nerdyrev1 | 57 andere besprekingen | Nov 23, 2022 |



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